Neck plastic surgery. Why is it necessary? Before and After Photos


- plastic surgery for neck correction, which allows you to model a clearer chin angle (the angle of youth), remove the “double chin”, wrinkles (“rings of Venus”).
The need for such an aesthetic operation arises when the edges of the platysma
, which becomes flabby with age or due to genetic predisposition. During platysmaplasty, the plastic surgeon stitches the edges of the muscle, tightening and fixing the soft tissues of the neck.


- the widest and largest in area among all facial muscles.
It occupies almost the entire front surface of the neck and ends just below the collarbone. In fact, this muscle determines the appearance of the neck, and when it is toned, the mental angle is clearly visible. In addition, under the skin of the chin, as well as under the platysma itself, there is a layer of fat, the excess of which also gives the “double chin” effect. And if ordinary subcutaneous fat traps can still be corrected with the help of liposuction
or cosmetic preparations (
), then getting rid of the “double chin” caused by the divergence of the platysma muscle is possible only by reconstructing the aponeurosis, that is, suturing its edges.


*according to the ratings of the portals “Doctor Peter” and “” in 2021. Read more.

Why do platysmoplasty?

  • Remove the “double chin”, eliminate the “turkey neck” effect;
  • Emphasize the chin angle (“youth angle”), make it more pronounced and attractive;
  • Smooth out wrinkles in the upper part of the neck (“rings of Venus”);
  • Perform a neck and lower third of the face lift.

In some cases, in order to achieve the most harmonious aesthetic result, a combination of platysmoplasty with liposuction and SMAS lifting

For patients with minor degenerative changes in the muscle with soft tissue prolapse, less invasive procedures may be recommended to solve the problem, for example, L PG massage
, hardware or
thread lifting

How is a neck and face lift performed in the clinic?

Neck lift surgery in the clinic can be performed using the endoscopic or classical - open - method. The choice of a specific neck lift technique is determined individually.

  • With classic - open - neck surgery, an incision is made that goes around the auricle and ends in the scalp. By performing a neck lift, a plastic surgeon moves the skin, subcutaneous tissues and muscles into the desired position, removing excess skin, thereby improving the contours of the face and neck.
  • With an endoscopic neck and face lift, the operation is performed through small incisions - 10-15 mm in length, which subsequently do not leave visible scars. This procedure is indicated for young patients with minor excess skin - from 30 to 40 years.

After surgery to rejuvenate the neck and face, swelling of varying degrees and decreased sensitivity of the skin may be observed. These symptoms go away on their own within two to three weeks. Pain during the rehabilitation period is minor.

To enhance the aesthetic effect of platysmaplasty, experts recommend supplementing neck lift surgery with biorevitalization procedures (in each case, recommendations may vary depending on the indications).

Age-related skin changes can visually age you ahead of time and, as a result, add to your unpleasant experiences in life. The facial and neck rejuvenation procedure helps get rid of age-related skin deformations and associated complexes.

How is platysmoplasty surgery performed?

The operation takes place under general anesthesia. The plastic surgeon marks and makes an incision in the skin under the chin. After removing the subcutaneous fat, the doctor, if necessary, sews the edges of the platysma together with a thin corset suture in the center, lifts the neck, and fixes the soft tissues. The operation is completed by applying an intradermal suture. The duration of plastismoplasty is 30-60 minutes.

However, isolated platysmaplasty is rarely performed and is usually part of a comprehensive facial rejuvenation procedure. In just one surgical intervention, the patient can solve all problems: tighten the oval of the face, restore the “angle of youth”, eliminate drooping corners of the lips. In this case, the patient and the plastic surgeon can achieve the best result.

Features of surgical intervention

The most important condition for performing this surgical operation is to carry out a full range of necessary preliminary diagnostic measures and planning the correction.

During the surgical procedure, local anesthesia or general anesthesia is used, depending on the individual plan and characteristics of the patient’s body. Combined techniques require the use of general anesthesia.

Initially, the plastic surgeon makes a series of incisions in the areas behind the ears, on the neck or under the chin. Next, the platysma muscle, which is responsible for sagging, is tightened and sutured. Excess fat tissue and skin are also excised.

As a result, removable sutures are applied and the tissues of the neck and chin are fixed using a specialized bandage. The total duration of the surgical intervention can be up to two hours. Based on the condition, the patient can undergo treatment on an outpatient basis immediately, or be in our clinic under observation in a day hospital for less than a day.

Recovery after platysmoplasty

The duration of hospitalization in the clinic after platysmoplasty is 1 day. All this time the patient is under the supervision of a doctor and nurses. Recovery time after platysmoplasty is 14 days

The patient must wear a bandage that secures the tissues of the chin and neck. The stitches are removed after 10-12 days.
The pain is not severe and, if necessary, can be relieved with painkillers recommended by the doctor. The postoperative scar should be protected from direct exposure to ultraviolet rays for 1 year. It is better to postpone intense physical activity for 1 month.

To speed up the recovery process and consolidate the result, you can try our recovery course after plastic surgery

, developed by leading cosmetologists and plastic surgeons at the Pirogov Clinic.

Rehabilitation period after neck plastic surgery

The first day after the operation the patient is in the ward of the surgery department. In case of discomfort and pain, medications containing analgin may be prescribed. Discharge after examination and dressing - the next day. 7-10 days after the operation, the stitches are removed, after which swelling of the neck and chin may still persist, and traces of hematomas may remain. In order for the recovery process to go quickly, experts recommend undergoing physiotherapeutic procedures using ultrasound and microcurrent therapy devices in our clinic.

Also, small hematomas may appear in the area of ​​the cervical tissue and chin, which resolve on their own quite quickly. It is possible to use therapy using physiotherapeutic techniques and methods of modern cosmetology, which make it possible to improve blood flow and eliminate the risk of the formation of rough and noticeable scars.

Visiting baths, saunas and beaches is not allowed. Refusal of physical activity is required to avoid disruption of sutures and tightened tissues and careful head movements.

Postoperative swelling in most cases goes away within 4-12 weeks. At the time of its resorption, the results of the operation can be assessed.

After two days, remove the elastic bandage. It is recommended to use a support corset for the neck area for three weeks, including avoiding active movements and stress on the neck, visiting baths and saunas, and avoiding exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

Why is it worth doing neck and chin plastic surgery with us?

  • The Pirogov Clinic was recognized as the best plastic surgery clinic
    according to the national rating of private clinics in St. Petersburg by the medical portal “Doctor Peter” and the city portal “” in 2022;
  • Leading plastic surgeons of St. Petersburg (winners of prestigious awards, doctors of the highest category) with extensive experience in performing anti-aging and beautifying operations on the face.
  • Positive reviews about platysmaplasty from patients.
  • Free initial consultations with plastic surgeons.
  • Operating rooms equipped with the latest medical equipment.
  • Superior and de luxe rooms.
  • Own laboratory and diagnostic rooms equipped with modern equipment - the results of the preoperative examination are fast and with a guarantee of reliability.
  • Availability of all highly specialized doctors and medical specialists in one building.
  • Affordable prices for platysmoplasty, discounts and promotions.
  • Online consultations with plastic surgeons for patients from other cities.
  • Organizational assistance from a supervisor for patients from other cities.
  • Pleasant bonuses from the cosmetology department.
  • Interest-free installment plan and loan for plastic surgery.
  • VHI service.

Make an appointment

Thread lifting

Thread lifting is suitable for older women with severe ptosis.

The procedure involves introducing threads under the skin to create a frame for the correct shape of the neck.

The threads become overgrown with tissue within 2 months. Then they dissolve naturally, leaving behind a beautiful tightened neck line.

The duration of the procedure is from one and a half hours.

Age – after 40 years.

The result lasts from 2 to 6 years.

The rehabilitation period is characterized by a number of simple restrictions:

  • do not make sudden movements,
  • avoid the sun,
  • do not visit solariums, baths, swimming pools,
  • don't massage
  • don't make masks.

Is it possible to do without surgery?

There is an opinion that the skin of the neck can be kept in normal condition and protected from age-related changes if you use a variety of skin care cosmetics and attend massage treatments. This is partly true. Good, high-quality skincare cosmetics will help moisturize the skin, which is one of the key tasks in preserving youth, and make its structure denser, raising the threshold age for the first age-related changes to appear. And massage treatments will help strengthen the tone of muscle tissue.

The first age-related changes that begin to bother a woman manifest themselves in the form of a double chin that has begun to form due to loss of tissue elasticity, the first deep folds of the skin (longitudinal and transverse), and a smoothing of the angle between the neck and chin areas. These shortcomings can be dealt with using cosmetic procedures such as mesotherapy, biorevitalization or lipolytic injections. Note that for lipolytic injections in the chin area, only one drug can be used, Kybella, which has undergone clinical trials in the USA and has proven itself highly. Currently, this drug is the only one officially registered with the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

If the above methods have proven or are expected to be ineffective, it is appropriate to seek the help of liposuction or thread reinforcement. However, the latest technology is used very limitedly due to a number of nuances. In all other cases, when age-related changes are quite pronounced, only plastic surgery will help.

Contraindications for platysmoplasty

There are contraindications to platysmoplasty. These are diseases or injuries of the neck, some malformations of its development, diabetes mellitus, cancer, blood clotting disorders, acute infectious diseases, exacerbations of chronic diseases, heart disease and internal organs. Individual contraindications are discussed with a doctor after the necessary tests.

Platysmaplasty is considered a low-traumatic operation. It permanently eliminates the double chin and gives youthful elasticity to the neck tissue. The subcutaneous muscle regains its tone. The aesthetic result, which can be seen in just one or two months, lasts for life, returning its owner to a toned oval face and a youthful appearance.

Preparing for surgery

First, the patient comes for a consultation with a plastic surgeon, during which the correction tactics, the type of operation are selected, and an anamnesis is collected for contraindications.

Then you need to undergo examinations and tests:

  • fluorography;
  • ECG;
  • general and biochemical blood tests;
  • coagulogram;
  • blood tests for group, for infections;
  • general urine analysis.

The results of tests and examinations are provided to the therapist. A consultation with an anesthesiologist is also required.

At the SM-Clinic plastic surgery center in St. Petersburg, you can take the necessary tests on the day of your visit. The cost of services is indicated on the website.

Before surgery, you need to avoid serious physical activity, stress, alcohol, smoking (or reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke by half) and blood thinners.

Neck lift with an incision under the chin

This procedure can help even very old patients, in cases where sagging skin on the neck and chin can no longer be hidden or concealed. It happens that even for young patients, liposuction of the neck is no longer enough. Usually the reason for this is that quite extensive fat deposits are complemented by sagging skin.

In this case, a lift involves the plastic surgeon removing excess skin from the area under the chin and pulling the remaining skin up and fixing it in a new place. Sometimes incisions are made under the chin and in the area behind the ear, where they are quite small and invisible. This allows you to tighten the skin not only upward, but also to the periphery. If necessary, this plastic surgery is combined with liposuction. This method of neck lift cannot be called simple, but our experience speaks of its highest effectiveness.

Neck lift with endotins

Plastic surgery using endotins is considered one of the less traumatic types of tightening of this area. During the operation, the surgeon makes mini-incisions (behind the lower edge of the ear) to access the correction areas.

Through mini incisions, endotins are introduced, which are called ribbons and are a tape with small “spikes”.

The ribbon is inserted with a special applicator, which allows you to install it exactly where you need it.

The “spikes” of endotin act as hooks that securely hold and press the skin of the neck to the chin along the entire perimeter of the ribbon. The doctor fixes the soft tissues on endotin and tightens them from the center to the periphery and upward, achieving a clearer neck line and eliminating the effect of a double chin.

Endotins fit perfectly with all types of neck plastic surgery. Within 6-12 months they will completely resolve, leaving only the impressive tightening effect.

The main advantages of this method are the simplicity and reliability of fixation of the tightened tissues, the absence of visible scars and low trauma.

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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