Operations for men. What does male plastic surgery look like in Before and After photos?

Recently, Woman's day magazine, having compared photographs of Russian and Hollywood stars of the same age, posed an interesting question: who in each pair looks better, that is, younger and healthier. The result was quite predictable: Los Angeles won with a crushing score of 18:2. Take a look at these pictures.

Sergei Bezrukov and James Marsden (43 years old)

Efim Shifrin and Tom Hanks (60 years old)

Sergei Makovetsky and Alec Baldwin (58 years old)

Why? Do all Hollywood actors really lead a healthy lifestyle and sleep in hyperbaric chambers? Not at all. It’s just that self-care and male plastic surgery in our open spaces are still much less developed than overseas. There, male plastic surgery of the face and body has long gained popularity, and not only among media people.

Maxim Vitorgan and Ben Affleck (44 years old)

Pavel Lungin and Richard Gere (67 years old)

Mikhail Efremov and Johnny Depp (53 years old)

Today, all means of preserving active youth and male beauty are available not only to Hollywood celestials. Within the walls of "Platinental" we offer you a full arsenal of modern men's cosmetology and plastic surgery.

Home: male contouring and cosmetology

It is not at all necessary to start taking care of yourself with plastic surgery. It is best to start resisting age-related changes even before they appear, by regularly visiting a cosmetologist, as those same Hollywood machos do.

From a huge arsenal of means, we at Platinnetal select the most necessary and effective ones. For you in our luxurious mesobar:

  • latest generation hyaluronic acid,
  • placenta extracts,
  • elastin,
  • collagen,
  • vitamin complexes,
  • peptide drugs,
  • Japanese custom cocktails,
  • growth factors.

Elimination of dark circles under the eyes - a course of whitening injections.

The arsenal of preventive means also includes biorevitalization, laser peelings, phytoplacental and detox droppers, and hydrolyzed human placenta.

Contour plastic surgery for men means the highest quality hyaluronic acid, Botox and Xeomin (the latter drug preserves facial expressions, which is why actors love to use it), plasmolifting that improves the quality of the skin and comprehensive non-surgical rejuvenation V-lift - there is plenty to choose from.

But even if time is lost, modern male facial plastic surgery offers excellent chances to improve your appearance at any age.

Plastic surgery for men: why?

In our country, stereotypes from the series “scars and wrinkles are a man’s adornment” and “a woman is only as old as she looks, and a man is as old as he feels” are still strong.

As a result, many beautiful, strong men who could have maintained their alpha status for many years yet allow themselves to become covered in wrinkles and accept a double chin. Of course, in this case, time is not on their side - they immediately find themselves far from where their younger (or rather, more youthful-looking) comrades live an interesting, rich and vibrant life. Is the price too high?

In fact, there is nothing impossible about looking great over 50. Not “look 25 at 55,” no one can do that, but “look good at 55.”

Performed: upper blepharoplasty, ️installation of a chin implant, medial and lateral platysmaplasty with neck lift through an incision in the earlobes.
Performed by a surgeon - Maxim Vasiliev .

Laser hair removal for beard. Reliably protects the neck from irritation. Result after 5 procedures.

Surgeon: Iskornev Andrey.

Resection of fatty bags of Bisha. Surgeon: Vasiliev Maxim.

Augmentation of the angles of the lower jaw with fillers.

Botox injections.

Rhinoplasty surgery methods at the Doctor Grishkyan clinic in Moscow

Rhinoplasty corrects defects in the bridge of the nose, its tip and wings in one operation. Access to the operated area is performed open or closed.

  • — In the first option, the incisions are made along the collumela (the membrane that separates the nostrils) and inside the nostrils. After which the skin triangle turns towards the bridge of the nose, the entire area of ​​work is in the surgeon’s field of view.
  • — In the second option, access is opened through incisions inside the nostrils, there are no noticeable scars left, but you have to work “blindly.” It is impossible to say which technique is better; each of them has its own advantages and limitations, and the choice is individual.

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Lifting for men has little in common with women's

Expert comment:

“Plastic surgery for men is more delicate and less conspicuous. In my work, I strive for such a result that, looking at you, everyone feels that you are very refreshed, but no one could say that plastic surgery took place.

The naturalness of the result is achieved with many professional secrets.

For example, when working with male faces, we take into account short haircuts, hair growth patterns or local absence, and the inability to use makeup. Therefore, we carry out all interventions with great tact, perform the minimum necessary incisions, carefully hide the scars and use a set of measures for accelerated rehabilitation even at the preparation stage.”

Maxim Vasiliev, plastic surgeon.

Preparation for rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty consultation.

The main stage of preparation for nose surgery is a rhinoplasty consultation. Here the patient receives all the necessary information about the operation and the postoperative period. The surgeon conducts a study of the respiratory function of the nose, finds out the patient’s health status, the presence of allergic reactions, and a tendency to keloid scars. A prerequisite is to examine the internal structures of the nose. For a more thorough study of the functional and anatomical features of the nose, it is necessary to conduct a computed tomography or x-ray examination. Based on the information received and test results, the risks associated with the upcoming operation are studied, and the list of necessary postoperative procedures is discussed.

Rhinoplasty: computer modeling.

An important point in the preparatory period is modeling the result of the planned nasal plastic surgery on a computer. The visual picture gives a more complete picture of what the surgeon wants to achieve during the operation and allows for mutual understanding between him and the patient.

Tests before rhinoplasty

In order to be sure that there are no contraindications to the operation, it is necessary to carry out the necessary tests before performing it. Mandatory ones include:

  • general blood analysis
  • general urine analysis
  • blood chemistry
  • blood clotting test (coagulogram)
  • analysis for the presence of AIDS, syphilis, hepatitis
  • blood electrolyte test
  • ECG

In addition, you need to provide a medical document that will indicate your blood type and Rh factor. In certain cases where additional tests are required, you may be asked to have a facial x-ray taken in consultation with an appropriate specialist.

In addition, you need to take some more steps to prepare for rhinoplasty. Before surgery, you should avoid alcohol, take anticoagulants (aspirin, thrombus, etc.), and, if possible, stop smoking. Operations are not performed during menstruation, acute respiratory infections, exacerbation of chronic diseases and the presence of inflammatory processes in the area of ​​operation.

Before surgery, it is recommended to wash your hair, since it is not advisable to wet the postoperative bandage. On the day of surgery, you must come to the clinic on an empty stomach (do not eat or drink). After completing the paperwork, the patient is escorted to the ward, where photographs are taken and prepared for the upcoming operation.

Male plastic surgery solves numerous problems

Unlike women, men, as a rule, turn to a plastic surgeon as a last resort, when they can no longer endure it. Meanwhile, many problems can be corrected very successfully:

  • double chin,
  • small chin, underdevelopment of the angles of the lower jaw,
  • fatty hernias in the lower eyelid area,
  • drooping eyebrows,
  • "gray" smoker's skin,
  • loss of volume in the midface,
  • excessive sweating (laser treatment of hyperhidrosis is performed),
  • congenital or acquired defects of the nose (we know that nasal fractures, which almost every man encounters in life, very rarely do not leave a mark on the face),
  • gynecomastia – female-type enlargement of nipples and breasts, which often occurs due to uncontrolled use of testosterone drugs,
  • local obesity of the lateral surfaces of the torso, buttocks, abdomen or back.

All of the above greatly spoils not only a man’s appearance, but also his quality of life. And we successfully cope with all of the above.

“Before” and one day “after” surgery for gynecomastia. Surgeon: Vasiliev Maxim.

Both operations were performed by A.A. Iskornev.

Rehabilitation period

In the first 3-4 days after surgery, you may experience slight fever and weakness, which gradually disappear. The entire rehabilitation period takes from 5 to 14 days. At this time, the patient wears a plaster cast, and the unpleasant sensations are usually associated not with pain, but with inconvenience and restrictions: you can only sleep on your back, breathe through your mouth, you cannot smoke, touch or wet the cast. As a rule, this period of discomfort passes quickly and is quickly forgotten. After 5-14 days, the plaster cast is removed. After removing the bandage, hematomas and swelling gradually disappear, soft tissues and skin contract, stretching over the new osteochondral skeleton. The final result of the operation can be achieved in two months, sometimes this period increases to a year.

Male harmonizing surgery

Expert comment:

“One of the most difficult and in demand is harmonization of appearance. This is my exclusive development, aimed at improving the appearance as a whole, and not just a specific area of ​​the face or body.

After a carefully planned set of procedures, we get changes that are insignificant at first glance. Yes, no one will notice what exactly you did with your face, but it will be perceived as much more impressive, harmonious and attractive.

Very often for these purposes I use American anatomical porous facial implants Porex. They can even correct problems associated with congenital underdevelopment of bones or the consequences of injuries.”

Andrey Iskornev, plastic surgeon.

Indications for nose surgery in Moscow at the Doctor Grishkyan clinic:

Modern medicine has advanced technologies that make it possible to perform surgery using the least traumatic method. We have endoscopes, micro-instruments and lasers at our disposal, ensuring a minimally invasive effect, painlessness and a short rehabilitation period.

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  • hump or saddle shape
  • pointed or thickened tip
  • disproportionate length
  • congenital or due to trauma deformation
  • deviated nasal septum
  • wide bridge of the nose
  • flared nostrils
  • labored breathing


The basis of harmonization is the preservation of sexual demorphism, that is, the appearance features characteristic of gender.

Dr. Iskornev’s harmonizing approach includes work not only on the external, but also on the internal planes. Harmonization of appearance is not only plastic surgery, but also normalization of weight and restoration of the hormonal profile. Therefore, in addition to a plastic surgeon, an experienced endocrinologist-andrologist always works with you.

For postoperative rehabilitation, we use complexes of antioxidant and placental drugs in the form of droppers: as a result of their use, excess weight begins to disappear, sleep is restored, immunity improves, libido increases, fatigue and irritation disappear. You not only look, but also feel younger, stronger and more harmonious.

Rhinoplasty. Surgeon: Meloyan Mkhitar.

Endoscopic midface lift. Performed by surgeon: Andrey Iskornev.

Removing Bish's lumps. Performed by surgeon: Maxim Vasiliev.

Plastic surgery will make you more courageous

In any culture, male beauty is the beauty of a warrior, a man with a strong face: clearly defined cheekbones, a strong-willed chin, hard contours of the nose and lips, and a fairly massive lower jaw. This idea of ​​male beauty is inherent in the nature of any woman: such an appearance is read as the appearance of a person who will bring a mammoth into a cave, will protect him from enemies, and will give him strong, healthy children. Times, of course, have changed, hunting has ceased to be the most relevant activity in the world, but the subconscious perception has not undergone any changes.

In business, men with a masculine appearance are trusted more. Women also more often consider this particular male type as a potential husband and father of their children.

What to do with soft features, a sloping chin or a feminine oval face? There are plastic surgeries for men that can help correct all these shortcomings.

Tom Cruise

Expert comment:

“New technologies make it possible to quietly add masculinity to the face and significantly increase sexual attractiveness. What specific procedures do we at Platinental have for this purpose? Firstly, this is a male face lift. The face becomes clearer, brutal, attractive and strong. At the same time, the paint bags are removed, and the view is revealed.

Secondly, removing Bisha's lumps has an excellent effect - the procedure narrows the face and creates the effect of young, sunken cheekbones.

Thirdly, installation of chin implants: this creates that same strong-willed, courageous chin. This procedure also completely removes the double chin and creates a tightened, youthful angle between the chin and neck.

Finally, placing implants on the angles of the lower jaw creates an attractive and masculine oval face. Judging by the photographs, Tom Cruise and George Clooney most likely resorted to this trick.”

Maxim Vasiliev, plastic surgeon.

To perform operations, we use the most modern arsenal of tools, minimize the risks of complications and carefully hide traces of the operation.

Surgical incisions are located in inconspicuous places; we often use intraoral access.

Complete absence of scars after upper blepharoplasty 3 weeks after surgery. Surgeon - Vasiliev Maxim.

How much does treatment cost?

The price depends on the volume of necessary procedures, which are always selected individually. It is impossible to reliably identify certain problems and skin conditions from a static photograph. Therefore, a personal consultation is required to draw up a correction plan.

Correction of facial expressions in the scar area with Botox after removal of myolipoma. Performed by surgeon: Gladysheva Vladislava.

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