What does the nose look like after rhinoplasty? Photos of patients Before and After.

A beautiful and neat nose is the dream of every girl, but nature does not always generously reward us with appearance. The nose is the most visible part of the face, so with obvious flaws it is very difficult to hide. Eyes or lips can be easily corrected with the help of well-chosen makeup. It’s rare that someone can correct the shape of their nose using cosmetics alone. There are certain tips that will help hide small blemishes on the nose.

Many representatives of the fairer sex do not take their shortcomings seriously, and even try to somehow advantageously present them. However, according to the experience of plastic surgeons, most women still strive to correct the mistakes of nature. There are several options for non-surgical correction of the shape of the nose, for example, rhinoplasty with injections. This is a quick method for correcting the nose; however, the effect of filler injections is also quite short-lived. Obvious nasal defects (hump, wide wings, deviated nasal septum, etc.) can only be completely corrected with nasal rhinoplasty. This is a rather difficult procedure, with a long rehabilitation period. Therefore, before the operation it is worth weighing the pros and cons.

Is it worth getting rhinoplasty?

The most reasonable decision about rhinoplasty is surgery for medical reasons. There are nasal defects in which breathing is difficult, which negatively affects the general physical condition of a person. It is worth noting that women most often decide to undergo surgery for aesthetic reasons, relying on their appearance. Rhinoplasty for men is often a balanced decision aimed at eliminating nasal defects that interfere with normal life activities.

Important! In almost all cases, it will be impossible to return the original shape of the nose. Therefore, weigh your decision several times. Is it not dictated by the desire to be like your idol?

Myth No. 1. Rhinoplasty can be performed by any plastic surgeon.

Technically yes. Many plastic surgeons have rhinoplasty on their list of services. However, this does not mean that every surgeon can do it at the proper level. Rhinoplasty is a complex operation, both from an aesthetic and functional point of view. A good rhinosurgeon must have an excellent understanding of the internal anatomy of the nose and the functioning of the respiratory system, since nose correction changes not only aesthetic, but also functional parameters - breathing. On the other hand, no other anatomical formation affects the perception of the face as a whole as much as the nose. Therefore, a plastic surgeon involved in nose correction must have a developed aesthetic sense, which will help him achieve the best aesthetic result, taking into account the preservation or restoration of external respiratory function.

Indications for aesthetic rhinoplasty

There are a number of indications for rhinoplasty. Here are the main ones:

  • wide bridge of the nose;
  • drooping or thick tip of the nose;
  • Asian nose shape (flat)
  • asymmetrical nose shape;
  • a clearly protruding hump;
  • improper healing after injury or fracture.

Not only rhinoplasty, but any surgical intervention on the body is always a risk. Therefore, it is important to choose an experienced plastic surgeon whom you trust and a proven clinic that has already performed hundreds of successful operations. In order to eliminate all possible risks associated with the operation, it is necessary to undergo a thorough examination and pass all the necessary tests.

Important! During the consultation, do not be afraid to ask all the questions that concern you to the surgeon; trust between the doctor and the patient directly depends on this, and, as a result, the positive result of the operation.

What if it turns out bad?

This fear is the most common. Most often, patients are simply afraid of getting a result that will not meet their expectations and will not satisfy them. But don’t be afraid of this, modern medical technologies make it possible to predict in detail the result expected from the operation. The patient can literally “fit” the new nose to his face.

When the operation is prohibited

In some cases, the procedure is strictly prohibited, otherwise irreversible consequences for the body are possible. Contraindications to rhinoplasty are:

  • all forms of diabetes;
  • malignant tumors;
  • mental system disorders;
  • the presence of an inflammatory process in the body;
  • chronic diseases, etc.

Contraindications for surgery

The operation is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • age under 18 years;
  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • malignant tumors;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • diabetes;
  • colds in the acute stage;
  • liver and kidney damage.

The above diseases can negatively affect the results of the operation and sometimes lead to death. Be as honest as possible with your doctor!

Attention! All aesthetic plastic surgeries and most cosmetic procedures are strictly contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women. We also do not perform surgical interventions on people whose weight exceeds 110 kg.

Is it painful to have a rhinoplasty?

In order to decide on such a radical change in appearance as nose surgery, you need to know everything about the procedure. Most women are very concerned about the question, does rhinoplasty hurt? Since this is still a surgical procedure in which incisions are made, the procedure is certainly painful. This is why anesthesia is used during rhinoplasty. The type of anesthesia and the drug used are selected individually by the attending physician, depending on the complexity of the operation and the physiological characteristics of the patient.

Listen to the opinion of a specialist

In fact, rhinoplasty is rarely used as an operation to correct physical defects. It is practiced, for example, for congenital defects of the external nose, various injuries and damage. There are no questions here - this is a 100% indication for surgical intervention, because the quality of life suffers. In this case, nasal breathing may not be impaired, but it is impossible to live with the defect. And here the surgeon must make every effort to solve the person’s problem.

But in practice, an operation such as rhinoplasty is mainly used to obtain some kind of aesthetics - when a person goes from good to better. Usually they resort to it when people want attention, some changes and believe that changing the nose will lead to an improvement in life. And I must say, such an opinion has a right to life, because the nose is the most prominent part of the face, on which the eye initially falls when looking at the face. And if the nose is beautiful and aesthetic, it creates a favorable impression.

Article on the topic

Mortal risk. Mistakes we make when caring for our nose When changing the shape of the nose, they often copy a famous person. For example, we like a famous Hollywood star, and we decide to try on ourselves at least partially in her image. However, not everyone understands that sometimes it is technically impossible to do what you want. Like a hairstyle - for example, I have straight hair, but I want curly, but this cannot be done forever, only with a short-term effect at best. Thus, it is difficult to correct the nose if there is a deficiency of tissue - cartilage, bone, skin, etc. Then the risks of thinning the nose even further and making it sharp increase. However, it happens that when a person hears from a surgeon that in such a situation it is better not to experiment, he psychologically perceives this as a lack of qualifications of a doctor and goes to look for another. As a result of a long search, he finds and gets a rather unexpected result.

Here it is important to understand that these operations are paid, so a doctor who has the necessary knowledge and skills will not refuse them just because he doesn’t want to. Doctors rarely deceive and make a deal with their conscience. Therefore, to avoid disappointment as a result, you should collect at least three opinions from competent and recognized doctors to assess your prospects. Then you won't have to be disappointed.

Anesthesia for rhinoplasty

There are three types of anesthesia during surgery:

  1. Local anesthesia . This anesthesia is used for minor nose correction. The drug is administered subcutaneously or applied externally. In this case, the person being operated on is conscious all the time, but does not feel pain. The maximum that can be felt is a slight discomfort during the surgeon’s work.
  2. Local and sedation . With this anesthesia, the patient's nose is frozen using special preparations, plus additional agents are injected that are intended for general anesthesia. The patient is also conscious and feels drowsy and calm.
  3. General . With this method of pain relief, the patient’s consciousness is switched off with the help of special drugs, he does not feel or understand what is happening. The advantage of this anesthesia is the surgeon’s peace of mind during the operation, but it is quite difficult for the patient to tolerate.

Myth No. 6. “Everyone will immediately understand that I had surgery”

What's wrong with that? You are working on yourself, and, in my opinion, you are worthy of respect. If before the operation the nose had pronounced defects - a large hump, an axial curvature, a significant length, then those around you can notice such changes immediately. If the operation performs only the correction of small defects, for example, changing the tip of the nose or minimal correction of the entire nose, then for most the fact of the operation will go unnoticed. Only we ourselves know our face well, so plastic surgery is done, first of all, for ourselves, and not for everyone else.

Does it hurt after rhinoplasty?

Pain after surgery depends on the individual physiological and psychological characteristics of the patient. Each person has a different pain threshold. Some people easily tolerate any intervention in the body, while others are ready to faint at the sight of a drop of their blood.

A distinctive feature of fear is the feeling of pain even where there is practically no pain.

After rhinoplasty, pain may occur when removing tampons from the nostrils. Possible weakness and powerlessness as you recover from anesthesia.


If an ENT doctor or plastic surgeon says that the issue is difficult to resolve, then it is better not to interfere. Today, injection cosmetology is becoming an alternative. This story is controlled - the drug is injected, and it can then be removed - put the syringe in and pull the drug back out. Injection cosmetology removes dents well and straightens bumps. Yes, you have to do it periodically, but this interval is not once every two weeks or a month, but once every six months or a year. This measure eliminates the need for a scalpel and psychological trauma, and can always be adjusted along the way.

And it is also important to remember that such an operation cannot be cheap, since it is painstaking. For an ENT surgeon with the necessary qualifications, it is estimated at 300 thousand rubles. Accordingly, if they offer to do it for 18 or even 25 thousand rubles, it’s worth thinking about. After all, it is unlikely that everything will be returned to the way it was.

There are contraindications, you should consult your doctor

Is it painful to remove stitches after rhinoplasty?

Sutures are removed approximately two weeks after surgery in the case of open rhinoplasty. If the correction was carried out using a closed method, the sutures on the mucous membrane dissolve on their own. The procedure is practically painless; only a slight tingling sensation is possible at the site of the sutures. If the operation was performed correctly and you followed all the recommendations of your plastic surgeon, special care for the sutures is not necessary. If something goes wrong, the removal site may need to be treated with special antiseptic drugs.

How to stop being afraid?

In fact, the answer to this question is simple: visit a consultation with a surgeon. Competent consultation with a doctor is mandatory before any surgical intervention. At a preliminary consultation, you can get answers to all questions, find out all the details of the planned intervention, and exclude contraindications.

The patient should be told in detail about existing chronic diseases and his expectations from the operation. The more the doctor knows the wishes and health status of the patient, the better the result will be.

Thus, all fears about rhinoplasty have no objective basis. For any fear and any doubt, a qualified plastic surgeon in a good clinic will find an objective counterargument. If the patient has approached the choice of a clinic and doctor with full responsibility, then there is nothing to worry about.

Reviews about whether it hurts to do rhinoplasty

Irina, 25 years old I had rhinoplasty done for medical reasons. I have a deviated nasal septum, which is why I spend my whole life with naphthyzine. I read a bunch of literature, consulted with relatives, and came to the conclusion - stop suffering. Moreover, my husband and I are planning children in the near future, and I don’t think that bad breath will have a positive effect on my pregnancy. But, there is one more nuance. Since childhood, I can’t stand any pain, so even the thought of surgery made me panic. However, I came across a wonderful doctor who suggested general anesthesia so that I would completely pass out. I walked away from her for about 2 hours, catching helicopters. When the effect of the painkiller wore off, I began to feel pain in my nose. They injected me with another drug and I fell asleep. The next day there was no more pain. In general, it’s really possible to experience it)

Myth No. 4. Computer modeling does not allow one to accurately predict the outcome of the operation.

Computer modeling of rhinoplasty is a good tool to determine the shape of the future nose. It is important that the simulation is carried out by the surgeon himself, since at this stage the doctor outlines a plan for the future operation and clarifies which technique is best to use to achieve the desired result. Of course, the result of the operation may differ from the computer model, since nasal tissue is not an ideal plastic material such as clay or plasticine. The processes of tissue restoration and scarring are very individual and not always predictable. The patient must be aware of this. However, modern rhinoplasty cannot be imagined without computer modeling.

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