Hooligan and “homewrecker”: Natalya Rudova before and after plastic surgery

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In the summer of 2022, Natalya Rudova will turn 37 years old. Since she looks much younger than her age, she is often suspected of having plastic surgery. The star loves to joke about this topic and posts “provocative” photos on the Internet, in which she appears either with a huge nose or with pumped lips. In fact, Natalya does not see anything wrong with plastic surgery and will take advantage of its achievements when the need arises. But it seems to her that this time has not yet come.


The actress was born in Uzbekistan; Natalya’s grandmother was evacuated to a hot Central Asian country during the siege of Leningrad. Later, the family moved to Aktau (Kazakhstan) and until the age of 12, Natalya and her older sister Oksana grew up in a small resort town. As a child, the future star was known as a hooligan: she climbed trees and was considered a ringleader; her playmates nicknamed the girl “partisan.” After their parents' divorce, the daughters moved to the city of Ivanovo with their mother.

The child’s acting talents showed up early: the girl attended dance lessons, embroidered and recited poetry. From the 7th grade, the talented student spent school holidays, performed at competitions and concerts, and later discovered the stage of a theater group. Teachers and friends unanimously repeated: “Rudova, you deserve to be an actress!”

All life circumstances were in favor of my future profession. Firstly, Natalya is a brilliant humanitarian, and secondly, a childhood injury with a severe concussion had consequences in the form of intolerance to prolonged brain stress. After an unsuccessful fall from a swing, the girl spent a long time in the hospital, being on a drip with a high fever. Doctors did not give guarantees, but the young body managed to survive.

Natalya had the chance to remember about the ill-fated mathematics at the Ivanovo College of Culture (the family budget could not afford a more pretentious institution). During my senior year, higher mathematics suddenly appeared on the schedule. “It’s fortunate that at that time I was dating a student of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics! The guy solved my homework for me,” the star recalls with a grin.


  • 2007 — “Tatiana’s Day”
  • 2009 — “Breathe with me”
  • 2010 — “The Irony of Love”
  • 2012 — “University. New dorm"
  • 2012 — “Night Violet”
  • 2015 — “What men do! – 2"
  • 2015 — “Women against men”
  • 2016 — “Mafia: game of survival”
  • 2017 — “Molodezhka-5”
  • 2017 — “Love in the City of Angels”
  • 2018 — “Women against men: Crimean holidays”
  • 2018 — “Happiness! Health!”
  • 2019 — “Behappy”
  • 2020 — “Without Memory”
  • 2020 — “Bright colors of autumn”
  • 2022 — “Swingers”

Actor career

After graduating from college in 2003, the graduate left to conquer the capital. Earlier, her older sister Oksana moved to Moscow, but the independent girl decided not to stay too long on the neck of her relatives. Natalya got a job as a consultant in a sports store, found a rented room and started going to auditions.

The recruits immediately noticed her striking appearance and the girl was invited to film as a model. Natalia Rudova’s photographs were adorned in glossy magazines, and the promising girl appeared in a social advertising video (in company with Nikolai Fomenko).

Such work did not bother the aspiring actress at all; according to the spectacular blonde, while studying in college she worked as a waitress and washed dishes in a restaurant.

Natalya received a chance for wide fame after filming the series “Prima Donna” directed by Olga Sidorova. The cinematic world received the young debutante with goodwill, and the actress played minor roles in the films “Who’s the Boss?”, “The Conductor,” “In the World of Criminal Passions” and “Memoirs of Stalin.”

In 2006, Rudova received the role of a beautiful villainess in the multi-part film “Tatiana’s Day”, the series was broadcast by Channel One. According to VTsIOM, “Tatiana’s Day” was named the highest rated series of 2007.

In company with Anna Snatkina and Kirill Safonov, Natalya Rudova instantly ascended to the domestic “soap Olympus”. The series touched on several eternal topics at once: the confrontation between blondes and brunettes, those in power and ordinary people, guests and indigenous residents of the capital. Natalya, who recently conquered Moscow, brilliantly played the wealthy and spoiled darling of fate.

According to fans of the series, Tatyana Barinova was an antagonist, a cunning, unprincipled character. The performer does not agree with this formulation, considering her own character to be an unhappy woman with psychological problems. The girl does not justify Barinova’s decision, but she reminds in every possible way that the roots of problems are often hidden in upbringing - one cannot expect much from an almost abandoned child: one who grew up without a mother and with an always busy father.

In real life, the actress and the character she plays have in common only through perseverance and strong character. Natalya Rudova assures that she will not go against her conscience for the attention of the young man she likes.

In 2010, Natalia again played the role of a homewrecker. In the multi-part film “Breathe with Me,” the girl played the role of the beautiful Karina. The love polygon with the participation of such actors as Natalya Antonova and Anton Makarsky aroused keen audience interest. The series received a well-received sequel in 2012.

A television

After the success of the series “Tatiana’s Day” in 2007, the actress began to be invited to television. As a participant, she came to the popular show “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” with Maxim Galkin, and in the “Two Stars” program she performed together with Dmitry Koldun.

In April 2022, Natalya appeared in an episode of the Comedy Club program. The artist, paired with Marina Kravets, performed in miniature, where they appeared before the audience as best friends. In the same year, Rudova visited the show “Where is the logic?” on TNT.

In 2022, a scandal broke out between Rudova and Andrei Malakhov. In the “Live Broadcast” program, the TV presenter accused the actress of working part-time as an escort, to which the celebrity reacted extremely negatively. On Instagram, Natalya posted a long post refuting the man’s arguments. She wrote that long before this, Andrei Malakhov called her and offered to introduce her to the oligarch. Anastasia Reshetova supported her friend, saying that she herself had received a similar offer from the TV presenter.

In 2022, the artist became the host of the reality show “A Place in the Sun” on the Muz-TV channel. As part of the project, participants performed creative tasks, wrote songs, staged performances and communicated. Filming took place in Bali, with a celebrity guest visiting the show every week. The winner received an apartment in Moscow and a contract with Muz-TV. Natalya noted that the work of the TV presenter of “A Place in the Sun” is not as simple as it seems, because every day she had to spend a long time in a swimsuit under the scorching rays of the sun.

Personal life

Unlike her colleagues, the actress carefully hides the details of her romantic interests. Such silence gives rise to many rumors; the 38-year-old woman was credited with having affairs with the lead singer of the MBAND group Artem Pindyura (the reason for the gossip was a comic video on the Internet) and actor Mikael Aramyan.

The noticeable blonde has been surrounded by men's attention since her youth, but the place of the star's chosen one officially remains vacant. Answering constant questions about the qualities sought in a man, Natalya posted a comic photo on her blog with a montage of herself standing between Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio.

The artist admitted:

I think the role of a housewife is not meant for me, but I appreciate people who are capable of it. It's great that every person is able to find their place in life. For now, I value my profession more than my home.

At the end of the summer of 2022, journalists photographed Natalya with a developing belly. The celebrity dined in the company of restaurateur Alexander Orlov and pointedly touched her stomach. Later, the actress admitted to a long-running joke; the voluminous waist turned out to be the work of make-up artists preparing for the filming of the next drama series.

The actress emphasizes that she is a very sensitive and receptive person who prefers to avoid tactless questions. When traveling, a woman is often accompanied by close friends. Natalya is friends with model Anastasia Reshetova (Timati's ex-girlfriend) and artist Nastasya Samburskaya.

Sports and self-care

In order to be fitter and healthier, as well as maintain her new weight, Natalya Rudova goes in for sports. The actress performs exercises independently and with a trainer. The training plan is individual for each person, it depends on the state of the body and health. Natalia Rudova's workouts include cardio and strength training, as well as an exercise bike.

Paying attention to Natalia's appearance, some people believe that the actress is an avid visitor to beauty salons. However, Rudova admits that she rarely visits such places because she does not like to waste her time on them. But, despite this, the actress is sure that taking care of herself is very important, and besides, her parents raised her that way. The procedures not only create beauty, but also lift the actress’s spirits. By the way, Natalya Rudova is sure that not only women, but also men need to take care of themselves.

To the question: “Does a man have the right to his own cosmetic bag?”, Natalia replies: “Of course, I myself will force the man to buy it.”

The artist is not a fan of massages, since she prefers to keep herself in good shape rather than relax. Once every six months, the Russian star attends an anti-cellulite massage, which, as she claims, is not at all relaxing.

Natalya Rudova now

Today, the most anticipated film with the participation of the actress is the film “Swingers” (a romantic comedy by Dmitry Fix and Andrejs Ekis). In addition to Natalya, the film stars Dmitry Nagiyev, Irina Pegova and Olesya Sudzilovskaya. According to the plot, strangers persuade their spouses to take part in a scandalous experiment in order to save their marriage. As a result, both married couples find themselves head over heels in a very piquant adventure with a dizzying ending.

The latest news about the film's premiere promises a quick start in November 2022. In a matter of weeks, the trailer was viewed by thousands of people, which indicates high viewer interest. Commentators note that Natalya Rudova has not changed much over the past ten years. Whether the cause of Rudova’s youthful appearance is due to plastic surgery or a combination of care and genetics, only professional plastic surgeons can answer.

Sample menu

Immediately after waking up, the actress drinks a glass of water at room temperature. To enhance the positive effect, you can add a little honey, cinnamon, grated ginger or a slice of lemon to the water. About an hour after waking up, you need to have breakfast.

Breakfast: porridge with water or omelette with tomatoes + grapefruit

Lunch: baked chicken breast + vegetable salad

Dinner: low-fat yogurt + sliced ​​vegetables

The last meal should be no later than 3 hours before bedtime.

Natalya Rudova before and after plastic surgery

The actress’s fit figure is the result of hard work; judging by her youthful photos, the girl is somewhat prone to weight gain. When she was a model, the celebrity practiced a “chemical diet” with careful calculation of calories, thanks to which she lost 8 kilograms.

Advice from the star: to lose weight you need to rebuild your brain and not be dependent on food, giving up even your favorite foods.

The tall blonde with expressive eyes is the epitome of sexuality, but picky critics will find flaws even in the sun. Rudova denies interference in her appearance from the outside, reacting sharply (sometimes with humor) to any kind of interference in her personal life.

According to viewers, the actress changed the shape of her nose, pumped up her initially narrow lips and normal-sized breasts. Taking the photo before and after plastic surgery as a basis, we can say that rhinoplasty was performed, which made the girl’s nose more neat and thin in appearance. Obvious changes also include voluminous lips; this is most likely due to the help of fillers.

The correction of cheekbones and removal of Bisha's lumps attributed to Natalia remains questionable. It is difficult to say what kind of plastic surgery the artist used due to the careful processing of photographs and the exposed light; heavy makeup can change the appearance of a modern clinic.

Actress Rudova, after plastic surgery, belongs to the category of women who are praised for their sense of proportion and style. According to professionals, age-related and surgical changes have made the celebrity more beautiful. The cheap “blonde” was replaced by complex coloring with the natural effect of growing roots, the shape of the eyebrows and lips changed (the golden mean between a duck and a thread). A clear line of cheekbones adds audacity to the image, so having gotten rid of her apple cheeks with age, Natalya visually only benefited.

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