Show “Reboot” on TNT: how the composition of presenters has changed throughout the project

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The “Reboot” project, first launched on the TNT channel back in 2011, changes not only the appearance of the heroines, but also their attitude towards themselves. A team of professionals works to transform young women, erasing their insecurities and difficult complexes that prevent them from living in harmony with the world and with themselves.

Over the years of its existence, the show itself has been rebooted more than once: formats have changed, the team has been repeatedly updated, and the presenters have alternated. Innovations only benefited the project. Each team member who worked on this site can be remembered as a professional, a bright personality and a wonderful person.


The first host of the makeover show, then called “Cinderella. Reboot,” became Aurora. A fashion model, TV presenter, the face of advertising campaigns for various brands and simply a beauty has always been able to “present herself” in the best light. Aurora turned out to be not just an excellent presenter, she became an excellent role model.

During the project, Aurora genuinely cared about each heroine, actively participated in their transformation and willingly shared the secrets of female charm with the girls.

Members of the Ani Lorak team

Tatiana Paradnaya

Tatyana is 42 years old and lives in Moscow. Her pseudonym is Talana Gabriel, and it is by this name that she is known in her second homeland - Germany. At the blind auditions, she performed Tina Turner's song Private Dancer. The spectacular girl demonstrated very deep vocals, more typical of African-American singers. Ani Lorak mentioned several times during the blind auditions that she was looking for just such voices, so none of her colleagues stopped her from taking Tatyana to her team.

Arpi Abkarian

Arpi is from the city of Sochi, the girl is 25 years old. On the project she sang Ariana Grande's popular composition Dangerous Woman. Her performance captivated Ani Lorak from the first seconds, and in the last seconds Basta decided to compete with her mentor.

Taimuraz Khadartsev

Taimuraz is 32 years old and lives in Vladikavkaz. mentors noted his excellent vocal technique; Taimuraz complements his voice with very beautiful melismas. Ani Lorak took him to her team, despite the fact that Basta also turned to Taimuraz.

Uku Suviste

The first thing that attracts attention to the singer from Tallinn is his bright blue eyes. But the mentors did not see Uku’s unusual appearance, but heard his vocals. It was the man’s vocal abilities that turned the chairs of Sergei Shnurov and Anya towards him, but he chose the second.

Amirkhan Umayev

Amirkhan is 27 years old, he is from Goyta. None of the jury believed that the man had been studying vocals for only 3 years - he sang as if he had been singing all his life and even more. Amirkhan impressed all the mentors, and Ani and Vasily turned to him.

Oleg Shaumarov

Oleg lives in Moscow, he is 34 years old. The man is a talented composer, arranger and artist. It was he who wrote the song “Together,” which he performed at blind auditions. The composition was bought by Max Fadeev for the singer Nargiz. In the last seconds, Basta turned to Oleg, but Oleg chose to choose Anya’s mentor.

Alexandra Kruglova

Alexandra’s deep, low voice secured her entry into Ani Lorak’s team. She performed Beyoncé's song "If I Were A Boy." Alexandra is 23 years old, she lives in Moscow.

Arina Bagaryakova

Arina is only 17 years old, she has just graduated from school. The girl lives in Moscow and plans to study sociology. She performs Yesterday by The Beatles. At the last notes, Anya’s mentor turned to the young girl.

Valery Anokhin

Valery is 55 years old and lives in Moscow. Ani Lorak immediately felt that Valery was an experienced vocalist and turned to him in the middle of the composition.

Olga Shitova

Olga performs Whitney Houston's song I Wanna Dance With Somebody. The girl is 27 years old, she moved to Moscow this year. According to the jury, adding your own vibrato to the classic performance of the song was not the best idea, but the main thing is that they were able to discern a unique timbre and potential behind the small mistakes.

Thomas Grazioso

Thomas lives in Rome and is 33 years old. He doesn't speak Russian, but he speaks excellent English and his voice. Thomas performed Every Breath You Take, all 4 mentors turned to him.

Daniel Rustamov

Daniel performed the song “Versace On The Floor” in his unique manner, and turned the chairs of 3 mentors, with the exception of Konstantin, towards him. He is 23 years old, the young singer lives in Dushanbe.

Ksenia Borodina

In 2012, after two successful seasons of the television program, Aurora was replaced by Ksenia Borodina, a DJ and popular TV presenter of the reality show “Dom-2”. Viewers had concerns that Ksenia’s straightforwardness and harshness acquired at the “construction site of the century” would negatively affect the friendly atmosphere of the project.

All doubts turned out to be in vain. A couple of years before joining Reboot, Ksenia herself experienced serious troubles in her personal life, being left alone with her little daughter. After this, Borodina managed to lose weight, change her image and turn into a lady. The new presenter knew firsthand how difficult it is to “reboot.”

A year later, Ksenia left the project due to a busy work schedule, only to return to it in 2016. This experienced and irreplaceable team member, according to the producers, hosts the TV show to this day. Years of communicating with people with difficult destinies taught her to be sensitive to their problems, which adds warmth and warmth to the transfer.

Members of Sergei Shnurov's team

Shaen Hovhannisyan

On the first note, Basta turned to Shaen, and then 2 more chairs. He is 27 years old, he is from St. Petersburg.

Annagazel Gokinaeva

A bright girl in a yellow dress surprised the jury with her unusual vocals with a charming hoarseness. Annagazel performed the song Feel It Still by Portugal. The Man. and turned Basta and Sergei towards her. She is 26 years old, a girl originally from Minsk.

Rushana Valieva

Rushana is from Tolbazy, Bashkortostan, she is 19. She performed the composition in Ukrainian “Poobitsyai meni” by the group “Alone in a Canoe”. They say that Ukrainian was created for singing, and Rushana proved this once again. She accompanied herself on the guitar, and her assistant used the musical instrument hang. Rushana was already on Golos.Children, but then they didn’t turn to her.

Tatiana Shabanova

Tatyana performs Dana Sokolova's song "Indigo". She is 23 years old, she is from Engels. No one remained indifferent to her expressive performance - all 4 chairs turned.

Daria Grossman

Daria behaved openly on stage and showed an interesting timbre in the Amy Winehouse song, and then made a choice in the direction of Sergei Shnurov. She is 17 years old, she is from Petrozavodsk.

Sergey Mushta

Sergei is 31 years old. He performed the song “What a Pity” by the Bravo group and accompanied himself on the piano. He managed to conquer three mentors.

Jack Gypsy

Rocker Jack lit up the stage and turned Basta's chair on the first note. He performed the famous Smoke On The Water and chose Shnurov because he likes his mentor’s music. Jack is 29 years old and came from Cuba.

Iliana Sanchez

Another representative of sunny Cuba, Iliana, sang the Spanish translation of “I Will Survive.” In translation, the song sounds very fresh and unusual, so Iliana did not go unnoticed by the judges.

Rita Krohn

Rita's deep, muffled voice fits well with the composition It's Raining Men, so 3 mentors turned to her. Rita is 25 years old and lives in Moscow.

Sofia Legrand

Sofia came from the city of Sochi, she is 21 years old. The hoarseness in her timbre adorned the composition Love Me Again. All four mentors wanted Sofia on their team, but she chose Sergei Shnurov.

Marianna Georgiadou

Marianna charmed the audience with her femininity and gentle voice. She is 27 years old and comes from Thessaloniki.

Ekaterina Veselkova

Unlike her predecessors, Veselkova was not a TV star. She made a career at TNT and served as the channel's commercial director. Possessing a beautiful appearance and excellent taste, Catherine was known as a metropolitan fashionista.

In 2012, Ekaterina Veselkova was invited to take part in the project as a stylist. And in 2013, when Ksenia left Reboot, Ekaterina was offered to take the place of host.

According to audience feedback, Ekaterina Veselkova, working as a stylist and then as a presenter, brought exceptional positivity to the program. She preferred to be a friend of the participants, rather than an outside observer or judge. The heroines were not afraid of her and did not hesitate to discuss the problems that bothered them.

In 2014, Ekaterina went on maternity leave, giving way to Yulia Baranovskaya.

“Reboot” on TNT: everyone wants to be close to those who charge them with positivity

Is it true that heroines with a difficult fate have the best chance of being cast in “Reboot” on TNT?

Lera: Any girl who has a real story can pass the casting. And she can correctly formulate a request for why she needs a “Reboot.”

Julia: We don’t have a goal to find the girl who “cries the loudest.” Our goal is to help. And, using her story as an example, TNT viewers will find solutions to their problems or not repeat the same mistakes.

If a participant comes and everything is fine in her life, but her soul asks for changes, will you accept her?

Lera: We don’t take girls who came with one goal - to undergo plastic surgery for themselves at the expense of the program. Then it won't be fair to all the other members who really need a "Reboot". The girl who comes to us and is ready to turn her soul inside out, because she really needs the help of specialists, and the one who comes for visual “tuning” - these are different requests. We have been working on the project for a long time, we have assembled a first-class team of specialists, and our work will be more useful for those who come to the project not only for external experiments.

Yulia: Sometimes girls, coming to the casting, cannot correctly formulate their request. A participant might say, “I have terrible breasts.” And if this story is connected with the fact that she is the mother of five children and fed them with this breast, and she really has changed breasts - this is one story. But it happens that it’s not breasts that a girl needs at all. She needs something different, and we figure it out together and try to give the participant something that will really help her feel beautiful and happy.

Valeria Erkina, producer of the show “Reboot” on TNT

Changes in “Reboot” consist of several stages: psychologist, cosmetologist, makeup artist, stylist, hairdresser, surgeon. Which stage do you think is most important?

Lera: There are things that each of us can do on our own, but there are problems and tasks, the solution of which depends only on the specialists involved. Therefore, I would not divide into important and unimportant. You cannot identify the root of the problem on your own. And this is important from the point of view of psychology and making the right decision.

Julia: As for external transformations, here, of course, the most global emotion and confirmation that you have come a long way are physical changes. The girls go through their reboot through pain. A month of procedures and global transformations is not a spa at all. It's not easy: surgeries, recovery, numerous hours in specialist chairs. This is global work, as a result of which you change very dramatically and begin to believe in yourself.

Is it right to seek help from strangers?
Could it be that girls are too lazy to cope with their difficulties on their own and turn to your program?
Lera: It's not laziness. When you ask questions and don’t find answers to them, your only option is to turn to experts and specialists.

Yulia: And then, there is another point: you will tell your story to your mother from one angle, to your friend from another, but the story for a psychologist will look different. And you don’t always tell the truth even to yourself.

Lera: In big cities with populations of over a million people, and Krasnodar is one of them, depression is a very common occurrence. Only a specialist can identify it.

Yulia Vorobyova, producer of the show “Reloaded” on TNT

What is the most common mistake, in your opinion, of girls who get into the project?

Lera: They believe, alas, that you can be patient and everything will pass.

Do you follow the fates of the girls after they leave Reboot?

Lera: Yes, we are in touch with the girls. If they again have questions that they cannot solve on their own, our project experts will be happy to help them. And even after a year, girls can contact us. “Reboot” is not a story about 1 month on a project. This is a story about how you find a team, support and friends on a project who come into your life and who are going through a very difficult period with you. You usually don't let people go. Practice shows that you begin to treat those people who help you become happy very sincerely and kindly, so they remain in your life.

What kind of girl do you need to be to attract looks and please others?

Julia: Surely you have noticed more than once that you see a spectacular beauty, but she has a very heavy, sad or boring expression on her face. You don’t want to approach someone like that, or be near her. And when you are in acceptance, in harmony, in a great mood, with a smile - everything is different! We ourselves are drawn to such people; we feel comfortable and pleasant around them. Everyone wants to be next to a person who charges you, not loads you!

Filming of the show “Reloaded” on the TNT channel

What should a modern woman choose - beauty or comfort?

Julia: Beauty can be comfortable! Why do you need to choose something? Another thing is that perhaps you need to learn how to choose a style so that it is both beautiful and comfortable. “Reboot” will help you with this. There's lots of tips and tricks from our stylists and experts. In the modern world of abundance there is no shortage of beautiful, comfortable, affordable and excellent quality clothing

What is the difference between girls from the Krasnodar Territory and other regions? Do Krasnodar women have style?

Lera: In Krasnodar, more than anywhere else, there are girls who are in excellent shape, with beautiful athletic figures. It is obvious that they are taking care of themselves.

Julia: Here girls can afford to look feminine and gentle. This is due to the fact that the distances in your city are shorter than, for example, in Moscow. You can be more mobile with heels and a tight dress in everyday life. This is simply impossible in Moscow. But thoughts about how correct this is, of course, visit us. After all, we are given femininity for a reason. It is our feminine nature to be like this. We can use femininity to our advantage, so it’s worth emphasizing it. It’s strange not to use techniques to seduce and attract attention if you have all the data and opportunities for this.

Lera: We envy Krasnodar girls, because in good weather, and you have it almost all the time, you can wear beautiful, bright, feminine dresses. We visited several popular establishments in your city and did not notice any vulgarly dressed girls there. On the contrary, the girls were dressed stylishly and discreetly.

Experts from the show “Reloaded” on the TNT channel

Watch the new season of the show “Reloaded” with the participation of Krasnodar girls very soon, on Sundays at 11:00 only on TNT!

Yulia Baranovskaya

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By the time she joined the program, Yulia had experienced a difficult breakup with football player Andrei Arshavin. Having shown remarkable fighting qualities, she managed to defend the financial interests of her children.

Having such experience behind her, the presenter shared it with the participants of the program, helping the heroines to believe in themselves again. A deep understanding of women's problems, the ability to see a way out of any situation and the ability to empathize helped the presenter make the television show a platform for transforming notorious ugly women into self-confident beauties.

Currently, Yulia Baranovskaya works on Channel One, writes books and is a beauty ambassador for a famous brand.

New line-up

Starting in May 2016, the “Reboot” program on TNT, whose hosts had become familiar and liked by everyone, suddenly radically changed the composition of the group. Only psychologist Viktor Ponomarenko remained a constant participant. Yulia Baranovskaya was replaced by Ksenia Borodina, who already had similar experience. The place of Yuri Stolyarov and Evgeniy Sedoy will be taken by makeup artist Serdar Kambarov and hairdresser Evgeniy Zhuk. The main stylist of the fashion show will be Alexander Devyatchenko.

I would like to dwell in more detail on each professional.

Project stylists

The project was opened by a team of real professionals, which included: leading stylist Alexander Rogov, world-famous makeup artist Yuri Stolyarov and Evgeniy Sedoy, fashion stylist and hairdresser.

The task of the highest-level specialists was not just to create an expensive image, but to give the girls valuable recommendations for the future, taking into account the life realities and financial limitations of the participants.

In 2012, Alexander Rogov was replaced by Ekaterina Veselkova. A distinctive feature of Ekaterina’s work as a stylist was the absence of sarcastic remarks and highly professional terms. This approach helped to liberate the participants and added sincerity and sincerity to the transmission.

.NET Hot Reloading: New Feature for Runtime Code Editing

Today we're excited to introduce hot reloading for .NET, available now in Visual Studio 2022 16.11 Preview 1, as well as .NET 6 Preview 4 through the dotnet watch command line tool. In this article, we'll cover what .NET hot reloading is, how to get started using it, how we plan to develop this capability in the future, and what types of code edits and languages ​​are currently supported.

What is .NET Hot Reload?

Hot reloading allows you to make changes to an application's source code while it is running without having to manually pause it or create a breakpoint. Now, while your application is running, you can make a code change that is supported for hot reloading, click the Apply Code Changes button in the new Visual Studio interface, and the change will be applied immediately.

Hot reload works with a variety of old and new project types, including WPF, Windows Forms, .NET MAUI previews, ASP.NET Core code-behind projects, console application projects, WinUI 3 (managed debugger required), and many more. Essentially, the new feature works with any project based on the .NET Framework runtime or CoreCLR.

We aimed to make hot reloading accessible no matter how you prefer to run your applications. The version released today can be used in the Visual Studio debugger, with which it is fully integrated, as well as through the command line (dotnet watch). More options will appear in future releases.

Beginning of work

To get started, you'll need either the latest Visual Studio preview release or .NET 6 (Preview 4). Below is how to do this.

Visual Studio

Using hot reload in Visual Studio when working with the debugger:

  • Download and install Visual Studio 2022 16.11 Preview 1.
  • Open a project of a supported type, such as a WPF application.
  • Launch the application with the debugger connected using the F5 key (make sure that the "Allow native code debugging" option in the debugger launch settings/profile is disabled).
  • Open a file with C# code that can be triggered repeatedly by an action from the user interface of the running application (button code-behind, ViewModel command, etc.) or by a timer at some interval. Make some change to the code.
  • Apply your code changes using the new Apply Code Changes button (ALT+F10) on the Visual Studio toolbar (next to the Continue button). There's no need to save files when using Visual Studio—you can quickly make changes to your code and move on.

If the change you made is supported, the updated logic will be applied to the running application, and you will see changes in its behavior the next time the updated code is executed (by an action or when a trigger condition, such as a timer, is met).

Other debugger features—breakpoints, Edit and Continue, XAML Hot Reload, and more—will remain available as before. All familiar features will fully work in parallel with .NET hot reloading. If something doesn't work for you, let us know!

Command Line Interface (CLI)

Using hot reload from the command line when starting an application with dotnet watch:

  • Install .NET 6 (Preview 4).
  • Modify your existing ASP.NET Core project to target .NET 6.
  • Add the property "hotReloadProfile": "aspnetcore" to the application launch profile (launchSettings.json).

Example Properties/launchSettings.json file:

{ "profiles": { "dotnet": { "commandName": "Project", "hotReloadProfile": "aspnetcore" } } }

  • Run the project using the dotnet watch command and ensure that the output indicates that hot reboot is enabled.
  • Make a supported change to your application's managed source code and save the file to apply the change.

As in Visual Studio, the new logic will begin to apply at this point: the next time you run the updated code, you will see changes in how the application behaves.

The same approach can be used with Blazor WebAssembly projects: change the blazorwasm hot reload profile and proceed as described above. You can even try it with Windows Forms and other CoreCLR project types by manually adding a file called launchSettings.json with the same content as in the previous example to the Properties folder.

Development of this new feature is ongoing, and in the future hot reload will work for all types of .NET Core applications without launchSettings.json files when using the dotnet watch command, but for now we have to live with this limitation.

Full release expected in Visual Studio 2022 and .NET 6

Today's release is just a preview of our hot reload concept for .NET developers. While some features are available in early preview releases of .NET 6 and Visual Studio 2022, we plan to fully implement this functionality in .NET 6 (and subsequent versions of .NET) and Visual Studio 2022. This will be a set of frameworks and tools that have the most full and optimized capabilities.

The examples below give you an idea of ​​what features we plan to implement in future preview releases and the final version:

  • .NET Multi-platform App UI (.NET MAUI). .NET 6 Preview 4 will allow developers building .NET MAUI apps to use .NET hot reloading with WinUI 3 projects. In future releases, we will add support for .NET hot reloading when developing for iOS, Android, and Mac Catalyst.
  • Razor Pages. In future releases, hot reload and Edit and Continue will be supported when editing Razor pages for Blazor websites and apps (if the target platform is set to .NET 6 or later).
  • Working in Visual Studio without a debugger. In a future release of Visual Studio 2022, we plan to add support for hot reloading without a debugger. This means that even when launching an application using the keyboard shortcut CTRL + F5, developers will be able to make changes to the running application.
  • Expanding the set of supported changes. We are working with several working groups to reduce the number of code edits that are not supported at runtime in future releases of Visual Studio 2022 and .NET 6+.
  • Optimizing frameworks for working with hot reloading. In .NET 6, we're exploring ways to optimize some frameworks to improve hot reload support. Such improvements are planned for ASP.NET Core, .NET MAUI and other frameworks. By optimizing various types of hot reboot, it will work more efficiently in different situations.

These are the plans at the moment. These are not final: we will listen to user feedback and follow the release schedule.

Supported and unsupported changes and languages

Regardless of how you use .NET hot reloading, be aware that some code changes are not supported while your application is running. In these cases, a Rough Edit dialog box will be displayed, prompting you to restart the application to apply the changes. Work on the new feature is ongoing, and detailed documentation of supported changes is not yet complete. For now, you can refer to the existing list of code edits that are supported by the Edit and Continue feature. Since hot boot is based on this particular feature, this will help you better understand how it works. Learn more: Documentation for the Edit and Continue feature.

Additionally, although the examples above use C#, Visual Basic is also supported in various scenarios when using the Visual Studio debugger. F# is not currently supported in .NET 6, but we plan to support it in future releases based on user feedback.

Your feedback is important to us

there will be bugs in this early preview . Sometimes, when you try to apply a change, nothing will happen, sometimes the application may crash, etc. If you encounter any problems, please let us know - it won't take long. Your support will help us effectively resolve critical issues and prioritize future work.

Use the Visual Studio feedback tools to provide feedback.

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