Dermapen: reviews of the procedure with a filler device for fractional mesotherapy. Where to buy, how to use

What is a Dermapen device?

Dermapen is a brand of a South Korean company that specializes in the production of devices in the field of cosmetology.

The device is an automated mesoscooter in the form of a pen. The electronic cosmetology device has a movable nozzle on which thin needles are located. Their penetration depth is 0.25-2 cm, and the operating speed varies from 1.5 to 5.5 thousand punctures per minute.

Microneedling therapy can be performed on:

  • scalp;
  • face;
  • hips;
  • stomach;
  • hands.

The device has a high speed of vertical movement of the needles. With its help, a special nutritional cocktail is introduced into the skin, saturating the skin with vitamins.

Advantages of the device for fractional mesotherapy

Cosmetologists-aestheticians and clients managed to evaluate the anti-age effect of the Dermapen device.

Its advantages include:

  • No pain – needles sharpened by a special method can easily penetrate the tissue, minimizing skin disturbances.

  • High efficiency - the result will be noticeable after 5-6 procedures.
  • Versatility - by adjusting the length, number of needles and frequency of their movement, the device can be used to solve various cosmetic problems (wrinkles, inflammation, scars).
  • High wear resistance - service life is designed for 3-5 years.

With the advent of Dermapen on the cosmetic services market, there is no longer a need to endure the pain of slow acupuncture during a regular mesotherapy session.

Indications for the procedure

The mechanical effect of Dermapen allows you to get rid of:

  • scars;
  • scars;
  • stretch marks (striae);
  • wrinkles;
  • facial folds.

It effectively fights cellulite, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and tightens sagging and sagging skin.

Main indications for the use of Dermapen technology

Indications for use are:

  • sagging facial skin;
  • fine and deep wrinkles;
  • formation of scars and scars;
  • enlarged pores;
  • excessive pigmentation, dull complexion;
  • the appearance of areas of excessive hair loss;
  • the appearance of stretch marks;
  • the presence of fat folds and the appearance of cellulite;
  • vascular network;
  • acne/post-acne.

With the proper selection of therapeutic serums and meso-cocktails, the elimination of visible and deep focal skin lesions will occur faster.


Dermapen has some contraindications for use:

  1. The period of pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  2. Carrying out chemical peeling before mesotherapy.
  3. Open skin lesions, wounds, abrasions.
  4. Infectious diseases.
  5. The presence of inflammatory processes.
  6. Herpes, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis in active form.
  7. Mental disorders, epilepsy.

You should also take into account the possibility of individual intolerance to the components of the mesococktail, which can lead to allergic reactions.

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Types of Dermapen and their characteristics

Impact speed and needle length are the main differences in the machine models. The most popular models include:

  1. Dr. Pen Purple (manufacturer: South Korea). The length of the needle feed can be adjusted from 0.25 to 2 cm for use on different parts of the body. The cartridge contains 12 needles. The speed of the needles can be adjusted by selecting one of five in the range from 1500 to 5400 beats per minute.

  2. My M. Depending on the model, there are 3 or 5 types of speed adjustment, the maximum of which is 1800 beats per minute. The length of the needles can also vary from 0.25 to 2 cm. A simplified version is the Chinese one, which works similar to the Korean one. The difference lies in the ability to adjust the speed of the needles: there are 3 options, the maximum of which is 1600 beats per minute.

  3. Dermapen UGIOGO EDR-02. The presence of a powerful engine and a metal case makes the device quite wear-resistant. The maximum speed that can be adjusted is 2400 beats per minute.

Dermapen (reviews of the procedure will be listed below) is selected individually depending on the cosmetic problem being solved. The procedures can be performed at home, and their effectiveness will depend on the correctness of its implementation and the type of vitamin cocktails used. For home care, it is recommended to use needle lengths of 0.5 cm for the face and 1 cm for the body.

Microneedling and acne scars

This method can also be called microneedling therapy, dermaroller, dermapen, dermastamp, collagen induction therapy (CIT), fractional microneedling.

The main effect of microneedling is subcutaneous collagen induction. The introduction of various beneficial ingredients into the skin is of auxiliary value. With numerous punctures in the skin, protective reactions for wound healing are activated; during the regeneration process, collagen synthesis is induced, which leads to smoothing of the skin, smoothing out wrinkles and reducing the depth of atrophic scars.

There is a hypothesis that explains the processes that occur during microneedling: The resting electrical membrane potential of cells is approximately -70 mV, and when the needles approach the membrane, the internal electrical potential quickly increases to -100 MV. This causes an increase in cellular activity and the release of various proteins, potassium and growth factors into the extracellular space, which leads to the migration of fibroblasts to the site of injury, and hence the induction of collagen. Thus, the needles do not create a wound in the real sense, but rather the skin cells are "tricked" into thinking that an injury has occurred.

Microneedling started by accident. In 1997, Dr. Andre Camirand showed that a needle dermabrasion procedure using a tattoo gun (no ink) could improve surgical scars in both appearance and texture. Further, Dr. Desmond Fernandez improved the method, rightly believing that the length of penetration of the tattoo machine needle is not sufficient to stimulate the synthesis of elastin fibers. In 1999, Dr. Fernandez developed the needle roller, which consists of a round cylinder with tiny needles mounted on it.

It has been proven that optimal collagen synthesis is achieved at a puncture density of 200 punctures per cm2. The optimal puncture depth is 1-2.5 mm.

We use the most modern microneedling machine Ultima A6

with a needle feed rate from 5500 punctures/min and up to 10000 punctures/min with a puncture depth of up to 2.5 mm.

Features and advantages of Dermapen: (in comparison with Mesoscooter)

Disposable sterile cartridge for the entire procedure for one patient.After one procedure, mesoscooters need to be sterilized.
The forward movements of the needles take place constantly at the same angle to the skin (vertical) and with the same force.It is difficult to control with your hand the same pressure of the mesoscooter on the skin with the same force on different treated areas.
The needle length of one cartridge is precisely adjusted on the dermapen, allowing you to treat different areas with different needle lengths.For different areas of the face/body you will need 2-3 individual mesoscooters with different needle lengths.
Strictly vertical puncture of the skin leads to atraumatic damage: such punctures close within 2 hours after the procedure.When rolling with a mesoscooter, “scratches” often remain - small torn wounds.
Each procedure with a new sharp sterile cartridge.With each new procedure, the needles of the same mesoscooter become dull and after 2-3 procedures they become unusable.
Vertical feed and high speed reduce pain during the procedure.Painful sensations make the procedure less comfortable.
Allows you to process a large surface in a short period of time.Duration of the procedure.
Allows you to make it convenient and easy to carry out microneedling procedures in the areas around the eyes, wings of the nose, and nasolabial folds.It is inconvenient to carry out in hard-to-reach places.

Indications for the procedure

Post-acne scars
of the Boxcar
(rectangular) and
(scaphoid) types. The chances increase when microneedling is combined with other methods (collagen therapy, subcision, laser resurfacing, TCA CROSS peel).

Indications/Needle length0.25 mm0.50 mm0.75 mm1.00 mm1.50 mm2.00 mm2.50 mm
Hair growth stimulation++
Fine wrinkles++
Prevention of aging+++
Enlarged pores+++
Post-acne scars++++
Small scars+++
Stretch marks++++
Large scars+++

The frequency of procedures depends on the length of the needle:

  • 0.5 mm – 2 r/week,
  • 1.0 mm – 1 r/week,
  • 1.5 mm – 1 r/2 weeks,
  • 2.0 mm – 1 r/month.

How the procedure is carried out:

  1. The skin is cleaned and disinfected.
  2. In case of increased excitability of the nervous system, when using long needles, the skin is pre-treated with a local anesthetic such as Emla. If the length of the needles is up to 0.5 mm, then anesthesia may not be used.
  3. A preparation containing Exolin is applied to the surface of the skin, and it is evenly distributed over the entire area of ​​the selected area.
  4. The skin is slightly stretched, and then the surface is treated either “Step by Step” (nappage technique) or using a linear technique. The linear technique allows you to remove the top layer and is reminiscent of dermabrasion. Depending on the length of the needles, pinpoint hemorrhages and redness may occur during the procedure.
  5. The procedure is completed with a gel bandage “Lita-tsvet-2”. In the following days, apply photoprotective cream.

A huge advantage of microneedling is that the patient can return to work or other activities after the session, since no recovery time is required in this case. It is also worth emphasizing that this method does not have a pronounced pain symptom, so the skin is not treated with surface anesthetics in advance.

Results: before and after microneedling


Microneedling Dermapen + serum based on Exolin
Full face4,000 rub.
Cleavage3,000 rub.
Cheeks (both)3,000 rub.
Cheek (one)2,000 rub.
Full nose2,000 rub.
Forehead2,000 rub.
Chin1,500 rub.
Upper lip1,000 rub.

Step-by-step instructions for the procedure

During the procedure, minimal release of blood ichor is possible, therefore, when using a fractional mesoscooter, it is necessary to follow the rules of antiseptics and work in sterile gloves.

Stages of the procedure:

  1. Skin preparation: thoroughly clean the skin and treat with an antiseptic.
  2. Preparing the device for operation: inserting a sterile cartridge with a selected number of needle lengths and their oscillation speed.

  3. Application of therapeutic serum or special meso-cocktail depending on aesthetic problems.
  4. Treatment with Dermapen is performed according to landmarks, which are chosen as massage lines. When working, you should not allow gaps, so each pass should cover the previous one. Each processing line requires 2-4 manipulations. According to the technique of the procedure, the lines can be vertical, horizontal, spiral and zigzag.
  5. After treating the area, you should reuse the meso-cocktail and apply it with rubbing movements to obvious problem areas for re-treatment.
  6. The skin will feel some irritation immediately after the procedure. To calm it down, apply a mask with a calming effect.

The number of procedures should be selected by a cosmetologist. To preventively maintain skin tone, about 4-5 sessions are recommended; to solve deeper problems, you need to undergo about 8 procedures.

Fractional facial mesotherapy training courses

Mesotherapy today is a popular cosmetic procedure for facial rejuvenation and figure correction. The purpose of the session is to introduce therapeutic cocktails under the skin. But injections that activate metabolic processes are painful and unsafe, since there remains a risk of infection. As an alternative to the method, fractional mesotherapy has emerged - a pleasant and safe procedure with a rehabilitation period of 1 day. During the session, the patient is given micro-injections that penetrate the skin to a depth of 2 mm. The depth is selected depending on the problem area and the thickness of the skin layer. The basis of serums is medicines, vitamins, plant extracts. The procedure is carried out using a special device - a dermapen.

Indications for the session:

  • Deep wrinkles and sagging skin.
  • Hypermigmentation. Uneven skin tone and texture.
  • Scars (after operations and injuries).
  • Acne and post-acne.
  • Large pores and increased greasiness.

The technique of conducting a session is simple, but it requires knowledge of the principles of mesotherapy, skills in using the device, the ability to make the correct diagnosis, determine skin type, etc. Only by knowing the specifics of the procedure will it bring benefit to the client and success to the artist. Darbor Professional offers a special course.

Classes are divided into 2 stages: theory and practice. The theoretical block includes: definition of fractional mesotherapy, principle of implementation, advantages, indications and contraindications, devices. The second block is the development of practical skills, using dermapens and medicinal serums.

Features of the classes

  • The teacher is a professional with 8 years of experience, who has an internship abroad, and presents complex material in an accessible form.
  • Duration – 1 day (7-8 hours). The venue is a bright office with the necessary equipment.
  • Individual approach. Each student is trained until he completes the procedure correctly. If necessary, we adjust schedules to suit a comfortable day.
  • Practice – 50% of the time, during which the theory, introduction technique, and individual hand positioning are consolidated.
  • Upon completion, an international certificate is issued, with the right to work in beauty salons, spa centers, etc.

Registration for the course during business hours from 10 to 20.00 by phone: +7 (495) 204-17-23. And remember: to escape from everyday dullness, you need to constantly develop. Our beauty school will help you become better and increase your income.

Using the Dermapen device

Filler Dermapen for rejuvenation

Dermapen, reviews of the procedure are mostly positive, promotes increased production of collagen and elastin. This effect is achieved with multiple damage to the skin, during which it is saturated with the components of the meso-cocktail.

The rejuvenation result is achieved in several sessions:

  • The appearance of deep wrinkles is reduced.
  • The disappearance of fine wrinkles is observed.
  • The smoothness of the skin and its elasticity are restored.
  • Structural skin damage disappears.
  • The oval of the face acquires rejuvenated contours, the “double chin” disappears.

The process of artificial skin damage can be controlled. Under the influence of needles, active cell division occurs, which triggers the natural production of elastin and collagen for rapid healing of damage. The lifting effect is clearly expressed in this case.

How to use for scars, post-acne

Mesotherapy using Dermapen changes the properties of scar tissue on the face. Nutrients and vitamins enter the deep layers of the skin and do not remain on its surface. To treat scars and acne scars, hyaluronic acid and, in some cases, your own fat cells are used.

Improving blood supply stimulates the growth of renewed cells, thereby achieving maximum effect. As a result, damaged areas of the skin are smoothed out, and the bumps are leveled out.

For stretch marks

Stretch marks can appear on the body due to sudden weight changes or hormonal imbalances. The main task in their treatment is to fill the subcutaneous layers with the missing amount of vitamins. As the vitamin deficiency is replenished, body functions will be restored, which will improve the appearance of the skin.

After the start of metabolic processes, active production of elastin and collagen occurs. At the same time, connective tissues become capable of recovery and independent reconstruction. Cell regeneration helps reduce the depth and size of stretch marks. Depending on the number and nature of stretch marks, the course can range from 7 to 15 procedures.

For hyperpigmentation

During mesotherapy, a special drug is introduced into the upper layers to remove age spots, the effect of which is aimed at lightening the skin.

The effect on the skin helps to even out the complexion:

  • metabolic processes and blood circulation are accelerated;
  • skin tone improves;
  • the distribution of coloring pigment is normalized;
  • A whitening and exfoliating effect is achieved.

Cocktails based on vitamin C and arbutin, which inhibit the activity of melanocytes, are considered effective. After collagen production is activated, the skin becomes soft, smooth, and its color evens out.

For hair growth

Dermapen can be used on the scalp to act directly on the hair follicles, and reviews of the procedure emphasize its high effectiveness.

The result can be seen after 5-6 sessions:

  • microcirculation improves;
  • “dormant” hair follicles are activated;
  • the scalp is saturated with vitamins.

By applying thin needles to the upper layers of the skin, hair growth is accelerated and the process of natural hair loss is significantly slowed down. Thin and brittle strands regain their vitality. The procedure is prescribed once every 3-4 weeks, and the total course is about 4-5 sessions.

For hand rejuvenation

The main effect of the device is to create numerous punctures, as a result of which old cells are destroyed. These cells appear as a result of age-related changes and are expressed in the form of sagging skin on the hands.

When old cells are destroyed, they are renewed and collagen production starts. This process helps smooth the skin, get rid of wrinkles, and effectively cope with the primary signs of aging.

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Dermapen: Review of the device and procedure with Dermapen

Microneedling (Fractional) Mosotherapy aims to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin while causing little damage to the surface of the skin.

Dermapen can be combined with serum and numbing cream for optimal results and comfortable use.

Microneedling, also known as collagen induction therapy, is a popular treatment for common skin conditions, as well as promoting youthful looking skin overall.

This procedure can be performed in a specialized salon or at your home. However, if you decide to use Dermapen (mesoinjector) on your own, you will need to prepare carefully. The various Dermapen devices at your disposal do not all work the same, and not all are of the same quality.

In this article, we'll look at one of the new dermapen machines available for both salon and home use, and answer some of the most frequently asked questions about this skin treatment technology to help you make the best choice.


In essence, the fractional dermapen device is a portable device or mesoinjector for microneedling lifting. Like many other microneedling products, it punctures the skin with a series of small needles, thereby stimulating collagen production.

The Dermapen device can correct a wide range of skin imperfections, including wrinkles, fine lines and acne scars. Also, fractional Dermapen can reduce large pores and increase the effectiveness of skin care products. Finally, fractional mesotherapy with dermapen can be performed on other parts of the body to treat stretch marks and other skin conditions.


Using 12 sterile microneedles, the Mesoinjector exerts a microneedle effect on the skin, piercing the skin to a depth of 0.2 - 2.0 mm.

Dermapen, on the other hand, works through a spring-loaded automatic function. It moves up and down perpendicular to your skin, delivering 3,000 strokes per minute.

According to the manufacturers, this method of microneedling therapy causes less damage to the epidermis because the needles themselves are stiletto sharpened, which makes the procedure with Dermapen almost painless.

Dermapen needles can be selected independently, according to individual needs.


Many people have had positive feedback about using Dermapen and you can absolutely easily purchase a Dermapen device for home use. However, we urge you to exercise caution. In any case, since this procedure with dermapen is associated with damage to the skin, you should know how your skin may react to this procedure, it may be worth doing it in a salon for the first time.

It is worth choosing a needle of the desired length. It is important. A needle that is too small will not be effective, but a needle that is too large can be very painful and destructive. Your device will likely come with instructions for use. However, it is worth keeping in mind that for home use it is not recommended to use needles longer than a millimeter. Start with the smallest needle length and increase further if you feel it is necessary.

To avoid skin contamination, use sterile, disposable tips only once as recommended by the manufacturer.

Disinfect your device after each use. Allow the device to air dry before storing.

Consider training. Dermapen encourages users to understand the risks associated with improper use of the Dermapen product. In fact, training is recommended to better prepare you for the process of self-administering Dermapen. You don't need to go through training to buy a Mesoinjector, but if you're serious about microneedling, you should consider this option.


Although Dermapen claims to be less painful than traditional foam rollers, you should still expect some discomfort. In fact, the amount of pain associated with this procedure probably has more to do with the size of the needle than with the use of the dermapen machine.

The area of ​​treatment also plays a large role in determining the level of discomfort. Sensitive areas such as the skin around the mouth will be more tender.


You may not need numbing cream. If the needle size is less than half a millimeter, you can do without it. However, if you use a larger needle, or if you want in general, you can always buy over-the-counter numbing cream.

Many numbing creams include lidocaine, but they may not be as effective. Consult with your dermatologist about your plans to start microneedling mestherapy, who will be able to choose a cream that suits your skin.

Once you have chosen a cream, do a patch test before applying it to your face. If you do not want to get an allergic reaction, you should carefully follow all the instructions for the cream.


The right serum is said to enhance the benefits of Dermapen. After the procedure with dermapen, the serum is absorbed into the skin faster. Combining your Dermapen with a good serum can be a great way to get the most out of the process.

However, do not apply various cosmetics immediately after using Dermapen. Remember that your skin will be extremely sensitive. This is not the time to use different lotions and serums. Such actions may cause more harm to the skin than good.

The manufacturer Dermapen provides its own serums that can be used with the device for fractional mesotherapy. If you really want a safe Dermapen treatment, use only professional, manufacturer-recommended serums. For example, the Mesodevise mesoinjector is recommended to be used with any active serum or TETE complex, and after the procedure with Dermapen it is recommended to apply the 100% Collagen Hydrogel Express Mask Tete soothing hydrocollagen mask.

You can buy the Dermapen mesoinjector on the official website of the Dermapen store -

What is more effective, Dermapen or Mesoscooter?

Dermapen, reviews of the procedure of which confirm the rapid elimination of cosmetic problems, and the mesoscooter differ from each other in the technique of introducing active components into the deep layers of the skin. Both devices have a similar device - numerous thin needles.

Dermapen has a number of advantages relative to the mesoscooter:

  • Provides synchronous feeding of needles to a given depth. When working an area with a mesoscooter, there is a risk of uneven damage to the skin.
  • Painless.
  • The recovery period is very short. When using a mesoscooter, the recovery process may be delayed because the skin is more injured.
  • Minimum risk of infection due to instant closure of microchannels.

Dermapen is very convenient to use - cartridges with needles can be changed depending on the area being treated. The mesoscooter does not have the ability to adjust the depth of penetration.

Where can I buy Dermapen, prices

The device can be purchased in specialized stores that sell equipment and materials for cosmetology. If it turns out to be problematic to find such a store, then you can turn to the services of various online stores, the assortment of which is replete with variety.

Prices may vary depending on the model:

minimum pricemaximum price
4600 rub.13000 rub.
Saint Petersburg
4500 rub.13000 rub.
4300 rub.12000 rub.

Depending on the location of specialized stores, prices vary slightly.

Efficiency of the technique

The main effect of fractional mesotherapy is the activation of repair processes, increasing the synthesis of collagen and elastin. As a result of these changes, we observe:

  • Rapid replacement of old skin with new ones.
  • Increasing skin turgor and elasticity.
  • An effective and well-predicted solution to the patient’s problem, depending on the effect of the selected drug.

Among the main advantages of the technique, it is worth highlighting the absence of discomfort, the disappearance of redness and puncture marks throughout the day, and renewal of up to 20% of the skin in one procedure. We guarantee the safety and sterility of the procedure.

Reviews from cosmetologists and buyers

Dermapen, whose reviews of the procedure are mostly positive, is quite popular among cosmetologists and their clients who want to improve their appearance.

Experts recommend this device as a safe and effective method for solving dermatological problems. It is noted for its reasonable cost and ease of use. Another advantage of the procedure is a short rehabilitation period (1-2 days).

Clients notice results after 3-4 sessions. Painlessness, absence of side effects, quick results - these are not all the advantages of the procedure.

Using the Dermapen device allows you to maintain the beauty and youth of your skin without compromising your health.

Numerous reviews from satisfied clients about the procedure confirm the effectiveness of the method both for rejuvenation and treatment of dermatological diseases.

Article design: Svetlana Ovsyanikova

Types of fractional mesotherapy

The use of the Dermapen device allows you to safely and effectively carry out popular varieties of this method of hardware cosmetology.


The result of this technique is to improve the condition of the skin, acquiring a velvety texture and a BB cream shade that lasts for 12 months. The active serum contains:

  • plant extract (tangerine, bamboo, pine needles, etc.);
  • Niacinamide is a safe and effective component that is used in the treatment of acne and rosacea;
  • polypeptides provide the anti-aging effect of the procedure;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • vitamin complex;
  • titanium dioxide.

The procedure only affects the top layer of skin, so the composition does not penetrate into the dermis and bloodstream. This allows us to guarantee a high level of safety of the procedure. The sensations of BB GLOW are similar to vibration massage, so it can be performed even on sensitive skin.


  • hyperpigmentation;
  • post-acne;
  • small expression wrinkles;
  • black dots;
  • dark circles under the eyes.

Effects of the procedure:

  • moisturizing the skin and obtaining the effect of a slight facelift;
  • evens out skin tone with a slight BB cream effect;
  • lightening of pigmented areas;
  • giving the skin a healthy glow and velvety feel.

The BB GLOW course includes 3-5 procedures, the interval between which is 2 weeks. The visible result lasts from six months to a year.

Mesotint Kissum

This is a hardware cosmetology technique that is suitable for anyone who is tired of using lipstick and wants to make the skin of their lips softer, more delicate and change its shade. The procedure involves “driving” a tint into the skin. Mesotherapy lasts about 30 minutes and the client does not experience any discomfort during the session. In the first days, the lip color will be quite bright, but after 2-3 days it will become more natural.

Main effects of Kissum mesotint:

  • increasing the brightness of lip shade and changing color;
  • moisturizing and restoring the skin of the lips;
  • preventing flaking and dryness;
  • the ability to hide minor defects (for example, age spots).

The procedure is carried out in a course that includes 3-6 procedures. The interval between sessions is 7-10 days, and the effect lasts up to 6 months.

Fractionated PRX therapy

The main advantage of this procedure is the enhanced PRX peeling effect due to the deeper impact of the device, since micro-punctures are aimed at “driving” it under the skin. The integrated use of these procedures allows us to solve the problem:

  • decreased skin turgor and the appearance of facial wrinkles;
  • acne and marks after rashes;
  • scar tissue or stretch marks;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • excessive peeling of the skin;
  • photoaging.

The main advantages of this type of cosmetology technique:

  • the procedure can be performed year-round;
  • as a result, pronounced lifting and rejuvenation of the facial skin is observed by reducing the visibility of age-related changes;
  • the procedure is aimed at increasing turgor and smoothness of the skin in the face, neck and décolleté;
  • lightening hyperpigmentation;
  • reducing the visibility of scar tissue and stretch marks;
  • enhancing the effects of thread listing and biorevitalization.

The recovery period is divided into two stages: during the first two days there is slight hyperemia and swelling, and on days 4-5 slight peeling appears. As a rule, the course includes several procedures, which are carried out at intervals of 15-20 days. The effect of the procedure lasts 6-9 months.

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