How to maintain the beauty and elasticity of your skin during pregnancy and after childbirth

One of the most problematic areas that can be difficult to correct with the help of sports is the stomach. The muscles and skin of the abdomen can become stretched due to a sedentary lifestyle, childbirth, and other reasons. As a result, in the abdominal area, instead of the desired cubes, we see fat deposits, stretch marks, and loose skin. Fortunately, today's cosmetology has dozens of methods that will help deal with this problem.

Laser cosmetology clinic “BL” offers all modern methods of tummy tuck.

  1. Aikun laser is a hardware technique based on the action of laser radiation. A tummy tuck is performed without surgery; the method has almost no contraindications. A targeted effect on problem areas triggers the process of cellular rejuvenation. This method shows especially good results when the main problem is sagging, sagging skin (for example, after severe weight loss). Maximum comfort for the patient, without pain, does not require special preparation and long recovery.
  2. Fractional thermolysis is a progressive type of hardware lifting based on deep tissue heating. Targeted action allows you to destroy old cells, get rid of dead parts of the epidermis, and stimulate deep renewal at the cellular level. The result is visible almost immediately; over the course of several weeks after the procedure, the effect accumulates - new cells are formed, the skin in the treated area becomes more elastic, and the relief improves.
  3. RF lifting - radiofrequency hardware exposure is absolutely harmless, but effective. The procedures improve skin turgor by stimulating collagen synthesis. Radio wave therapy sessions do not require anesthesia, last from 20 to 40 minutes and significantly improve the condition of the skin - smooth it, eliminate spider veins, stretch marks, tighten and moisturize.
  4. Liquid threads are a minimally invasive method that allows you to fix tissues in the desired position, improve skin elasticity, and stimulate the production of your own collagen. A tummy tuck with threads is comparable in effectiveness to surgery, but is much easier to tolerate and does not require long-term rehabilitation. Threads make it possible to create a subcutaneous frame that prevents tissue from sagging and helps fight gravitational ptosis.
  5. Biomodeling with preparations based on hyaluronic acid (Profilo, Juvederm Volite). Provides deep hydration to tissues, stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, eliminates sagging, dryness, wrinkles, and reduces stretch marks. It is a safe, gentle method and does not require long rehabilitation.
  6. Abdominal correction with lipolytics is a relatively new technique that is gaining increasing popularity. It involves the injection of substances into problem areas that improve cellular (primarily fat) metabolism. The method is effective for small fat deposits that are difficult to correct with physical exercise.

Let's restore your facial skin to its former smoothness and elasticity

Often after pregnancy, the skin on the face becomes sluggish, begins to peel, dry out, rashes appear, and the oval of the face “floats.”
Start restoring and moisturizing it. Apply moisturizer after every wash or shower. At night, “feed” your facial skin with a nourishing cream. Make special face masks several times a week. You can buy a ready-made mask and enhance it with essential oils. Orange oil improves elasticity, and geranium oil tones and promotes skin rejuvenation. Use only high-quality oils; test for an allergic reaction before use. An important point: there is no need to add oil to the jar with the product, take the required amount of product for one use and add 1-2 drops of essential oil there.

If you have time, prepare a lifting mask to tighten your face and neck yourself. Take 2 tablespoons of liquid honey or melt thick honey in a water bath, add 1 drop each of orange and verbena oils and apply to the face (except for the delicate area around the eyes) and neck. After 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Lifting masks will make the oval of the face clearer and the skin elastic

Masks with edible gelatin have a good tightening effect. It contains collagen, which plays a leading role in eliminating sagging and restoring skin elasticity.

Dilute gelatin in warm water 1:3, after 10 minutes add one part of milk and honey to the swollen gelatin, leave for 2 minutes. Using a brush, apply the resulting mask either to the entire face and neck, or only to problem areas for 15-20 minutes. The mask can be washed off with warm water or the resulting film can be removed “like a second skin.” In the second case, you will additionally get rid of blackheads. The mask should be applied to previously cleansed skin.

A proven method that has received positive reviews is wiping your face with an ice cube. Practice “ice baths” every morning and your facial skin will become more elastic and itching will disappear.

You can freeze plain water or herbal decoction. Ice smooths out small wrinkles and improves skin tone.

Massage has an excellent rejuvenating and tightening effect on the skin of the face and neck. There are many different massage techniques; choose the one that is most comfortable for you personally and massage 2-3 times a week. If possible, contact specialists and undergo a course of procedures. Facial massage relieves excessively dry skin, improves skin tone and relaxes tense facial muscles.

How does the cream help?

There are creams with different contents of active substances. Depending on this, their principle of operation differs.

Creams with oils or glycerin

These are some of the popular and affordable means to combat stretch marks. The principle of action is that the oils penetrate the surface and middle layers of the epidermis. Here they are firmly strengthened due to the special structure of the skin. Oils cannot penetrate deeper, since the basal layer contains a large amount of liquid, through which they do not diffuse.

As a result, a kind of protective film is formed on the surface of the skin, which prevents excess moisture evaporation. This maintains the saturation of collagen fibers with liquid and, accordingly, slightly reduces the rate of formation of stretch marks.

Silicone based

Silicone creates a fat-like layer in the upper layers of the epidermis, thereby also preventing moisture evaporation.

But this component is not as safe for the skin as oils or glycerin, so it is better not to use it for a long time.

Contains vitamins

These creams are also popular. Usually, of all the vitamins, A, E are the most common, and a little less often - C, D and others. The fact is that these active substances penetrate the entire depth of the skin, nourishing all cells and enhancing their ability to recover, increasing resistance to various negative influences. Also, vitamins E, A and D are fat-soluble, i.e. they bind to fatty acids, attracting moisture.

In addition, this group directly affects the properties of the epidermis, increasing the duration of its functioning, and protects against adverse external factors.

Based on hyaluronic acid and hydrolyzed proteins

Hyaluronic acid can be high- and low-molecular. The first penetrates to the dermis, binds there with various substances and adsorbs water on itself, “like a sponge.” High molecular weight hyaluronic acid remains closer to the surface of the epidermis and works like oils and glycerin.

Hydrolyzed proteins already contain water molecules, which they bring to different layers of the skin, thereby saturating it with moisture and making it more elastic and stretch-resistant.

Tidying up your body skin

Sport is a direct path to restoring a beautiful and healthy body. Some time after giving birth, provided that there are no contraindications, gradually begin to engage in physical exercise. Master simple movements on a fitball; they strengthen your back, improve stretching and increase skin elasticity. Then you can move on to more complex exercises. The next stage is working out the abdominal muscles because... A flabby belly after childbirth is a very common female problem.

Walk outdoors as often and as long as possible. Long walks at a comfortable temperature are double benefits for both mother and baby.

A great way to improve skin elasticity and tighten body contours is swimming. Visit the pool 2-3 times a week and quite quickly you will see positive results, your skin will become toned and stop sagging.

If you are sorely short of time for classes or you are simply too lazy to spend several hours a day on it, your lifesaver is the plank exercise. It is enough to do the plank 1-2 times a day, and it takes literally a few minutes. Important: this exercise is best done only after you are completely stronger. The plank tightens almost all the muscles of the body, including excellent strengthening of the abdominal muscles.

Cosmetic procedures give good results. If it is not possible to visit a beauty salon, they can be done at home. A contrast shower tones well, and massage along with scrubbing helps rejuvenate the skin.

Make masks and wraps for problem areas. It is better for nursing mothers to make their own masks from natural products. Excellent helpers in the fight against sagging and stretched skin are honey and coffee.

Coffee is a great helper in the fight against cellulite and sagging skin

To 100 g of natural ground coffee, add two tablespoons of olive oil and sea salt, a teaspoon of jojoba oil and 3-4 drops of orange essential oil. Apply the mixture to damp, steamed skin (after taking a bath or shower), rubbing vigorously. Then rinse off the mask with warm water and apply modeling body cream.

There are a huge number of cosmetic products on sale to firm the skin and give it tone. But remember that such products only work well in conjunction with physical activity and proper nutrition.

Add massage to problem areas of the body to your arsenal. You can do it manually with massage oil (cream), special mechanical and automatic massagers, or seek the help of a specialist.

Massage has a positive effect on both skin condition and overall well-being.

An excellent option for rejuvenating and toning dull and sagging skin is a honey massage. Add a few drops of lavender or citrus essential oil to liquid honey. First, warm up the problem area of ​​the body with stroking movements, and then apply the honey mixture to your palms and massage the body with patting movements. For best results, palms should be pressed firmly against the skin and removed sharply. Do this quickly, alternating the pressure.

Honey is a powerful natural dietary supplement; during a massage, it releases its medicinal substances that help remove toxins through the pores of the skin, which leads to an improvement in its condition. Remember that this massage has a number of contraindications: too sensitive skin, problems with veins and blood vessels, elevated body temperature and others.

Features of eliminating a flabby abdomen

How to tighten and smooth the skin on the stomach and sides? Our beauty salon specialists are ready to offer several effective methods that will help remove loose skin. Cosmetic procedures can be used separately, but it is better to use complex treatment.

What to do if there is loose skin on your stomach? We solve the problem using the following methods:

  1. hardware figure correction – modern equipment Vela ShapeIII and PowerShape are used;
  2. manual massage – a complex effect on all body systems, stimulating the functioning of the circulatory and lymphatic systems;
  3. Wraps are an effective way to reduce body volume and achieve complete relaxation.

All of the above procedures are carried out in courses, can be combined and complement each other perfectly. The duration of the course is 10-15 sessions.

Skin Firming Products

Not only external care is important, but also the internal health of the body. Eating right is important for your health and appearance. There are a number of products that can help make your skin firmer and more attractive.

Introduce fermented milk products into your daily diet. Thanks to the high content of amino acids, regeneration processes are launched and the skin is tightened.

A complete set of products beneficial for the beauty of the skin

To strengthen the overall structure of the skin, eat foods rich in zinc: beef, nuts, eggs, avocados.

Omega-3 acids and collagen provide beautiful skin and hair. Therefore, fatty varieties of sea fish (trout, herring, salmon), olive and flaxseed oil, seafood, pumpkin and nuts should be mandatory products on your table.

Don't forget to eat as many fresh vegetables and fruits as possible, drink clean water (up to 1.5-2 liters per day) and give up alcohol, unhealthy fast food and soda.

What's special about stretch mark cream?

The main effect of all creams for stretch marks (to prevent them, as well as eliminate small and fresh ones) is based on maximum hydration of all layers of the skin, as well as on saturating it with various active substances that enhance the regeneration of collagen fibers.

However, it should be understood that in many respects the process of stretch marks does not depend on external factors, but is determined by genetic conditions.

Striae, figuratively speaking, are tears in the skin due to the fact that it does not have time to regenerate at the rate of growth of the abdomen.

Therefore, you should understand that it is difficult to influence this process, especially when stretch marks have already formed. The most effective methods in this case are methods that allow you to remove the epidermis as deeply as possible, as far as the safety of such a procedure allows. For example, deep peeling, or better yet, laser treatment.

Factors that provoke the appearance of stretch marks:

  • Heredity, which determines the properties of the skin. Women with thin skin are susceptible to stretch marks, more often it is thin. The content of collagen fibers and elastin is important: the more, the better all layers stretch.
  • Age. Over time, all recovery processes in the body slow down. The older a woman is, the higher the likelihood of developing stretch marks.
  • Skin condition. Well-moisturized collagen fibers are not so susceptible to various pressure fluctuations, they are less injured. Consequently, less striae are formed.
  • Multiple pregnancies and the development of a large fetus are almost always accompanied by stretch marks.
  • Speed ​​of weight gain: the more kilograms “come”, the more stretch marks there will be.

It becomes clear that any cream is unlikely to radically correct the situation. Therefore, some question their effectiveness.

Watch the video about stretch marks in women:

When to start procedures to restore your figure after childbirth?

It is most rational to begin procedures at the end of the lactation period after complete restoration of hormonal levels. During breastfeeding, procedures such as manual or hardware massage are recommended, aimed at a tonic and lymphatic drainage effect. Active lipolytic procedures such as mesotherapy, acupuncture, ultrasonic liposuction and others are contraindicated during lactation. You should also be careful about wraps during breastfeeding, select and carry them out under the strict supervision of a doctor. The most popular procedure after childbirth is thermolifting of the body, which allows you to tighten the skin after childbirth and also has a pronounced anti-cellulite effect.

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