Facial skin care after 50: how to maintain beauty for many years

After 50 years, the structure of women's skin will experience a number of irreversible changes. The process can be slowed down with the right skin care products and habits. The most effective way to rejuvenate is to undergo salon procedures, but home care is not excluded and even recommended. The approach to solving the problem is selected depending on the general condition of the skin and the desired result.

  • Home Remedies
      Facial cleansing
  • Washing according to the Lazlo system
  • Facial toners
  • Hydration
  • Exfoliation
  • Skin protection from the sun
  • Anti-aging massage
  • Peeling
  • Homemade masks
  • Anti-aging products
  • Nutrients
  • Recipes for face masks at home
      Oatmeal cleansing for oily skin
  • Mask with a tightening effect
  • Scrub mask for smoothness
  • Paraffin masks
  • Using Clay
  • Honey mask
  • Honey and sour cream mask
  • Aloe and cucumber
  • Protein and honey
  • Injection treatment
  • Biorevitalization
  • Regular and deep bioreinforcement
  • Hardware cosmetology
      Laser tightening
  • Photorejuvenation
  • Ultrasound cleaning
  • Galvanic cleaning
  • Vacuum cleaning
  • Thermolifting
  • Surgical intervention
  • Mature skin care

    After menopause, women experience a period of significant changes in skin texture. On average, the active phase of skin aging begins at the age of 40-50 years. During this time, the facial epidermis is affected by the following processes:

    • wrinkles become deeper;
    • puffiness and bags appear under the eyes;
    • the elasticity of the skin around the eyes is lost;
    • increased facial hair growth due to decreased estrogen levels;
    • the number of pigment spots increases.

    Effective products for slowing down skin aging are creams with a lifting effect, serums, moisturizing tonics and lotions.

    Cosmetologists recommend performing daily comprehensive home care to slow down the manifestation of age-related changes. In more advanced cases, the option of cosmetic procedures with hardware treatment should be considered.

    Rules of application

    It is important not only to prepare homemade anti-wrinkle cream correctly, but also to strictly adhere to the recommendations for its use.

    Tips from cosmetologists on the preparation and use of anti-aging facial products:

    1. The composition should be prepared in glass, porcelain or ceramic containers. Iron containers should not be used during the cooking process, as they undergo an oxidation process. Before mixing the ingredients, it is recommended to wipe the dishes with a piece of cotton wool soaked in medical alcohol.
    2. Before applying the composition, the face must be thoroughly cleaned with a scrub. This procedure will help remove dirt and dead skin particles.
    3. Homemade creams must be applied correctly. During application, do not press too hard on the skin. The composition should be carefully distributed along the massage lines of the face, gently tapping it into the skin with your fingertips. It is important that the cream does not get into the eyes, as its ingredients can cause damage to the mucous membrane.
    4. All compounds used must be warm. Before applying the product you need to warm it up a little in your hands.
    5. If, half an hour after applying the cream, there is excess left on the face, it should be carefully removed. To do this, just blot the skin with a soft paper napkin.
    6. To achieve a positive effect, it is necessary to carry out the procedures regularly.
    7. Before each use, fresh product should be prepared. Natural formulations have a short shelf life. Most of them are stored for no more than 4-5 days. Therefore, you need to use up the product you made yourself within 2-3 days.

    Before applying the composition to your face, it is strongly recommended to make sure that you are not allergic to its components. For this purpose, a small amount of the product needs to be applied to the wrist or to the skin behind the ear. If 15-20 minutes after application redness, itching and swelling are not observed, then the cream can be used for its intended purpose.

    To prolong the youth of your face, you need to alternate the use of various anti-aging recipes. Alternating use of products will allow you to achieve better results and avoid the skin becoming accustomed to a specific composition. Each prescription should be used for no more than 3 weeks, then it is recommended to continue therapy with another type of cream.

    Features of care by skin type

    Skin type largely determines the criteria for selecting facial care. After 50, you should pay special attention to her needs. The correct approach to the selection of cosmetics for care will allow you to extract maximum benefits for prolonging the youth of your face.

    Dry skin

    Dry skin often occurs due to the following factors:

    • decreased sebum production;
    • excessive exposure to sunlight;
    • decrease in metabolic rate;
    • hormonal changes.

    Vitamin A products may help prevent the worsening of wrinkles and age spots, as vitamin A is a vital element in the fight against dry, prematurely aging skin.

    Antioxidants slow down aging and prevent the negative effects of free radicals. To protect yourself from the sun's harmful rays, you should apply sunscreen before going outside.

    Regular facial cleansing with a scrub or salon treatments will help restore cellular renewal.

    Facial oiliness

    Disruption of the sebaceous glands due to hormonal changes, as well as poor skin hydration, can lead to increased oiliness.

    In order to avoid this, it is recommended to use a complex of various products to normalize sebum production, as well as for hydration.

    Retinol and any vitamin A derivative are effective anti-aging ingredients and are also useful for oily skin.

    The use of masks and creams with a moisturizing effect will normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

    Eye area

    Over time, the area around the eyes begins to produce less collagen and elastin, which leads to puffiness. In addition, the skin in this area becomes thinner every year, which also affects the appearance. This occurs because there are no glands around the eyes that produce sebum to keep the area hydrated. Therefore, this area requires constant hydration with the help of special creams and serums.

    You should carefully select products, as this area is very sensitive. Using properly selected cosmetics can enhance the effect after undergoing anti-aging procedures.

    Procedure with Botox effect

    The following procedure will help reduce and smooth out crow's feet: take 1 tbsp. spoon of starch, dissolve in 100 ml of warm boiled water, pour into a saucepan, cook over low heat to form a paste.

    Take 5 tbsp. spoons of this solution, add 5 tbsp. spoons of freshly squeezed carrot juice, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of fat sour cream, preferably homemade.

    Apply layer by layer, as it dries, on the forehead, area around the eyes, wrinkles in the nasolabial area, on the neck, and also on wrinkles in the décolleté area.

    After rinsing, lubricate all areas with nourishing cream. Course 10 days, every other day. Only proper care of these noticeable areas will reduce your age.

    Home Remedies

    According to experts, home cosmetic procedures are an important component of restoring a youthful face. To achieve a visible effect, you must strictly adhere to your facial care plan after 50 years. It includes basic advice from cosmetologists regarding maintaining youthful skin.

    Facial cleansing

    A good cleanser should thoroughly cleanse clogged pores, as well as remove dead skin cells and makeup residue. After the procedure, the skin becomes soft, fresh and clean.

    Cleaning should be done twice a day - in the morning and before bed. The cleanser must be applied to damp skin and foamed slightly, then rinsed with cool water.

    Washing according to the Lazlo system

    The essence of the system is to cleanse pre-steamed skin. For cleaning, a specially developed oil is used, which can be replaced with olive oil. A splash of warm water is used to remove the oil from the skin.

    After washing, a moisturizing tonic is applied to the face. The procedure must be repeated day and evening.

    Facial toners

    After thoroughly cleansing, it is recommended to use a toner to close pores, tighten the skin and remove any sebum that remains after cleansing.

    Tonics are selected depending on the needs of the dermis. The products are used daily after washing.


    With age, the skin loses its ability to naturally moisturize. This leads to the formation of wrinkles and loss of elasticity. You can replenish missing moisture with a moisturizer.

    The product should be selected specifically for a specific skin type. The cream should be applied not only to the face, but also to the neck and décolleté area. The procedure is carried out daily.


    Using a scrub not only removes dead cells, but also promotes the formation of new ones. Regular exfoliation results in smoother, brighter and tighter skin with fewer wrinkles.

    You can use both store-bought scrubs and homemade recipes, such as oatmeal or orange peel. The procedure should be done no more than once a week.

    Skin protection from the sun

    Excessive exposure to sunlight causes dry skin and increases pigmentation. To minimize skin damage, it is recommended to use SPF 15 sunscreen and always wear a hat to provide shade for your face.

    As for sunscreens, they have different formulations, among which you can find one suitable for the needs of all skin types. Every time before going outside in the summer, you should take care to protect your face from the sun.

    Anti-aging massage

    Facial massage helps improve blood circulation, thereby improving the process of cell regeneration, improving the absorption of cosmetics and collagen production. Massage movements are carried out exclusively along the paths of lymph movement.

    The procedure can be performed 2-3 times a week both at home and in the salon. When performing independently, you should slowly perform the movements, guided by the diagram of the massage lines.

    Diagram of the lines along which facial massage is performed.


    Peeling has two types that can be done at home - mechanical and chemical. It is not recommended to carry it out too often, since the effect of the procedure is actually based on mild trauma to the skin. Therefore, you can also use a soft cleansing scrub, which is much less damaging to the skin. However, its efficiency is also somewhat lower.

    For the first, scrubs containing an abrasive are used - salt, coffee particles, pumice chips, etc.

    Peeling can also be carried out using pharmaceutical products, for example, aspirin, hydrogen peroxide or bodyagu - in this case we are talking about a chemical one.

    Homemade masks

    Face masks are a proven and effective remedy against wrinkles and aging.

    Most of the masks can be prepared at home using organic ingredients like egg, honey, starch, rose water, almond oil, etc. They need to be applied 1-2 times a week.

    Anti-aging products

    Most store-bought products contain ingredients that help fight the signs of aging. Cosmetologists recommend starting to include anti-aging products in your facial care plan from the age of 25. This is essential to prevent the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, as well as boost collagen production and improve skin elasticity.

    Suitable products should contain alpha hydroxyl acids (AHAs), retinol, vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin C and other natural ingredients.

    For safe use, follow the instructions. where the duration of the procedure and the frequency of its implementation are indicated.


    After 40 years, the skin increasingly needs additional nutrition. You can ensure the replenishment of missing elements by choosing care cosmetics rich in antioxidants, vitamins A and E. Thanks to this composition, nourishing creams and tonics destroy free radicals and prevent skin aging. They improve the firmness and elasticity of the skin, making it more even and smooth.

    You need to nourish your skin every day before going to bed. Cosmetologists advise including a sufficient amount of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals in your daily diet. In addition, to maintain water balance, you need to drink 6-8 glasses of water per day.

    How to choose the right face cream after 50 years

    We remind you that it is better to discuss the choice of a suitable care cream with a cosmetologist, since only those cosmetics that suit your skin will be effective. But there are general points that you need to pay attention to when choosing any product.

    • Compound.
      The components and active substances of the cream are very important. Age-related skin care after 50 years requires the use of special anti-aging products designed to slow down aging. Their composition can be compared to “heavy artillery” and should include antioxidants and coenzyme Q10. The presence of hyaluronic acid will be an advantage, because it retains moisture and synthesizes elastin and collagen. L-carnosine promotes rapid lifting. Peptides in the cream improve blood circulation and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. The function of skin regeneration is performed by oils, which are also present in many creams.
    • Contraindications.
      Be sure to pay attention to the restrictions on the use of the cream you are planning to buy. In fact, there are only two contraindications for age-related skin care products after 50 years of age - individual intolerance to components that can cause allergies, and the absence of signs of aging. If you are over 50, but there are no age-related changes on your face, anti-age creams will not help you, but on the contrary will worsen the situation. Therefore, in this case, the use of anti-aging creams is strictly not recommended.

    Recipes for face masks at home

    After age 50, the need for regular use of face masks increases significantly.

    Natural ingredients perform many functions, including:

    • nutrition;
    • hydration;
    • exfoliation;
    • cleansing;
    • lifting.

    The mask should be applied to the face and décolleté area.

    Most recipes are easy to prepare and do not require hard-to-find ingredients. It is recommended to prepare masks immediately before use, as they have a short shelf life.

    Oatmeal cleansing for oily skin

    Ground oatmeal flakes provide a gentle and effective removal of dirt and dead cells from the face. The honey in the recipe is necessary to saturate young cells with antioxidants, which are important for preserving youth. For the mask you will need:

    • 1 tablespoon of oatmeal (rolled oatmeal);
    • 1 teaspoon honey;
    • pink water.

    Preparation and use:

    1. Grind oat flakes to a powder.
    2. Add honey and rose water to make a paste.
    3. Apply the mixture to the face and neck and leave for 10 minutes.

    It is recommended to use no more than 2 times a week.

    Mask with a tightening effect

    Together, aloe vera and vitamin E effectively prevent the appearance of fine lines and deep wrinkles. Both components moisturize the skin and make it soft and toned. To make a mask you will need:

    1. Mix 1 teaspoon purified aloe vera and 1 vitamin E capsule in a bowl.
    2. Apply the mixture to problem areas.
    3. Leave the mask for about 25-30 minutes until completely dry.

    The procedure should be repeated no more than 2-3 times a month.

    Scrub mask for smoothness

    Orange peel and salt deeply cleanse the skin, making it softer and brighter. Honey contains rejuvenating and soothing components that make the face smooth and toned. Best suited for oily and normal skin types.

    To prepare, you will need dry orange peel powder, salt and honey.

    Application consists of several stages:

    1. Mix 2 tablespoons of orange peel, 1 tablespoon of salt and 2 tablespoons of honey.
    2. Wash your face and neck with warm water.
    3. Begin to gently massage your skin with the scrub clockwise for 3-4 minutes using your fingertips.

    You need to use the scrub 2-3 times a week.

    Paraffin masks

    A paraffin mask is used not only for the face, but also for the whole body. It has a moisturizing effect and helps reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Using warm material on the face is soothing and therapeutic. The treatment dilates the blood vessels and hence helps blood circulation, brings in healing nutrients and removes toxins from the skin. Paraffin is especially recommended for people with dry skin.

    To prepare the mask you will need:

    1. Melt 50 g of paraffin (sold in a pharmacy) in a water bath.
    2. Before applying, clean your face and pat dry with a dry towel.
    3. Apply melted paraffin with a brush. The layer should be about 5 mm.

    Before using melted paraffin, you need to check that it is not too hot. To do this, you need to apply a little paraffin to the inside of your forearm.

    To achieve a lasting effect, paraffin masks are recommended to be done in courses of 10–12 procedures, 2–3 times a week. After this, you can repeat maintenance procedures 1-2 times a month.

    Using Clay

    Clay is an effective remedy for maintaining youthful facial skin. Thanks to its beneficial properties, clay removes toxins and radionuclides from the sweat glands, and also saturates the blood with magnesium, calcium, zinc and potassium. Thanks to this, the face looks fresh and rejuvenated.

    In order to make a nourishing clay mask, you will need:

    1. Dilute 10 g of any clay with yogurt to the consistency of thick sour cream.
    2. Apply a thin layer to the face for 10-15 minutes or until completely dry.
    3. To remove the mask, use a damp cloth, then rinse your face with cool water.

    It is recommended to carry out the procedure 2-3 times a week.

    Honey mask

    When used regularly, honey will make you look younger and reduce fine lines and sagging. Honey masks also reduce facial pigmentation and make the skin color uniform.

    Using a mask with honey is simple:

    1. You need to mix 1 teaspoon of honey and a few drops of orange juice.
    2. Apply the mixture to your face and leave for 22 minutes.
    3. After this, wash your face with warm water and wipe.
    4. Apply 3-4 times a month.

    Since honey is an allergen, the possibility of an allergic reaction should be checked before use. To do this, apply the mixture to your wrist and wait a few minutes. If there is no irritation, you can apply the mask to your face.

    Honey and sour cream mask

    An alternative to a honey mask with a moisturizing effect. Thanks to the nutritious and gentle effect of sour cream, the likelihood of an allergic reaction to honey is reduced.

    Preparation and use of the mask mask includes:

    1. Combine 1 tbsp. l. sour cream and 1 tbsp. l. honey in a bowl.
    2. Leave for about 15 minutes.
    3. Wipe your face with a damp cloth.

    It is recommended to apply the mask in a course of 7-12 sessions.

    Aloe and cucumber

    Aloe is an effective home remedy for wrinkles around the eyes. Rich in vitamins C, E and beta-carotene, aloe nourishes and soothes sensitive skin while maintaining its elasticity and youthfulness. Thanks to its ability to saturate with moisture, cucumber can revive wilted cover. Such a mask will be especially relevant for improving the overall appearance of the skin on the neck and décolleté .

    To do it, you need:

    1. Mix purified aloe vera, yogurt and cucumber juice in equal proportions.
    2. Massage the mixture into the eye area and décolleté.
    3. Leave for 18 minutes.

    Repeat the procedure daily.

    Protein and honey

    Egg white is effective in tightening and strengthening the skin, as well as fighting wrinkles. Honey kills bacteria, removes dead skin particles and acts as a moisturizer. To make a mask you will need:

    1. Mix egg white, juice of half a lemon and a spoonful of honey until smooth.
    2. Cover your face with the mixture.
    3. Let dry for 16 minutes.
    4. Rinse off with warm water.

    Repeat every week.

    Masks for the eye area

    The simplest procedure is to apply used tea bags to reduce bags and redness.

    • Moisturizing. Mash the watermelon pulp with 1 tbsp. spoon of sour cream, add finely ground oatmeal, hold on face for 20 minutes.
    • Nutritious. One tbsp. mix a spoonful of honey with the yolk, add 1 tsp. vegetable oil, leave for 10 minutes.
    • Toning. Grind the juice of 1 cucumber with 1 teaspoon of cream. Apply slices of fresh cucumber to your eyes more often.
    • Calming. Brew a mixture of dried chamomile flowers, mint leaves and dill with boiling water, let it brew for 10 minutes. Soak a cotton swab in the broth and apply it to your eyelids.
    • Smoothing. Place white bread crumb into milk and soak until mushy. Apply every other day for 15-20 minutes. You will get excellent results in three weeks.

    Injection treatment

    Not in all cases it is possible to slow down the development of age-related changes with home remedies. In this case, cosmetologists recommend undergoing a series of salon procedures that will help replenish the necessary components in the structure of the epidermis.

    Injection treatment is considered the most popular non-surgical method of getting rid of wrinkles. The main component is hyaluronic acid, which will preserve youth by stimulating the production of collagen and elastin. The procedure consists of pinpoint injections into the upper and middle layers of the skin.


    Indications for this procedure are:

    • dull skin;
    • loss of elasticity;
    • the appearance of wrinkles;
    • stretch marks.

    Beauty injections protect tissues from the negative effects of free radicals, which leads to restoration of facial skin tone. It is recommended to conduct no more than 5 sessions with an interval of 2-4 weeks. At the beginning of the course, slight swelling may appear, which will completely disappear within a day.

    The result is:

    • increasing firmness and elasticity;
    • rich complexion;
    • preventing the appearance of new wrinkles;
    • improvement of skin tone in the décolleté and neck area.



    • small lines on the forehead;
    • circles under the eyes;
    • loss of elasticity and tone.

    The procedure slows down aging at the cellular level and restores tissue hydration, so that they acquire the required volume. It is recommended to start injections at age 40. Biorevitalization can be combined with other anti-aging procedures.

    After the procedure:

    • the skin becomes firmer and more elastic;
    • redness, pallor and circles under the eyes disappear;
    • fine lines on the forehead are smoothed out.

    Regular and deep bioreinforcement


    • sagging face and neck;
    • dryness;
    • formation of deep wrinkles.

    The first bioreinforcement session can be performed at 45 years of age. This will prevent skin aging in advance. If the skin has already undergone the formation of deep wrinkles, it is necessary to turn to the procedure of deep bioreinforcement. During the procedure, injections penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin, promoting regeneration at lower levels.

    Results of the procedure:

    • face lifting and correction;
    • eliminating sagging and dull skin.

    Main causes of skin aging

    Undoubtedly, female representatives are charming and attractive at any age. But after 50 years, hormonal changes occur in a woman’s body, and a crisis begins, which is called “menopause.” All this negatively affects the condition of the skin.

    During menopause, the following changes are observed:

    • The concentration of the main female hormone, estrogen, in the blood decreases.
    • The skin becomes irritated and dry, wrinkles appear.
    • Tissue regeneration processes slow down.
    • The amount of hyaluronic acid and collagen produced by the body decreases.
    • The pH level of the epidermis changes.

    The menopausal period is very insidious and unpleasant, both physically and mentally. Appearing wrinkles, swelling, dark circles under the eyes, an unpleasant feeling of facial tightness and sagging – all this brings psychological discomfort to a woman. We know how you can survive menopause while continuing to enjoy your reflection in the mirror. And we are not talking about expensive cosmetic procedures and plastic surgery. Let's look at the main methods and methods of skin care, based on the advice of modern cosmetologists.

    Recommended reading:

    • What not to do after eyelash extensions
    • Which eyelash extension to choose for yourself
    • Eyelash care: advice from professionals

    Hardware cosmetology

    In cosmetology, a whole range of rejuvenating procedures has been developed, which are carried out using special devices. During such treatment, low voltage current, laser, ultrasound and light waves can be used.

    To enhance the effect, serums, masks and bioactive substances can be used. Hardware procedures are most often painless, and the effect is noticeable immediately after the first session.

    The procedures help not only remove acne and excess sebum, but also speed up tissue regeneration.

    Laser tightening

    The use of laser for rejuvenation began relatively recently. This treatment method is effective for eliminating age-related skin defects. For tightening, a laser beam is used, divided into fractions. The laser precisely removes damaged cells, helping to smooth out the skin. Thanks to the laser's effect on the cells, the production of collagen, which is responsible for the strength and elasticity of the tissue, is activated.

    The laser cell removal procedure can cause painful reactions, so it is recommended to use a cooling gel for local anesthesia. After the procedure, slight redness is observed, which will subside within 2-3 hours.


    Photorejuvenation is a treatment method aimed at restoring the elasticity and firmness of the skin without damaging its structure. Rejuvenation occurs through the use of a high energy pulsed light (IPL) system. Unlike a laser, IPL produces a flash of light over a wide range of wavelengths, allowing for a wide range of effects on the skin.

    The main advantage of photorejuvenation is a wide range of applications to reduce the manifestation of age-related changes. This treatment is gentle on tissue, suitable for different skin types and has no side effects.

    Ultrasound cleaning

    Occurs due to the effect of ultrasonic vibrations on tissue, which are applied to a nozzle in the form of a scraper.

    The procedure refreshes the face, making it soft and moisturized. Increased blood circulation helps reduce swelling. By reducing the thickness of the stratum corneum, the active components of serums and masks can penetrate into the deeper layers of the epidermis.

    Galvanic cleaning

    It requires applying a special alkaline solution to the face, after which the surface of the skin is exposed to electric current. The current promotes deep penetration of the solution into the pores and dissolution of sebum.

    Fatty acids that make up the secretion of the sebaceous glands appear on the surface of the skin in the form of foam, which is removed with a napkin.

    Vacuum cleaning

    Includes steaming the face and cleansing the pores with a special vacuum tube. The procedure has a massage effect, which improves blood circulation and oxygen saturation. Thanks to this, you can refresh and restore the skin.

    To enhance the effect, skin cleansing is often combined with other types of hardware procedures for skin rejuvenation.


    Thermolifting affects the deep layers of the skin using infrared waves or laser radiation. This method of hardware rejuvenation triggers the natural processes of restoration and rejuvenation of the dermis.

    Due to its mild effect, thermolifting is suitable for solving most manifestations of age-related changes. The procedure is painless and does not require anesthesia. In addition, thermolifting has no side effects.

    The refrigerator is the first assistant to beautiful skin

    Daily facial care at home begins... with proper nutrition. It is quite difficult to change eating habits in one day, and the stereotypes that healthy food is always not tasty, and if it is tasty, it must be very expensive. I will tell you about the main products that you need to include in your weekly diet.

    Purified water . The minimum amount that needs to be drunk so that the skin receives a sufficient amount is at least 2 liters per day. What does purified water mean? It is not bottled, not boiled and not mineral. Get into the habit of purifying tap water with a simple home filter (you can buy or use a homemade one). If you settle water, then systematically clean the container where it is stored. For example, I pour water into MY kettle in the evening, it sits until the morning, and during the next day I drink it. I clean the kettle with baking soda every three to five days. how to purify water yourself and all the benefits of silicon water here...

    Apples . Eat one apple every day, this will allow the gastrointestinal tract to quickly cope with solid fats and improve its peristalsis.

    Garlic . It’s better, of course, to eat a few cloves of garlic raw in salads, but we can’t always afford it. There is a way out - drink 100 ml. garlic water every morning. Garlic normalizes blood pressure, improves the structure of capillaries, thins the blood and promotes rejuvenation of the skin and the entire body. how to make garlic water here...

    Celery . A lot has been said about the benefits of salads, do not forget to add celery to them; it is enough to eat 50-70 grams of celery per day to rejuvenate the skin of the entire body due to rapid cell regeneration.

    Honey _ A spoonful of any natural honey a day, preferably together with garlic water, provides energy and vigor for the body, and the absence of “crow’s feet” around the eyes.

    Facial care at home - vitamins and dietary supplements

    Vitamins and dietary supplements . Here you should be especially careful not to get into trouble with low-quality goods. about which vitamins and dietary supplements best help tone your facial skin after 50 years...

    What you should give up completely if you seriously decide to become 20 years younger:

    • canned meat, fish;
    • mayonnaise, store-bought ketchup;
    • sweets containing soy;
    • French fries;
    • carbonated sweet drinks;
    • White bread.

    Leave all the other foods that you are used to eating in your diet for now; you will gradually and unobtrusively give up sausage in favor of lean veal, smoked fish in favor of yogurt, but this will happen gradually and without stress for the body.

    Surgical intervention

    A facelift through surgery is the most radical solution to the problem of age-related changes. Often, a facelift is performed together with other operations to prolong youth (blepharoplasty, chin liposuction and lipofilling).

    Depending on the nature of the problem, skin tightening surgery is performed in different areas of the face:

    • Removing sagging tissue in the cheeks, chin and neck areas provides a firmer look to the lower part of the face.
    • Elimination of sagging skin in the cheeks and lower eyelids gives a clearer contour of the cheekbones. Because of this, visible thinness of the face is created.
    • Manipulations in the forehead area help get rid of horizontal wrinkles and tighten drooping corners of the eyes and eyebrows.

    This method of treatment is much more expensive than hardware technologies. However, the operation has a longer lasting effect.

    Baked apple or rejuvenating apple?

    Figuratively speaking, the skin is a kind of multi-layer “mattress”, all layers of which are

    at a young age, they interact remarkably well with each other, which provides the face with a healthy, blooming appearance.

    During menopause, the natural process of cell regeneration slows down, reparative and healing functions are disrupted, the level of acidity, the balance of moisture and subcutaneous fat changes. Elastin and collagen fibers (which make up the frame or, to continue the mattress analogy, a kind of “spring” in the structure of the skin) become fragile and gradually break down. As a result, the epidermis becomes thinner and dries out, the skin loses density, becomes flabby and sags. The usual contours of the face begin to “float”, a double chin appears, circles under the eyes, obvious wrinkles near the eyes and drooping of the upper eyelids, deep folds appear in the nasolabial area and on the forehead.

    Such metamorphoses in appearance are especially difficult for women, for whom it is quite natural to need to remain attractive for as long as possible. However, the worst decision in this case is to fall into despair and despondency. Negative thinking will only increase the number of wrinkles on your face.

    Therefore, first of all, you need to set yourself up for the positive. Yes, your face is becoming more and more like a baked apple. But today, as a rejuvenating apple, you can use a huge arsenal of care products and methods. It’s just important not to be lazy and systematically take care of your appearance. And then the border guards and traffic cops will be sincerely surprised - they say, is it really you or the daughter who looks like her mother who took her passport for some reason?

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