Biorevolumetry: a new technique for volumetric correction and natural skin rejuvenation 

The Bio-expander drug differs from others in that it contains both bound hyaluronic acid filler and free hyaluronic acid. In ultra-modern, space-like laboratories of the Regenyal Laboratories concern, from the purest hyaluronic acid without protein impurities, using long-term mixing at low temperatures using MUCH technology, free hyaluronic acid is “embedded” into stabilized, filler. The output is hyaluronic acid containing a very small amount of the stabilizing agent BDDE, and free hyaluronic acid bound to it by hydrogen bonds. Regenyal Laboratories scientists conduct many studies on the effect of hyaluronic acid ester not only on skin cells, but also on CD44 receptors adipocytes and preadipocytes, that is, adipose tissue cells, and receive confirmation of its stimulating effect on adipose tissue.

What are the benefits of Bio-expander?

The fact is that it is based on low-viscosity, high-molecular hyaluronic acid of two molecular weights: 1 million Da and 2 million Da. When mixed with the stabilizing agent BDDE for a long time, much less of it is required, and, accordingly, less bonds. The drug also contains 10% low molecular weight hyaluronic acid with a molecular weight of 500,000 Da. This product breaks down gradually, slowly and for quite a long time, up to six months, in different areas of the fatty tissue, all the time releasing low molecular weight molecules of hyaluronic acid, which have a long-term moisturizing and toning effect on the skin in the area of ​​the drug injected into the subcutaneous fatty tissue. In addition, along with moisturizing the skin, it whitens and reduces pigmentation, as after a long course of biorevitalization, but here, mind you, only after one (!) procedure. In addition, Bio-expander is very flexible and is distributed even in very thin subcutaneous tissue without any contouring or visualization. To facilitate its insertion and complete painlessness for the patient and the absence of traces of the procedure, 27G cannulas are included, which allow precise sliding even in a very thin layer of subcutaneous tissue. You can also use small short needles 30G 4 mm for injections.

Bio-expander is used on the face and throughout the body, where the skin becomes like a slightly dried out apple when the smooth and tight “substrate” in the form of subcutaneous tissue disappears. This includes the forehead with its wrinkles, cheeks, perioral purse-string wrinkles, neck, décolleté, hands, skin above the knees, elbows, on the stomach... All areas of the face and body where it is necessary to restore the layer of subcutaneous tissue, moisturize and rejuvenate the skin.

The effectiveness of the filler is ensured by combining in one preparation:

  1. Stabilized (molecules are interconnected by cross-links) hyaluronic acid , capable of maintaining skin tone for 9-12 months. This fraction contains two chains of hyaluronic acid, which form a cross-link link and determine the ability of the drug to change the structure and density of the skin.
  2. Not stabilized (native) hyaluronic acid - its molecules are not artificially connected to each other and are in a free state. Thanks to this fraction, the skin and the implant itself are instantly moisturized (in order to fill the cavity, it must increase its own volume due to the attraction of water molecules).

Fidia Farmaceutical SpA produces hyaluronic acid of high quality and exceptional purity . Injections with such preparations (another company product, the IAL System filler, is widely used in cosmetology) are considered environmentally friendly (“green”), since they do not contain the stabilizing agent BDDE and do not cause allergic reactions.

Who is indicated for the biorevolumetry procedure using the Bio-expander drug?

The use of the drug is classified as a universal anti-aging agent. Bio-expander is indicated for use by patients of different ages (25–75 years), with different skin types and conditions. The result after the procedure is very pleasing both for thin, dry faces prone to the formation of many small wrinkles, and for normal skin thickness. It is used for the treatment and rejuvenation of the area of ​​the temples, forehead, cheeks, around the mouth - these are the same “barcode” wrinkles, also called “purse-string” wrinkles, and moisturizing the lips.

How the Bio-Expander is inserted

  1. Cleansing and disinfection of skin.
  2. Applying an anesthetic cream to reduce pain.
  3. Marking areas that need correction of skin texture and correction of soft tissue volume.
  4. Subcutaneous injection of filler using a cannula (a flexible needle with a blunt end).
  5. A light massage helps to evenly distribute the drug in the upper layer of subcutaneous fat.

Areas in which correction with a Bio-Expander is appropriate are cheekbones, lower jaw, cheeks, chin, temporal zones, forehead, area around the mouth, hands. The drug can change the contour of the lips, correct the nasolacrimal groove and earlobe . There is no rehabilitation period after administration of the drug; contraindications to the procedure are standard for drugs containing hyaluronic acid.

What effects can be achieved using this product?

You can even out and rejuvenate the skin texture, smooth out wrinkles, strengthen weakened tissues, they become more elastic, their resistance and the quality of skin structures increase, eliminate the beginning sagging of the contours of the face and body (neck, décolleté, hands, inner surface of the shoulder, elbows, knees) . Get deep tissue hydration and structural rejuvenation. How does this manifest itself? Pinch your skin into a crease on your cheek or smile broadly. Are the fine wrinkles that appear on the skin of the cheek visible? So, the use of Bio-expander allows you to remove them or significantly reduce them. Along with a significant improvement in skin smoothness and color.

Advantages of Bio-Expander

  • is injected into the upper layers of fatty tissue (hypodermis), has a two-way effect - on the dermis and on the hypodermis , ensuring the strength of the supporting structure;
  • quickly and evenly distributed in tissues, providing a natural appearance of the skin, does not disturb the usual facial expressions ;
  • the presence of the drug in the treated area cannot be determined visually and tactilely (by touch);
  • the drug can be used in any area of ​​the face and body ;
  • wide age range - the drug is used for contouring and skin rejuvenation in patients from 35 to 75 years old ;
  • Can be used for skin of any type and density . If the skin is thin, there is no need to worry that the drug will remain in the injection area and its outline will be visible, and for thick skin the drug will not weigh down the drug and will not provoke displacement of the layers;
  • When the drug is administered, papules are not formed - tiny nodules, which, when using other fillers, serve as a “depot” of hyaluronic acid.

Bioexpander Regenyal – filler and biorevitalizant

The Regenyal Idea series of cosmetic products is the result of joint efforts of the Italian companies Regenyal Laboratories Srl and Fidia Farmaceutici. The Regenyal laboratory is part of the PHITOGEN Holding concern, which has been working in the field of aesthetic medicine for a long time. About 140 thousand Russian clinics and specialists use its drugs. The brand's products are chosen for their unsurpassed purity and safety of materials, and excellent compatibility with human tissue.

Today you can buy a bioexpander, a biorevolumeter for lip correction, an absorbable biometric gel - all these are products of the Idea line.

Regenyal Idea Bio-Expander performs two functions: biorevitalizant and bio-reinforcing material. The first provides a change in relief, moisturizes and visually rejuvenates certain areas of the face. The second recreates the skin frame and replenishes the volume in the tissues. An integrated approach allows you to smooth out deep and fine wrinkles and replenish the volume, the deficiency of which is caused by age-related changes. The injected gel gives the skin radiance and a fresh look, and restructures the tissues. Bioexpander is suitable for any skin type, from thick to very thin.

Eco-friendly "green" injections

The company Fidia Farmaceutici SpA (Italy) and Regenyal Laboratories (Italy) have developed a completely new class of injectable drugs - biorevolumetrics. Procedures using these materials have come to be called “green”, since they fully meet environmental standards.

Not only the biorevolumetrics themselves are environmentally friendly, but also the entire process of their production, based on energy-saving technologies - a professional water purification system, materials from clean renewable sources, highly purified hyluronic acid without impurities is used as raw material. Thus, the final product of this production is completely safe. Along with safety, technologists have prioritized the quality and effectiveness of procedures performed using biorevolumetrics.

Eco-friendly production of biorevolumetrics

Aziza Usmanova comments:

“Green” injections are an opportunity to perform youthful procedures without fear that in the distant future the drugs used will become a risk factor for the patient. Eco-friendly non-surgical rejuvenation guarantees that the tissues will continue to live according to physiological canons after the procedure.

3 key components of the term “biorevolumetry”: “bio” - drugs consist of biocompatible active substances; “re” - regeneration function and structural restructuring; “volumetry” - reconstruction of volume.

BioExpander and IAL-System DUO

As we age, not only our skin, but also subcutaneous fat and bone tissue are affected by the age factor. All changes that occur to our face can be divided into 2 categories:

  • Local hypovolumetry
    is a lack of volume in the cheekbones, nasolacrimal groove, chin, and corners of the mouth. Typical for young patients.
  • General hypovolumetry
    is a process of skin degeneration that is genetically predetermined and associated with factors such as smoking, stress, and photodamage. Typical for older patients.

Biorevitalyumetrics Regenyal BioExpander and IAL-System DUO were developed taking into account this classification, so each drug is ideal for solving “its own” type of problems.

Indications and main effects

The advent of biorevolumetry made it possible to solve several problems in cosmetology at once:

  • replenishment of the missing volume;
  • face and body rejuvenation;
  • additional tissue hydration;
  • restructuring of the skin and its restoration by stimulating the production of natural elastin and collagen.

Based on the problems solved using biorevolumetry, the indications for use will be:

  • change in facial contour;
  • drooping corners of the mouth or eyes;
  • decreased skin turgor and elasticity;
  • wrinkles in the corners of the eyes;
  • multiple wrinkles and folds on the face;
  • tissue ptosis;
  • change in complexion;
  • correction of errors from other types of cosmetic procedures and operations.

Achieving such results was made possible thanks to a series of unique preparations containing hyaluronic acid, which is administered with special cannulas that ensure non-traumatic spreading of soft tissues and proper distribution of the drug within them. After the drug enters the skin, the main effect of hyaluronic acid occurs: increasing volume and triggering the mechanism of restructuring the skin.

Characteristics and composition

The product is produced using special technology. It contains 10% native and 90% stabilized hyaluronic acid. The first is responsible for creating the frame, the second stands out gradually. It stimulates regenerative processes and the formation of adipose tissue, improves skin structure and activates fibroblasts.

The drug is produced in the form of a transparent monophasic gel of low viscosity and high plasticity. Contains a minimal percentage of BDDE agent (less than 0.1 ppm). The amount of bacterial endotoxin does not exceed 0.05 EU/mg. pH level from 6.8 to 7.4. The concentration of HA in the solution is 25 mg/ml.

The injection kit includes three syringes complete with a stopper with a volume of 1.1 ml each, a 27G cannula, 37 mm, a sterile 26G needle, 13 mm.

Contraindications and consequences

Contraindications to biorevolumetry are common to all types of cosmetic procedures. These include:

  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • blood diseases;
  • inflammatory changes in the area of ​​proposed injections;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, including hyaluronic acid;
  • severe heart disease;
  • renal and liver failure;
  • infectious disease;
  • exacerbation of chronic pathologies.

As with any injection method of administering the drug, complications are possible after the procedure (redness in the injection area, swelling of the soft tissues of the face, infection, etc.).

Carrying out the biorevolumetry procedure

Biorevolumetry is used in people over the age of 25, but is most in demand by patients from 35 to 75. The manipulation is often performed under local anesthesia by applying a cream with an anesthetic. Next, the skin is treated with disinfectants. The drug is administered using special cannulas (soft atraumatic needles). After the manipulation, a facial massage is performed.

Biorevolumetrics are used not only for facial rejuvenation, but also for improving the appearance of the neck, reducing the appearance of ring-shaped wrinkles and significantly increasing tone.

After the rejuvenation procedure using the biorevolumetry method, it is recommended:

  • avoid prolonged sun exposure;
  • do not touch your face to avoid infection;
  • do not take hot baths, do not visit saunas or steam baths;
  • For several days after the procedure, do not use decorative cosmetics in the places where the injections were made.

Since biorevolumetry is a self-sufficient rejuvenating complex and is a one-time procedure, an effect that lasts for a year is visible after the first use. However, in advanced cases or on the recommendation of a doctor, it is possible to conduct a course consisting of 2-6 sessions.

About the new method of volumetric correction

Biorevolumetry is the newest correction method that can not only restore volume lost over time (through contouring), but also significantly rejuvenate the face (through biorevitalization).

To understand what biorevolumetry is, it is enough to divide this term into its components: “bio” - life, “re-” - repeat, “volumen” - volume, that is, restoration of lost volume.

There are two types of volume loss (hypovolumetry):

  1. Local, which is divided into acquired and constitutional, is characterized by a deep or superficial decrease in adipose tissue on the face.
  2. A change in the structure of the skin and its components, in which the amount of water is significantly reduced, is called hypovolumetric destructuring.

Biorevolumetry - a new concept

The new products, developed by specialists from Fidia Farmaceutici and Regenyal Laboratories, are based on the highest quality hyaluronic acid, which does not contain impurities or preservatives. This class of drugs is called biorevolumetrics, and the new concept of rejuvenation is biorevolumetrics.

How do biorevolumetrics differ from the biorevitalizants we are familiar with? Biorevitalizants are injections whose main function was to improve the quality of the skin, moisturize it and stimulate cellular activity. In addition to this function, biorevolumetrics act as volumizers, that is, they not only improve the condition of the skin, but also allow you to add additional volume to the tissues. Thus, the biorevolumetry procedure is a physiological volumization with an immediate revitalizing property.

Aziza Usmanova comments:

Before the advent of biorevolumetrics, volumization of the face was carried out using fillers. To improve the condition of the skin, we additionally resorted to the help of biorevitalizants. With the advent of a new concept of environmentally friendly rejuvenation, we solve 2 problems at once in 1 procedure - we improve the volume relief and structurally rejuvenate the skin. A conceptually new approach to rejuvenation and new opportunities allowed us not just to camouflage imperfections, but to influence their nature in the most natural way.

Everything you wanted to know about Bio-expander

The Bio-expander drug differs from others in that it contains both bound hyaluronic acid filler and free hyaluronic acid. In ultra-modern, space-like laboratories of the Regenyal Laboratories concern, from the purest hyaluronic acid without protein impurities, using long-term mixing at low temperatures using MUCH technology, free hyaluronic acid is “embedded” into stabilized, filler. The output is hyaluronic acid containing a very small amount of the stabilizing agent BDDE, and free hyaluronic acid bound to it by hydrogen bonds. Regenyal Laboratories scientists conduct many studies on the effect of hyaluronic acid ester not only on skin cells, but also on CD44 receptors adipocytes and preadipocytes, that is, adipose tissue cells, and receive confirmation of its stimulating effect on adipose tissue.

What are the benefits of Bio-expander?

The fact is that it is based on low-viscosity, high-molecular hyaluronic acid of two molecular weights: 1 million Da and 2 million Da. When mixed with the stabilizing agent BDDE for a long time, much less of it is required, and, accordingly, less bonds. The drug also contains 10% low molecular weight hyaluronic acid with a molecular weight of 500,000 Da. This product breaks down gradually, slowly and for quite a long time, up to six months, in different areas of the fatty tissue, all the time releasing low molecular weight molecules of hyaluronic acid, which have a long-term moisturizing and toning effect on the skin in the area of ​​the drug injected into the subcutaneous fatty tissue. In addition, along with moisturizing the skin, it whitens and reduces pigmentation, as after a long course of biorevitalization, but here, mind you, only after one (!) procedure. In addition, Bio-expander is very flexible and is distributed even in very thin subcutaneous tissue without any contouring or visualization. To facilitate its insertion and complete painlessness for the patient and the absence of traces of the procedure, 27G cannulas are included, which allow precise sliding even in a very thin layer of subcutaneous tissue. You can also use small short needles 30G 4 mm for injections.

Bio-expander is used on the face and throughout the body, where the skin becomes like a slightly dried out apple when the smooth and tight “substrate” in the form of subcutaneous tissue disappears. This includes the forehead with its wrinkles, cheeks, perioral purse-string wrinkles, neck, décolleté, hands, skin above the knees, elbows, on the stomach... All areas of the face and body where it is necessary to restore the layer of subcutaneous tissue, moisturize and rejuvenate the skin.

Who is indicated for the biorevolumetry procedure using the Bio-expander drug?

The use of the drug is classified as a universal anti-aging agent. Bio-expander is indicated for use by patients of different ages (25–75 years), with different skin types and conditions. The result after the procedure is very pleasing both for thin, dry faces prone to the formation of many small wrinkles, and for normal skin thickness. It is used for the treatment and rejuvenation of the area of ​​the temples, forehead, cheeks, around the mouth - these are the same “barcode” wrinkles, also called “purse-string” wrinkles, and moisturizing the lips.

What effects can be achieved using this product?

You can even out and rejuvenate the skin texture, smooth out wrinkles, strengthen weakened tissues, they become more elastic, their resistance and the quality of skin structures increase, eliminate the beginning sagging of the contours of the face and body (neck, décolleté, hands, inner surface of the shoulder, elbows, knees) . Get deep tissue hydration and structural rejuvenation. How does this manifest itself? Pinch your skin into a crease on your cheek or smile broadly. Are the fine wrinkles that appear on the skin of the cheek visible? So, the use of Bio-expander allows you to remove them or significantly reduce them. Along with a significant improvement in skin smoothness and color.

How convenient and easy is the drug to administer into the soft tissues of the face?

The drug is ideally distributed under the skin due to its visco-elastic properties, replenishing the missing volume, stimulating the natural processes responsible for tissue renewal and restoration. The skin receives renewed support due to the gradual, dosed release of free hyaluronic acid from the filler structure.

How often should the procedures be repeated?

Bio-expander injections into the same area can be repeated after 5-6 months, when the period of breakdown of the drug in tissues ends. With repeated application of the procedures, the severity and duration of the achieved effect increase.

Are there any other drugs for injection into the subcutaneous tissue with a biorevitalizing effect on the skin?

Yes, medicine is developing, cosmetology is developing at an even faster pace, and new drugs are appearing. But Bio-expander is the first drug that appeared in Europe for injection into the subcutaneous tissue to restore it and at the same time moisturize the skin, improve its turgor and color. Claimed as a drug for subcutaneous fat, it changed the therapeutic thinking of doctors, their view of its huge role in the aging process and showed patients that it is possible to get the maximum effect with minimal intervention!

Photos before and after


Preparations for biorevolumetry

To achieve the best results, preparations for biorevolumetry must have a number of characteristics:

  1. Elasticity. Injected into the skin layers, the drug must accurately repeat movements when facial expressions change.
  2. Diffusion. The product should be distributed evenly in the tissues, without forming lumps or excessive bulges.
  3. Thixotropy. The biorevolumetric should pass easily through the cannula.
  4. Biointegration. The cosmetic product introduced into the skin should completely fill all voids and gently interact with the surrounding tissues.

The most popular products in the cosmetic market are Regenyal Idea Bio expander and Ial-System DUO.

Biorevolumetric Regenyal Idea Bio expander

It is a mixture of stabilized (1 and 2 million Da) and native (500 kDa) hyaluronic acid of different molecular weights.

Designed to fill all types of wrinkles, especially where the use of fillers is impossible or where their effectiveness is low. By affecting the deep layers of the skin, it causes:

  • deep hydration, providing facial lifting and increasing skin turgor and elasticity;
  • smoothing facial wrinkles and folds;
  • skin rejuvenation as a result of increased synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers;
  • restoration of tissue volume.

The Regenyal Idea Bio expander is suitable for correcting the following areas: nasolabial folds, chin and perioral area, temporal and zygomatic area, increasing lip volume, male or female genitals.

Ial-System DUO

Biovolumetric Ial-System DUO is a combination of hyaluronic acid (cross-linked HA at a concentration of 25 mg/ml) and hyaluronic acid ester (ACP).

It is this duet that ensures the restoration of the volume and quality of skin tissue, thereby causing lasting hydration, a long-term increase in turgor and elasticity of the skin, and sufficient replenishment of tissue deficiency.

The drug is most optimal for changing the shape of the forehead, increasing the volume of the lips, rejuvenating the face, neck, hands, correcting the cheek-zygomatic area, changing the outline of the chin.

Also read in the section: Redermalization.

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