Do you want beautiful and lush breasts? Lipofilling is a new and completely safe technique.

Mammoplasty is my main specialization. Breast surgery is exactly the area in which I managed to achieve the maximum. Breast lifting and enlargement operations are always very revealing. Their results are obvious! Beautiful breasts attract attention and give a lot of pleasure to their owner.

When you go to the “BEFORE and AFTER Photos” section, you will see that all my works are different. I strive for breasts to be flawless, but at the same time natural. And of course, no traces of my work should remain! Patients for whom I perform breast augmentation continue to communicate with me on social networks, send photos and often recommend me to friends and acquaintances as “their reliable and personally trusted specialist.” Some of them are quite famous actresses, bloggers, dancers, models and TV presenters. Of course, not every star is ready to talk about our cooperation. The main thing is that my operation helps them build a successful career and harmonious relationships.

What are the benefits of breast augmentation surgery?

Imagine the breast of your dreams - volume, lines, shape... You can get such breasts by contacting me. We can not only increase the size, but also achieve perfect harmony of proportions. At the same time, you can correct any imperfections that you don’t like:

  • eliminate asymmetry;
  • reduce areolas;
  • correct the shape of the nipples;
  • reduce the interthoracic distance;
  • make the form more perfect.

See the results of breast augmentation - BEFORE and AFTER photos

The result of liposuction with one-stage lipofilling of the breasts and buttocks

Liposuction + lipofilling of the breasts and buttocks “Full Vaser”

Liposuction + lipofilling of the breasts and buttocks “Full Vaser”: rear view

Liposuction + lipofilling of the breasts and buttocks “Full Vaser” side view

Liposuction + lipofilling of the breasts and buttocks “Full Vaser”: side view

How is breast augmentation surgery performed?

Breast implants are placed through very small incisions along the lower edge of the areola. The implant is placed under the pectoral muscle or combined (the upper part is under the muscle, and the lower part is under the mammary gland). The author's installation technique eliminates contouring of the edges of the implant, prevents its displacement and guarantees the preservation of breast function. All this allows you to get an excellent long-term effect, which usually does not require additional correction even after pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The entire breast augmentation procedure takes approximately 30–40 minutes. Breast surgery is performed under general anesthesia. A special technique for applying sutures makes them practically invisible afterwards.

Stages of the procedure

Breast lipofilling is carried out after a comprehensive examination of the patient and tests. The list can be found here.

The duration of the operation to enlarge the mammary glands using this method is from 3 to 5 hours, depending on the type of liposculpture and the number of lipofilling zones.

The first stage is liposuction of problem areas using small punctures and a special miniature cannula tube.

The patient's obtained fat cells are processed by centrifugation.

In the second stage, fat cells are introduced into various areas of the breast through injections. At this stage of breast lipofilling, the doctor changes the depth of needle insertion in order to form the desired relief and volume.

Breast augmentation, rehabilitation

There may be soreness and discomfort for 3-4 days after surgery, so I recommend a quiet regimen and regular pain medications. However, many patients already feel quite normal in the first days after surgery and stop taking analgesics quite early. 7 days after the operation you are allowed to take off your underwear and take a shower.

Complete rehabilitation takes 4 weeks. During this entire period, you must wear compression garments and sleep only on your back. Physical activity should be reasonably limited. Otherwise, rehabilitation is easy and does not cause any problems. In about a month you will be able to go to the sea, wear open dresses without a bra and forever forget what push-up is.

Preparing for surgery

Before the operation, you need to have a face-to-face consultation with the surgeon. He will assess the condition of the breast and individual health characteristics, and select the ideal implants and surgical technique. For example, if you have a small areola, placing a large implant through the periareolar approach will be difficult. In this case, Philip Nikolaevich can offer endoscopic augmentation through the armpit. If the sagging of the glands is severe (ptosis from the 3rd degree), the doctor will recommend a lift (mastopexy).

The doctor will also tell you about contraindications and possible risks after the operation, how it will proceed, and how quickly you can return to your normal lifestyle.

Do you want to enlarge your breasts?

What your breasts should be like is up to you. Flawless breasts are beautiful in a bikini, a revealing evening dress, naked... You can have the size, lines and shapes you want. These are not empty fantasies. If you call right now and schedule a consultation as soon as possible, you can get the breasts of your dreams in just a couple of weeks!

Do you really want to have beautiful breasts? This is an important reason to schedule a consultation with plastic surgeon V.S. Bakov.

Helpful information:

  • Any doubts? Find out more about the plastic surgeon, candidate of medical sciences V.S. Bakov
  • Plastic surgeon Bakov, patient reviews
  • Breast implants - how to choose? Plastic surgeon's blog
  • Information for patients, list of tests

Prices for breast implantation

Advantages of mammoplasty through the areola

  • Good aesthetic result.
  • If necessary, a plastic surgeon can perform a breast lift (mastopexy/mammopexy) without unnecessary incisions and thus eliminate mild ptosis.
  • During the operation, you can additionally correct the shape of the nipple-areolar complex.
  • If in the future the patient plans to enlarge her breasts and replace implants with larger ones, the operation can be performed using the same access, which will avoid additional scars.

Famous manufacturers

There are many different brands of breast enlargement implants available on the market today. Each brand has conquered a specific niche in this business.

Some implants are more popular, but they are more expensive. Others are much cheaper, which sometimes affects the quality of the product.

The most common manufacturers in Russia are Mentor and McGan Medical.


This American company specializes in the production of gel implants. The product comes in different sizes and shapes: round or teardrop-shaped (anatomical).

The surface of the artificial breast is smooth or has a moderate relief, which allows tissues to better adhere to substances foreign to the body.

The Mentor brand is also famous for its dual-chamber implants. One cavity is filled with isotonic solution, the other is filled with gel. This helps to gradually stretch the tissue if the breast has been removed previously, which does not injure the skin so much.

The company offers a large size range, high quality and minimal risks of complications. Their gel has “memory”, which allows you to quickly restore its shape after any damage.

The implants have a barrier layer that prevents the gel from soaking out, which can harm nearby tissues.

With the purchase of this product, the customer receives a lifetime warranty. The cost of 1 implant starts from 30,000 rubles.

McGan Medical

Mc Gan is also a world class company. The product has international, European and Russian certificates. They are produced with a textured surface, which minimizes the risk of the material not engrafting. Implants from this manufacturer are sold with a lifetime warranty.

The implants themselves are highly physiological and have a unique pore size that no other brand specializing in the production of the same products can replicate.

They have two filling options: a special saline solution or a silicone-based gel. The first option has its drawbacks in the form of loss of shape due to the flow of matter, but it is still popular due to its relatively low price.

The gel in the second version has a shape similar to jelly. The cost of 1 McGan Medical breast implant is about 30,000 rubles.


It is a less popular brand from America. It also specializes in the production of round and anatomical shapes of implants.

The filler is silicone or cohesive gel. The product, like other manufacturers, has a rough surface.

It is the most anatomical, provokes a minimum of complications and rejections, which makes it so popular among all brands.

No different from other brands, the CIUA brand provides a lifetime guarantee on artificial breasts. The cost of one implant starts from 20,000 rubles.


Acupressure is a massage method that promotes breast growth and strengthens its tissue.

Start with direct nipple stimulation. The next point is located 5 cm below the nipple and 4-5 cm towards the center of the chest. Massage in a circular motion for 7 seconds, stop for 5 seconds, repeat 15 times.

Pressure on the thyroid gland (especially on its left side) plays an important role in breast growth. Press with your fingertips for 2 seconds. Repeat 3 times.

The next important point is massaging the occipital fossa. Press it 10 times for 3 seconds. The head should hang forward, the neck muscles should be relaxed.

Another point is located on the chest, right in the middle, between the nipples. It is best to influence it with your thumb or fingertips. Repeat the pressure 5 times in a row.

The last point lies on the crease between the index and middle fingers. Press 5 times, briefly and firmly, on both hands.

Acupressure should be repeated 2 times a day, morning and evening.

Examination before surgery

Before the operation, the patient should not have colds or other diseases. It is necessary to undergo examination:

  • do an ultrasound of the mammary glands and blood vessels of the lower extremities;
  • take blood and urine tests;
  • undergo an ECG;
  • consult an anesthesiologist.
  • Print list of examinations

You should take a bath the night before. A light dinner is allowed. The operation is carried out strictly on an empty stomach; eating and drinking on the day of mammoplasty is PROHIBITED!

Types of implants

There are several types of breast implants, distinguished according to their configuration and coating material. According to their form they are divided into:

  • Round, representing a hemisphere . For the doctor, working with such endoprostheses is easier, therefore, the risk of an undesirable result for the patient is reduced. The price of round implants is lower, and sometimes the hemispherical shape is the best.
  • Anatomical, having the outline of a drop . This is a more expensive type of breast endoprosthesis. With them, the breasts look more natural, but installation requires more skill from the doctor, therefore the cost of the operation is higher, as is the likelihood of error.

Features of the surface of implants divide them into:

  • Smooth . This species appeared earlier. And the application made it clear that smooth endoprostheses are more prone to displacement, disruption of shape and provoking complications. After all, such a surface does not provide proper adhesion to living tissues.
  • Textured . These endoprostheses have a porous shell. This allows the connective tissue of the mammary glands to grow into them, holding them more securely.

Smooth and textured breast implants

Male gaze4

Statistics say that not all men will be happy if their girlfriend decides to have breast augmentation. Someone claims that, in principle, they do not like large forms, and graceful breasts look more aesthetically pleasing. Some people admit that large breasts are fascinating and hypnotizing, but only if they look natural.

Among those who see silicone breasts not only on screens and covers, opinions are also divided. Some claim that they could just as easily feel rubber balls rather than their partner’s breasts. Others don't speak at all because they are busy with other, more interesting things. How many people, so many opinions.

A girl who decides to spend her savings on silicone breasts should look for an answer not in a search engine or a women's magazine, but from her man. And do not forget that new breasts are not a guarantee of getting rid of complexes and accepting your own body.

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