Plastic surgeon Zaur Bytdaev: “We are constantly mastering the most modern methods of plastic surgery”

Zaur Makhrovich chose his professional path - plastic surgery - while still a student at the Faculty of Medicine of the Medical Academy. To obtain the necessary professional skills, in 1996 he entered the RMAPO residency at the Department of Reconstructive Surgery and Cosmetology at the Central Scientific Research Institute under the guidance of Professor A.I. Nerobeev, where he then completed his postgraduate studies from 1998-2001.

At that time, the department was a unique educational institution for postgraduate training of maxillofacial surgeons with a background in plastic surgery. Over the years of residency and graduate school, Dr. Bytdaev mastered microsurgical techniques, methods for correcting congenital and acquired defects and deformities in the face and body, and technologies for reconstructive operations. And, of course, all types of aesthetic and reconstructive operations in the face and body. Already at that time he received his first patent.

Zaur Makhrovich began to perform his first plastic surgeries independently in the first year of residency. Over the years, his professionalism has constantly increased, which allowed him to receive the Grand Prix of the international Grace Award in the category “Best Plastic Surgeon” in 2010, and in 2012 he received this award again.

Today, Dr. Bytdaev is the holder of 5 patents for proprietary methods in plastic surgery. Winner of the Robert Koch Medal and Knight of the Order of Honor of the European Academy of Natural Sciences.

For a surgeon, as for any person, recognition from the professional community is very important, but the main thing is the recognition of patients. Over more than 20 years of practical work, Zaur Makharovich has performed thousands of plastic surgeries.

Over the years, Zaur Makhrovich worked as a leading surgeon in various clinics in Moscow, but his desire was always to work in a clinic with a team of like-minded people.

The opening of the Beauty Doctor clinic took place in September 2011, and from that moment on, Dr. Bytdaev has been working there as a leading plastic surgeon together with a team of professionals formed over many years of his professional activity.

Today, Zaur Makhorovich Bytdaev is not only a recognized expert in the field of plastic surgery. He is the head of the course in plastic surgery at the Department of Injuries at the Medical Institute of Continuing Education at MSUPP. Associate professor of the department. 32 residents are trained under his leadership.

Here are some topics of scientific research of Dr. Bytdaev:

  1. Restoration of anatomical proportions in case of tissue damage in the orbital region;
  2. Prospects for genetic and biochemical screening for assessing dermato-cosmetological and cardiovascular risks in plastic surgery;
  3. An algorithm for correcting age-related changes in the face and neck area through the combined and sequential use of surgical and cosmetic methods.
  4. A differentiated approach to choosing a method for correcting the shape of the lower extremities in aesthetic surgery;
  5. Liposculpture as a method for correcting body contours with excess adipose tissue using laser liposuction and nanoliposuction methods.

Bytdaev Zaur Makhrovich

Bytdaev Zaur Makhrovich – plastic surgeon, candidate of medical sciences.

Over the years of residency and graduate school, Dr. Bytdaev mastered microsurgical techniques, methods for restoring hereditary and traumatic defects in the face and body, and technologies for reconstructive operations. Performs all types of operations on the face and body.

Work experience

since 1996.


Graduated from the medical faculty of the Stavropol State Medical Academy. After which, in order to obtain the necessary professional skills, in 1996 he entered the RMAPO residency at the Department of Reconstructive Surgery and Cosmetology at the Central Research Institute of Dentistry under the guidance of Professor A.I. Nerobeeva. Zaur Makhorovich began performing his first plastic surgeries independently in the first year of residency.

In 2001, he completed his postgraduate studies at the Department of Restorative and Reconstructive Surgery and Microsurgery of the Central Scientific Research Institute of Medical Sciences. After graduate school, he trained in Europe for 8 years, studying plastic surgery in the area of ​​the face and body.

Repeatedly improved his qualifications:

• 2004 - certification cycle of advanced training in maxillofacial surgery at TsNIIS.

• 2006 - certification cycle of advanced training in general surgery at MONIKI. Topic: “Video endosurgical operations.”

• 2007 - certification cycle of advanced training in surgical cosmetology.

• 2008 - seminar on the topic “Aesthetic neurology” at the Moscow Medical Academy named after I.M. Sechenov.

Practical activities

• 1996 – 1999 - plastic surgeon at the ESPERANSO M clinic.

• 1999 – 2001 - plastic surgeon at the ESPERANSO L clinic

• 2001 – 2003 — Leading plastic surgeon at MedBioCenter blades.

• 2003 – 2008 — Director and leading plastic surgeon of the Clinic of Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology “NEST” and part-time deputy. General Director and leading plastic surgeon of the Clinic of Aesthetic Surgery and Cosmetology “BiKod”.

• 2008 – 2009 — General Director, Chief Physician and Leading Plastic Surgeon of the TEATRO Clinic of Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology.

• From 2011 to the present, Zaur Makharovich is a leading specialist at the Beauty Doctor clinic.

Scientific activity

He is actively involved in scientific activities, has 4 patents for inventions, and is the author and co-author of more than 20 scientific papers on current issues in plastic surgery.


In 2010, he received the Grand Prix of the international Grace Award in the category “Best Plastic Surgeon”.

In 2012, he again received the Grand Prix of the international Grace Award in the category “Best Plastic Surgeon”.

Breast augmentation by Zaur Bytdaev

The beauty of the breast largely depends on its elasticity, shape and volume. Asymmetry, ptosis and thinning of the subcutaneous tissue are the main reasons to turn to a plastic surgeon, which was what 31-year-old Daria was guided by. She shared her story of mammoplasty with the plastic surgeon Bytdaev Zaur Makhrovich with the readers of our portal.

Breast augmentation is a surgery I didn’t think about when I was younger. Nature did not offend me: beautiful forms, as they say, “everything is with me.” But this was only until the birth of my eldest daughter. The situation changed after feeding, and worsened even more after the second birth. At the end of the lactation period, I increasingly began to visit websites and forums about plastic surgery. When I finally “ripened”, my relatives (husband and parents), although with caution, supported my decision.

A month before surgery: we study the issue

I approached the issue of breast augmentation seriously: I wanted to know everything about implants and how they are installed. I read with great interest about the risks and complications of mammoplasty. And yet, knowing about them, I was completely confident in my decision: to have surgery!

Taking into account the “homework”, at my first consultation with Bytdayev Zaur Makhrovich, I asked many questions. I saw a professional in front of me, I knew that he could be trusted, but I wanted to make sure that we completely understood each other. We paid special attention to the shape and size of the implants, as well as the method of their installation. All these nuances are very important - the outcome of the operation literally depends on them!

10 days before surgery: we take tests

The next step was getting tested. Here I had to completely trust the surgeon, because only he knows what tests are necessary to understand whether the operation can be performed or not. Fortunately, everything was normal and no contraindications were found. Day and hour X were finally set!

Day of surgery: keeping calm

Of course, like any other person in a similar situation, I was a little nervous. The hardest thing was to follow the doctor’s instructions: not to eat or drink anything before the operation, and it was scheduled only for the second half of the day!

Upon arrival at the clinic, I was assigned to a cozy room, where an anesthesiologist came to take a test. As with the tests, everything went well.

I hardly remember what happened next. A nurse helped me get to the operating room. I felt almost no fear, because the anesthesia was already starting to take effect.

Immediately after surgery: coming off anesthesia

The operation itself took place in a flash for me. It seems like I just entered the operating room, and I’m already lying in the ward, I’m wearing compression garments - a corset, and I’m madly hungry.

A nurse came and asked how I was feeling. After I complained of hunger, she brought me a delicious and filling dinner. There is no dizziness or nausea, but I feel weak and sleepy after eating.

First day after surgery: getting used to sleeping on your back

My first day after the operation was spent in the clinic’s inpatient unit. Still on painkillers, so I have little to no discomfort.

The only thing that was not easy for me was to force myself to sleep on my back without turning over to my side. By the end of the day, my husband arrived, and after receiving all the necessary recommendations from the surgeon, I was finally able to go home.

Second day after surgery: we ask family for help

I don’t know what I would do without my husband and eldest daughter, because after the operation all my movements were constrained. There was no question of cooking anything. Even changing clothes and taking a shower had to be done with the help of relatives. Any sudden movement would reverberate in my chest, and the whole family would come running to my screams.

One week after surgery: return visit to the surgeon

On the seventh day after the operation, my stitches were removed. That same day I saw my “new” breasts for the first time. Of course, after the compression garments, she did not look perfect, but much better than before the operation: she no longer hung and acquired a quite pleasant shape.

By the way, removing the stitches turned out to be not so painful and scary. The whole procedure took less than an hour, and after it they put the compression garment back on me.

Two weeks after surgery: back to work

I decided to return to the office and work two weeks after the operation. Before this, I felt too helpless to “go out into the world.” Since I no longer took painkillers, I decided to get to work by car myself.

The position of the “new” breast relative to the steering wheel and seat belt became a little unusual, but it did not cause me much discomfort.

A month after surgery: go to the store for new underwear!

About a month after the operation, I decided to go to the nearest lingerie store. I know that my breasts will continue to change - the period is not that long - but I already want to buy new things, change my foam push-up to something more erotic.

It will not be possible to judge the final results of the operation soon - only six months after the operation, but I hope that my rehabilitation will continue to proceed calmly and without any complications.

Commentary by plastic surgeon Bytdaev Zaur Makhrovich

The patient had silicone implants installed - half under the mammary gland, half under the muscle. This method of installing prostheses allows a woman to breastfeed in the future, but does not exclude the possibility of breast ptosis. The main task we pursued in this case was to correct the existing asymmetry. In total, the operation took about an hour: half an hour to install the implants, and half an hour to carefully apply the stitches. By the way, the asymmetry remained to some extent after the operation, and was almost completely corrected only a month later. Further improvement will become noticeable in another 4-6 weeks, and we will be able to judge the final result no earlier than six months later.

Result on the face

Sofia Rotaru, who hardly looks brilliant at ten, managed without the help of cosmetologists and plastic surgeons.

On the other hand, some very famous people have such “traces” of surgical rejuvenation on their faces that you begin to think: it’s better to apply cream as usual. Meanwhile, new technologies are emerging in the world of aesthetic medicine, less traumatic and risky, but more effective. Zaur Bytdaev, recognized as the best plastic surgeon in Russia in 2010, answered RG’s questions.

Russian newspaper:

Aesthetic medicine is experiencing a boom, people want to look younger and younger. There are many technologies. Tell me how to figure them out? We will not name the names of famous actresses, but after certain manipulations, frankly speaking, they are scary to look at.

Zaur Bytdaev:

Not tens, not hundreds, but thousands of more or less famous actresses and actors, politicians, businessmen, businesswomen have had not one, but many operations. And among these thousands of people, only a few stars did not like you with the result. They have changed a lot. In the vast majority of cases, the result is excellent. There are many actors whom I remember from childhood, they still look young. Well, not thanks to masks and gymnastics. Naturally, they undergo surgery. And thank God that they found their clinic, a good doctor.


And yet, often after plastic surgery we see some strange standard: a disproportionately large bust, “pouting” lips. Is this a mistake made by the doctor or the customer who does not understand that he is disfiguring himself?


Yes, there were cases when, seeing a famous actress, I did not immediately recognize her. I’ll be honest: I wouldn’t have done such an operation, but I tried to explain to her that she shouldn’t change so radically. When we talk about public people, we, fans, do not give them the right to change. If I had decided, I would have rejuvenated them from the forehead to the décolleté, but at the same time retained all their anatomical features and proportions. They would look much fresher, younger, but at the same time everyone would recognize them.

Look at the beautiful Sofia Mikhailovna Rotaru. I admire her ability to “save face,” but what methods she uses is her own business. Surgery, cosmetology or just love for life, but she achieves it and looks great.


How to choose a clinic and a doctor so as not to miss?


The best option is if one of your friends or loved ones had surgery and you liked the result. 90% of my patients come on recommendations from their friends, having seen the results of my work.

Second advice: collect information on the Internet, open a magazine, read, think, call the clinic. Let's say you need to have eyelid surgery. Ask how many years has your doctor been working in this field? Does he have a document stating that he has been doing eye plastic surgery for so many years? The patient has every right to find out the whole truth about the doctor.

Third. Contact with a doctor is important. We need to discuss all the risks, all possible options. The doctor must explain what, how and in what sequence he will do.


Aesthetic medicine is developing, new “amazing” techniques are constantly being advertised. Should you believe the advertising?


New technologies go side by side with old ones and often complement each other. Let's say, let's take a common phenomenon - bags under the eyes. This is a hernia, fatty tissue. What did you do before? A small incision on the lower eyelid, inside or outside under the eyelashes, this hernia was taken out and cut off. And that's it, there is no bag. By the way, Lyubov Orlova was operated on this way. But there is one “but” - under this bag almost everyone has a tear trough, this is a hole or circle under the eye. We remove the bag - the hole becomes even deeper, and we get a huge circle under the eye.

According to the new technique, the hernia is not removed, but is moved and grafted onto the site of this groove. We get an absolutely even, smooth eyelid.


How has the facelift changed?


Previously, they did an open lift - the scars ran along the contour of the face, in the area of ​​​​the ears. Now we have learned to make invisible cuts - internal, through the mouth, in the hair. But we are not completely abandoning the old technique - if a person has excess skin, it must be removed.


Explain what the endoscopic tightening technique is?


Previously, a facelift gave a forced, doll-like effect. Because the skin tightened. But not only the skin ages, the internal tissues sag. Now we have learned to tighten the muscles, the deep layers. The face remains natural. And if you also treat the skin with a laser, it “sticks” and no one will guess that there was a tightening.

Another new technique, and we have the copyright for it, is to make microscopic holes in the bone under the eye socket, and the raised cheek is sutured to them and fixed. It's like if heavy curtains are caught on paper clips, and over time they break, and the curtains sag again. And if you fasten it tightly with good nails, these curtains will hang for a lifetime.


It's creepy to hear. How painful is it, what is the risk of complications?


This is a modern and cannot be said to be a very technically complex technique. A small incision is made, and the threat of complications and inflammation is minimal.


Is there anything safer for fat people than classic liposuction?


Just yesterday, for large bellies, huge incisions were made, “from vertebra to vertebra.” Now we make do with a small incision and then use the “internal assemblies” method, using special stitches to remove the entire abdomen, as if from the inside.

As for liposuction, yes, after the operation hematomas are inevitable, seromas and irregularities were formed. But the most unpleasant thing: after large volumes of fat were removed, the skin on the stomach and thighs hung in folds, like a Shar-Pei’s. Now we not only remove fat, we reduce “excess” skin using a laser. In Germany they have been doing this for about 20 years, but we started using this technique recently. The laser helps to uniquely sculpt the figure. For example, such a common female “trouble” as “breeches” on the hips. The underside of the shoulder sag with age. Double chin. "Rollers" on the knees. These are the so-called depots, fat traps - no matter how much you diet, no matter how much you exercise, there will still be excess volume in these places. A laser solves this problem much easier than a scalpel.


But if fat has accumulated in these “traps”, does that mean that after some time the same thing will happen?


If you lead a moderate lifestyle, don’t overeat, and don’t go into the refrigerator at night, then you won’t need a second operation.


How is cosmetology combined - injections, peelings, that is, “superficial” procedures with operations? At what stage do you have to resort to a scalpel?


This is the wrong approach.
And “ordinary” cosmetology - massages, treatments, peelings - and so-called surgical cosmetology should ideally be combined. It is not our task to “promote” a patient for surgery if he can be helped by other methods. On the other hand, you can’t think that just once you’ve had an operation. I tightened it up here, removed a fat fold there, and that’s it. No, in order to stay toned and in shape, you always need to take care of yourself. Beauty is work. Moreover, it’s everyday work. examples
Few famous people are able to honestly admit: yes, I was in the hands of a plastic surgeon.

But Sergei Zverev, although at first he insisted that he had “plastic surgery” after a car accident, in the end did not deny that he deliberately changed both the shape of his nose and the shape of his lips. The stylist claims that many of his fans are ready to copy his appearance.

Elena Proklova also does not hide the fact that she “worked” on her face. Her lips were enlarged with the help of special injections, her eyelids and forehead were rejuvenated, and the shape of her eyebrows was changed. “Plastic surgery helps me stay young,” the actress is sure.

By the way

Approximate prices for cosmetic surgeries:

  • Blepharoplasty of the upper eyelids - from 40 thousand rubles.
  • Lifting the lower eyelids with relocation of hernias (removal of bags under the eyes) - from 70 thousand rubles.
  • Laser lifting and correction of facial contours - from
  • 70 thousand rubles.
  • Removal of wrinkles on the forehead, between the eyebrows, and crow's feet using injections - from 12 thousand rubles.
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