Plastic surgeon Ekaterina Vakorina

Vakorina Ekaterina Igorevna

I had revision rhinoplasty with Vakorina back in 2011. Ekaterina Vakorina knew my situation in detail. She promised to fix everything. The result is that my crooked septum was not corrected (Dear Mrs. Vakorina, what are you doing? You perform operations with an ENT specialist, you yourself have a certificate in otorhinolaryngology, judging by your medkonsul website, but you cannot distinguish a crooked septum from a straight one? Why do you undertake operations that not able to do it? To simply earn money and ruin people's lives? The rehabilitation was poor - either the anesthesia at the clinic was of poor quality, or the operation was carried out so traumaticly. The inflammatory process was characterized by high fever for almost a month, the antibiotic prescribed by Vakorina had no positive effect gave. But the side effects were excellent - hair began to fall out, thrush began, which had never happened before.

When, after the operation, my swelling began to go away, I began to understand that something was wrong with my nose, I came to Vakorina and she injected, as it later turned out, all her many mistakes with radise (this is about one to a month and a half after the removal of the plaster! !!!), and ripped off money for it. She also advised me to glue strips on my nose, which she sold to me for a lot of money, arguing that they were expensive and you couldn’t buy them. These strips, as it turned out later, could be bought at least three times cheaper.

A year later, at the post-operative examination, I also injected Ridiesse and charged it as a consultation plus for the drug. I photographed the result after, I didn’t even have time to realize that I was being photographed!!! and subsequently posted it on the Internet on her website medkonsul (a photo of her nose with radise from one!!! angle that covered up all her mistakes!) The photo is still there, I did not give permission for publication.

Then I came to see her again and directly said that I didn’t like my nose. The tip is hollow, the back is uneven, plus an obvious scar/callus a centimeter long on the side! Her reaction was, to put it mildly, inadequate: she yelled at me and called me ungrateful.

My opinion is that Ekaterina Vakorina is an unqualified surgeon, a hypocritical woman who does NOT admit her mistakes. And, unfortunately, this is not only my opinion, but also that of other people whom she disfigured. But real reviews are removed from sites and this one will also disappear soon. And everything will be replaced by positive paid reviews, which are all similar to each other and written as carbon copies.

Now she has a beautiful Instagram, a lot of good comments and purchased reviews. Reading them, it becomes very unpleasant from all this falsehood.

So judge what kind of “doctor” is after this.

Plastic surgeon in Moscow


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Looking good is not only important - it's absolutely necessary!

They try to teach us to a healthy lifestyle almost from birth. Taking good care of your health has become the norm for many of us. You need to be no less careful about your appearance and beauty. Everyone knows that beautiful people are more successful, prosperous, reliable, and more socially adapted. Beauty and a healthy, presentable appearance are essential elements of success and a happy life that open all doors for you.

Few people have been blessed by nature with ideal facial features and a body shape that corresponds to classical beauty standards. It's no secret that maintaining a pleasant appearance, beauty and youth for many years is possible only through plastic surgery.

If a person by nature has imperfect facial or body features that cause inconvenience, then dissatisfaction with oneself forces a person to live with a constant feeling of failure and can become the cause of psychological complexes. Meanwhile, all these problems can be solved quite simply. They easily disappear thanks to plastic surgery. After all, plastic surgery can not only eliminate minor defects in appearance, but also completely reshape a person.

Modern plastic surgery in Moscow

Doctor of Medical Sciences, without a doubt the best plastic surgeon, Ekaterina Vakorina conducts consultations in Moscow, in a modern European plastic surgery clinic. Both women and men of different ages and social status come to the clinic. They all have one thing in common - they want to have an attractive appearance. Vakorina Ekaterina Igorevna is an experienced plastic surgeon with 20 years of experience. The professionalism of the surgeon is a guarantee of an impeccable result of the operation in plastic surgery. We are always aware of the most important discoveries and advanced world technologies in plastic surgery and cosmetology.

All plastic surgeries are prescribed only after consultation with a surgeon, provided there are no contraindications and good test results. Immediately at a consultation with a plastic surgeon, you can agree to do computer modeling - so you can see what the result of plastic surgery will be. Some plastic surgeries are performed using a laser scalpel, as a result, the scars after plastic surgery are practically invisible or not visible at all, and healing is easy, fast and in the shortest possible time. We make your dreams of aesthetic beauty come true. All our patients are always satisfied with the results of plastic surgery! Reviews of plastic surgeon Ekaterina Vakorina can be found on our website.

Plastic surgeon Ekaterina Vakorina

The latest statistics presented by the American Association of Plastic Surgeons were not surprising at all - women are more demanding of their appearance, which is why they make up the majority of plastic surgeons’ patients. Of course, because modern women are active, business ladies, for whom appearance and figure are a calling card, the key to success. Not only business partners, but also men first look at a woman from head to toe and only then begin to find out what her IQ level is. We know what a woman wants - to look young and beautiful. And we discussed issues related to how to achieve this with Candidate of Medical Sciences, plastic surgeon Ekaterina Igorevna Vakorina .

Corr.: Good afternoon, Ekaterina Igorevna. Today you are a successful specialist in plastic surgery - you have a busy operating schedule, not only from all over Russia, but also patients from near and far abroad fly to you for operations. Surely most of them are women.

I perform all operations and am not a narrow specialist in any one area!

Ekaterina Vakorina: Hello. Yes, the desire for youth, beauty, and hence for inner harmony is inherent in all women - regardless of their place of residence, age, nationality and other factors. And I, as a woman who also strives for this, understand my patients. Therefore, everything that I could and would like to do for myself, I do for everyone who turned to me for help.

Corr.: How demanding are women?

Ekaterina Vakorina: Maximum demanding. And this is their complete right. As a surgeon, as a woman, I understand this perfectly, so I do not allow anything in my work that could in any way upset the patient. My task is to make sure that after the operation a woman experiences changes not only related to her appearance or figure, I want them to become happier. And this works out in most cases.

Corr.: What range of plastic surgeries can you offer women?

Ekaterina Vakorina: Maximum expanded. If we talk about the face, then this is a wide range of rejuvenating and image operations. On the body - a number of body contouring operations: all types of breast plastic surgery - augmentation, lifting, reduction, re-endoprosthetics, corrective surgeries, etc.; lipomodeling - liposuction and lipofilling; intimate plastic surgery... I perform all surgeries and am not a narrow specialist in any one area.

Corr.: Let's talk about anti-aging facial plastic surgery. What areas in this area would you note as the most in demand?

Ekaterina Vakorina: Everything depends on the indications, and not on age, as is commonly believed, and on the wishes of the patient. The principle that guides my work can be boiled down to the following phrase: maximum results with minimal intervention. This means that I am a supporter of minimally invasive facial surgery - softer, more gentle, which gives brilliant results in the shortest possible time and does not require long-term rehabilitation. But minor invasion is not always appropriate when it comes to older patients with pronounced changes and excess skin. “One-day lifts” or “Hollywood lifts” have proven themselves well. They are ideal for business women who prefer to look younger “on the job.” Advantages: 2-3 days of rehabilitation, minimal incisions and lasting instant results.

Among the popular minimally invasive types of lifts is the non-surgical Silhouette Lift lift. No surgery! Obvious advantages are a short recovery period (can be done on Friday and go back to work on Monday), local anesthesia, and the ability to evaluate the result immediately after the procedure.

Corr.: What to offer to those whose train has left - for whom minimally invasive operations will no longer help?

Ekaterina Vakorina: Endoscopic plastic surgery gives brilliant results - endoscopic midface lift, endoscopic forehead and eyebrow lift; all kinds of short scar lifts. For patients of a more mature age group, there are options for classic braces. The scope of the operation is determined during consultation. I repeat, it depends on the testimony and wishes. The wishes, in turn, are influenced by a number of factors - the patient may be afraid of large-scale operations, or simply not be able to pay for the surgeon’s services in such a volume. Or, which is also not uncommon, he cannot spend 2-3 weeks on rehabilitation. In any case, under any circumstances, I find the best solution for the patient.

“One-day lifts” or “Hollywood lifts” have proven themselves well.

Corr.: Ekaterina Igorevna, you mentioned image operations on the face in the conversation. What operations can be classified into this category?

Ekaterina Vakorina: Everything that does not fall under the “age” category can be classified as “image”. The same rhinoplasty, mentoplasty are to some extent fashionable, the Europeanization of the eyelids (ethnic blepharoplasty or Singaporean). Image-related operations include any volumizing operations - increasing the volume of cheekbones and lips.

Corr.: What plastic surgeries on the body constitute your personal beauty top?

Ekaterina Vakorina: In the first place is breast surgery, in particular breast augmentation. Breast augmentation is carried out both with the help of implants and with the help of your own fat (lipofilling) or preparations based on hyaluronic acid. Before offering this or that method to the patient, I make sure to inform about all the advantages and disadvantages of each, about the features, risks and possible complications. Breast augmentation often has to be combined with a lift, here I adhere to the principle of “minimum scarring”. Having scars is always undesirable, so I try to do everything possible to avoid this prospect. But this is not always possible, since plastic surgery today cannot offer a “seamless” alternative to the classic lift. A certain percentage of operations involve reduction mammoplasty (breast reduction), re-endoprosthetics (implant replacement) and repeated corrections.

Breast plastic surgery is followed by liposuction and aesthetic surgeries on the anterior abdominal wall - abdominoplasty and mini-abdominoplasty. As a rule, these operations (together with breast plastic surgery and intimate plastic surgery) become part of the postpartum recovery program. Surgeries to correct the shape of the legs (cruroplasty) and plastic surgery of the buttocks (gluteoplasty) are also trending.

Corr.: Gluteoplasty really demonstrates an increase in attention to oneself. What opportunities does plastic surgery have in this area today?

We perform plastic surgeries “on the job”

Ekaterina Vakorina: If we are talking about lifting the buttocks, then it can be done with the help of Silhouette Lift threads. If we are talking about a slight increase in volume and correction of shape, then lipofilling is relevant. If the patient wants more pronounced contours of the buttocks, then I resort to implantation. I would like to note that not only women, but also men dream of a beautiful butt, but we’ll talk about them next time.

Corr.: Ekaterina Igorevna, just a couple of years ago intimate operations were perceived as something alien and incomprehensible. Has anything changed in recent years?

Ekaterina Vakorina: Intimate plastic surgery occupies a strong position, women show an active interest in it, because the desire for perfection is limitless - patients want to be beautiful from head to toe. Today this has become especially relevant due to its accessibility.

Corr.: What kind of operations can a woman have done with you? And what dictated the need for this kind of surgical intervention?

Ekaterina Vakorina: Labiaplasty (plasty of the labia majora and minora), contouring of the intimate area (modeling using your own fat or fillers based on hyaluronic acid), rejuvenation of the labia, vaginoplasty, clitoral plastic surgery, hymenoplasty, surgical defloration and even G-spot enlargement. Perhaps many people underestimate the importance of intimate plastic surgery, but good results improve the quality of life! My patients after operations share their emotions - these are new colors, new impressions, new sensations. Sometimes only after intimate plastic surgery does a woman finally understand what quality sex means.

Corr.: Ekaterina Igorevna, I thank you for the conversation. I would like to end the dialogue with a significant thought, borrowed from your website: “A beautiful person is calm, confident, and feels his importance. Awareness of one’s attractiveness helps a person to be the creator of his own destiny!” And I’ll add... all this became possible thanks to your noble work.

You can make an appointment with plastic surgeon Ekaterina Igorevna Vakorina by calling: +7 (495) 589-09-78.

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