A fashionable plastic surgeon in Volgograd told how to make large breasts out of a big butt

A fashionable plastic surgeon in Volgograd told how to make large breasts out of a big butt

Marcelo Ntire is a well-known personality in Volgograd. Clients say that he is a doctor from God with golden hands. Always polite, friendly and highly professional.

And no wonder. Dr. Marcelo has a lot of experience. He has been practicing as a surgeon in the field of aesthetic surgery for 17 years!

Mr. Ntire told a correspondent of the Volgograd Notebook website about advanced technologies in plastic surgery, as well as whether the famous doctor himself went under the plastic surgeon’s knife.

— How many years have you been practicing as a plastic surgeon?

— 32 years old, 17 years of which I have been doing aesthetic surgery. The process of plastic surgery is related to the topic of my dissertation: “Plasty of the esophagus.” Until now, this operation is considered very difficult in surgery. It is necessary if the esophagus has narrowed for any reason or the patient has suffered a burn. This is where I began my work: to recreate the esophagus so that a person would not die from lack of nutrition.

In general, plastic surgery is a large branch of surgery that combines aesthetic and reconstructive surgery. After university I took up reconstructive surgery and then aesthetic surgery.

Reconstructive surgery helps in cases of congenital defects, as well as those acquired as a result of accidents, accidents, and injuries. For example, a person was born without an ear.

And when a person has small breasts or does not want to age, then aesthetic surgery comes to the rescue.

— Why did you decide to become a plastic surgeon back in the days when they didn’t know about it in our country?

— Yes, reconstructive surgery was poorly developed in the USSR, and there was no talk about aesthetic surgery at all. These were isolated operations that were carried out in Moscow, and mostly people traveled abroad. In the 90s, aesthetic surgery began to develop and then I had the idea of ​​opening my own clinic. In 2000, I managed to realize this dream, and I opened the first plastic aesthetic surgery clinic in Volgograd. Next year we will celebrate our 17th anniversary.

— At that time, were there problems with the staff?

- They still exist! There are only a few good plastic surgeons in Russia, not to mention Volgograd. And why? Because there was no such specialty! Only five years ago did universities begin training plastic surgeons. And then surgeons had to take certain courses, get a license and start practicing plastic surgery. But even now, to become a good plastic surgeon, you need to learn a lot from experienced surgeons and practice a lot.

—Where did you practice?

— After graduating from college, residency, and graduate school, and already being a candidate of medical sciences, I began to train as a plastic surgeon. I completed an internship in France, Brazil, Canada, and at the Russian Institute of Plastic Cosmetology in Moscow. But this is only high basic training. You need to study every day! Plastic surgery is developing very dynamically in our country. Something new is constantly appearing and, in order to keep up with the times, you need to attend conferences, symposiums, and congresses. I recently arrived from St. Petersburg, where there was a three-day international congress. It was attended by leading surgeons from 36 countries in which plastic surgery is developed at a high level. It was about cutting edge trends. We learn at such congresses. If you don’t study, you can stop in place and not even realize that you are standing!

— Doctor Marcelo, where were you born and raised?

— I was born in a country in northwest Africa, Senegal. The capital of the country is Dakar. The capital is more famous than the name of the country itself. After all, everyone knows the Paris-Dakar rally. I was born there, but at the age of 12 I already moved with my parents, who worked in the diplomatic service, to live in the Union.

— You interned in many places, why did you decide to stay in Russia?

— When I graduated from school, my parents returned to their homeland, as their contract had expired, and I was left in Russia completely alone. He studied, then got married, had children. I had a great future in Senegal, but I decided to stay here for family reasons. I didn't want the kids to change from one way of life to another. They were born here, knew only Russian, and had already gone to school. I remember how difficult it was for me to move and study without knowing the language. Why do children need so much stress? Moreover, my career was going well in Volgograd.

— What has changed over the past 20 years that you have been working in this area?

- A lot of things. Plastic surgery now and 20 years ago is Mercedes and Zaporozhets. New techniques, new equipment and new knowledge have appeared. Now there are many areas in the field of plastic surgery: lipofilling, liposculpture, fetgrafting. Fetgrafting is the transplantation of adipose tissue, and lipofilling is the science of transplanting adipose tissue from the donor area to the recipient area. If earlier we used artificial material: gel, now we practice fat transplantation, which is not a foreign body for the body. There was a problem with fat implantation, but now it is almost solved. Fat survives from 50 to 90%.

- What would a manicurist be without a manicure, or a hairdresser without a hairstyle, and only ophthalmologists with glasses. Have you resorted to plastic surgery?

— In medicine, the concept of “a shoemaker without boots” is not applicable. The doctor is always without boots, oddly enough. I'm a plastic surgeon who doesn't have his boots on. You don't have time to change your appearance. Anyone wants to look better and younger, and I am no exception. I would like to change my figure so that it is not full. But I can’t bring myself to do it. I have never done anything, but I think it is necessary.

— Did you have surgery on your wife?

— I love my wife the way I have her. If she wants to change something, I will not dissuade her. Of course, provided that health allows. This is the main condition. I will never resist, because if my wife wants to change something in herself, she will feel more comfortable.

— Many problems with appearance are not physical, but psychological in nature. Do you have a full-time psychologist at your clinic?

— There is no staff, there are invited psychologists. When a person comes and it is obvious that his problems are not physical, but psychological, then we invite a psychologist.

— There was a case in Volgograd when a surgeon operated on a teenage girl who wanted to look like a character from an anime cartoon. In such cases, do you resort to the help of a psychologist?

“No experienced plastic surgeon will undertake plastic surgery on a teenager. They also came to me, and I refused. A minor child cannot undergo aesthetic plastic surgery. Another question would be if she had a damaged nasal septum and the child would have difficulty breathing. Then reconstructive surgery would be needed, but when the defect is not real, but fictitious, I do not undertake to operate. I don’t just refuse, but I explain: if something happens during the operation, the surgeon will never forgive himself, just like the mother. If the doctor cannot get the point across, then yes, we invite psychologists.

— Are there any trends in plastic surgery?

- Certainly! Plump lips, lush breasts, thin waist, wide hips, big butt, of course, proportional to the figure. In general, fashion is changing a lot; if only yesterday very thin women were in fashion, now we are returning to the times of antiquity. Of course, not thick, but with pronounced subcutaneous tissue and certain proportions.

— What is the most unusual case in your practice?

— For me, this is the reconstruction of the mammary gland from the abdominal wall of a woman after surgery to remove a cancerous tumor. We managed to achieve the required volume. This is a very difficult operation.

— Have politicians turned to your services?

— Of course, there are also very big politicians, but I won’t name names. Let me just say that they were very pleased.

— Do you think the Russian school of plastic surgery is one of the leading in the world or are we still far from that?

- Yes. 10-15 years ago she wasn’t like that, but now she is. Indeed, Russia is one of the five countries with advanced plastic surgery, which is developing dynamically. The most developed in this regard is the United States, Brazil is in second place, followed by France. In terms of the number of plastic surgeries, Russia was once in third place, but in terms of quality it was probably 15th in the world. But this is also a breakthrough - previously Russia was in 50th place.

— What is your favorite book?

— I really love the novel “Wealth” by Pikul. I re-read it many times. I love the books of the Brazilian writer Paulo Coelho. In general, I read a lot, especially Russian classics: Pushkin, Lermontov, Tolstoy.

— What is your motto in life?

- Just hard work!

Help "Notebook of Volgograd"

Marcelo Ntire, native Senegal (northwest Africa)

Moved to Russia at the age of 12. He graduated from the 11th grade of school with a gold medal.

In 1984 he graduated from the Volgograd Medical Institute with honors in the specialty “General Medicine”.

In 1990, after completing residency and postgraduate studies, he received the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences.

In 2000, he opened the first private plastic surgery clinic, Isabella, in Volgograd.
News on Notepad-Volgograd

The court released Volgograd surgeon Ntire from punishment


The sentence of Volgograd doctor Marcelo Ntire, convicted for the death of a patient, was commuted today. As a result, the surgeon was released from punishment in the courtroom.

As the Caucasian Knot wrote, on June 21, 2022, a court in Volgograd sentenced plastic surgeon Marcelo Ntire to three years in prison, finding him guilty of the death of a patient from anaphylactic shock. The court also ordered the doctor to pay the relatives of the deceased a million rubles. On October 19, 2022, the regional court toughened the sentence, banning Ntira from practicing medicine for three years. On July 8, the Supreme Court of Russia agreed with the defense's arguments and sent Ntire's case for review. The case was returned on July 17 for a new trial, and Ntire himself was released from the pre-trial detention center on his own recognizance. The defense called this court decision fair, the lawyer said.

In August 2022, a round table was held in Volgograd, at which doctors spoke in defense of the convicted man. “It is almost impossible to predict the occurrence of anaphylactic shock. The patient himself may not know or remember that he is allergic to a particular drug or active substance. I believe that this is an accident, but not a criminal case,” said Vladimir Derbentsev, a member of the Volgograd Medical Chamber.

Today the court reclassified Ntire’s actions from part 2 of article 238 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation to part one of the same article. As a result, the surgeon was sentenced to a fine of 300 thousand rubles, the press secretary of the regional court, Ekaterina Valkovskaya, told the Caucasian Knot correspondent.

“In accordance with Article 78 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, he was released from the imposed punishment due to the expiration of the statute of limitations for criminal prosecution. The point is that the court recognized that there were violations in the provision of medical activities. But a cause-and-effect relationship between the violations and the girl’s death has not been established. She died from anaphylactic shock, which Ntire could not influence, and not from the actions of the doctor himself or from poor quality care. Of course, we will appeal the court’s decision. Because this decision is at least absurd, and at most unjust. There were no grounds for retraining the doctor’s actions; this is illegal. But the court also rejected the victim’s civil claim for compensation for moral damage. The verdict is still guilty, how can the civil claim of the victim be rejected? This does not fit with the norms of the law,” Natalya Sinyavskaya, the lawyer of the mother of the deceased girl, told the “Caucasian Knot” correspondent.

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