How to use gel for washing - cosmetic and moisturizing for sensitive skin, the best 14 products

Cosmetic gel is one of the most popular skin care products.
It foams well, has a pleasant smell and actively cleanses the skin. Thanks to the original chemical formula, the composition foams in water of any hardness and washes away makeup, sweat and external pollution. There are gels that are used for daily washing and there are products designed for body care. The product is economical and a small bottle lasts for a long time. However, some gels contain strong surfactants, which can cause irritation and an allergic reaction.

Why do you need facial gel?

During the day, the skin of the face is exposed to numerous impacts. A woman applies makeup, then touches up and renews it. Dust and tiny particles of soot from car exhaust easily stick to cosmetic products. If this dirt is not removed promptly, it clogs pores, can cause inflammation and cause acne.

The mechanism of operation of washing gels

Evening washing with gel allows you to remove all the impurities that have accumulated on your face during the day. Cleansing gel is also useful in the morning, when the skin of the face needs to be refreshed, toned and given a fresh look. This effect is achieved due to competently selected components included in the cosmetic product. This is the main advantage of gels over various types of soap, which are produced using the same technology and differ only in perfume fragrances.

Read about ultrasonic facial cleansing gel at this link.

Forget about washing with soap

Comfortable pH of healthy skin is from 4.7 to 5.7. An ordinary bar of soap has a highly alkaline pH of 9 to 11. Imagine how different this is from the norm and how far from the acidic environment that is comfortable for the skin. And even if the soap is natural and contains a “cartload and a small cart” of emollient ingredients, alkali remains alkali.

Alkaline washing irritates the skin, increases bacterial growth and leads to dryness, dehydration and endless acne. If the skin of the body can still tolerate a bar of soap, then the face cannot.

Instead of soap, choose soft, sulfate-free gels and foams for washing with a pH of 5-6. There should be no components with the word sulfate on the label. Instead, look for mild surfactants, for example: cocamidopropyl betaine, sodium cocoate, sodium cocoamphoacetate, lauryl glucoside.

Beneficial features

When purchasing a cleanser, it is very important not to make a mistake in choosing the product. Unlike toilet soap, gels are divided according to the type of facial skin into the following types:

  • for dry;
  • for oily and combination;
  • for the problematic one.

A very important characteristic of the product is the level of hygienic impact. It depends on the chemical composition. Based on the presence of certain surfactants, gels are divided into:

  • amphoteric;
  • anionic;
  • cationic;
  • nonionic.

Amphoteric drugs are of the highest quality. They effectively cleanse and moisturize the dermis of the face. At the same time, they have a very mild effect. They should contain components such as Cocoyl, Sarcosine or Betaine.

Anionic compounds are not able to penetrate into the epidermis and cleanse the skin only superficially. Their effectiveness is noticeably lower, so natural skin secretions remain in the pores of the face. Anionic gels contain sodium lauryl sulfate, which, being a strong allergen, has an irritating effect and dries out the dermis.

Cationic products are designed for deep cleansing of all layers of the dermis. They contain such powerful surfactants as Quaternium and Polyquaternium. Such products are not recommended for use by women with sensitive skin. They can cause severe irritation, dryness and allergic reactions.

Non-ionic cleansers are considered the most useless. With their help, you can only wash away dust from the surface of the skin. They do not provide deep cleaning and moisturizing. These products have the lowest price, and the packaging indicates the presence of the Decyl-Glucoside component.

Remove makeup properly before washing your face

We will never tire of repeating that makeup removal and washing are 2 separate independent cleansing steps, and they cannot be combined.

It is impossible to completely cleanse the skin of makeup (especially multi-layered and waterproof), and at the same time dirt and grease, and all this with the help of one product. Foams and gels for washing are not intended to dissolve makeup; they have a different task.

When we apply a gel or foam cleanser to our makeup, we simply smear makeup residue, dirt and oil across our face and clog it all into the pores. As a result, we get partially cleansed skin in places, which we cover with cream on top. And then we are surprised by acne and a green complexion.

Therefore, first, be sure to remove makeup with a special product designed to dissolve cosmetics. Micellar water, milk, hydrophilic oil, cream, cream, oil tile. And only after that we move on to washing.

What to choose gel or foam

Gels and facial foams contain approximately the same set of components, however, there are some differences between them. The basis of skin hygiene products is surfactants (surfactants).

What does surfactant mean and its functions.

The effectiveness of the drugs, as well as possible adverse reactions, depend on their type and quantity:

GelDoes not contain oils. Effectively cleanses and moisturizes facial skin. Causes a feeling of excessive tightness of the dermis. May be irritating.
FoamHas softer characteristics. The bottle is equipped with a foaming dispenser. Does not cause discomfort. Doesn't always remove dirt effectively enough. Has a weak moisturizing effect.

Choose the right water temperature for washing

Temperature extremes disrupt the epidermal barrier and skin pH, provoke dehydration, damage capillaries, provoke rosacea and worsen inflammation (especially acne).

The common belief that hot water opens pores and cold water closes them is nothing more than a myth. The pores do not have muscles that can open and close them. In addition, washing with hot water destroys the lipid barrier (literally “washes” it away). This leads to dehydration, dryness and at the same time increased production of sebum.

The best option is water for washing at room temperature.

Features of choosing a gel

The choice of washing gel should be based on the individual characteristics of your facial skin, so when purchasing, you should carefully read the recommendations on the packaging. It is necessary to take into account the presence of additional effects such as nutrition and hydration. There are many hygienic compositions that are intended for different types of dermis:

  • For oily skin. It cleanses all layers of the dermis well, normalizes the functioning of the fat glands and narrows enlarged pores. Refreshes and tones the face. Effectively removes fatty film and mattifies the skin.
  • For the problematic one. Has a bactericidal and moisturizing effect. Eliminates irritation and peeling of the dermis. Allows you to fight pimples, acne and other blemishes.

  • For acne. Has a strong antimicrobial effect. Eliminates inflammatory processes, does not cause irritation and mattifies the face. A good example is Delex-acne.
  • For mature skin. Contains fruit acids and antioxidants. Successfully counteracts the withering of the dermis. Has a moisturizing and tightening effect.
  • For combined. Deeply cleanses pores, dries inflamed areas and has a bactericidal effect. Refreshes and tones the face, giving it firmness and elasticity.
  • For dry. Restores fluid balance through deep hydration. Gently cleanses pores, narrowing them. Makes the facial dermis soft and velvety.
  • For children. Contains extracts of medicinal herbs. Has an exceptionally mild effect. Moisturizes and nourishes the skin.
  • For normal skin. Deeply cleanses all layers of the dermis. Contains extracts of medicinal plants. Makes the face clean and fresh, removes toxins.
  • For men. Has high penetrating ability. Cleanses pores and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Children's preparations are perfect for women with sensitive dermis, but men's formulations should be used with caution, as they contain a large number of active ingredients.

How else to moisturize your skin

Herbalife Nutrition products are suitable for those who seek to improve the condition of their skin not only from the outside, but also from the inside. In the line of care cosmetics you will find special moisturizing and cleansing gels enriched with nutrients and a vitamin-mineral complex. They are perfect for women of any age, saturating the skin with beneficial microelements. And for those who want to get maximum benefits, it is worth choosing the “Formula 2 for Women” product, which contains all the substances necessary for the body, and “Roseguard”, the components of which help prevent premature aging of cells. Regular use of dietary supplements in combination with physical activity and proper nutrition can help maintain the natural beauty and tone of the skin.

Gel rating

The rating includes not only products from well-known brands, but also those cosmetic products that, according to customer reviews, have shown their high effectiveness.


Mattifying gel for washing - effectively removes cosmetics, dirt and skin secretions. Contains microparticles that help exfoliate the upper layer of the epidermis. Well moisturizes and provides a matte finish throughout the day. The product is suitable for oily and combination dermis. May cause slight redness. Price 145-185 rubles.

Read about gels with a steaming effect here.

Price 145-185 rubles.


Three-phase cleansing gel with marula oil - easily removes oil, dirt and even waterproof makeup. African marula tree oil has an antimicrobial and soothing effect. Moisturizing gel normalizes water balance. The product is suitable for any skin type. The disadvantage is the high cost of the gel. It is offered at a price from 1,300 to 2,300 rubles per tube.


Cleansing gel “Endless Freshness” is considered one of the most effective products. It performs deep cleansing and moisturizing of the dermis. It does not contain alcohols or parabens, so it does not dry out or cause a feeling of tightness. Tones and gives the face a fresh and healthy look. The composition is suitable for women with normal and combination skin. The cost of the product varies from 350 to 500 rubles.

Read about badyagi gels in this material.

PURE LINE based on a decoction of medicinal herbs

Effectively removes cosmetics, dirt and oily shine. Herbal ingredients moisturize the dermis well, penetrating into the deepest layers. The product tightens pores and gives the face a fresh look. A decoction of celandine prevents inflammation and the formation of acne. The product is suitable for combination and oily skin. With regular use, it normalizes the functioning of the fat glands. The product costs from 50 to 150 rubles.

Price: from 50 to 150 rubles.

VICHY Normaderm

Cleanses the skin well and removes pimples, acne and blackheads. Salicylic acid has a strong antimicrobial effect, eliminates acne and relieves inflammation. Can be used by women with oily, combination and problem skin. Does not cause irritation, moisturizes and refreshes. Costs from 750 to 950 rubles.

Read more about acne gels here.

GARNIER Flower honey

Has a strong moisturizing and anti-inflammatory effect . Thanks to beekeeping products, it eliminates peeling of the epidermis. Is a gel peeling. Moisturizes and nourishes dry facial skin. The natural composition does not contain chemical components. Suitable for sensitive dermis prone to irritation. The average price is 280 rubles per bottle.

BLACK PEARL cream-gel Cleansing + care

Specially designed for dry skin. Gently removes impurities without injuring or irritating the dermis. Hyaluronic acid quickly moisturizes and softens the face, regulating the water balance. The product delicately cleanses the dermis without causing irritation. The cost of the product is 130-180 rubles.

BIOTERM Perfect skin

Has high cleaning activity. Normalizes the functioning of fatty glands, tightens pores and has an antibacterial effect. Creates a long-lasting effect of cleanliness and freshness. Eliminates local inflammation and prevents the formation of acne. The composition is intended for problematic and oily skin. It can cost from 980 to 1,700 rubles.

Price: from 980 to 1,700 rubles.

HIMALAYA HERBALS refreshing cleansing gel

Contains only plant components and cleanses the dermis of the face well. Eliminates inflammation and prevents the appearance of acne and pimples. There is no alcohol in the composition, so it does not dry out the epidermis. The product regulates the water-lipid balance and increases the elasticity and freshness of the face. The average price is 180 rubles.

GREEN PHARMACY gentle cleansing gel

Designed for women with very sensitive skin. The domestic product is made on the basis of medicinal herbs. The composition cleanses and moisturizes the dermis well. Regular use allows you to restore protective functions and make your face less sensitive to irritations. A bottle costs no more than 120 rubles.


Removes dirt and makeup well and quickly. Deeply cleanses and tightens pores, has an antimicrobial effect, and regulates sebum secretion. Eliminates peeling, irritation and itching. The drug has a high therapeutic effect and the absence of aggressive ingredients. Solcoseryl has a similar healing effect. The price varies from 760 to 1,600 rubles.


Gently cleanses the face of makeup and impurities. Reduces the sensitivity of the dermis to various negative factors. It has an anti-inflammatory effect and prevents the growth of bacteria. Normalizes water-lipid balance and normalizes the functioning of fatty glands. The composition is safe for all types of dermis. A tube costs from 880 to 1040 rubles.

Price: 880 to 1040 rubles.


Suitable for all dermis types. Thanks to a set of herbal ingredients, it removes makeup and dirt well, and has a moisturizing and anti-inflammatory effect. It contains medicinal herbs that have a beneficial effect on the dermis. The product makes the face smooth and soft, and the positive effect occurs after the first use. The average price of the product is 75 rubles.

Biosecure Face Wash Gel

Gently cleanses and moisturizes the face. Biosecur with aloe juice has a beneficial effect on the dermis, providing cleanliness, freshness and elasticity. The drug helps clear the face of pimples and acne. Glycerin included in the composition makes the dermis soft and tender. The average price of the product is 480 rubles.

Sponges, sponges, brushes for washing

Sponges, sponges and cleansing brushes are well suited for cleansing oily skin with hyperkeratosis (increased keratinization of the upper layer). The main thing is not to use them for acne - you will only spread inflammation across your face.

How to use sponges for washing? The principle of operation is simple - apply the cleanser to the sponge, lather and gently massage your face for 30-60 seconds. Don't overdo it and don't scratch your skin.

If you use sponges or sponges to wash your face, be sure to “wash” them after each use and dry them thoroughly. Or take a new one every day.

The more often you change sponges and sponges, the better (best is once a week). They quickly accumulate particles of dead cells, dirt and residues of cleansers. And wet sponges are simply a “paradise” for the growth of bacteria. All this is a direct path to inflammation, and not to a clean face.

Soft cellulose sponges for washing are much more delicate than hard sponges made from loofah. Loofahs and brushes are absolutely not suitable for sensitive skin.


The main contraindication for using the cleansing gel is individual intolerance to any of the ingredients in the product.

Before using the gel, it is necessary to conduct an allergy test. To do this, you need to apply a small amount of gel to the inside of your arm for several hours. If itching and redness occur, this gel should not be used.

A composition that is incorrectly selected for the type of dermis can have a negative effect. Cleansers should be used with caution during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Wash your face twice a day

How many times a day should you wash your face? How to wash your face in the morning and evening?

We often think that rinsing our face with water in the morning is enough, but in the evening we need to wash our face with a cleanser. This is wrong. Cells do not “go to bed” at night. They continue to die and peel off as during the day (just imagine - that's 30,000 cells per minute). And just like during the day, they mix with sebum and sweat. And also night creams and serums.

Proper gentle cleansing with a cleanser 2 times a day (morning and evening) is the best option for healthy skin.

The more often you wash your face (with cleansers or just water), the more you damage the epidermal barrier and acid mantle of the skin. This leads to dryness and dehydration. The skin responds by producing more oil, resulting in a vicious circle. Therefore, there is no need to be too zealous, stick to the “golden mean”.

At the same time, if you sweat a lot, for example, during an intense workout, then, of course, the skin requires additional cleansing. The best option in this case is micellar water and tonic. “Micellar water” will delicately remove sweat and fat, and the tonic will cleanse the skin of traces of surfactants and balance the skin’s pH.

Which remedy will be more effective?

The first thing you should start with when choosing any cosmetic products is determining your skin type. For dry skin, creams that provide additional hydration are most often indicated. The same applies to aging skin (most anti-aging products have a creamy structure). But for people with oily skin, it is best to use a gel. Firstly, they are quickly absorbed, and secondly, they will not increase the oiliness of the skin, which can result in negative consequences.

The next criterion that determines the choice of the best product is its composition. Cosmetologists advise choosing products that contain as many natural substances as possible, because “fully chemical” cosmetics can harm the skin. Most often, the lack of natural ingredients is noted in inexpensive cosmetics, so experts advise saving wisely. The following tips will also help you choose a good product:

  • Odor – a pungent and offensive odor often indicates low-quality products;
  • Study the composition - if the manufacturer indicates only natural ingredients, this raises serious doubts about the quality of the product;
  • Balanced formula - a good cream should contain both natural and chemical components. “100% natural” labels are a sales gimmick.

It is always best to choose products on the advice of experienced cosmetologists, but if consultation is not possible, always carefully study the composition.

We suggest you look at the correct ways to care for your face:

Don't forget about toning after washing

The main mission of tonics is that they equalize the pH of the skin after contact with water. Impaired pH results in the skin losing its basic protective properties. It becomes “open” to germs, infections, pollution, dust, and allergens. Therefore, it is the disturbed pH that is often the cause of many problems - from acne to wrinkles.

Yes, tonics additionally cleanse the skin, remove residual cleansers, correct excess oil, and can moisturize, soothe, and disinfect. But their main task is to balance the pH and maintain the skin’s protective barrier. This is a hyper-important stage of care and should not be skipped.

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