Vichy reviews of face creams: moisturizing for mature, oily and sensitive skin

A woman always wants to be beautiful, but when she turns 40, she needs to use good cosmetics for this. To choose them correctly, you need to take into account the characteristics of the skin at this age.

And based on the information received, determine:

  • what remedy is needed;
  • constituent components;
  • important details.

Today cosmetology offers a large selection of anti-aging creams.
They are grouped by cost, quality, efficiency and the problems they solve. In order for a woman to receive complete care, she needs to use several products. But this is provided that you want to look good. From our article you will learn what the best creams are after 40 years. POLL: What skin care products do you use?

Recommendations from cosmetologists on choosing a cream

The famous phrase that at 40 years old life is just beginning was said for a reason. A forty-year-old woman, thanks to the experience of her years, becomes wise and authoritative, and new knowledge is revealed to her. She is full of strength, energy, enthusiasm and the ability to make her desires come true.

But still, time leaves its mark on her beauty a little, creating wrinkles on her face. But this is not a reason to be upset, since modern cosmetology has created many means to slow down facial aging.

But how to choose the right cream? What is the difference between modern developments and those used before? Cosmetologists say that the use of pharmaceutical ointment is advisable for women whose skin defects and age-related changes are too pronounced.

But if you have always taken proper care of your skin and it looks good enough, then all you need to do is choose a good anti-wrinkle cream after 40 years. To do this you need to pay attention to:

  1. Compound. Buy creams based on natural ingredients. They are much more effective and less allergenic than products with an artificial base.
  2. Age category. All lines of age-related cosmetic products are created to solve specific problems. There is no need to use the 40+ line at the age of 30 - this will negatively affect the skin.
  3. Skin type. For convenience, manufacturers write on the packaging what kind of skin their product is intended for. Buy only the right one.
  4. Time of use. Day and night creams work at different times, so take this into account when using. Otherwise, you will not get results.
  5. Quality. Buy cosmetic products only in specialized stores and always check the expiration date. Expired creams are very harmful to the entire body.

Now let's take a closer look at the nuances of the composition that a high-quality cream should have.

Where to buy and how to choose Vichy products?

It is recommended to purchase Vichy creams in pharmacies or branded stores that cooperate with the manufacturer. When buying such products in dubious places, there is a risk of coming across a fake.

It is important to make sure that the cream does not contain components that can cause allergies. To do this, the buyer must know what substances he has an individual intolerance to.

Considering the price of Vichy products, it is better to buy them in places where preliminary testing is possible. This will allow you to make the right choice of anti-aging product.

Cream composition

So that you can choose the right cream, we will reveal a few simple secrets that manufacturers use. They will help you correctly evaluate the composition of a cosmetic product.

A high-quality cream will consist of:

  1. Hyaluronic acid. This is the basic part of any anti-aging product. Has a deep moisturizing effect, activates metabolic processes in the skin.
  2. Glycerin. This moisturizer covers the face with a microfilm that retains moisture in the epidermis. But since glycerin clogs pores, it is not suitable for all skin types.
  3. Cosmetic vegetable and essential oils. They accelerate skin regeneration at the cellular level, maintain proper moisture concentration and protect against the development of inflammation.
  4. Coenzyme Q10. It makes the skin young and elastic.
  5. Vitamin complexes. From these, the skin receives components involved in metabolic and regenerative processes.
  6. Protein compounds (proteins). This includes collagen, elastin and keratin. But their presence in the cream in its pure form is useless. The molecules of these substances are quite large, so they cannot provide anything other than hydration. To achieve a positive result, you need to buy a product with various amino acid compounds.
  7. Peptides. They have a lower molecular weight, so they penetrate the epidermis and dermis better. They have a pronounced rejuvenating effect. But peptides have not yet been fully studied, so they may cause some side effects. But this happens very rarely.
  8. Retinoids. It is a synthetically modified vitamin A. If you use it in its pure form before the age of forty, then upon reaching this age it no longer gives such a good result. Retinoids renew the epidermis faster, reduce the intensity of pigmentation processes, and smooth out wrinkles.

After reaching the age of forty, the epidermis renews itself more slowly, and this process can last up to 70 days. This negatively affects skin breathing and blood circulation.

The article presents a rating of the best creams after 40 years with different effects. A woman should have at least one representative of each category, since this is the only way to keep her skin beautiful and young for a long time. Remember that your skin will determine the best cream.

Features of Vichy cosmetics - composition, benefits

Most likely everyone has heard about the Vichy brand. But how many people know what is good about this cosmetics, what makes it special? A city called Vichy was already famous for its thermal waters during the time of Napoleon III. People from all over the world came there to improve their health and gain strength.

For its products, the company uses water from a thermal spring called Lucas, which contains 15 essential minerals. This composition is unique; it simply cannot be recreated artificially. Such valuable moisture is formed due to a temperature of 140 C 3-4.5 thousand meters underground. It is this degree that allows noble minerals to dissolve in water.

Thermal water is not just beautiful words, its effectiveness has been scientifically proven. The effect is as follows:

  • activation of the skin's defense mechanism
  • stimulation of regeneration
  • neutralization of negative external factors
  • calming effect

Vichy cosmetics can really heal your skin and make it better. Defects are not retouched, but eliminated. The active ingredients penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis, improve tone, and moisturize. The collagen matrix is ​​restructured and hyaluron is normalized.

The composition includes many different elements of natural origin. These components vary depending on the nature of the cosmetic product, the needs of a particular skin type, and age characteristics. Each line has an individual set of components and their concentration.

The advantages of Vichy cosmetics include:

  • production in factories in France
  • low allergenicity (all products are tested)
  • unique composition with thermal water
  • proven effectiveness

The creams really work and smooth out wrinkles. The epidermis is transformed, fading cells are replaced by strong and healthy ones. Moreover, the effect lasts for a long time, and not just while using a product. The success of the brand is evidenced by the undoubted popularity of the products all over the world.

Some interesting information about Vichy's products in the video:

The best firming creams

The category is represented by three products.

Vichy LiftActiv

The cosmetic product has a unique composition. Under its influence, internal regenerative processes are stimulated, so the skin quickly tightens, becomes fresh and begins to glow.

Cream from Yves Rocher

It is based on natural plant cells that restore the skin and make facial contours clearer. Daily use of the cream for one and a half weeks restores lost firmness and elasticity to the skin.

Clarins Mylni Regenerate Joir

The cream is created to tighten the oval of the face. The manufacturer claims that the product is effective immediately after application. A significant drawback is the lack of an ultraviolet filter.

No matter how much manufacturers praise their products, it is important to remember that even an expensive cream does not always give good results. To look good after 40 years, you need to take care of your skin every day.


This video talks about the features of skin care after 50

It should be understood that even the highest quality, balanced and ideally suited cream for the skin will not reverse the aging process, and at the age of 50 a woman will not suddenly begin to look 20.

The role of cosmetic care is only to slow down the aging process and improve the well-being and appearance of the skin. The use of creams must be combined with general care for the health of the body, otherwise it will not be as useful as we would like. Read about all the advantages and disadvantages of L'Oreal ombre paint here.

The best moisturizers

They help restore water balance, retain moisture in cells and ensure normal metabolic processes.

Neutrogena Healthy Skin Anti-Wrinkle Cream

Thanks to the cream, the skin is moisturized, tightened and refreshed. It is hypoallergenic, so it will not harm sensitive skin. The result appears only if used systematically.


Inexpensive cream with anti-aging effect from Garnier. There are separate day and night ones. A good effect is achieved by using two products. In just seven days, the face is noticeably tightened and fresher. Moisturized skin will simply glow with health.


Designed for dry skin types. It has a light structure and a high concentration of low molecular weight hyaluronic acid. Contains UV filters, so in summer it will protect the skin from the aggressive effects of the sun.


Face cream after 40 years, the rating of which is formed in three positions, based on the opinions of consumers and cosmetologists:

  1. Black pearl “Anti-aging” helps even out tone, reduces deep wrinkles and eliminates fine wrinkles, has a moisturizing effect and tightens the skin. Apply both in the morning and in the evening after washing. It contains panthenol, collagen, amino acids, raffermin, bio-substances, and elastin components.
  2. L'Oreal "Revitalift" contains collagen, hyaluronic acid, and filler substances. Apply daily in the morning and evening hours of the day. The effect is noticeable immediately after application, the skin becomes tightened, wrinkles are smoothed out, and the complexion noticeably improves. Suitable for sensitive skin.
  3. Faberlic Platinum cream is anti-aging, the results of which are noticeable almost immediately. The composition contains wheat proteins, hyaluronic acid, collagen. The cream composition must be applied twice a day, morning and evening.

Don't miss the most popular article in the section: Facial massage according to the system of the Japanese doctor Asahi Zogan.

The best day creams after 40

It is correct to apply this cream immediately after washing, when the skin is clean and slightly damp. If you plan to apply makeup, wait until the cream is completely absorbed.

Hydra Life

This Dior cream is truly unique because it is fully absorbed in just a few seconds. It evens out the complexion well, so you can immediately apply decorative cosmetics to it. Suitable for sensitive skin types prone to various allergic reactions.

Olay cream

Despite the relatively low price, it works no worse than luxury products. It adapts to your skin tone, so there is no need to apply foundation to create makeup. The epidermis receives all the necessary nutrients from it. The cream activates metabolic processes.

Features of skin care after 50

The ability to regenerate and the natural tone of the skin weakens over the years, and such changes occur especially sharply after the onset of menopause.

In a woman's body, estrogen production decreases and most important processes become less efficient.

The condition of the skin during this period is influenced by many factors, ranging from the individual characteristics of the body to lifestyle.

Properly selected cosmetics during this period can, if not restore youth, then at least significantly slow down the aging process.

Important points in caring for aging skin:

  • Cleansers should not contain alcohol; the optimal form is milk, which does not require further rinsing.
  • Protection from bad weather and sun rays is very necessary, so be sure to use protective creams.
  • Deep hydration is simply necessary, so use special products, preferably based on hyaluronic acid. Its natural production in the body weakens with age, so it is necessary to nourish the dermis from the inside.
  • It is advisable to combine the use of cosmetics with self-massage techniques and professional cosmetology procedures.
  • In case of serious health problems and a sharp deterioration in skin condition, it is better to consult a doctor immediately. Hormonal therapy may help, but medications are selected individually.

Properly selected cosmetics also help restore skin.

Masking emerging appearance defects will not bring the expected result, but will only worsen the condition

That is why it is important to select even decorative cosmetics taking into account the characteristics of aging skin

The best night creams

These products should be used to cover the skin after removing makeup. Ideally, the face should be wiped with thermal or micellar water.

Many manufacturers have a whole line of anti-aging products that, in addition to day and night creams, also contain products for the area around the eyes. Cosmetologists advise using one line, as this will definitely give a positive result.

Features of skin changes during menopause

Skin aging is a natural process that becomes more and more apparent over time. And during menopause, the aging process becomes more pronounced.

Changes in the skin during menopause:

  • increased dryness and tightness of the skin;
  • increased fat content;
  • the appearance of deep wrinkles;
  • flabbiness;
  • change in facial contours;
  • pimples and acne;
  • itching

During menopause, important functions of the hormonal system in a woman’s body change. The main function of the female ovaries is the production of hormones that are needed for fertilization and the birth of children. All these hormones are also important for a woman’s beauty, for maintaining a normal body, and for attractive skin. Female hormones that are very important are estrogen and progesterone. They are responsible for most functions in the body.

The appearance of wrinkles, unfortunately, cannot be avoided by any woman. During menopause, female representatives should choose the right care and use products that are designed for regular skin care during menopause.

Effective nourishing creams

This category is represented by three products.

Cream "Ginseng"

This good eye cream rejuvenates the skin and nourishes it with useful substances, and also stops the occurrence of inflammation in it.

Cream Vitex

The unique components of the cream provide the skin with all the required microelements. Under its influence, the cream stimulates metabolic processes and blood circulation, strengthens blood vessels.


This cream from Lancome has a unique natural composition. Thanks to this, the skin is well moisturized and smoothed.

Serum for dry skin

“Vichy Neovadiol Majistral” is a healing elixir for nourishing and restoring skin weakened during menopause. In addition to the rejuvenating complex, the Majistral serum contains five times more oils. They contain Omega-3, 6, 9 polyunsaturated acids, as well as y-oryzanol. Despite the fact that the serum is enriched with fatty substances, its texture is velvety and non-sticky. It absorbs well and does not leave an oily sheen.

Vichy offers three ways to use this product:

  1. As a serum for dry skin.
  2. Add to your favorite cream to enhance nutritional properties.
  3. As a mask: apply a very thick layer and leave for 10-15 minutes. Then remove the remaining composition.

Serum "Majistral Neovadiol Vichy" receives excellent reviews. Many have found their salvation from flaky and dry skin in this product.

The best face creams after 40 years with an anti-aging effect

Such substances should slow down skin aging, which is quite realistic. To do this, they force the body to produce substances required to keep the skin in a young state. The best representatives of the group are considered to be cosmetic products from three manufacturers.

Black Pearl

This anti-aging cream has a low price. Thanks to it, the complexion is evened out, skin aging slows down, and wrinkles disappear. Systematic use of the cream will moisturize the skin and tighten the oval of the face.


Revitalift cream is considered the most effective anti-aging product for women over 45 years of age. With its help, you will rejuvenate your skin, remove severe wrinkles, and restore natural radiance to your face.


To create an anti-aging product, only substances of natural origin were taken. Systematic use will make the complexion even, remove wrinkles and the effects of fatigue.

A good anti-wrinkle cream should have a pronounced prolonged effect. This is ensured by two active components. Therefore, when purchasing a cream, pay special attention to its composition.

Now we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the rating of creams based on their cost.

What products should be used after 30 years?

Vichy creams produced specifically for women aged 30-35 years include:

  • Liftactiv Retinol HA;
  • Liftactiv Nuit Supreme;
  • Liftactive Collagen Specialist;
  • Vichy Myokine;
  • Vichy Normaderm Anti-Age.

Liftactiv Retinol HA cream contains hyaluric acid and the new generation Retinol-A complex. The product activates the production of elastin and collagen, smoothes wrinkles. The product is suitable for different skin types. Average price – 1,700 rubles.

Liftactiv Nuit Supreme Night Treatment is enriched with hyaluron and retinol-A. It also contains thermal water from natural springs. The main effect of the cream is to rejuvenate and moisturize the epidermis during sleep. Liftactive Nui Supreme quickly eliminates signs of skin aging and is well absorbed. You can buy this product for 2,200 rubles.

Liftactive Collagen Specialist is a universal product with peptides that eliminates the first signs of aging. The product can be used before applying cosmetics in different areas of the face, including the area around the eyes.

Vichy Myokine fights against expression wrinkles and also prevents their appearance. The skin condition improves quickly. Vichy Myokine price – from 1600 rubles.

Vichy Normaderm Anti-Age is suitable for combination and oily skin. It contains glycolic acid, vitamin C, lipo-hydroxy acid. The product eliminates skin imperfections, evens out tone, and increases elasticity. The price of the product is 1300 rubles and above.

The best inexpensive creams

According to consumer reviews, four products are considered the best in this category.

Health&Beauty Face Care

This cream is considered the best option for cold weather. It nourishes and moisturizes the skin, eliminating the feeling of tightness. It has a dense structure, but this does not cause any trouble during use.

The effect is visible immediately after application. Sea buckthorn, present in the composition, brightens the skin. Dryness and tightness disappear quickly. Thanks to regular use of the cream, the skin is noticeably tightened and smoothed, even small wrinkles disappear.

"Mac" Mi&ko

The effectiveness of the cream is ensured by unique natural ingredients: immortelle and poppy seeds. The oils of these plants have antioxidant properties, so they quickly and effectively remove wrinkles. As a result, the skin will become elastic and tightened.

The product from this manufacturer is pleasant to use; it has a subtle, pleasant aroma. Since the cream has a heavy structure, it is more advisable to use it in winter.

Levrana Cranberry 40+

Development of domestic specialists. Popular due to its natural composition and good price. The active ingredient is cranberry. Since the berry ripens late, it contains a huge amount of useful microelements. The cream also contains amino acids and vitamins. It has a dense structure, so it takes some time for complete absorption. It can be used as a base for decorative cosmetics.

The cream does not remove wrinkles 100 percent, but it keeps facial skin in excellent condition. With its help, you can moisturize and tighten the oval of the face, protect collagen from destruction. The cream is suitable for application to dry and combination skin.

Dr. Konopka'S Active Face Cream Age-defying

The products of the Estonian company are famous for their natural composition and ancient creation techniques. Consumer reviews confirm that the anti-aging cream removes the signs of aging very well. After just a few days of use, the skin becomes matte and well-groomed. At the same time, the cream does not clog pores at all. It is absorbed well, but slowly. Well moisturizing the skin, restores its water balance.

POLL: By what parameters do you choose cosmetic products?

Rating of the best anti-aging cosmetics for eyelids and face

Cosmetologists recommend paying attention to products whose companies are well-known and popular. They guarantee quality for good money. You should not buy from little-known sites and from little-known companies. Popular brands: Vichi, Garnier, PHYTOcosmetics, Nivea, L'Oreal, Biocon, Olay, Natura Siberica.

Day cream LiftActiv Supreme for oval tightening, Vichi

The Vichy company has been producing caring cosmetics for women and men for more than ten years. Active ingredient in all products: purified thermal water from the spring of the same name. Thanks to this, the cream gently and intensively nourishes and moisturizes the dermis. The cream contains collagen, it perfectly tightens the oval of the face, removes wrinkles, and slows down the aging process. The best anti-wrinkle cream can be found here. Eliminates signs of chronic fatigue, removes acne and pimples. Protects against external environmental factors.


  • purified thermal water;
  • coenzymes;
  • collagen;
  • salicylic acid;
  • caffeine;
  • haloxyl;
  • green tea and lavender extract;
  • linseed oil.

Features of application

Apply twice daily. Pre-cleanse and moisturize the skin.

Day cream costs from 2000 rubles. Minimum volume – 50 ml.

Night Face Cream Garnier Active lifting + 45

The Garnier company produces a whole series of anti-aging products for different types of epidermis and age. Anti-aging cream perfectly removes wrinkles around the eyes and mouth, restores firmness and elasticity to the skin. Restores the upper stratum corneum, treats microcracks, eliminates sagging, dryness and flaking. Evens out tone, treats acne, pimples, comedones, acne and dermatitis.


  • glycerol;
  • thermal water;
  • magnolia and chestnut oil;
  • chamomile, tea tree and wild rose extract;
  • beta-carotene;
  • haloxyl;
  • ceramides.

Directions for use: Apply an hour before bedtime. Do not rinse off.

For better results, use other anti-aging products from this series.

Face cream PHYTOcosmetic Hyaluronic Effective Rejuvenation

In addition to the anti-aging effect, it treats acne and pimples, relieves inflammation and irritation. Creates a barrier between the skin and the environment. Evens out tone, intensively nourishes, moisturizes and saturates with essential microelements and minerals.


  • purified thermal water;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • vitamins: B, B5, A, C, E;
  • fruit and lactic acids;
  • tocopheron;
  • glycolic acid;
  • jojoba oil, olive and rice oils;
  • glycerol.

Features of application

Apply in the morning an hour before going out or in the evening an hour before bed. If used during the day, it is better to apply sunscreen afterwards.

The cream costs 100 rubles per 45 ml in Russia.

Night cream for face Lifting “Energy of Youth 45+” ​​Nivea

It has a thick and oily texture, especially for night use. Contains many vitamins and microelements to completely nourish and moisturize the dermis. Maintains water balance, retains moisture in cells. Slows down the aging process, rejuvenates cells. Treats microcracks, scratches, acne, dries out pimples. Evens out tone, relieves inflammation and irritation. Protects against ultraviolet rays. Fights pigmentation and freckles. You can find out the best creams for facial pigmentation by following this link.


  • collagen;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • amino acids;
  • ceramides;
  • tocopherol and kojic acid;
  • chamomile extract;
  • White Lotus;
  • shea butter and jojoba.

Directions for use: Apply an hour before bedtime, pre-clean and moisturize the skin. Do not rinse off.

Anti-wrinkle lifting care L'Oreal “Age Expert” night 45+

Has an anti-inflammatory effect. Treats acne and pimples. Recommended by dermatologists.


  • shea butter and jojoba;
  • extract of raspberry, citrus, aloe, chamomile, mint, sage;
  • purified thermal water;
  • glycerol;
  • lactic and fruit acids;
  • tocopherol;
  • collagen and coenzymes of different groups;
  • ceramides;
  • beta-carotene;
  • kojic acid.

Directions for use: Apply half an hour before going outside and half an hour before bed. Do not rinse off.

The cream costs from 200 rubles. Minimum volume – 45 ml.

An allergic reaction to citrus extract is possible.

BiO-cream black pearl from 46 years old

A good popular face cream for 40 years from a series of caring cosmetics for aging skin. It contains collagen, which helps cope with all signs of aging skin. Intensely nourishes and moisturizes, maintains water balance, retains moisture in cells. Rejuvenates cells, restores skin firmness and elasticity. Does not contain dyes, silicones or fragrances. Recommended by dermatologists.


  • collagen;
  • coenzymes of different groups;
  • shea butter and jojoba;
  • tocopherol;
  • glycerol;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • chamomile and calendula extract.

Directions for use: Apply once a day, an hour before bedtime. Keep refrigerated.

Olay, "Total Effects"

Softens the top layer, evens out the tone. Treats acne, dries out pimples. Has a restoring and lifting effect. Gives the skin a natural glow. Has a light texture. Quickly absorbed. Dermatologist approved.


  • collagen;
  • shea and grape seed butter;
  • extract of wild rose, sage, eucalyptus;
  • tocopherol;
  • caffeine;
  • ceramides;
  • haloxyl;
  • glycerol.

Features of use: quickly absorbed. Apply several times a day.

The cost is 500 rubles.

What consumers say

If you don’t know which cream is best for you, read reviews from women who share their experience in this matter.

I have always taken facial care seriously, so when I turned 40, I decided to buy a suitable anti-aging cream. Having carefully studied numerous ratings, I did not find anything suitable and decided not to change my beloved Garnier. They just had a line for my age. I'm happy with the result, as always.

Inga, 41 years old

Due to certain skin problems, I needed an anti-aging cream with a healing effect. At this time, my close friend bought Vichy cream. But for some reason it didn’t suit her, and she gave it to me. For me, this cream is simply ideal, because it completely suits my requirements.

Eleanor, 44 years old

Almost all purchased cosmetic facial care products cause me allergies. This got me thinking about making my own cream. I won’t describe the details, but I will say that this task turned out to be not as difficult as it seemed at first. You just need to choose the right components and then you will not suffer from allergies and will be able to take care of your face.

Ksenia, 48 years old

I bought Dior cream on the recommendation of a friend who has been using it for a long time and constantly praises it very much. Before this, I tried a bunch of anti-aging products, but nothing suited me. Dior effectively removes wrinkles, dryness and sagging skin. I am pleased.

Alla, 46 years old

I used to use expensive cosmetics, but one day I was forced to buy Black Pearl cream. Honestly, I didn’t expect anything good from him, but the result pleasantly surprised me. To celebrate, I bought the entire series for myself and now I use it with pleasure. Dear women, don’t overpay a lot of money for a brand and try cosmetics from Russian manufacturers - they are no worse.

Olga, laboratory assistant

Many of my friends complain about the poor quality of Yves Rocher products. For example, I really like their anti-aging line. The products smell nice, absorb quickly and do the job well. I consider Yves Rocher products to be the ideal combination of price and quality.


Marina: “Vichy creams are a real find for me. With the help of Idealia Pro, I was able to smooth out wrinkles around my eyes without surgery or other painful procedures. I am very glad that I decided to purchase this rather expensive product. I am sure that after you try it, you will understand me.”

Oksana: “I have very sensitive skin, which is why I immediately become allergic to almost every cream. A real find for me was a Vichy cream called LiftAktiv Nuit. I like its light texture and the effect of application. There are fewer wrinkles and the skin is much nicer.”

Margarita: “I tried about a hundred different foundations: from cheap ones from a store near my home to expensive ones brought abroad. Very rarely did I manage to find something that suited me. Now I have Vichy Aera Tone Pure.”

What cosmetologists say

Cosmetologists, like consumers, disagree on which cream is better after 40 years. But each of them claims that cosmetic products need to be selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the skin.

I like Vichy products. They specialize in making therapeutic anti-aging creams that do the job well. Creams stimulate the recovery process and the production of neocollagen. The product is not suitable for many women, but if you are one of the “lucky ones”, I recommend looking no further.

Veronica, cosmetologist

Relatively recently, I started using Belarusian cosmetics in my work. It has a good natural composition and an affordable price for many. But to get the expected result, you need to use the entire line of anti-aging products.

Natalya, dermatologist-cosmetologist

Anti-aging cosmetics from French manufacturers have always been expensive. But the cost was completely justified by the result. I use this cosmetics myself and recommend it to my clients. The face is not the case when you can experiment and save. Especially after reaching the age of forty.

Nina, cosmetologist

Cosmetics from Russian and Belarusian manufacturers are, without reason, pushed into the background, buying expensive cosmetics from foreign brands instead. Our specialists take the quality of their products seriously, which is why they are often even better than expensive cosmetic products. I'm a fan of Black Pearl. It acts slowly, but for a long time.

Love, cosmetologist

Dear ladies! Try the line from the Olei company. The price is significantly lower than luxury brands, but it works no worse than them. Olya creams contain UV filters, which are very important for our skin.

Anna, cosmetologist

I advise all my clients to regularly and persistently take care of their skin after reaching the age of forty. It is best to use one line, since its products complement each other's actions. Use not only creams, but also scrubs and peels. Domestic manufacturers offer a large selection of such cosmetics at very affordable prices, so the beauty and youth of your face now depends only on your desire. Also, do not forget that the skin reflects the internal state of our body, so I recommend that women reconsider their habits, diet, quality and quantity of fluid consumed.

Galina, dermatologist-cosmetologist

For hair

The Vichy hair care line includes products such as ampoules, dry and liquid shampoos, conditioners. Here are the most favorite drugs among women.

Vitamin Shampoo for hair shine Dercos Nutrients. Moisturizes hair, gives it mirror smoothness and shine, softens the hair structure. The product contains:

tonic acai berries; aloe vera.

These components add moisture and saturate the hair structure with vitamins and macroelements.

Nutri Protein restorative mask is designed for damaged and split hair. Regular use of the mask helps restore the structure of the hair along its entire length, smooths out split ends, prevents further destruction and breakage of the hair shafts, and also makes the hair smooth and shiny, more manageable. The active ingredients are prakaxi oil and quinoa bran.

Intensive anti-dandruff shampoo for dry hair “Derkos”. It not only relieves excessive dandruff, but also fights the causes of its appearance. This is facilitated by the active components in the composition:

  • Selenium DS eliminates fungus on the scalp, which is the root cause of dandruff;
  • ceramide P envelops each hair with a protective layer, preventing the negative effects of the environment;
  • salicylic acid exfoliates dead skin flakes;
  • tocopherol fights free radicals and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Peeling shampoo 3 in 1 Micropeel eliminates dandruff (but not the causes), moisturizes the scalp, washes hair, giving it smoothness and shine. Contains salicylic acid and glycerin.

#1: Start meditating

Make meditation your new beauty ritual! This practice is aimed at relaxation and stress reduction. By the way, various breathing exercises help saturate the body with oxygen and improve blood circulation. Ideal if you want to return a healthy glow to your face! How to meditate correctly? Beginners will find the answer to this question by reading specialized literature or downloading one or two applications. They will help with positions and breathing rhythm. The most important thing is to reconnect with your body and soul. Remember to choose a quiet place to meditate, away from phones and social networks!

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