The best creams for oily and problem skin from the pharmacy. Reviews

There is a common misconception that oily skin needs drying compounds to remove this oiliness. In fact, such skin requires high-quality and constant hydration, because... greasy shine replaces the lack of moisture in the body.

Dermatocosmetologist Elena Stratova talks about the basic principles of caring for oily skin at home. What are the stages, how to properly apply skincare products to your face, what to choose and what mistakes not to make.

“Before moisturizing, the skin needs to be thoroughly cleansed. High-quality washing using foams and gels, as well as subsequent lotions and tonics, will help cleanse the sebaceous ducts and prevent pore contamination, which can lead to pimples and blackheads. If such a problem already exists, then you should use special means to eliminate it.”

Causes of oily skin

It is a mistake to believe that greasy shine and inflammation on the skin are caused only by insufficient cleansing. As a rule, the problem is related to the functioning of the whole organism.

Increased secretion of the sebaceous glands may be due to:

  1. Genetic predisposition. How the sebaceous glands react to hormonal changes varies from person to person. 8% of people in the world have increased sensitivity, which causes oily skin type.
  2. Poor nutrition. A large amount of flour, sweet, spicy, fatty foods leads to skin problems. Also, the abuse of carbonated drinks, instant coffee, and a disrupted diet cause severe fat content.
  3. Endocrine diseases. Hormonal imbalance associated with the synthesis of sex hormones or impaired functioning of the thyroid gland is manifested by increased fat content of the integument. Prolonged exposure to stressful situations leads to increased levels of adrenaline, which is also reflected on the face.
  4. Gastrointestinal diseases. Gastritis, colitis, dysbacteriosis lead to increased synthesis of subcutaneous sebum.

  5. Diseases of the liver, nervous system, pancreas.
  6. Improper facial care. The use of alcohol-containing cosmetics dries out the skin and thereby provokes increased secretion of the glands. Frequent peelings with large-fractional scrubs injure the skin and contribute to the spread of pathogenic microflora over the surface of the face. It is better to use peeling rolls no more than 2 times a week. Too greasy cream or low-quality foundations lead to clogged pores, the formation of comedes, and acne.

To solve problems with facial skin, you need to choose the right cosmetics and eliminate their “internal” causes.

How to choose

Combination skin can be different - prone to dryness or, conversely, oily. In the first case, with insufficient care, peeling may appear on the cheeks, forehead, and area around the eyes. In this case, enlarged pores or pimples will be clearly visible in the T-zone. In the second case, after applying a moisturizer, especially with oils or glycerin in its composition, an oily sheen and comedones appear.

There is no universal list of tips; you will have to try everything on yourself and select the optimal care by trial and error. The only point is that if the skin is sensitive, reactive or prone to allergies, special attention should be paid to studying the composition.

What components should not be on the list:

  1. Parabens are also preservatives, often used in budget cosmetics. It is thanks to parabens that an open jar of cream can be stored for several months. They themselves are harmless, since their content in cosmetic products is minimal, and they certainly cannot accumulate in the body and cause cancer. However, for those with sensitive skin, it is better to choose products without methyl-, propylparabens and benzylhydroxybenzoates.
  2. Vitamin A derivatives (retinoids) work great for aging skin, but they dry out the skin and increase its sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation. This does not mean that you need to completely abandon products with retinols, but it is worth choosing a cream with a minimum concentration.
  3. Bithionol is a bactericidal component; with prolonged use it can cause redness and peeling.
  4. Glycerin - at low air humidity (below 65%) is able to draw water from the deep layers of the epidermis to the surface. The result is discomfort, a feeling of tightness, peeling.
  5. Denatured alcohol (SD Alcohol or Alcohol Denat) - even in low (up to 7%) concentration can cause dryness. And since manufacturers usually do not indicate the ratio of ingredients in the composition, products with denatured alcohol should be abandoned altogether.
  6. Mineral and natural oils - the former can clog pores, the latter can cause allergies.
  7. Dyes and flavors.

If you are looking for organic cosmetics, then you should not pay attention to “BIO”. This is nothing more than a marketing ploy that allows manufacturers to increase sales (and prices for the same cream, of course). The only evidence that cosmetics contain a large number of components of organic origin are certificates from the following organizations: BDIH (Germany), NATRUE, Ecocert, ICEA, NPA, COSMOS. And all kinds of icons with green flowers and leaves mean absolutely nothing. If you are going to order products online, check the product certificates, which bona fide online stores must either post on the website or send by email upon the buyer’s first request.

Reviews in this case do not matter much - everyone’s needs are different. An exception is if you are already allergic to some components. In this case, in addition to reviews, it would be nice to find the full composition of the product.

Remedies for oily and problem skin

Problematic and oily skin needs comprehensive care. Properly selected face creams, cleansers and exfoliants are the key to an attractive appearance.

Skin cleansing

Cleansing is an important step in any facial care routine.

Gels, foams, mousses for washing should contain:

  • zinc;
  • salicylic acid;
  • retinol

These components fight replenishment, preventing new ones from appearing and drying out existing ones. Using them twice a day removes excess sebum, toxins and impurities.


The second step in skin care is the use of tonic and lotion. It is important that the products do not contain alcohol, but contain a neutral pH. Sulfur and zinc in the composition deeply cleanse, tighten pores, and reduce inflammation. You need to wipe your face after washing twice a day.


Exfoliating products should be used twice a week. Peeling rolls with fruit acids, enriched with minerals and vitamins, are suitable. The gentle action of the acid allows you to rid the skin of keratinized particles without causing microtrauma to it. You can use gomages with retinol or zinc.

Scrubs with abrasive particles are undesirable, especially in the case of acne and comedones.

Masks with clay (white, blue) will help clean pores and dry out inflammation. They need to be used 2-3 times a week. Warming masks that remove toxins and cleanse pores, even out the complexion, should be done once a week.

Choosing a cream based on composition

The cream is the basis for caring for any skin type. It should moisturize without clogging pores, and be quickly absorbed and mattify. Therefore, products containing oils are not suitable for problem skin. It should contain fatty acids and antiseptic substances.

Useful extracts from plants:

  • birch;
  • tea tree;
  • calendula;
  • chamomile.

Oily and problematic skin requires hydration no less than dry skin, but creams should be light in texture. It is better to apply moisturizing and mattifying facial products in the morning, and apply nourishing ones at night.
When choosing a cream, special attention should be paid to its composition. It should contain:

  1. Hyaluronic acid, which will “retain” moisture in skin cells.
  2. Antioxidants: vitamins C, E. Prevent premature aging, slow down oxidative processes.
  3. Zinc – dries out inflammations and prevents their reappearance.
  4. Retinol and sulfur also fight acne.
  5. Salicylic acid eliminates oily shine, accelerates regeneration, and evens out skin texture.
  6. Caffeine tightens pores.
  7. Alpha hydroxy acids and essential oils (tea tree) have an antibacterial effect.
  8. Plant extracts: calendula, chamomile, aloe vera, birch relieve inflammation and soothe the skin.
  9. Niacinamide soothes, tightens pores, prevents acne and blackheads.
  10. Sorbents: starch, clay absorb toxins on the surface of the integument, thereby creating a matting effect.

It is important that the cream does not contain silicone or ethanol, which will dry out the skin and increase the secretion of sebum.

Pharmacy drugs

Among pharmacy products for problem skin, you can find medicinal creams from well-known brands (Vichy, Avene and others) and special preparations for relieving inflammation. Baziron AS, zinc or salicylic ointment, Skinoren and other drugs will help get rid of acne and its consequences.

Special ointments are applied pointwise to areas of inflammation. They have an antibacterial effect, preventing the proliferation of pathogenic microflora. Creams from “pharmacy” brands soothe the skin and suppress inflammatory processes.

Avene Cleanance Hydra

Cleanance Hydra cream for oily and problem skin has a moisturizing and nourishing effect. It will help cope with acne and dry skin associated with its treatment. Its composition is based on Aven thermal water, which moisturizes and soothes the skin.

The cream also contains:

  • Safflower oil. Returns skin softness, elasticity, normalizes hydrolipid balance.
  • Capric triglycerides smooth out wrinkles and regulate the lipid layer.
  • Bisabolol. Prevents peeling, soothes the skin, has an antiseptic effect, evens out complexion.
  • Zinc gluconate. Has an antiseptic effect.
  • Glycerol. Moisturizes and softens the skin.

The cream can be used as a day and/or night product.

La Roche-Posay Effaclar K+

Emulsion “Effaclar K+” is a lifesaver for those who suffer from blackheads.
It improves skin texture and regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands, mattifying the skin for up to 8 hours, and tightens pores. Composition of the product:

  • Lipo-Hydroxy Acid – gently exfoliates dead skin cells without damaging it.
  • Salicylic acid and Sebulise regulate the appearance of oily shine.
  • Vitamin E, Carnosine are antioxidants that prevent oxidative processes.
  • Patented Airlicium formula. Cleanses and smoothes the skin surface, provides a mattifying effect.

The emulsion can be used instead of day and/or night cream, as a base for makeup.

Vichy Normaderm

Moisturizing cream "Normaderm Transformative effect" promotes skin regeneration.
The product evens out the texture and color, eliminates acne and its consequences, and reduces oily shine. It contains:

  • Salicylic acid and LHA relieve skin inflammation.
  • The PhE-Resorcinol complex promotes skin rejuvenation and renewal.
  • AirLicium mattifies the face throughout the day.

The cream is recommended to be used morning and evening.

Bioderma Sebium AKN

Cream for oily and problem skin “Bioderma” of the “Sebium” series eliminates acne, moisturizes the skin, and gives the face a matte appearance.
It is suitable for both treatment and prevention of acne. The cream cleanses pores, reduces inflammation, regulates the sebaceous glands, and eliminates post-acne . The product is used once a day to prevent acne and inflammation or in conjunction with medications that treat acne.

You can use the cream twice a day if dermatological treatment is not used. The cream contains acids; when using it, it is necessary to apply products with SPF protection to the face.

Ducray Keracnyl Regulateur Complet

Keracnyl cream will help get rid of acne and blackheads .
It evens out the skin texture and mattifies it. Active components of the composition:

  • Zinc and sabal extract regulate sebum production.
  • Mitracin has an antibacterial effect, reduces existing inflammations, and prevents new ones.

The cream is applied to the face in the morning and/or evening. You need to use it for about 6 weeks, the first results will be noticeable after 3 weeks.

Uriage Hyseac 3-Regul

Mattifying cream "Hyseac 3-Regul" allows you to get rid of acne and even out the surface of the skin. The product can be used independently or combined with dermatological preparations.
The cream can be used as a day and/or night cream. The active components are as follows:

  1. MPA-regul is an antibactericidal complex that reduces inflammation.
  2. Licorice reduces sebum production.
  3. A complex of acids ensures exfoliation of dead skin flakes and evens out its texture;
  4. Lentil extract makes pores less noticeable.
  5. Thermal water has a moisturizing effect.
  6. Powder particles mattify.

It is important to use sunscreen when using Hyseac 3-Regul.

Novera Matidian Anti-shine day treatment

Hypoallergenic cream "Matidiane Anti-shine day" tightens pores, mattifies, and relieves inflammation. It is suitable for both teenagers and women in return. The components of the cream even out the skin, eliminating post-acne.


  • Enzyme complex tightens pores.
  • Lotus extract removes toxins.
  • The patented ChronoRegulHD complex regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands.
  • A special moisturizing formula fills the skin with moisture.

The cream is applied to a cleansed face as a daytime product or makeup base.

Cosmetic preparations for problematic and oily skin

In most cases, creams from cosmetic companies are suitable for skin care without a large number of rashes, acne and comedones..

They nourish, mattify, and make pores less noticeable. But they will not be able to cope with acne or acne. In this case, they should be used together with dermatological drugs or replaced with special brand creams sold only in pharmacies.


KORA cream for oily and problem skin mattifies and deeply moisturizes. The daily composition is applied to previously cleansed skin treated with thermal water or tonic.


  1. Extracts of verbena, yarrow, sage, violet in combination with DECYLENE GLYCOL reduce sebum production.
  2. Active components isolated from sugar beet and chicory soothe and relieve irritation.
  3. Isoquepcetin is an antioxidant that slows down the aging process.

Clean line

“Anti-acne cream” from the “Ideal Skin” line contains tea tree extract and zinc. These components get rid of acne and scars, tighten pores, and mattify. The cream is instantly absorbed and moisturizes the skin. They can replace both day and night products.

According to the manufacturer’s promises, the mattifying product for problem skin types “Clean Line” gives the skin hydration and matteness. Active substances in the composition - eucalyptus extract and zinc prevent the appearance of oily shine. The cream is distributed over prepared skin in the morning and/or evening.

Triumph of Beauty

The Triumph of Beauty brand produces natural cosmetics, without parabens and sodium sulfates. This company's cream for oily skin can be used as a day and/or night product.

It moisturizes, improves skin regeneration, relieves inflammation, prevents the appearance of acne, comedones, blackheads.


  • Zinc oxide – an antiseptic, relieves inflammation and mattifies.
  • Sage and string soothe and saturate the skin with vitamins.
  • Beeswax speeds up regeneration and helps get rid of post-acne.
  • Grape seed, mango, and almond oils rejuvenate and moisturize the skin.
  • Vitamins B and E nourish and saturate the skin.


Belorusskaya produces mattifying cream with calendula. It mattifies and relieves inflammation, restores hydrolipid balance, and moisturizes.

The cream contains as active ingredients:

  • Calendula extract relieves inflammation and prevents the formation of new ones.
  • The sebum-regulating complex reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands, makes pores less noticeable, tones and mattifies the skin, and protects against free radicals.
  • Acnacidol mattifies, relieves and prevents inflammation.

The manufacturer recommends using the cream morning and evening.

BB Cream

BB Cream cream "Garenier" is designed specifically for oily skin, taking into account its needs. It moisturizes, mattifies, tones, protects against UV radiation, and hides enlarged pores.

The cream is available in several shades, which makes it possible to choose the most suitable tone.

It is important to remember that BB cream does not completely replace skincare cosmetics, it only complements it. Therefore, before using it, you need to apply day cream.

TimeWise by Mary Kay

TimeWise cream for oily and problematic facial skin moisturizes, restores elasticity, and mattifies. With constant use, it returns a healthy color to the face.

Active ingredients of the cream:

  1. Humectanate prevents skin loss of moisture.
  2. Amino acids have a rejuvenating effect and increase skin elasticity.
  3. A copolymer of acrylic acids and boron nitride absorb excess sebum.

The manufacturer recommends using the cream morning and evening.

Cream "Sophora Japonica"

“Sophora Japonica” is a day cream that moisturizes the skin and stimulates collagen production. Its natural composition, without parabens, alcohol and silicones, carefully takes care of the skin of the face, mattifying it.

Composition of the product:

  1. Phytopeptides and hyaluronic acid are responsible for moisturizing and rejuvenating effects.
  2. Sophora japonica extract mattifies.
  3. Vitamin C has a protective effect.
  4. The sun protection complex prevents photoaging.

The cream is applied in the morning to prepared facial skin.

Creme Purifante

Cream with Chilean mint and zinc from the French brand Payot makes oily skin moisturized and smooth. It has a mattifying effect by controlling sebum production.

With regular use of the product, the manufacturer promises an even complexion, no oily shine all day, and smoother skin. The cream can be used both day and night, applied to clean skin.


  1. Chilean mint extract and zinc normalize the synthesis of subcutaneous sebum;
  2. The AHA acid complex has an exfoliating and cleansing effect.

Due to the acid content, the cream must be combined with UV protection products.

GiGi Vitamin E

VITAMIN E Hydratant cream for oily skin fights age-related changes, moisturizes the skin, and restores its water-fat balance . Its pH composition is neutral to the skin. It relieves inflammation, mattifies and increases skin regeneration.

Vitamin E, which is part of the cream, reduces wrinkles and has an antioxidant effect. The cream contains SPF complex. It is recommended to apply it in the morning to cleansed skin.

DayWear by Estee Lauder

Estee Lauder cream has a delicate texture that nourishes the skin with moisture. Antioxidants in the composition have a rejuvenating effect.

The cream restores skin tone and radiance. It does not provoke the development of comedones, as it does not clog pores. The manufacturer recommends applying the product to the face in the morning and evening.

Pureness Moisturizing Gel Cream

SHISEIDO “Pureness Moisturizing” gel cream saturates the skin with moisture and accelerates regeneration in skin cells. It returns a healthy color to the face and prevents the appearance of the first wrinkles. Its gel texture does not clog pores.

The basis of the product is the natural Hydro-Balancing complex, which provides deep hydration to the skin and accelerates its regeneration.

What should be included

Oily skin is not a cosmetic problem, but a whole set of causes and symptoms, including those of a hereditary nature. For a long time, increased greasiness may not manifest itself in any way, but under appropriate circumstances it makes itself felt. To improve the condition of your skin, regulate the volume of sebum secretion, adjust your diet, choose the right care and visit a cosmetologist. Thanks to the recommendations of a specialist, you can eliminate the main unpleasant symptoms and prevent their occurrence in the future.

The main problem of oily skin is the increased work of the sebaceous glands, which leads to the appearance of shine, enlarged pores, pimples, blackheads, and comedones. Naturally, chemical components will only aggravate the problem and increase inflammation. You also need to be careful with natural remedies - not all of them are equally useful.

Natural ingredients that should be included in moisturizers for oily skin:

  • vitamin C – improves metabolism, regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands (it regulates, not suppresses), has a pronounced antioxidant effect, strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • fruit acids - remove oily shine (in simple words - mattify), eliminate dead cells, nourish, moisturize;
  • extracts of ginseng, calendula, chamomile - soothe, relieve inflammation;
  • Sophora – rejuvenates, tightens, cleanses.

The key to successful oily skin care is the right choice of product. But remember that individual intolerance to the components cannot be ruled out.

There are no chemical components only in handmade products, but they are not always safe. You should not be afraid of chemistry, since not all of it is equally harmful. High-quality components of creams for oily skin of non-natural origin:

  • caffeine – tightens pores;
  • benzoyl peroxide – removes rashes;
  • salicylic acid – eliminates shine, dries;
  • niacinamide – relieves irritation;
  • retinol, sulfur – fight acne;
  • alpha hydroxy acids and esters (in combination) – antibacterial effect;
  • vitamins - nutrition;
  • extracts of medicinal plants – cool, soothe;
  • hyaluronic acid – deeply moisturizes and does not affect the activity of the sebaceous glands.

At the same time, a preliminary test for sensitivity and individual tolerance of certain components will never be superfluous.

Table of the best creams: rating, according to customer reviews

Cream nameprosPrice
Pharmacy creamsLa Roche-Posay "Effaclar K+"Deep hydration, reduction of inflammation1100
Vichy "Normaderm"Evened complexion, reduced blemishes2300
Avene "Cleanance Hydra"Moisturizing, acne treatment1100
Mid-price productsKORA “Cream-gel for problem and oily skin”Nutrition, mattifying effect, anti-aging care430
Nature Siberica "Japanese Sophora"Nutrition, lack of greasy shine, SPF protection, anti-aging care400
Pure Line “Aqua-cream. Instant matte" Fast absorption, moisturizing, mattifying effect130
Luxury creamsEstee Lauder "DayWear"Anti-aging care, moisturizing, non-greasy4000
GiGi "Vitamin E"Anti-aging care, deep hydration, mattifying effect3500
SHISEIDO “Pureness Moisturizing Cream-Gel”Deep hydration, healthy skin color, lack of greasy shine2400

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  1. A good cream for oily skin contains one or more components from the list: retinol, caffeine, glycerin, essential oils, vitamins A, E, C, mineral components, coenzymes.
  2. Selecting a cream for an oily type is a complex process.
  3. Improper care can lead to activation of the sebaceous glands and the appearance of various types of rashes.
  4. The main components of moisturizing creams are glycerin and hyaluric acid.
  5. Mattifying creams can be used as a base for makeup.
  6. The most popular brands for skin care: Avena, Vishy, ​​KIEHL'S, LA ROCHE-POSAY, LANCME, Mulsan Cosmetic.
  7. It is better to buy from trusted manufacturers.
  8. Anti-aging creams slow down the aging process and restore skin elasticity.
  9. Oily skin requires constant care.

DIY creams: composition and properties of components

Homemade cosmetics should be prepared in clean, preferably sterile containers. It must be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than a week.

You can make a cream for oily and problematic facial skin at home from dry yeast, or ginger, or hops (active substance). They reduce the active production of sebum. It is important that the percentage of the base does not exceed 7-10% of the total volume of the composition.

You will need to add base oil to the cream. It could be:

  • grape seed oil;
  • almonds;
  • milk thistle;
  • corn.

The role of the base oil base is to nourish the skin and soothe it. As a percentage, these substances can make up about 30% of the composition. You can add essential oils, such as tea tree oil, or eucalyptus, or grapefruit. They relieve inflammation and prevent the formation of comedones or acne. You need to add very little to their composition - 10 drops.

To create a home remedy, you will need an emulsifier, such as sucrose stearate. The emulsifier should make up 2% of the total composition. The base of the cream (60% of the composition) is water.

Recipes for folk remedies for oily and problem skin

At home you can make not only a cream to care for problem skin, but also masks.

A cleansing mask can be prepared from the following components:

  • grapes (2 tbsp. berry puree);
  • white or blue clay (2 tsp).

A mask with white or blue clay perfectly cleanses oily and problematic facial skin and prepares it for applying cream.
Remove the seeds from the berries, remove the skin, and grind into a puree. Then add clay and mix thoroughly. Apply to face for 15 minutes, then wash.

Rating of quality products for oily skin up to 5000 rubles

Yon-Ka Age Defense Creme PG

An effective remedy from a popular company from France has a double application - daytime and evening. Can be used for the face and also applied to the neck. The emulsion mattifies, cleanses and tightens pores. The multicomponent professional composition includes the following active ingredients - vitamins A and C, sunflower oil, olive oil, lavender. Suitable for combination epidermis. The cost is 4020 rubles.

cream Yon-Ka Age Defense Creme PG


  • suitable for mature skin 40+, 45+;
  • soft opaque tube;
  • universal application.


  • high price.

ONmacabim Neutrazen for problem skin SPF-15 Tricolas Moisturizing Cream for Oily Skin

The product is intended for problematic epidermis with a pronounced tendency to acne. Effectively moisturizes and relieves inflammation on both male and female skin. The emulsion can be used daily after preliminary cleansing or in professional activities, as a final layer after peeling.

The product contains vitamins E and B3, allantoin, ascorbic acid and triclosan - an antiseptic ingredient. SPF-15 protects the face from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. The cost is 4080 rubles.

ONmacabim Neutrazen cream for problem skin SPF-15 Tricolas Moisturizing Cream for Oily Skin


  • a drug with an antiseptic effect;
  • professional product for skin after 30;
  • with UV protection SPF-15.


  • expensive product.

Recipes for making cream at home

Recipe 1

To prepare the cream at home, you must follow the following instructions:

  1. Add the oil base to a sterile container. It must first be heated in a water bath or in a microwave oven. The temperature of the heated oil should not exceed 50°C.
  2. Then an emulsifier is diluted in it.
  3. Next, water is added.
  4. The next step is to heat the mixture in a water bath until it begins to thicken.
  5. Then essential oil (8-9 drops) and the active ingredient are added.
  6. The prepared product is placed in a sterile jar in the refrigerator.

Recipe 2 with dry yeast.


  • almond oil (30 ml) – base oil;
  • water (60 ml);
  • dry tremors (5 ml) – active ingredient;
  • Sucrose Steorate (2 g) – emulsifier;
  • tea tree oil (8-9 drops) – essential oil.

You can choose ginger as the active component, and grape seed oil as the base, and eucalyptus essential oil. The ingredients must be mixed in the same proportions.

Contraindications for use

Any remedy, even the most harmless in appearance, has certain contraindications. Cosmetic creams are no exception.

  1. Use only for oily skin. Notes about the type of dermis and age component are made for a reason. When developing the composition, the features of metabolic processes occurring in cells are taken into account. They are different for dry, combination and oily tissue types. Therefore, using a cream that is not your own reduces its effectiveness or even makes it harmful.
  2. Storage conditions. Creams must be stored in a certain way so that the ingredients remain effective and do not cause harm to the epidermis. It is not recommended to store the product in the bathroom, as the composition is negatively affected by high humidity, heat and light. The best storage place is the refrigerator. Until the expiration date, the hermetically sealed jar will not come into contact with air, ultraviolet rays and high temperature, maintaining its beneficial properties.
  3. Best before date. Expired creams are, at a minimum, useless and, at a maximum, can cause negative consequences for your skin - an allergic reaction, acne and inflammation. Don't fall for store tricks by buying products with expiration dates at a discount. Such compositions contain almost no useful substances, since they decompose over time.
  4. Allergic reactions. Any emulsion includes natural and chemical components that can cause allergies. After purchasing a new product, take the time to test it for sensitivity. Apply a little cream to the inner bend of your elbow and leave for 24 hours. If there is no redness or other visible reactions, you can safely use the composition.
  5. How to use it correctly. Apply the product only to cleansed face. Violation of this point can lead to rapid clogging of pores and the appearance of inflamed areas. For complex care, first use light, more liquid products such as tonic or serum, and then a dense cream. Apply all compositions along the massage lines of the face. This will protect the delicate epidermis from damage and the appearance of premature wrinkles.

Reviews from dermatologists about the effectiveness of traditional methods of treating problem skin

Most cosmetologists and dermatologists believe that it is not possible to get rid of acne, acne and comedones only with folk remedies. Such problems require special treatment. Homemade cosmetics can complement your care.

With its help, you can maintain the results achieved with the help of medications. But experts do not recommend completely replacing specially selected care with folk remedies.

Often, inept use of homemade cosmetics only worsens the situation - it dries out the skin, clogs pores, and too rough scrubs injure the skin.

Dermatologists advise using homemade clay-based masks once a week or wiping your face with a decoction (calendula or chamomile). It is important to store the infusion in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days.

Properly selected care for oily skin can relieve it of problems. It is important to choose a face cream that is light in texture, then it will not clog pores and provide deep hydration. And you need to supplement your daily care with foam or gel for washing and a special tonic.

Article design: Svetlana Ovsyanikova

The Best Night Face Moisturizers

Night facial moisturizers generally perform the same functions as any other moisturizer. The only difference is that the emphasis in their action is on enhancing nutritional properties. At night, the skin absorbs nutritional components much more effectively.

Our rating includes the best creams from different price categories, from budget to premium, costing from 300 to 3800 rubles.

3 Natura Siberica Night for dry skin Nourishment and restoration

In third position is a cosmetic product in the inexpensive segment from the Russian brand Natura Siberica.
Nourishment and restoration cream is intended for dry skin types. It works at night while the skin is resting, saturating it with nutrients and providing deep hydration. The cream belongs to a series of products with Manchurian aralia extract, which has the ability to improve blood circulation. Consequently, improve metabolic processes and increase skin tone. Its composition is enriched with plant extracts, including glycerin and plant collagen. A special component is a liposomal complex responsible for natural recovery.

According to women, the effectiveness of the cream is very good. The skin looks rested after the night, wrinkles are visually evened out. The product copes with dryness and flaking. The effect of nutrition and hydration is obvious. It has a comfortable consistency, light, does not clog pores, with a pleasant herbal aroma.

Cream volume 50 ml. It is packaged in a convenient plastic bottle with a pump dispenser. With such a dispenser, product consumption is economical.


  • Cost/effectiveness.
  • Good composition.
  • Moisturizes and nourishes.
  • Anti-aging effect.
  • Practical bottle.


  • There is no prolonged effect.

Natura Siberica Night face cream for dry skin Nourishment and restoration

2 Vichy Neovadiol night

The next night cream from the French brand Vichy Neovadiol, designed for anti-aging care during menopause, for all skin types.
It has a hypoallergenic formula based on Vichy thermal water, which has soothing properties. One of the directions of the cream’s work is to restore the level of moisture in aging skin. Special polymers that hold large amounts of water transfer them to the skin during contact, with an accompanying cooling effect. Thanks to intensive hydration, turgor elasticity increases and facial tone improves.

Other components work to increase skin density, regulate the process of natural exfoliation, and reduce age spots.

The texture of the cream can be called jelly-like, it has a greenish tint and a light fresh aroma. Easy to apply and absorbs fairly quickly. Women note elastic, fresh, rested skin in the morning after use. There is a tightening effect and visual reduction of wrinkles.

Product volume 50 ml, in a classic glass jar.


  • An effective anti-aging formula.
  • Works in several directions.
  • Intense hydration.
  • Increases elasticity and tightens the skin.
  • Improves complexion.
  • Unusual texture.


  • Sticky feeling at first.

Vichy Neovadiol night cream for face

1 Holy Land Juvelast Intensive Night Cream

In first place is the professional night cream Juvelast Intensive Night Cream from the Israeli brand Holy Land.
Its task is to intensively saturate the skin with moisture during the night's rest. The Juvelast line was created specifically for moisturizing, nourishing, and restoring dry skin. The cream in question contains components with powerful moisturizing, regenerating, and antioxidant properties. They force the dermis to work at the cellular level to produce collagen and its own hyaluronic acid. Among the features of the formula, one can note the presence of a copper-peptide complex and an Arabidopsis enzyme. The latter is capable of restoring the DNA of damaged cells.

The effect of the cream is manifested in increasing the elasticity of the skin, leveling the microrelief, and reducing the depth of wrinkles. Women note that the product copes well with dryness and a feeling of tightness. Gives a lifting effect and works against puffiness. After the night, the skin is soft, velvety, and the complexion improves.

The texture of the cream is thick, but absorbs well and has a pleasant aroma. Product volume 50 ml, in a stylish solid glass jar.


  • An effective formula.
  • Stimulates metabolic processes.
  • Deeply moisturizes.
  • Nourishes and restores.
  • Reduces wrinkles and gives a beautiful complexion.
  • Comfortable texture.


  • Price.

Holy Land Juvelast Intensive Night Cream

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