Epilation and depilation of armpits - all methods and features

Laser hair removal of unwanted body hair, performed by a professional using modern equipment, taking into account possible contraindications, is a “remove and forget” procedure. At the same time, laser hair removal specialists constantly have to answer questions about whether laser hair removal of armpits and other parts of the body is dangerous.

It's good that customers share their doubts and concerns. This speaks of trust. And in order to strengthen this trust, we decided to talk about how the procedure for hair removal in the armpit area is carried out, why now you can not be afraid of many negative consequences of laser exposure, which simply cannot occur with modern laser devices, and how to get a lasting hair removal effect, in which the skin will remain smooth for many years.

We have already posted the top 10 myths about laser hair removal on our blog. In order not to repeat ourselves, here we will dwell in detail on the facts regarding the procedure for removing armpit hair and the common concerns associated with epilation of this particular part of the body.

Features of the armpit area that you need to know about

A laser therapist who conducts a consultation before the procedure for laser hair removal of the armpits always takes into account two main points:

  • Anatomical structure. In the armpit, between the muscles, in the thickness of the adipose and connective tissue, there are a large number of lymph nodes, to which lymph flows from the neck and chest area, and in women, also from the mammary glands.
  • Hormonal regulation of hair growth. The intensity of hair growth on the skin of the armpits is determined by a person’s hormonal background. The same hormonally dependent zone is located in the perineum. Any change in the level of sex hormones leads to a change in the degree of hair growth in these areas.

These two features largely determine the list of contraindications for the procedure, the need for maintenance sessions to maintain skin smoothness, as well as the requirements for the quality and accuracy of preparation for laser exposure.

Correct use of cold wax

When using a cold composition to remove hairs, it is important to adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Rub the wax strips glued together well with your palms.
  2. Separate the strips. To do this, grab the clean edges of the strips and pull them in the opposite direction.
  3. Apply depilatory agent, directing it against hair growth.
  4. Remove strips sharply in the direction of vegetation growth.

Using cold wax is easier than using heated wax.

Pros and cons of laser hair removal for armpits

The obvious advantage of a course of procedures for removing unwanted vegetation using a laser is:

  • the ability to get smooth skin in the armpit area for a fairly long period, which, according to statistics, averages 8 years;
  • complete elimination of ingrown hairs and related problems;
  • aesthetic appearance of the skin both immediately after the procedure and some time after it;
  • no risk of developing allergic reactions, as happens when waxing or sugaring;
  • the ability to simultaneously remove moles (laser hair removal and moles), papillomas and other benign skin growths that become a significant cosmetic defect or cause physical discomfort along with annoying hairs;
  • saving money in the long term on hair removal procedures with wax or sugar paste.

The disadvantages of laser hair removal for armpits are most often associated with:

  • with an incomplete course of procedures, when instead of the required 5-6 procedures only 2-3 are performed;
  • violations of laser hair removal technology by a specialist who assesses the condition and phototype of the skin and selects the device settings.

We discussed in detail the determination of the required number of sessions and the optimal intervals between them in the article “Laser hair removal - is it real forever?” Here we note that in reviews regarding contraindications and consequences of laser hair removal of the armpits, there is often not enough data to complete the picture.

Few people pay attention to the type of laser used for the procedure and the radiation parameters set by the specialist. In many cases, when they write about the ineffectiveness or harm of laser hair removal of the armpits, it may turn out that:

  • this type of laser radiation is not suitable for removing certain types of hair (for example, light or gray, vellus), and cannot be used on people with dark or tanned skin;
  • the device settings are set in such a way that the patient is guaranteed not to receive burns, while the intensity of the impact is much lower than that necessary for irreversible destruction of the hair follicles;
  • A certain laser hair removal center simply does not have the opportunity to purchase high-quality modern equipment, so the procedures are carried out using what is available.

Hence the common misconceptions that hair cannot be removed forever, that the procedure is painful and is fraught with burns, and that only constant shaving can save blondes and dark-skinned young ladies from hair growth in the armpits.

Where is it better to do it - at home or in a salon?

Waxing can be done at home, it will be much cheaper. But it is better to turn to professional salons, where proven and high-quality materials are used. Waxing at home is fraught with allergic reactions and inflammation. The effect of salon procedures is much better than after home manipulations.

At home, hair removal is possible using sugaring, hair removal creams and blades. Hardware procedures should only be performed in salons.


A common reason for the development of adverse consequences of laser hair removal of the armpits is a person’s frivolous attitude towards the contraindications he has for the procedure. Yes, it is quite possible that it will pass and everything will not be as scary as it could be. But in this case, you should always remember that it was not laser hair removal that did the damage, but the client’s desire to hide important information from his laser therapist.

Let's see in what cases it is better to refuse a hair removal session in the armpits:

  • Oncological diseases. Laser radiation has a pronounced stimulating effect. Cancer cells, which are much more sensitive to any external stimuli compared to normal tissues, respond to the laser by accelerating division and proliferation in the tissues. In this regard, hair removal is not performed in the presence of malignant tumors of any location, as well as during the period of remission after their successful removal. Women are advised to visit a gynecologist or mammologist for a routine breast examination.
  • Diabetes. A feature of the disease is a progressive disruption of microcirculation, a decrease in the body's defenses and the ability of tissues to regenerate. Where skin damage would not cause any problems in a healthy person, complications may develop in a diabetic requiring treatment in a surgical hospital.
  • Pregnancy. No one has ever studied whether laser hair removal is harmful for pregnant women or how much it could harm the fetus. In this regard, ordinary laser therapists prefer not to take risks and suggest that women visit a laser hair removal center after childbirth.
  • Bacterial and viral skin lesions. Herpetic rashes on the skin and pyoderma are a good reason to postpone hair removal until complete recovery, even if laser treatment is not planned at the location of the painful lesions. Any damage to the skin can encourage the infection to spread and make treatment more difficult.
  • Mechanical damage to the skin. It is recommended to shave the hair in the armpit area very carefully before the session, since scratches and cuts will react to light flashes much more actively than intact skin. Burns may occur in these places, and the pain will be quite intense.
  • Acute infectious diseases. Having caught a cold, it is better to stay home with a fever, even if it is a common ARVI. Any infection in the body places an increased burden on the immune system, so additional stress in the form of laser hair removal can significantly increase the likelihood of complications.
  • Fresh tan. Staying in the active sun leads to skin damage, even if there are no visible burns or redness, but a beautiful, even tan. After visiting the beach, you must allow your skin to recover for at least 14 days. Then you can carry out laser hair removal without restrictions.

In fact, the list of contraindications is much wider. To prevent laser hair removal of the armpits from causing harm to the body, it is better to inform the doctor about all existing diseases, as well as about the medications you have taken during the month.


How HAPPY I am that I went through this PAIN and now my SKIN is like a BABY’s.
Advantages: hair is removed forever, effectively! Disadvantages: painful, long time. Hi all! My story of fighting unwanted hair using the electrolysis method began 2.5 years ago. Now the work on the bikini area and armpits is almost complete. I started treating my armpits about a year ago. I immediately did without injections and didn’t even apply local anesthetics. Yes, it hurts, it’s unpleasant, but it’s tolerable. Hair in the armpits goes away much faster than in other areas. I was very lucky with the master - I never had any burns, spots, or inflammations. Everything is done carefully. So the main advice and the main difficulty is to find a competent master. I'm very pleased with the result. I’m glad that I went through the circles of hell and now I’m free from big troubles - no ingrown hairs, irritation from shaving, itching during regrowth, or complexes. Only self-confidence. If you are in doubt, I definitely recommend this procedure, it makes life a lot easier. Of course, unless your pain threshold is so low that you faint from the pain. I recommend. Marasja

Electrolysis with a good specialist works 100%.
Advantages: hair is removed permanently, effectively. Disadvantages: it hurts, it takes a long time, it takes several sessions, it hurts at first, but then you get used to it. I can say for sure that electrolysis works 100%. I went for the electrolysis procedure on the advice of a friend. It seems to me that this is the most correct decision, to know which master you are going to and trust him in advance. Like most women, I was bothered by excess body hair, especially in the bikini area and armpits. That's where I started. The first time it took about 40-45 minutes per armpit. But the time spent is, of course, individual and depends on many factors: the amount of hair, whether you have done other types of hair removal before (waxing, sugaring, razor). If yes, then your hair will fall out worse. Before electrolysis, I used depilatory creams and shaved my hair. So, I came to the medical center, went into the office, the master was working in a white coat, disposable medical gloves, and a mask. What you should especially pay attention to is that the needle is disposable. My master works with gold-plated needles, they are better for the skin. Girls whose skin is especially sensitive and prone to all sorts of irritations, take note that a gold-plated needle is better than a steel one. Before the procedure began, I was given anesthesia with ultracaine (better than lidocaine). After 5 minutes the skin “freezes”. During the first procedures, I asked for pain relief, but then, when the hair became much smaller, I didn’t do pain relief, I just endured it. At some points it was especially sensitive, but it was quite tolerable. But you also need to take into account the circumstances: for example, if your period is coming soon, then everything will be more noticeable. Or I remember when I was in a hurry and was late, the first minutes of the procedure, until I calmed down, was also more sensitive than usual. In the center where I go, the cost of the procedure depends on the number of minutes, the minutes are displayed on the device, everything is clear. Each time the cost of the service was less and less, as there was less and less hair. The procedure is quite monotonous, you lie down and the master processes each hair separately. But at some point you forget, especially if good relaxing music is playing. At the end of the procedure, the master treats with antimicrobial agents, chlorhexidine or panthenol. This is done so that microbes do not get into the micro-wounds and the skin heals faster. By the way, girls, I can assure you that the brand of the device and the country of manufacture do not matter at all. The main thing is professionalism, experience and skills of the master. After 3–4 days, the wounds begin to heal, and crusts form on top. There is no need to rip them off; in a week or a week and a half they will fall off on their own. The master said that before crusts appear, you need to wipe the skin with chlorhexidine, so that’s what I did. Even after electrolysis, you can’t go to the pool for four days so that nothing gets into the wounds. I went for the second one about a month after the first procedure, when the dormant hairs woke up and grew somewhere up to 5 mm. And then gradually I began to go once every 2-3 months. In total, I probably went for a year and a half or two to remove all the excess hair. I'm definitely satisfied with the result. The electrolysis process is long, but it's worth it! juliiv

Despite the fact that significant progress has been made in the field of cosmetology, there is still no ideal method for getting rid of unwanted hair. It is impossible to achieve the desired effect in one session, and for this reason any procedures will have to be repeated. Before choosing any of the listed options, evaluate all the risks, consult with your doctor, and only then proceed with the implementation of your plan.

How painful is the procedure?

The degree of discomfort during a session is determined by a number of factors, some of which are completely within our control:

  • Account procedure. The first procedure is always the most painful. Thick, well-pigmented hair shafts absorb a lot of energy, heat up, and cause an intense burning sensation as they burn. The weaker, thinner and lighter the hairs become, the less unpleasant sensations they cause owners during laser removal.
  • Hair type. Coarse, thick, dark hair causes more intense pain during hair removal than light and fine hair. If you consider that in the armpit area the hairs are coarser and stiffer than on other parts of the body, then you should prepare for a certain degree of discomfort. Fortunately, in most cases, local cooling with air is enough to survive the session calmly.
  • Preparing for the procedure. Hair must be shaved down to skin level the day before visiting the laser hair removal clinic. You cannot leave “stumps”, the removal of which will require additional energy. This will reduce the effectiveness of the effect and increase discomfort.

We should not forget that a person’s individual sensitivity to pain largely determines whether laser hair removal of the armpits is painful. In women, the pain threshold is highest immediately after the end of menstruation. But towards the end of the cycle, it is better not to plan a visit to the laser therapist, since surviving even a short session will be much more difficult than usual.

Procedure for removing with warm and hot wax

First you need to warm up the wax. When the composition melts, it is ready for use. Some manufacturers place indicators on the application paddles that can be used to determine whether the product is ready for use.

After the mixture is ready for use, it is applied to the skin in the direction of hair growth in an even layer.

You can then cover the applied composition with strips or cotton cloth. You can leave the mixture to dry without covering it with anything. The mass should dry for about 30-60 seconds (sometimes a couple of minutes), after which you need to pry the edge of the applied wax and remove the composition with a sharp movement against the growth of vegetation. An important nuance is the correct temperature at which the mixture is heated.

Post-procedure care

After the procedure, you should remove any remaining mixture from the skin using special wipes. They are sold together with a set of wax strips. If there are none, you can use sunflower or olive oil. Detailed instructions can be found on the Internet by watching various videos. All manipulations can be done independently, without resorting to the services of specialists.

Proper care of the skin in the armpit area is important. Under no circumstances should you use creams, lotions or deodorant within 6 hours of completing the procedure. After removing the vegetation for two days, it is highly recommended not to sunbathe, visit the bathhouse or sauna, or wear tight clothing.

It is better to perform the waxing procedure in the evening, as the pain threshold is significantly reduced by the end of the day. It is important to then rest a little and change into light, loose cotton fabric.

In order to prevent the occurrence of ingrown hairs, you must:

  • apply emollient creams and lotions;
  • carry out peeling scrub two days after the procedure.

The above procedure must be carried out once a week to eliminate keratinized particles of the epidermis.

Why not for pregnant women?

When signing up for a hair removal procedure, not all women may know that they are pregnant. Let's see how laser hair removal of armpits can be dangerous in this case. There is no data in the medical literature on the effect of laser radiation on the developing fetus. Most likely, no negative consequences should be expected, since light flashes do not penetrate deeper than the dermis.

Problems will most likely be related to low efficiency of hair removal. We have already mentioned that the axillary region is hormonally dependent. Changes in the hormonal balance in a pregnant woman’s body during pregnancy and after childbirth can lead to the fact that hair, despite the number of sessions performed, will continue to grow with the same strength.


It’s strange to refuse hair removal services in salons. When compared to the cost of trying to do the procedure at home, the price of armpit waxing will be lower. Each salon sets its own prices for procedures. They depend on the level of service, location, professionalism of employees, and the products they use. But the difference in prices is insignificant.

Sign up for high-quality armpit depilation at our SUGAR-ME salons!

WaxingPrice, rub.)
Bikini area1100
Full legs1000
Hands, 1/2500
Full hands800
Abdominal area (track)300
Abdominal area (entirely)500
Back, 1/2500
Full back900
Face (upper lip)200
Face (1/2 face)400
Full face600

Recovery period

Specialists in some clinics work with CynoSure Apogee+ and CynoSure Elite+ devices. The first alexandrite is the “gold standard” of laser hair removal. It removes both dark and pigmented hairs equally effectively. The second allows you to combine two wavelengths, which enhances the effectiveness of light flashes and reduces the likelihood of negative effects on tissue. Thanks to this, using Sainoshur Elite+ it is possible to carry out procedures for removing unwanted vegetation in dark-skinned patients without burns and the formation of depigmented areas of the skin.

The selective impact of modern lasers on the pigmented cells of the hair follicles and the red blood cells of the vessels that feed growing hair relieves a person from unpleasant sensations not only during the session, but also after it. Cases when the armpit hurts for a week after laser hair removal are far in the past. Now you can safely undergo laser hair removal of your entire body and not be afraid that it will somehow affect your well-being and performance.

Preparing for waxing

It is important to properly prepare for hair removal. If preparation for depilation is not done properly, redness and itching may occur, and unwanted hairs may remain.

Before starting the procedure, you must do the following:

  1. Take a shower and thoroughly wash the skin of your armpits. Soap or shower gel can be used here. It is best to wipe the armpits with a washcloth. Such manipulations will help to exfoliate the skin a little. After this, it is important to rinse your armpits generously with water.
  2. Inspect the regrown vegetation. If the hairs are more than 5 mm long, then they should be shortened with scissors. This is done to make waxing your armpits less painful.
  3. Powder the skin with baby powder or talcum powder. Using a soft sponge, apply a small amount of product to the armpit area. Excess is removed with a dry cloth.

After preparing the axillary area, you can proceed to the hair removal procedure.

How much does laser hair removal cost?

The price of a session is determined by the number of body areas from which vegetation needs to be removed. It is much more profitable to perform laser hair removal using a block. During one visit to the laser cosmetology center, you can treat the skin of several areas of the body at once. It does not take much time, does not cause discomfort, does not require long recovery and makes it possible to get the service at a more attractive price. We have already considered the question of how many procedures are included in a laser hair removal course.

Possible consequences

Manipulation can cause a number of complications, which should resolve fairly quickly (normally):

  1. Redness in the treatment area persists for 10 hours;
  2. Red dots may be present for up to a day;
  3. Swelling appears after about an hour and can persist for 2-3 hours;
  4. Over time, with regular hair removal, the number of ingrown hairs may increase, especially if there was an initial tendency to this.

Such consequences are considered normal and should not cause concern.

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