Epilation and depilation: what is the difference? What is better: epilation or depilation?

People are interested in hair removal and depilation, what is the difference between the procedures. Let us find out this and at the same time differentiate between the phenomena. Let's start with two definitions.

Epilation is a procedure in which both the hair and the bulb, its “root system,” are removed. Depilation is the destruction of only external signs of vegetation on the body. With this procedure, the “root system” remains intact.

A natural question arises, the difference between hair removal and depilation is obvious, why is there such confusion in concepts? The answer has two parts:

People don’t understand the subtleties, and that’s why they confuse the concepts. With a strict definition of depilation, it is inferior in terms of the effectiveness of hair removal, so one is often passed off as the other in order to make a profit. After the main points are analyzed, the questions will disappear.

What is the difference between epilation and depilation? What is “true” hair removal?

Those who are used to saving will not be happy when they hear the answer. Conventionally, “true” hair removal includes salon procedures:

Photoepilation or laser hair removal. Both procedures are based on the same principle: the hair is heated from the inside and dies. The light reacts with melanin and a microexplosion occurs, as a result of which the hair follicle dies. Photoepilation is a reliable method in terms of combating unwanted vegetation on the skin, but it is not 100% safe. Burns are possible on those areas of the body that are being treated. In addition, there are other negative consequences and contraindications. Electrolysis is a method of influencing the hair follicle using electric current. This method is not suitable for those who, as a child (or as an adult), were afraid of doctors and needles. The procedure lasts from 2 to 4 hours each time. To completely remove hair from an area of ​​skin, it will take 6 to 8 such tests. It’s difficult to say about pain during the procedure, because everything is individual. Hair removal using ultrasound. This method uses both “old” and “new” technological means of getting rid of hair. If a person is planning to do ultrasonic hair removal, then he should clear the intended area of ​​hair first with wax or cream, and then go to the salon. There they will rub it with gel, which will enhance the effect, and the sound will destroy the bulbs and slow down the formation of new ones.

What is the difference between epilation and depilation? It’s hard to say without covering depilation. But the essence of hair removal became clear. Let's move on to procedures that rumors equally classify as hair removal and depilation.


The technique of this work is based on the fact that an electric discharge of current is supplied through a thin needle under the skin, which allows the hair root to be destroyed, the follicle dies and is removed with tweezers. In one procedure, only 10–15% of hair can be removed from the skin. A full course of sessions averages 8-15 procedures, the interval between manipulations is about a month - the answer of specialists.

Duration of the procedure
Hands1.5–7 hours
Shin1.5–2 hours
Hips1.5–3 hours

Waxing and sugaring – is it epilation or depilation?

Proponents of waxing and sugaring, if asked, will say: these are hair removal methods. A salon technician tells a client that he is doing waxing. Maybe it's part of the marketing, or maybe the master himself doesn't know the difference. However, let's leave this aside for now, let's find out what is better: sugaring or waxing? It's a matter of taste, but:

If you are doing wax hair removal, you must first choose the right wax. It can be of three types: hot, cold, and warm. Cosmetologists recommend the latter. Prepare tools (paper napkins or a piece of suitable fabric, a wooden spatula, oil that soothes the skin after the procedure). The ritual does not need description. The main thing is that after the procedure the skin becomes inflamed, red, and irritated. Fans of sugaring (if prepared at home) will say that the natural composition of the product does not imply allergies, inflammation, and is not harmful even to delicate skin.

It's time to take the ace out of your sleeve and answer the question, is waxing or epilation correct? Feel free to say: it’s correct to say “waxing.” Whatever one may say, wax, just like sugar, fights visible signs of unwanted hair on the body. These methods do not affect the bulbs, i.e. reasons for hair growth. The answer to the question posed in the subtitle, waxing and sugaring is hair removal or depilation, is obvious. The discovery will upset the ladies.

Epilation and depilation. What is the difference? Types of clumsy depilation

These include:

Shaving is the oldest method of combating visible signs of lush body hair. The method has become ineffective in the light of recent advances in science and technology. It is worth saying the same about his physical danger. No, this does not mean that the person who does shaving hair removal will open his veins. The razor is dangerous even when it is used on the skin of the face, legs or arms, because it causes micro-wounds to the epithelium. Bacteria enter the body through them. But it is not because of this that the razor as a depilation tool was rejected by beauties, but because it is useless. After it, the hair, although it leaves its habitat, does so for a while, and returns powerful and black (blond hair, as a rule, does not bother anyone). Women still use tweezers if they do not have “increased shaggyness”, but only sparse hairs above the upper lip. Then they arm themselves with tweezers and subject themselves to torture. True, with the proper skill, as the girls say, it doesn’t hurt. In any case, during this procedure, precautions must be taken: before the execution, the place to be tested is moistened with hot water. The latter helps open pores and reduce pain. After torture, it is recommended to place a cold compress on the site. Should I use depilatory cream? The question is subtle and highly individual. This product is not natural, and it only removes the visible part of the hair. An allergic reaction or inflammation is possible.

It is not recommended to use cream for depilation of intimate areas.


Most likely, every girl began her acquaintance with the process of removing unwanted hair with a razor.


the process does not take much time, and you can buy a razor in any supermarket (availability).
traumatic (you can easily cut yourself), hair grows back quickly, most often it is quite hard, the use of additional products (for example, shaving foam), allergic reactions are possible.

Epilation and depilation: what is the difference if the hair continues to grow?

While the human body is alive, it grows and changes. The question, hair removal and depilation, what is the difference, is by no means idle. People are not lying when they say that with the help of hair removal, hair is removed along with the follicle and does not come back. But the skin contains many dormant bulbs that replace their “defeated comrades.” In addition, hormonal levels play an important role in hair growth. Even ultra-modern methods do not guarantee complete and complete hair removal in one go. Any cosmetic procedure is repeated several times, and it depends on individual characteristics.

Therefore, you don’t have to ask yourself what the difference is between hair removal and depilation when you don’t immediately notice the latter. She is. The body is a tricky thing, and the results of cosmetic procedures are not always visible to the naked eye.


Photoepilation - allows you to get rid of hairs when exposed to light flashes (IPL). The high pulses heat the surface of the skin, causing the hair to die and eventually fall out with the hair follicle.

Photoepilation is used not only to combat excess hair, but also to rejuvenate the skin and get rid of age spots. Photoepilation differs from laser in that the laser emits one wavelength of a light beam, and during photoepilation, flashes of rays emit different lengths, which are scattered and do not effectively cope with the follicles due to low power. These are the banal differences between these methods for getting rid of unnecessary hairs from the body.

What is better - depilation or hair removal?

Let us summarize the comparison of the two procedures.

Time of procedures. Here we cannot talk about the unconditional victory of depilation or hair removal. Procedures take different times. After all, it all depends on the hairiness of the area, the level of hormones and other individual characteristics that are different for everyone. Depilation can be done at home, but hair removal is only possible in a beauty salon. It is not difficult to understand that hair removal includes procedures that are performed in conjunction with man and machine. And the process of eliminating bulbs is not as simple as it seems. As for depilation, it can be done at home. All methods (from shaving to sugaring) can be done safely in a private home. Efficiency. Epilation is more effective than depilation. This is also evidenced by the figures: the period of life of a person without hair during depilation is 2 weeks. If you do hair removal in a salon, the period is already calculated in years. In addition, there is a real prospect of getting rid of hair forever. True, how many sessions this will take is unknown. But depilation beats epilation in terms of consequences. For example, with hardware hair removal, burns are possible, which cannot be compared with the results of careless handling of wax. True, and the latter, if it is hot, people get seriously burned. Money. Depilation is cheaper than epilation. Salon procedures are not cheap - this is an argument in times of crisis. And manual depilation is more economical, although it loses in terms of results. Independence and dependence on others. If you look for the advantages of depilation, you can find them in autonomy, when a person is his own boss. When a woman wants to have hair removal, it depends on the money, the skill of the cosmetologist, and his workload. And depilation frees her, she copes on her own.

The question of whether depilation or hair removal is better does not require a clear answer, so each person will have their own arguments for and against.

Sugaring mistakes at home for beginners

Because of mistakes, some girls forever lose the desire to do sugaring, because they can lead to such consequences as:

  • poor quality hair removal;
  • burns;
  • bruises.

To prevent this from happening, the following rules must be followed:

  • Sugaring cannot be done on hair that is too short; the length of the hair must be at least 4 mm. Only in this case does the sugar paste coat the hair well and remove it along with the root;
  • You cannot use a paste of the same consistency on all parts of the body. For example, a soft paste will not be able to remove hair growing in the bikini area;
  • You need to check the temperature of the heated pasta first. Ignoring this point may result in burns;
  • Do not work without gloves if you have little experience. As mentioned above, this can lead to sticking!

How to remove the stick?

If, nevertheless, a stick occurs on the treated area of ​​the body, you can use one of the following methods:

  1. Take a thicker paste, apply a lump of it to the edge of the stick and carefully remove it.
  2. Press the bandage strip onto the sticky area, and then remove it with a sharp movement parallel to the skin and along the hair growth.
  3. Rinse off the stain with water. But remember that this method leads to excessive consumption of paste and an increase in procedure time.

Depilation and hair removal: folk remedies

Regardless of how correct hair removal or depilation is, you can not think about these procedures and touch the heritage of Mother Nature and the wisdom of tradition.

Walnut ash. The method of preparation is almost witchcraft: burn the walnut shell, then add a little water to the ash. And apply to those areas of the body that suffer from excessive hair. The ritual should be performed at least three times a day. Stupefy your hair. To do this, you will need to boil 150 grams of dope in one liter of water. The decoction is used to lubricate unwanted areas of the body. The recipe has a serious drawback: if a person is not sure that he can handle poisonous plants, then it is better not to resort to this method. Datura is poisonous. Nettle guards beauty. You will need: 40 grams of stinging nettle seeds, which must be ground into powder, then add 1/10 liter of sunflower oil to it. The resulting mixture languishes in a room where neither daylight nor electric light passes for two weeks. And yes, the bottle in which the composition is stored must also be dark, otherwise nothing will work. Then, when the agreed period has passed, strain the composition and pour it into a tightly sealed container and smear the areas in need of aesthetics twice a day. Honey and lemon. These products can be found in any refrigerator in the country, even if no one is sick at home. And the recipe is as follows: honey - 20-25 grams, juice from half a lemon (citrus without seeds). Mix and heat. Apply the composition to the skin while it is warm, and when it dries, remove it. Repeat the procedure 3 times a week. Of course, this is depilation, but over time the hair will stop growing.

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