Waxing of hands: features, contraindications and step-by-step instructions

Every girl wants to be attractive and does everything possible for this. An integral part of caring for your body is hand hair removal.

There are a large number of types of hair removal and salons that offer this procedure, while prices and quality of care work vary greatly.
But this procedure can easily be performed at home, following the recommendations given in this article. Did you know?
Since ancient times, hair removal in the East has been considered a sign of good taste and aesthetics. It was Eastern trends that brought this procedure to European countries.

Brief description of the procedure

Hand waxing is the most popular procedure compared to other types of hair removal, because it allows you to remove hair for a fairly long period without requiring much effort or high costs.

The process itself consists of using warm wax or wax strips to remove hair on the hands, which are glued to problem areas and the hair is removed with a sharp movement.

Reviews of hand waxing

The skin on your hands does not accept wax. I've been doing this for many years and am very pleased.



I do it too... I like it... my hair doesn’t grow for a long time and it’s thinner...



I had extra hair on my arms. It’s not very beautiful, so I started removing it with wax a long time ago. There was never any irritation. You just need to massage your legs and arms well with a hard washcloth after epilation to avoid ingrown hairs. But how nice it is when the skin is smooth and well-groomed. Of course, there are options for other types of hair removal, for example, electric, but this is not suitable for everyone (a little expensive and time-consuming, but forever). By the way, after waxing, my hair became thinner and lighter over time. I see only advantages in this procedure.



If you epilate constantly, your hair will stop growing altogether! It’s not much more comfortable than on your feet, but you can still do the procedure and then your skin will be smooth for 3 weeks! It depends on how the skin reacts, for some it is more sensitive, for others it is normal! and the irritation will subside within 20 minutes. at most, 2 days, but it’s not scary! (there is more redness on the legs than on the arms), depending on the type of hair: if it’s coarse, then the redness will be greater! Apply cream after the procedure and everything is OK. aesthetics first! take the strips more conveniently, rub them between your palms for a couple of seconds, stick them on and smooth skin without stubble.

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Today I made it!!!!! The long-awaited waxing of hands)))) I was also afraid for a long time, apprehensive, listening to scary stories and fables from friends and even my sister. First of all, I want to say, it didn’t hurt at all! There was only a pleasant warmth from the wax and a little (just a little) unpleasant when removing hair. But in the end, the skin was anointed with something tasty and minty, it became pleasant and cool, the skin immediately began to calm down. I want to say that the master is simply a miracle, a sweet, kind woman with golden hands)))))))) I also want to say about irritation. Only 1.5 hours have passed since my hair removal, and there is no more irritation. I began to feel like a beautiful, feminine princess with beautiful, and now smooth hands))))) So don’t be afraid, go for it))))))



I have increased hairiness:) my skin is completely white and my hairs are black and long. I remove it with wax strips, repeat once a month. Girls, this is a must! The view is immediately more well-groomed! If you think this is stupid, then at least look at any glossy magazine, if you find even one hairy woman’s hands there, then I’ll take it back. Be beautiful! :)



Wax once a month or a month and a half - they grow more slowly, the hairs are lighter and thinner. I foolishly shaved off my hair when I was 15 years old, I had complexes because of the fuzz on my arms)))) since then the hair has become dark and noticeable, although after a year of removing it with wax it became much more invisible.



Today for the first time I decided to try removing hair on my arms with wax. I’ve always been embarrassed by my furry hands (hairiness is hereditary). I bleached my hair for a long time (it was not black, but not quite light and long enough). In general, I’m happy with the result, my hands are smooth and beautiful, as for the irritation, it went away in half an hour (just don’t immediately wash your hands with soap and put cream on them! It’s better to lightly treat them with talcum powder) we’ll see how long the result lasts))



Girls, I studied to be a cosmetologist and I can definitely say that hands are the least painful place for hair removal. I remove with wax and oils. The hair does not become darker/coarser. When they just begin to grow, you need to lubricate your hands with cream more often so that the hairs do not cause discomfort.

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in general, I understood how and what to do. The first pancake, of course, was a lump, or rather a flat cake on the armpit. The second time I decided to try it on my hand, firstly it’s more convenient, and in small pieces, secondly. The skin was pre-lubricated with emla cream. and sprinkled it with baby powder. The wax was no longer heated in a bathhouse, but directly on the stove, over the lowest heat. As soon as it became liquid, I removed it from the stove, waited a little for it to thicken to the consistency of honey and began to apply it. it quickly hardens and peels off. and oh voila everything worked out. I even dared to try the bikini area. Emla numbed the pain a little, and the powder really prevented the wax from sticking to the skin :dirol: a little theory, a little practice and everything will work out



I remove hairs on my arms with wax (she lives nearby with a cosmetologist, I go to her house), it certainly looks super! one minus - the skin is very delicate, sometimes tiny bruises remain for several days and red spots (small) if the wax is a little hotter than necessary. Sugaring takes too long and is significantly more expensive. I've done sugaring on my armpits 7-9 times, now I use an epilator once every 2 days - it doesn't hurt at all, and my armpits are clean. My hair started to grow back after about a week, but that was in winter and spring, I didn't sweat it. But now they are thin. There are few of them and it doesn’t hurt at all to pull the epilator.



It’s not that it hurts – it’s somewhat unpleasant, let’s say. But for me it’s already so familiar that it’s practically without sensation. I wax my legs, arms, and the entire bikini area (that’s where it was painful, and even that has already become a habit). The fact that the hair will not become coarser and darker is for sure. On the contrary, they become thinner over time. Therefore, scrubbing and moisturizing the skin is very important in care, not from time to time, but regularly. If you are not lazy, the result is excellent.

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