Waxing underarms: different types of wax and instructions for home use

It is necessary to remove hair in the armpits not only for aesthetic reasons: the more hair, the more irritated the sweat glands, the more bacteria accumulate.

And the unpleasant smell appears many times more often. Shaving in this case is not a panacea: irritated skin reacts with more profuse sweating, and the problem does not disappear.

Therefore, many women choose to remove hair in this area with wax . Armpit depilation with wax ensures perfect smoothness within 1-2 weeks. Over time, the hairs weaken, and the skin remains smooth for three weeks or even a month.


5 reasons to choose wax for armpit depilation:

  1. Waxing is cheaper than laser ;
  2. Unlike a razor and epilator, it does not injure the skin and does not cause irritation ;
  3. Along with the hairs, dead skin particles are removed , i.e. depilation is combined with peeling;
  4. The growing hairs are thinner and do not form prickly bristles;
  5. Provides long lasting effect .

This method can be used at home. But depilating your armpits yourself is not easy: it is very difficult to apply wax in the right direction and then remove it in one motion.

Therefore, it is better to use the services of a specialist in the salon. He will ensure sterility, properly prepare the skin for the procedure and try to reduce discomfort to a minimum.

Video: How to depilate armpits using film wax

When conducting a waxing session in the armpit area yourself, you must follow the rules for preliminary preparation of the skin, follow the steps of the procedure and recommendations for further care of the treated surface. It is important to choose the right wax to get rid of hair in this area. Warm wax or cold wax in the form of ready-made strips are suitable for home use, but it is safer to carry out the procedure with hot wax in a beauty salon. If done correctly and regularly, depilation will become easier and more effective.

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There is no ideal depilation method today. Waxing of armpits also has its disadvantages:

  1. Pain during the procedure . For some women they are quite tolerable. Those with a low pain threshold complain of severe pain.
  2. Ingrown hair . They appear quite often because hair is removed against the direction of growth. Ingrown hairs sometimes become inflamed and cause discomfort.
  3. To carry out the procedure, you need to grow your hair to a length of at least half a centimeter - not every girl wants to “grow” to such a level.

Important! The skin in the armpit area is as delicate and sensitive as in the bikini area. Therefore, the procedure is more painful than leg waxing.

Ways to get rid of hair in intimate places

The bikini area is highly sensitive. Many nerve endings literally penetrate the delicate skin of intimate places. Intense blood flow accelerates hair growth, so getting rid of hair for a long time is not so easy.

The hair in intimate areas has a rigid structure, which complicates the process and makes it more painful. Methods of influence must be safe and effective.

You can get rid of excess hair using depilation and epilation methods. In the first case, the hair shaft is removed, in the second, the hair follicles are destroyed under the influence of physical factors (light fluxes, laser beams, electric current).

Epilation is a modern way to combat unwanted hair, allowing you to solve the problem for a long time. The method requires special equipment - a photoepilator, laser or electric epilator. The quality and effectiveness of procedures depends on the power of the devices. Sessions are usually carried out in salons, but portable devices on sale allow you to do hair removal at home.

At home, the following methods of hair removal in the bikini area are used:

  • shaving;
  • depilation with chemical compounds;
  • waxing;
  • sugaring;
  • using an epilator;
  • photoepilation;
  • laser hair removal.

Each method has limitations, advantages and disadvantages. To understand how and the best way to do hair removal or bikini depilation at home, you need to take into account the features of the procedures and the possibility of their use in a particular case, as well as properly prepare the skin.

Why is the armpit area difficult?

It is not easy even for a master to handle this area: it is uneven, and it is almost impossible to stick the bandage as evenly as possible .
Armpit hair grows in different directions - this must be taken into account when applying wax. If you apply it in the reverse order (apply in the direction of hair growth and remove against the opposite direction), you will not have the desired effect.

For armpits, it is better to use sugaring - sugar paste is easier to apply to the armpit, and it is also less painful.

Another difficulty is that the skin is very thin and delicate , which can be easily damaged by making a careless movement. If the damage is severe, if microcracks occur during the procedures, or if the wax clogs the sweat glands, inflammation of the axillary lymph node may develop . It is not dangerous, but painful.

When should you not wax?

Waxing of armpits has a minimum of contraindications. It can be done during your period - but be prepared that it will be a little more painful.

Strict contraindications are:

  • The presence of damage and inflammation on the skin;
  • Diabetes mellitus (skin heals more slowly, there is a greater risk of infection and damage during the procedure);
  • The presence of ulcers (sometimes they are formed due to ingrown hair, inflammation of the sweat glands - you need to wait until the inflammation goes down);
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Poor blood clotting;
  • The presence of neoplasms, hardening in the axillary area;
  • Allergy to wax components.

Types of wax

Three types of wax are used to remove unwanted hair.

  • Cold, or depilation of armpits with wax strips . It is not heated, at most - you need to hold it in your hands a little to soften it. The wax covers the hair to a minimum; on the sensitive skin of the armpits this leads to painful sensations. It is not always possible to remove all hair at once . But there is also a plus: burns and irritation do not occur after the cold method.
  • Warm wax is applied with a spatula. It grips the hairs more tightly, so it is more effective. The procedure is slightly less painful and more hairs are removed at a time. A lot of wax remains on the skin, and it will take some effort to remove it.
  • Hot (heated to 40-42 degrees) steams the skin well, so during its removal you feel a minimum of pain. Hot waxing of the armpits involves removing all hairs the first time. Hot wax can be used on short (2-3 mm) hairs . The main disadvantage is that thin skin in the armpit area can be burned . Redness after the procedure may persist for several hours. It is better not to experiment at home; armpit depilation with hot wax should be carried out only by experienced specialists . The pores are greatly enlarged, so the risk of infection increases, especially if you wear tight clothes or go outside immediately after the procedure.

Instructions for use

In order to remove hair yourself, you need to acquire the necessary equipment and consumables. To determine what you will need for the procedure, you first need to decide for yourself which areas of the body you are going to remove unwanted hair from.

Depending on the depth of the hair, the thickness of the skin, the sensitivity of the skin to pain and its tendency to irritation, there are two main types of hair removal zones:

  • on particularly sensitive areas where the skin is thin and prone to bruising, hot wax is used: the face, armpits, bikini area;
  • On the rest of the skin it is quite possible to use warm wax.

Video: How to do sugar depilation

To remove hair with warm wax you will need:

  • special lotion to prepare the skin for hair removal;
  • warm wax in cartridges with a roller;
  • special wax melter for warm wax in cartridges;
  • special fabric strips for wax depilation;
  • cream or oil after hair removal;
  • a product for removing wax from leather and work surfaces.

To remove hair with hot wax you will need to have:

  • lotion for preparation for the procedure;
  • talc or baby powder;
  • hard wax in plates, granules or jars;
  • a wax melter for hot wax must have a thermostat, possibly with a replaceable bowl, so that it is suitable for both wax in plates and wax in jars;
  • wooden spatulas;
  • cream or oil after hair removal;
  • a product for removing wax from leather and work surfaces.

Before starting the procedure, and even better before purchasing the necessary accessories, you need to establish that there are no contraindications for wax depilation:

  1. Varicose veins in the area of ​​the proposed procedure, rosacea, rosacea - it is better to avoid these areas, especially if you are going to use hot wax.
  2. Diabetes mellitus is in the stage of decompensation, since these patients have a reduced regenerative capacity of the skin and immunity, which can lead to a serious purulent-inflammatory disease with the most minor injury.
  3. Exacerbation of herpes, the presence of warts, condylomas and papillomas - it is better to postpone the procedure, since dissemination (spread) of the infection that caused the appearance of these formations on the skin is possible.
  4. You should not remove hair growing from moles, which will additionally seriously injure moles and other skin growths.
  5. Bacterial and fungal skin diseases.
  6. Hair not long enough to be removed with wax.
  7. Allergy to wax and any components added to it to improve its properties;
  8. A fresh, intense tan is not a 100% contraindication, but sunbathing before depilation is not recommended, since the skin may respond to double damage with severe irritation, which may last longer than usual, peeling, and increased ingrown hairs.
  9. You should not remove facial hair if, less than a month before hair removal, you performed any traumatic procedures, such as peelings, laser and other hardware procedures, after which the skin requires special care and a long recovery period.

Today, laser hair removal and photoepilation are the most widely used laser hair removal procedures. Find out which is better, photoepilation or laser hair removal.

What is the price of laser hair removal for armpits? - a question that arises for those who decide to get rid of unnecessary hair forever. Read more.

Can it be done at home?

Waxing your armpits at home is possible, but it is not a simple procedure, unlike sugaring. It is advisable to take not just wax, but prepared wax strips (paper strips with a layer of wax applied). You can buy them in the store, they are sold complete with an oiled napkin for removing wax.

Before use, the strips need to be heated slightly to soften the wax .
You can hold them in your hands or put them in a warm place for a couple of minutes, then stick them in the direction of hair growth, smoothing them well. After a few seconds, remove the strip with a sharp movement in the direction against hair growth. If not all hairs are removed, repeat. Important! No more than 3 attempts per procedure can be performed on one area of ​​skin.
Remains of wax should be removed with an oiled napkin or cotton pad soaked in cosmetic or any vegetable oil. Alcohol should not be used to avoid burning sensitive skin. Next, you need to take care of your skin, just like after a salon procedure.

Learn various methods and secrets for removing wax residue from the skin after hair removal.

How to prepare for the procedure?

Waxing of armpits at home is carried out on clean skin. A few hours before the procedure, you need to take a shower, it is advisable to use a scrub or a hard washcloth for peeling .

You should not use antiperspirants - by reacting with wax components, they can cause allergies. If you carry out the procedure at home, do not wet the skin before depilation.

Correct application of wax

Applying wax with bare hands is difficult and unhygienic. A spatula is used for this. Can be applied with a gloved hand. When applying hot, you need to conduct a temperature test by dropping a little wax on your wrist.
The wax is applied according to the hair growth, distributing it in an even layer. You need to wait a few seconds ( from 30 to 60 ) until it penetrates the pores and begins to harden around the hairs.

Step by step procedure

The procedure itself consists of several stages:

  1. Before applying wax, the area to be depilated is treated with an antiseptic and sprinkled with talc to keep the surface dry.
  2. After applying the wax, a bandage is applied - a strip of paper or fabric. You don't have to use them, but the bandage will help you remove the wax more thoroughly. You need to remove it in one sharp movement - otherwise the hairs will remain in place. You can lightly hold the skin around it.
  3. Remaining wax cannot be washed off - it is removed with oil. After this, the skin is again treated with an antiseptic (not alcohol).


The principle of operation of epilators is to capture and then pull out hairs using special mechanisms. You can treat the bikini area with the device, but you need to take into account that the process is painful. The most unpleasant sensations are caused by the first session. Repeated depilation is usually easier to tolerate.

Before depilating the bikini area at home, take a bath or shower, dry and degrease the skin surface. During the procedure, the epilator is held vertically to the treatment site. Short intermittent movements are directed against hair growth.

The advantage of mechanical hair removal is the ease of manipulation and the ability to remove short hairs with a length of 1 mm.

Armpit skin care after waxing

For 6 hours, do not wet the skin, apply greasy cream or antiperspirant - the pores are enlarged, and an infection can occur.
After a day, you can start using lotion to slow down hair growth. This will give you an extra couple of days of smoothness.

After 5 days you can start using peeling products. This will help to promptly remove the layer of dead skin cells and prevent the ingrowth of new hairs.

The procedure should be repeated after 4-5 weeks - once the hairs have grown to approximately 5 mm.
Important! You cannot use other removal methods (razor, cream) in between waxing.
This negates the entire effect: the hairs grow thicker, and the root has time to strengthen. If you have armpit waxing for the first time, the first hairs may “hatch” within a couple of days . These are those for whom the active growth phase has just begun at the time of the procedure. Everything will level out after the second or third time.

Preparation for the procedure

For hair removal to be successful, it is important to prepare for it correctly:

  • Grow hair to the optimal length (3-7 mm).
  • Within 24 hours before sugaring, it is necessary to exfoliate the armpits to facilitate hair removal.
  • Before sugaring, remove dirt from the skin with a cleanser.
  • Treat dry skin with talcum powder.
  • Disinfect your armpits with hydrogen peroxide.

For hair removal to occur along with the hair follicles, their length must be from 3 to 7 mm. If you have previously used a razor, you will need to wait 10-14 days for the hairs to grow to a sufficient length. Coarse hair is more difficult to remove, so it is better to grow it to 7-8 mm. Insufficient length increases the risk of irritation, inflammation, ingrowth and rash. Hair longer than 8 mm should be cut for sugaring to be successful.

Tips and tricks

  • After the procedure, it is advisable to wear a cotton T-shirt - synthetics can cause irritation and increased sweating.
  • During the day after the procedure, it doesn’t matter whether you performed it at home or in the salon, it is better not to swim in ponds or pools .
  • If you have a low pain threshold, do not wax during your period (hot wax is generally contraindicated during this period). The best time is the middle of the monthly cycle.
  • You should not drink alcohol “for courage” or smoke before the procedure: this will cause vasodilation and increase the risk of inflammation.

Already from the second procedure, pain decreases, and the interval between procedures increases. Try waxing at least once - you may want to give up the razor forever.


You should not wax in a salon or on your own if you have the following contraindications:

  • if there are any skin damage in the armpits (abrasions, wounds, scratches, ulcers, pimples), as well as papillomas and protruding moles;
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • serious inflammatory processes in the body;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • an allergic reaction to the ingredients used in depilatory wax.

If you are unsure whether waxing is right for you, consult a professional. It will help determine whether this procedure is possible in your case, or whether it needs to be replaced by another type of depilation. It is imperative to obtain a doctor's permission before waxing during pregnancy: intense painful sensations can have an unpredictable effect on the body.

If you are pregnant, you should consult a gynecologist before waxing.

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