Meryem Uzerli before and after plastic surgery, what operations were performed, what the actress looks like now

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In 2013, Meryem Uzerli left the “Magnificent Century” project, but even today in the memory of many fans she remains the majestic red-haired beauty Hurrem Sultan. Frightened of remaining hostage to one role, the actress radically changed her appearance. She did not reshape her face - the nose, eye shape and lower third of the face (areas that are usually the first to be corrected) remained the same, but limited herself to changing her copper hair color to platinum blonde and losing 10 kg. It would seem that this is a trifle, because millions of women around the world experiment with weight and hair color several times a year. Why did the majority of fans react negatively to the change in the image of their favorite actress?

Meryem Uzerli's face before and after

The girl is quite critical of her own appearance and does not consider herself irresistible. According to her, beauty is an illusion that cannot be relied on. It’s hard to disagree with such reasoning: in her youthful photos, Miryem does not look like an absolute beauty, although her huge eyes and graceful mouth make her face memorable. Nevertheless, the producers of the series noticed the potential of the young actress, and the make-up artists and costume designers of the Turkish series masterfully did their job, turning her into the delightful Roxalana-Hurrem.

Meryem Uzerli does not look so impressive without bright makeup, rich jewelry and exquisite outfits, but she relies on her individuality and charm. The actress focuses on her lips, for example, clearly adding volume to them, leaving the “noticeable” shape of the mouth unchanged. For this purpose, contour plastic surgery is used - an injection cosmetic procedure, during which hyaluronic filler is injected into the red border of the lips. It is possible that Meriem corrects her cheekbones, which have become more prominent, with filler. Unfortunately, the effect of contouring lasts no more than a year, so this procedure must be done regularly. However, these are just our assumptions, because... The actress herself leaves questions about the transformation of her appearance and possible plastic surgery unanswered.

Plastic surgery

Uzerli decided to experiment with her first appearance after the birth of her daughter. It all started with a change of image; she unexpectedly abandoned her fiery red hair color in favor of a traditional platinum blonde. Changes also occurred with the celebrity’s figure; her appetizing roundness disappeared.

In addition, the actress began to wear very provocative outfits, which are not appropriate for decent oriental girls to wear. However, these rules did not apply to Meryem; she regularly appeared on carpets in transparent dresses with an open back, provoking those around her.

Beauty injections

The thinner Uzerli became unrecognizable, so all the journalists hovered around her, and that’s when the first rumors appeared about plastic surgery, which the Turkish cinema star allegedly secretly performed.

The rumors were fueled by photographs showing Meryem Uzerli before and after plastic surgery.

Plastic surgery specialists confirm that the actress performed manipulations on her face:

  1. We can say with confidence that she did contouring, namely filler injections, when gel-like solutions are injected under the skin. Their main task is to replenish the volume of tissues and nourish them. Using the procedure, irregularities in the skin are removed and facial contours are corrected.
  2. Botox injections also did not go unnoticed by the actress; with the help of them, the star of “The Magnificent Century” corrected the nasolabial fold. Botulinum toxin injections also helped smooth out facial wrinkles. In the photo before and after plastic surgery there are clear signs of rejuvenation, Meryem’s skin has noticeably smoothed out in the corners of the eyes and between the eyebrows.

However, these changes are not long-lasting; the positive effect disappears quite quickly. Soon Uzerli was again seen at an appointment with cosmetologists and surgeons.

One of the most famous Turkish surgeons, Simon Uryan, claimed that the actress resorted to surgery to change the shape of her chin. Uzerli herself did not comment on this news; the girl neither confirmed nor denied the information given by the doctor.

Although the photographs that Meryem herself posted this year on her page on the social network Instagram prove that surgical intervention did take place. The chin has really changed, it began to have smoother lines, a beautiful oval.

Increased lip volume

The actress’s lips, which dramatically added volume, did not go unnoticed by fans. But many felt that there was no great need for this procedure. Meryem had a naturally good shape, but the procedure made them vulgar, like a duck's beak.

However, this effect is not present in the photo now; probably, the girl heeded the advice of fans and stage colleagues and refused fillers. By 2021, she once again shines with her pleasant and natural smile, which her many subscribers love so much.

Figure of Miryem Uzerli before and after

It’s no secret that in the east they value rounded female forms, so for the role of Hurrem the actress gained 10 kg. Working hard on the set, stress and pregnancy caused her to gain another 10 kg. To regain her former shape, the actress had to get rid of 20 kg! According to her, it was not difficult to do this, because... Exercise and proper nutrition helped, not liposuction. Today Miryem Uzerli is happy with her body and posts photos in a swimsuit on the Internet.

What operations did not take place?

The Turkish cinema star is often accused of abusing plastic surgery. This is due to the fact that Uzerli became unrecognizable in a short time.

Today we can say for sure that in 2022 she did not resort to the following operations:

  1. Blepharoplasty , the fact that Uzerli underwent this procedure has been discussed for a long time. But the information turned out to be incorrect; children’s photographs of the eye shape do not differ from recent photographs. Their shape remained the same, the same as it looks now. The only thing Meryem used was to emphasize the shape of her eyebrows with the help of tattoos and learn how to correctly apply sculptural makeup that hides imperfections and emphasizes the advantages of her face.
  2. Rhinoplasty - this procedure is also not on the list of operations that the Turkish actress has resorted to. Changes in the shape and size of the nose in photographs are caused by improper lighting and poor makeup, and not plastic surgery. This was confirmed by several surgeons at once.
  3. Mammoplasty - this operation is also excluded, although it has been repeatedly attributed to the actress. There have never been significant fluctuations in breast size, even in the postpartum period. The only thing the star could decide on was a lift after losing weight.

Another operation that Uzerli is often accused of is liposuction. The girl actually managed to get rid of 10 extra pounds, but this did not happen thanks to surgery, but through hard training and proper nutrition.

Interesting facts about Miryem Uzerli:

The actress was born into an international large family: her father is Turkish and her mother is German. Artistic inclinations were discovered in childhood, when the girl studied in a theater group. Later she graduated from drama school and began working in the theater in Hamburg, while simultaneously doing film scoring and acting in episodes. Miryem Uzerli got to the casting of “The Magnificent Century” by chance: in a telephone conversation, a friend spoke about the grandiose project of Turkish producers.

There are several versions of why the actress left the set of one of the most successful Turkish TV series early. Miryem herself cited professional burnout and emotional exhaustion due to the intensive filming schedule, and journalists reported financial contradictions between the actress and the producers. However, most likely, the main reason for leaving the project was pregnancy, which was successfully resolved with the birth of a daughter.

After filming “The Magnificent Century,” the actress starred in several films in Turkey and Germany, which did not receive public recognition. At the same time, as an entrepreneur, Miryem Uzerli achieved some success - in 2015, she patented the “Meryem Cosmetics” trademark and released a personalized line of cosmetics.

Actress before plastic surgery

The famous actress's family includes different nations, and this influenced her final appearance. German and Turkish genes can be traced in it.

She appeared in a large family in 1983, at that time the Meryem family lived in Germany. As the actress herself says, she never considered herself beautiful, she has a standard appearance.

It was in Germany that the future celebrity received her education and began her career as an actress. True, the red-haired beauty with big eyes was trusted only with minor roles in films. And more often they only offered voice acting.

Later, Turkish directors drew attention to Uzerli, who invited her to audition for the main female role. As a result, she gave her worldwide fame.

It came as a shock to everyone when, in the middle of the filming process, the girl announced her resignation and then disappeared completely. Meryem appeared after a while, but hardly anyone could recognize the red-haired Hyurem in the new blonde, the actress had changed so much.

Naturally, they immediately started talking about plastic surgery, fans began to look for changes that happened to Meryem after plastic surgery; the differences in appearance are really noticeable in the photo.


Meryem Uzerli is a breathtaking beauty who has a calm aura and is very individual. This red-haired Turkish woman has a surprisingly attractive figure and very fair skin.

Meryem adjusted her body through fitness classes and special skin care. Meryem is a gourmet and also a passionate cook. In her free time, she enjoys traveling with her daughter. She also enjoys going out with her friends and family. She carefully selects dresses, hairstyles and does makeup. She likes to pamper herself during the holidays.

Are the fans happy?

Not all fans appreciated such changes. Many have noticed that Meryem is absolutely not suited to such metamorphoses. However, the actress herself is philosophical about her appearance. “An ordinary person is looking at me in the mirror, and all the beauty that is attributed to a person is illusory,” Meryem reflects.

Beauty, alas, is not a passport to the world of a happy life. The series “The Magnificent Century” made Meryem famous, recognizable, and beloved by many fans. She received a huge number of offers for other interesting Turkish projects. But my personal life is not working out. For a long time, Uzerli dated Turkish millionaire Alp Ozcan, but the chosen one’s financial problems separated them. The actress broke off relations with her daughter's father, Can Ates, even before the birth of the child, since the businessman was against replenishment.

Currently, Meryem Uzerli actively takes part in the filming of TV series, films and advertising, and is developing her own line of cosmetics. is a caring and loving mother to her three-year-old daughter. She constantly appears on Instagram in front of her fans and does not despair in finding a worthy man.

And the steel may break

Filming the series took up almost all of the actress’s personal time. In a foreign country, she had to work not only on the role, but also on herself. Ignorance of the language made work much more difficult, so in her free time the girl studied Turkish.

During all three years of participation in the project, Uzerli practically lived with her role and work. The circle of communication was limited only to colleagues. For example, a friendship began with actress Nur Aisan, who played the role of Makhidevran. The girls spent a lot of time together, chatting over a cup of tea or wandering around the park. They were brought together by their common origin: both were born in Germany.

But in May 2013, Meryem Uzerli unexpectedly decided to leave the project. She was not stopped by the fact that there were only a few episodes left to film until the end of the season. She later commented on her departure as a forced measure. The public voiced two versions of the main character leaving the series:

  • The fact is that the actress’s health was undermined, and upon arrival in Germany, the girl underwent rehabilitation in one of the clinics in Berlin. At this moment, Meryem Uzerli’s personal life changed. After recovery, the actress announced to the public that she was expecting a child from her ex-boyfriend Can Ates.
  • Another version was based on financial disagreements between the artist and the producers. According to the contract, Meryem Uzerli and Halit Ergench (the actor who played the role of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent in the film and partner) were supposed to receive the same fees. However, the actor was paid an order of magnitude higher salary. It was this fact that became the stumbling block and the reason for the star’s departure from the project.

The series brought the actress instant success. Just yesterday, a simple girl became famous overnight. In Turkey, Uzerli was awarded the titles “Best Actress” and “Most Popular Woman”. The image of Hurrem Sultan became iconic for the Ottoman Empire and modern Turkey. Here this woman had a special position and the love of the people, and the harmonious performance of the role on the screen brought Uzerli and the people’s love.

Despite the fact that after leaving the series another actress took her place, Meryem received invitations to film in numerous projects (“Courage”, “Mother Wound”). However, the mark of Roksolana remained on her forever.

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