Needle electrolipolysis: what it is, how it’s done


Electrolipolysis is a medical procedure. Its action is aimed at eliminating aesthetic problems that arise due to metabolic disorders or excess weight of the patient.

Indicated for patients in cases where:

  • getting rid of swelling;
  • fight against cellulite;
  • removal of local fat deposits;
  • restoration of skin elasticity;
  • weight loss.

Electrolipolysis is recommended to solve the following problems:

  • lose weight for the beach season;
  • restore physical fitness after pregnancy and childbirth;
  • at the preparatory stage before liposuction or plastic surgery to change body contours.

Acupuncture: removal of fat deposits

Needle lipolysis is a technique for body contouring and cellulite elimination, based on the fact that fat cells are exposed to a weak electric current.

You should take the course if you need:

  • remove excess fat deposits;
  • reduce the volume of problem areas;
  • improve the appearance of the waist, hips, abdomen, arms;
  • eliminate the “orange peel”.

Acupuncture in Moscow is carried out at SlimClinic. The procedure is an effective method of combating local fat deposits; it is characterized by long-lasting results. Thin needles are inserted into the subcutaneous fatty tissue of problem areas, and an electric current of variable frequency is supplied through them.

Electrical impulses lead to an acceleration of metabolism in cells, a local increase in temperature and the breakdown of fats. Increased blood circulation and lymph flow at the site of exposure ensures rapid removal of products of the breakdown of adipose tissue.

As a result, the volume of fat cells decreases, and your figure acquires chiseled contours.

SlimClinic uses the ESMA-Profi device, which allows you to provide the desired intensity of exposure. Patients are seen by a cosmetologist with appropriate qualifications. The procedure takes place under completely sterile conditions using only disposable needles.

Needle lipolysis and its benefits

Needle lipolysis has a number of advantages compared to application electrolipolysis, when electrodes are applied to the surface of the skin, and other body contouring techniques:

  • The effect occurs directly on fatty tissue. When electrodes are placed on the body, the effect is not so pronounced, because the electrical impulse does not immediately reach the fat layer and loses its strength.
  • The adjacent muscles contract, which improves their tone and prevents sagging skin.
  • Metabolic processes and microcirculation are stimulated, skin condition improves.

SlimClinic also uses other effective methods for eliminating fat deposits. If there are contraindications to acupuncture, the doctor will select the best option for body correction.

Needle electrolipolysis procedure

Before visiting the doctor, you should drink 0.5-0.75 liters of water to speed up the elimination of fat tissue breakdown products. Before the procedure, the cosmetologist accurately determines the boundaries of the treatment area, then treats the skin with an antiseptic and inserts 32 needles into the desired points.

A session of needle electrolipolysis in Moscow at SlimClinic lasts 1.5 hours, during which current of different frequencies and intensities is applied to the needles. The impact may cause slight discomfort.

Acupuncture goes well with manual lymphatic drainage massage, which additionally stimulates lymph flow and accelerates the removal of toxins from the body.

The length of the needles is selected strictly individually, taking into account the thickness of the patient’s fat layer. Acupuncture is an invasive procedure; only a cosmetologist with a higher medical education and in a medical center can perform it. SlimClinic employs qualified doctors who have undergone additional training in body contouring techniques.

How long does the effect of acupuncture last?

The result can be noticeable after the first procedure. As a rule, for a visible long-term effect and complete elimination of fat deposits, you need to complete a course of 10-15 procedures. Sessions are scheduled at intervals of 5-7 days.

One procedure takes from 2 to 5 extra centimeters. If you follow your doctor's recommendations, normalize your diet and exercise adequately, the results of acupuncture will last for many years.

With excess food intake and lack of exercise, fat cells will quickly return to their original volume.

A SlimClinic cosmetologist will select the length of the needles (from 2 to 15 cm) and an effective treatment regimen, prescribe the required number of sessions, and also give recommendations on nutrition and exercise to maintain the achieved result.


If the following factors are present, electrolipolysis is prohibited:

  • infectious diseases in the acute phase;
  • chronic skin diseases;
  • diseases of the excretory system (kidneys, bladder);
  • disruption of the digestive system (liver, pancreas);
  • oncological diseases;
  • mental disorders (epilepsy);
  • presence of pacemakers, cardiac implants;
  • hypertension;
  • pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • varicose veins, thrombophlebitis.

There are time restrictions under which body contouring will have to be postponed:

  • foci of inflammation, violation of the integrity of the skin;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • period of menstruation.

The simultaneous use of these groups of drugs may reduce the effectiveness of the procedure:

  • tranquilizers;
  • steroids;
  • sleeping pills;
  • hormonal drugs.


Advantages of electrolipolysis over other hardware technologies:

  1. Minimally invasive procedure. Suitable for those who are opposed to surgical intervention. Getting rid of extra pounds will happen more slowly than with liposuction, but without additional risks and complications. No anesthesia is required, no scars will be left, and the risk of infection is minimal.
  2. Painless procedure. During needle electrolipolysis, pain may occur, but it is minimal and short-lived.
  3. Selective action. In situations where weight loss is not required, you can only target problem areas of the body. For example, remove fat from the waist or abdomen, but maintain breast size.
  4. No special preparation is needed before the procedure.
  5. Pronounced lifting effect. After liposuction, tightening of sagging skin is required. And electrolipolysis solves several problems at once: weight loss, strengthening muscles and increasing skin elasticity.
  6. Acceptable price. There are ultrasound and laser hardware procedures that allow you to quickly obtain visible results. But unlike electrolipolysis, their cost is several times higher. In addition, you will have to deposit a large amount at once. Considering the full course of electrolipolysis is extended over time, payment can be split for each session separately.

How much does acupuncture cost?

The price of the procedure depends on the area of ​​the treatment area, the qualifications of the doctor and the level of the cosmetology clinic (office), the number of procedures that may be required to achieve the desired result. The maximum cost of an acupuncture session in Moscow is 5,500 rubles.

Treatment zone, 1 zone Price, average
Hips 1,700 rubles
Buttocks 2,000 rubles
Stomach 2,500 rubles
Hands 1,700 rubles

Many patients speak of acupuncture as an effective procedure that has helped them get rid of extra pounds and cellulite without resorting to surgical liposuction. It should be noted that the durability of the result after inglolipolysis largely depends on proper nutrition and exercise. Hardware techniques such as body mesotherapy, ultrasonic cavitation, ozone therapy, lymphatic drainage, pressotherapy and anti-cellulite wraps will also be useful.

Preparatory stage

To avoid complications during and after the electrolipolysis procedure, you must first undergo an examination by the following doctors:

  1. Therapist. He will study the medical history (medical record) and identify contraindications to the procedure. Prescribe blood and urine tests to rule out inflammation in the body and harm to health.
  2. Dermatologist. He will examine the skin and determine the location and severity of fatty deposits.
  3. Cosmetologist. He will determine the zones for correction, select individual parameters for the operation of the device (duration, current strength), and clarify the scheme of the sessions.

On the day of electrolipolysis, you need to follow a low-fat diet and drink about one liter of pure water without gas. Eating and drinking are allowed no later than 2 hours before the start and 2-3 hours after completion of the procedure.

Immediately before the session, you must take a shower. Do not apply creams, lotions, or perfumes to the skin. Any cosmetic products can cause an allergic reaction.

It is more convenient to schedule electrolipolysis in the evening in order to completely eliminate food intake until the next morning. This will speed up the process of natural removal of fats from the body and reduce the load on the kidneys and liver.

The essence of ultrasonic lipolysis

The ultrasonic lipolysis procedure involves exposure to a device that produces very high frequency sound waves. The optimal range for influencing adipose tissue is 30-40 KHz.

This frequency leads to the formation of many microbubbles and rupture of the membranes of fat cells (adipocytes). The liquid contents flow into the intercellular space and are excreted from the body with blood and lymph.

At the same time, nearby muscles, blood vessels and connective tissue are not affected. They have a greater coefficient of elasticity and strength of cell walls. Ultrasound waves stimulate the process of epithelial regeneration and enhance the production of collagen and elastin. The skin in the affected area becomes elastic, smooth and toned.

Thus, ultrasonic lipolysis is an effect that serves as a good alternative to classical liposuction.

There is no need to prepare before treatment. At the beginning of the session, a gel is applied to the problem area of ​​the body to enhance the conductivity of waves. The doctor acts on the body with a special device for 45 minutes. The full course of ultrasonic electrolipolysis is 5-10 sessions with a break of 7 days.

Methods of carrying out

Leading cosmetology centers and clinics in Moscow offer their clients 2 types of electrolipolysis: electrode and needle.

Electrode method

It is painless and non-invasive, since the integrity of the skin is not compromised during the process. Helps eliminate small amounts of fat deposits.

During the procedure, electrically conductive gel is applied to areas of the body that require correction and flat electrode plates are applied. The electrodes are secured to the body with elastic fastening straps that do not restrict movement.

Using a special device, electric current is supplied to the plates, penetrates the subcutaneous space and affects fat cells and muscles.

Needle method

The efficiency of this method is on average 30% higher than the electrode method. Microcurrent impulses, breaking the protective barrier of the skin, affect the deep layers of fatty tissue.

The thinnest needles act as conductors of electric current. They are carefully inserted into the subcutaneous space 3-5 cm deep.

Depending on the size of the treated area, from 6 to 10 needles can be used simultaneously. When conducting a needle electrolipolysis session, sterility is strictly observed: the area of ​​exposure is treated with a disinfectant solution, and disposable needles are used.

The immediate moment of puncture may be accompanied by a slight, short-term pain syndrome. Further, during the process of exposure to microcurrent waves, only a slight tingling sensation is felt.

Lipolysis – what is it?

January 09, 2020

Knowledge is power

Plastic surgeons are ordinary people like everyone else. This means that the problem of excess fat deposits on the body is familiar to some of them. But here’s the question: trying to get rid of it, has at least one of the plastic surgeons turned to such a procedure as lipolysis?

Believe me: if a person has received a truly high-quality medical education and, moreover, has learned in practice what it is, the answer will most likely be negative. Why? Let's try to figure it out.

Fat reserves are present in the body of any person. Moreover, these are really useful reserves: they protect the body from hypothermia and perform protective functions against aggressive external influences.

It's a different matter when it comes to their overabundance. This is when problems such as obesity and cellulite arise. No, the thought of lipolysis, or even resorting to plastic surgery services, does not come to us right away. As a rule, it all starts with various diets and gyms. But if it doesn’t help...

From scalpel to laser

There are many methods for removing excess subcutaneous fat today. One of the most effective methods is recognized by specialists around the world as liposuction - a procedure where fat cells are mechanically removed from the body.

In earlier years, when lipolysis was not yet advertised as a “non-surgical panacea,” a scalpel and vacuum suction were used to remove fat, which was first converted into a liquid substance. With the beginning of the use of laser technology, punctures in the patient’s skin began to be made quite microscopic, but the principle has not changed - during the procedure you are relieved of excess fat.

By the way, laser liposuction, due to internal heating of tissues, is also accompanied by the creation of a new collagen layer, while the process of rejuvenation and reduction of the skin to new contours actively occurs. Under such conditions, the surgeon can fully guarantee the patient that there will be no sagging of the skin.

“Do you need to take out the garbage, or do you do something yourself?”

Now about what the fundamental feature of lipolysis is. Imagine that you have accumulated a fair amount of household garbage at home, and it’s time to get rid of it. You call a “specially trained person”, and with the help of a special unit... he simply shreds your garbage. That's all. They will also take money from you for “work.” “Sorry, what next?” – you ask in confusion. “And then we’ll do it ourselves somehow.”

So it is with “magically painless” lipolysis. The fact is that during this procedure, excess fat, which is the cause of your problems, is not removed from the body. When it comes to this method, it only involves breaking down fat. Yes, that's right: one molecule of fat is divided into three separate molecules of fatty acids, and one of glycerol.

But the trick is that lipolysis is a completely natural process, constantly occurring in the body and without any external stimulation. As well as the process of reverse conversion of fatty acids and glycerol into fat molecules - this is called re-esterification. However, using various techniques, the process of fat breakdown can be “spurred up”.

Types and consequences of “surgery without surgery”

You can be offered different types of this procedure, as they say, for every taste - cryolipolysis, cavitation, injection, even laser lipolysis.

Or, for example, electrolipolysis. In this case, the destruction of fat cells occurs due to two small diameter electrodes.

Yes, in this way you can achieve uniform destruction of fat cells. And there won’t even be any unevenness on the skin after the procedure. But it is far from a fact that this type of lipolysis will not leave your internal organs without a negative, most unpredictable effect.

At the same time, the same electrolipolysis can also be called “radiofrequency liposuction.”

But don't be fooled, this is just a play on words, nothing more. The term “liposuction” itself comes from the Latin lipos - fat and the English suction - suction. Whereas “lipolysis” means fat breakdown. If the first of these procedures can be performed exclusively in the operating room, then for the second a treatment room is sufficient.

At one time, “cavitation liposuction” was very popular in the country. The destruction of fat cells and their subsequent emulsification was achieved through ultrasound.

But then, when the disadvantages and side effects of this type of lipolysis were studied in the course of practical application, the time came to “collect the stones.” It turned out, in particular, that this procedure often leads to destruction of the skin. The patient can receive both external and internal burns, which injure the blood vessels and nerves of the treated area. Often the matter ended with intestinal inflammation and tissue dehydration.

Probably, this list alone is enough to clarify the obvious: in some cases, lipolysis, as a type of “non-surgical liposuction,” can become a reason to consult a doctor for much more serious reasons than the removal of excess fat. Especially if the procedure was performed by a specialist with little experience.

“You’ll tell him a lot of lies...”

Now about the most important thing. If the destroyed fat cells are not removed from your body, your body will have to deal with “garbage disposal” on its own. Do you think he can handle it? Maybe. If he tries really hard. It will really strain your kidneys, liver, and blood vessels. Moreover, the more fat that needs to be removed, the greater this tension will be. And it can happen like this: having lost weight and become slimmer, a person begins visiting doctors in order to now get rid of the consequences of such “rejuvenation.”

However, if lipolysis is so ineffective, and sometimes, as we see, even harmful to humans, why not ban it altogether? - you ask. The fact is that when removing fat from a small, literally palm-sized area of ​​the body, the method is both applicable and has the right to life. But to hope that with its help the problem can be solved radically - as, for example, with liposuction, is at least naive.

However, the choice is always yours. Just don’t forget for whom the two cheerful swindlers - the fox Alice and the cat Basilio - “don’t need a knife, you’ll tell him a lot of lies - and do with him what you want.”

Author: Dudnik A.P.


General features of the event

Devices for the electrolipolysis procedure have several modes of use. Namely:

  1. Lipolysis. Constantly changing the frequency and intensity of the current causes the cells to release fat.
  2. Lymphatic drainage. As a result of a local increase in temperature, the work of the organs of the circulatory and lymphatic systems is activated. As a result, the natural excretion of fat breakdown products, harmful substances and intercellular fluid through the kidneys and liver is accelerated. The fact that the lymphatic drainage procedure was carried out effectively is indicated by increased urination.
  3. Myostimulation. Electrical impulses stimulate muscle contractions, which improves skin tone, increases energy consumption and fat consumption.

To increase the effectiveness of the procedure, the modes alternately replace each other.

The duration of the procedure ranges from 1 to 1.5 hours. The duration, frequency and intensity of the current supply are regulated by the cosmetologist.

Between electrolipolysis sessions, you must take a break of about 1 week on average. This is how long it takes the body to break down and remove the next portion of fats and metabolic products. A full course of electrolipolysis includes from 6 to 10 sessions.

Why does fat leave areas where needle electrolipolysis was performed?

Let's try to figure out why electric current gets rid of fat. The fat cell is positively charged on the outside and negatively charged on the inside. Let's change the polarity by exposing the cell to an electric field. The cell will strive to restore its natural polarity; for this (as for performing any work) energy will be required, the source of which will be lipids, that is, fats located inside the cell itself. As soon as the cell restores polarity, a new electrical impulse changes it again, and so on up to 20 times per minute. Fat cells literally “burn”, turning their contents into water and fatty acids, which are excreted in the urine. By the way, frequent urination after acupuncture indicates the effectiveness of the procedure.

Possible complications

Complications after electrolipolysis occur infrequently.

Adverse consequences include:

  1. Small hematomas, bleeding at puncture sites during needle electrolipolysis. To eliminate it, with the permission of a cosmetologist, it is good to use absorbable ointments.
  2. Swelling and redness of the skin under the electrode plates. Goes away on its own within a few hours.
  3. Muscle pain. They are the result of physical activity, like after a sports workout. They will stop bothering you a day after the session.

Expected Result

The effect of electrolipolysis on the body, in contrast to surgical methods of weight loss and body shaping, is as gentle as possible and occurs gradually. That is why external changes are not noticeable immediately, only after 2-3 sessions. A full course of 10 procedures can last for 1-2 months, taking into account the necessary breaks between sessions. This fact should not be scary, because if you follow all the cosmetologist’s instructions, the final result will meet your expectations.

The effect of electrolipolysis procedures:

  1. Ridding the body of excess fluid and accumulated toxins. As a result, swelling will subside and the feeling of fatigue and heaviness in the legs will disappear. Bags under the eyes will disappear, the color of the skin on the face will even out.
  2. Loss of body weight.
  3. Silhouette correction. The volume of your waist, abdomen and hips will decrease.
  4. Strengthening the muscle corset.
  5. Increased skin elasticity. The contours of your face and body will look more toned.
  6. Reducing the external manifestations of cellulite. The skin in problem areas will be evened out and the bumps will disappear.
  7. General strengthening of the body. Blood circulation, transfer of oxygen and nutrients to organs and tissues will accelerate.

Needle electrolipolysis

Needle electrolipolysis

– a procedure for splitting and removing fat deposits using low-frequency electric current passed through needle electrodes. Needle electrolipolysis is an effective non-surgical method for treating cellulite, weight loss and body contouring.

Needle electrolipolysis, unlike electrode lipolysis, ensures more accurate penetration of the electrical impulse into the tissue, and compared to liposuction, it does not lead to sagging and uneven skin. Simultaneously with the removal of excess fat, due to gentle electrical stimulation of muscle fibers, skin tightening occurs.

Cosmetology uses needle electrolipolysis as a separate procedure, as well as in combination with other anti-cellulite techniques.

Needle electrolipolysis

– a procedure for splitting and removing fat deposits using low-frequency electric current passed through needle electrodes. Needle electrolipolysis is an effective non-surgical method for treating cellulite, weight loss and body contouring.

Needle electrolipolysis, unlike electrode lipolysis, ensures more accurate penetration of the electrical impulse into the tissue, and compared to liposuction, it does not lead to sagging and uneven skin. Simultaneously with the removal of excess fat, due to gentle electrical stimulation of muscle fibers, skin tightening occurs.

Cosmetology uses needle electrolipolysis as a separate procedure, as well as in combination with other anti-cellulite techniques.

The needle electrolipolysis procedure combines myostimulation, lipolysis and lymphatic drainage. Alternating electric current of certain parameters is supplied to problem areas through special electrodes - disposable long needles that are inserted directly into the subcutaneous fatty tissue.

Direct contact of electrodes with fat cells (adipocytes) allows us to accelerate the process of emulsification of neutral fats in the fat cells themselves, removing toxic metabolic products and excess fluid into the intercellular environment.

As a result of the activation of capillary blood circulation and lymph flow, the process of removing residual water and fatty acids from the intercellular substance through the lymph flow and urinary system improves.

Needle electrolipolysis increases the effectiveness of lipolysis (especially in relation to dense fats) due to local heating of cellulite areas, increased microcirculation and intracellular metabolism.

As a result of needle electrolipolysis, the volume and density of fat deposits and visible body volume are reduced, water balance disturbances and lymph stagnation are eliminated, and the tone and elasticity of weakened muscles is restored.

It is believed that the efficiency of needle electrolipolysis is several times higher than that of electrode.

Contraindications to needle electrolipolysis are the presence of neoplasms, liver and gallbladder diseases, epilepsy, blood clotting disorders, pustular skin lesions, pacemakers and individual intolerance to electrical procedures. Also, this procedure is not performed on pregnant women and women with a history of uterine fibroids.

How to enhance the effect of electrolipolysis

To achieve good results from electrolipolysis and consolidate its effect for a long time, you need to follow simple rules:

  1. Follow the recommended diet and monitor the water-salt balance. Since electrolipolysis does not destroy fat cells, their contents can quickly return.
  2. Increase physical activity, go to the gym, swim.
  3. Do wraps.
  4. Sessions of manual or hardware lymphatic drainage massage are required.
  5. Seek services only from official, time-tested cosmetology or medical centers. Only there they will offer the latest equipment, advanced technologies, quality and safety guarantees. And the entire process will be controlled by a team of employees with medical education: cosmetologists, nutritionists, physiotherapists, psychologists.

Technique and specifics of needle electrolipolysis

The very specifics of fat burning can be understood by analyzing the charge of cells in the normal state and under the influence of current. In the first case, their “contents” have a positive charge, and the cells themselves have a negative charge. Upon exposure, repolarization occurs. It is this that causes the consumption of a large amount of energy, due to which fats are burned. In addition, in problem areas, intracellular metabolism is activated, the temperature rises, and an increase in the permeability of cell membranes is observed.

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