What is facial phytopilling? Useful properties, indications, stages of herbal cleansing

What woman doesn’t want to look beautiful and preserve her youth as long as possible? One of the conditions for beauty is well-groomed, clean and radiant skin. Over the years, it becomes more and more difficult to maintain excellent skin condition. A good remedy for skin rejuvenation is peeling. In modern times there are quite a lot of their varieties: chemical, laser, ultrasonic, fruit. I would like to pay special attention to cleansing with the help of natural ingredients - phytopilling.

What it is?

Herbal phytopilling is a cosmetic procedure aimed at cleansing the face. It is carried out using a set of abrasive components. The products used in the procedure consist of plant substances of natural origin. Thanks to phytopiling, not only the surface of the skin is cleansed, but also biological processes are activated.

Phytopilling is practically harmless. It does not cause allergies, since the components that activate the negative reaction are contained in the scrub in minimal quantities.

An herbal scrub consists of a mixture of dried herbs and algae that have been subjected to an unusual treatment. The herbs in the scrub retain maximum beneficial properties.

Phytoscrubbing differs from other cleansing salon procedures in certain advantages. Among them:

  • The scrub contains only natural ingredients.
  • The procedure is harmless and effective.
  • The layer of dead cells quickly exfoliates, as a result of which the regeneration of new ones is activated.
  • A positive and lasting result is noticeable after the first two procedures.
  • The procedure activates metabolic and biological processes.
  • The effect lasts much longer than from regular scrubbing.

Useful properties and features

Cleansing the skin with natural ingredients has a noticeable positive result. Natural scrubbing has the following effects :

  • improves skin tone;
  • makes the oval of the face pronounced;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • removes toxins from the skin;
  • saturates the skin with beneficial substances;
  • removes greasy shine;
  • tightens pores;
  • eliminates inflammatory processes, prevents the formation of acne.

Attention ! With a moderate number of procedures, scrubbing does not cause severe harm to the epidermis.


The effect of scrubbing is noticeable after two or three procedures . Much depends on your skin type:

  • If it is sensitive and thin, five procedures will be enough for complete cleansing.
  • If your skin is thick, you will need to attend sessions for at least a month.

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For more complete information, you must personally contact a cosmetologist.

Indications and contraindications for herbal cleansing

Cosmetologists recommend using phytopilling in certain situations. These include:

  • stagnant spots;
  • swelling;
  • swelling;
  • seals;
  • signs of aging: wrinkles, decreased tone;
  • thickening of the stratum corneum;
  • the appearance of acne;
  • dull, uneven complexion;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • enlarged pores;
  • acne and comedones;
  • excessive amount of fat secretion.

The main contraindication to the procedure is:

  • Individual intolerance to components.
  • Peeling should not be done for people with hypertension.
  • If there are open wounds and damage on the face, the course of phytoscrubbing should be postponed for some time.
  • If your facial skin is dry and sensitive, you should also wait with the procedure.

Reference! If the vessels are located too close to the skin, then you should completely abandon the scrub.

Contraindications for the procedure

Every rule always has its exceptions, and using this seemingly safe procedure has its own contraindications:

  1. People with high blood pressure should not take the procedure.
  2. If you have thin and sensitive skin.
  3. If blood vessels are located close to the surface of the skin.

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Of course, what women are most interested in is how their facial skin looks. After all, it is a well-groomed appearance and healthy color that attracts the attention of others. This means that you need to be very careful about these contraindications.

Stages of herbal peeling therapy

Any procedure has its own stages; phytopilling includes the following:

  1. Cleansing with a shelf at a deep level of all skin pores. At the same time, even the most persistent makeup is removed and the pores are cleansed of any impurities, including sebum.
  2. Antibacterial liquid soap is used. With its help, bacteria are destroyed that contribute to the spread of acne. Soap has a therapeutic antiseborrheic effect and restores skin pH.
  3. Active phytolotion. It is made from herbs and also contains salicylic or citric acid. In addition to cleansing the face, it perfectly improves skin tone and has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  4. A toner that does not contain alcohol. It should contain amino acids as well as plant extracts.
  5. It is a dry powder that consists of plant components. It contains mainly algae.
  6. A mixture that is used to remove the mask. In addition to useful extracts, it contains hydrogen peroxide and propylene glycol.
  7. Cream mask for phytopilling. Its composition helps restore the acid balance and also accelerates renewal processes.
  8. A foundation with a photoprotective effect.

The last stage of the procedure is the need to protect the skin from external influences. The foundation is very light, it has no greasy compounds and perfectly masks defects. Has a slight anti-inflammatory effect. This is due to its unique composition, that is, the presence of ginseng extract, many vitamins and oxygen carriers.

Frequency of the procedure

The phytopiling procedure is very similar to the process of cleansing the face with a regular scrub. The sensations are not very pleasant, but after a series of procedures, the skin becomes smooth, as if after sanding. At first there will be a tingling feeling, then you will observe tightening and peeling of the skin for some time. This is an update process.

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Phytopilling can be done twice a week. The entire course contains 5-10 sessions. For prevention, it is enough to use phytopilling once a month. It is advisable to use medicinal cosmetics for a month to completely eliminate the problem. Brands from well-known cosmetic companies will help you perform phytopilling at home.

Cosmetic products for natural treatments

The complete set of products for the phytopilling procedure contains basic and additional substances.

Thanks to the main elements, the initial effect of the scrub is consolidated. Additional components contribute to the effective action of the main composition and have an anti-inflammatory and calming effect. The basic elements of any peeling are:

  • Active mask . A dry mixture of biologically active substances based on herbs, algae, and phytoplankton. All components are processed using special technology, which allows them to retain their beneficial properties.
  • Solvent for the mask . It contains: hydrogen peroxide, herbal solutions, propylene glycol. Gives structure to the mass, activates other components.
  • Phytolotion . Liquid based on herbal alcohol. Cleanses and tones the skin before applying the main component. Disinfects the surface of the skin.
  • Toning mask . Tones tissues and relieves tension, triggers cell regeneration. Contains white clay, avocado oil, microelements.
  • Protective foundation . Protects the epidermis from the sun. Does not clog pores, masking epidermal defects. The composition contains vitamins, ginseng extract, interstitial oxygen carrier.
  • Antiseptic soap . Cleanses and disinfects the surface of the skin. Eliminates the fat layer.

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Some cosmetologists include several preparatory stages in the main procedure aimed at removing residual makeup and removing impurities from the pores. Usually special milk and tonic are used. They contain phytocomponents and have a calming effect.

The best phytopilling for oily skin

I want to tell you about the best and most effective peeling.
I first learned about it from a cosmetologist; she recommended doing it to improve my oily, porous skin. Three means to get results: Lacrima solvent for phytopiling mask Lacrima phytopiling mask dry mixture Lacrima toning cream mask with avocado oil. The procedure cost 350 UAH. Regular use every 10 days 5 times. The amount is not small. But still, I went through it to see the result. Peeling should be applied during non-sunny periods. In order to save money and time, I bought it for home use.

And so, for this procedure you need 3 products: - solvent for the phytopiling mask - phytopiling mask (dry mixture) - toning cream mask with avocado oil. Ideally, there should also be milk, soap, phytolotion and phytoprotective foundation. But I decided that I had plenty of such goodness and limited myself to these three means. Manufacturer: Lacrima. Cyprus. From the manufacturer: all components of phytopiling are natural biologically active preparations. Phytopiling not only causes rapid exfoliation of the stratum corneum, but also actively contributes to the normalization of metabolism in the skin and restoration of turgor. Unlike other types of peeling, phytopiling has a prolonged effect, which allows you to achieve a noticeable improvement in skin condition after the second or third procedure. Contraindications to the use of therapy are hypertrichosis, telangiectasia, dry, thin skin.

Composition and characteristics of the elements of the phytopiling therapy kit:

• Milk for deep skin cleansing Deeply cleanses the skin, removes makeup, removes impurities, excess sebum, and cleanses pores.
• Antiseptic liquid soap • Active / cleansing phytolotion • Phytopilling mask 150 ml Dry mixture of biologically active preparations, including sea and freshwater algae, phytoplankton and medicinal herbs, processed using special technology. • Solvent for phytopiling mask 450 ml Restores the biologically active structure of the mask components. The solvent contains: propylene glycol, hydrogen peroxide, chamomile and mint. • Toning cream-mask with avocado oil 250 ml Drying cream-mask has a tonic effect, relieves irritation and tension of the skin after the phytopilling procedure and cosmetic “cleansing” of the face, accelerates the process of regeneration of skin cells. The mask contains: a powerful natural tissue regenerator - avocado oil, talc, kaolin, zinc, magnesium. • Photoprotective foundation (SPF-10; SPF-15, SPF-20) Before starting a course of phytopilling therapy, it is necessary to warn the client about complete abstinence from the use of hydrating and nourishing cosmetics. If possible, procedures are carried out in the evening. When performing procedures during the daytime, be sure to use photoprotective creams every 4-5 hours: tinted sebum control with SPF-10, sunscreen gel SPF-20, tinted sunscreen SPF-20, antioxidant cream SPF-20, antiseborrheic cream SPF-15. 1.Acne (face, back, chest): Procedures are carried out depending on the condition of the skin). Each procedure begins with cosmetic “cleansing” of the face, then therapeutic phytopilling is used (see description above). After completing the course of treatment, the patient is recommended, for preventive purposes, to carry out this procedure once a month and use medicinal cosmetics. Recommended medicinal cosmetics: cleansing phytolotion, liquid antiseptic soap, phytopilling mask with solvent, antiseborrheic cream (SPF-15), day foundation (SPF-10) for oily skin, active sebum control cream, soothing cream, bioenergetic cream mask. 2. Hyperkeratosis (thickening of the stratum corneum of the epidermis): Procedures are carried out every other day, achieving uniform, intense peeling. The course of treatment consists of 5-15 procedures. At the first visit to a cosmetologist, in case of contaminated skin, mandatory facial cleansing is carried out with the obligatory subsequent application of phytopiling. After treatment, cosmetics should be selected taking into account the condition of the skin. 3. Oily skin: treatment is carried out in the same way as for acne 2-3 times a week. Course of 4-6 procedures. 4. Hyperpigmentation: the course consists of 5-15 procedures performed daily or every other day. 5. Stagnant spots and infiltrates. A course of 5-15 procedures, which are carried out daily or every other day. 6. Prevention of premature skin aging: a course of 2-3 procedures, 1-2 times a week. 7. Cicatricial changes in the skin after acne. The course is conducted daily for 10-20 days. It is very important to achieve uniform deep peeling. Repeat the course of treatment after 3 months.

Now let's move on to the procedure itself and my feelings.

Now let's move on to the procedure itself and my feelings.

Stage No. 1. Lacrima solvent for phytopiling mask + Lacrima phytopiling mask dry mixture

In a bowl for preparing masks, mix half a scoop of mask with solvent. So that it turns out to be a mush. The mask is finely ground, like flour. Solvent yellow liquid. When mixed, you get a peeling with a wonderful smell of fish, algae and shells. Consistency of floating powder in water. The ingredients are not mixed together until smooth. Apply the mixture after washing and toning. Rub into the skin in a circular motion over the entire face except the skin around the eyes. The solvent is instantly absorbed and I add water directly to the skin. So that it doesn't get dry. I tried diluting it with just water, but I didn’t see any difference. The massage should be done for 10 minutes and with each movement it becomes more and more interesting. Since the powder consists of coral crystals (needles), they penetrate deeper and deeper into the skin and work inside it. The skin turns purple and it is simply impossible to touch. This is where the work of a cosmetologist is necessary. Because you don’t have the strength to endure and rub. After your exposure, wash everything off with water and wipe with tonic. It is something. Everything in one bottle: needles, heat, redness, chill.

Stage No. 2. Lacrima toning cream-mask with avocado oil

Apply a soothing mask with avocado. This is where bliss lies. Cold, tender, has a light aroma. After time, the skin calms down. I keep the mask on for 30 minutes. I wash it off with warm water. And here it all starts again. It bakes and burns. I wipe with toner and apply moisturizer. The skin absorbs it very quickly. During the day I drink thermal water.

The whole day the face is burgundy.
And if you touch it, everything intensifies, the crystals prickle in the middle and work. For me, this effect lasts for about a day, but with each passing hour it becomes less pronounced. The next day the skin is smooth, all inflammations dry out, comedones pop out and stick out and are easily removed. On day 4, the skin begins to flake and peel off. The effect is simply amazing: pores are narrowed, the skin is smooth, even, even in color, and there are no breakouts for a long time. I did peeling once a week or 10 days. Each time it becomes more and more difficult to do it. The skin begins to burn from the first minutes and it is simply not realistic to do a massage. But it's worth it. The effect is cumulative and long lasting. With each procedure, the skin becomes more beautiful and smoother. I do a course of 5 procedures in the fall and early spring. The effect lasts for six months. If you missed a course, it shows. I can’t even imagine how to do it every day, as in the recommendations. There is a cheaper and less effective, mild alternative - Rose de mar pelling soap. Link And they also say badyagi powder has similar properties. I wish everyone beautiful and glowing skin. The cost of three products is 1000 UAH. Duration of use: more than a year. Rating Lacrima solvent for phytopiling mask 4 Lacrima phytopiling mask dry mixture 5++ Lacrima toning cream mask with avocado oil.5 Enlarge

Stages of implementation in the salon and at home

The peeling procedure consists of several stages. very important to carry out all the steps in strict sequence when doing it yourself .

But it is better to contact a professional cosmetologist. He will cope with the task at the highest level, and the client will not experience discomfort during the procedure.

  1. Removing impurities from the face . Using milk, the remnants of decorative cosmetics, fat, dirt, etc. are removed from the surface of the face.
  2. Skin cleansing . With the help of phytomap, the acid-base balance is restored and disinfection occurs.
  3. Next, the skin is covered with phytolotion . It softens the structure of the stratum corneum and promotes its permeability.
  4. And the last stage of cleansing is tonic . It removes lotion residue.
  5. Applying a phytomask . It contains vitamins, medicinal components and beneficial microelements. These substances are absorbed by young and healthy cells, in which biochemical processes then begin.
  6. Next, apply a cream mask . Tightens the skin, gives a lifting effect, prevents inflammatory processes.
  7. Concealer . Strengthens the effect of the entire procedure, nourishes the skin with additional substances.

Important! The products are applied in precise sequence one after another.

Positive effect of phytopilling

Let's summarize and draw a conclusion about the benefits that this procedure can provide:

  • fights acne and prevents its appearance;
  • improves blood circulation in the upper layers of the skin;
  • helps fight premature aging;
  • the skin becomes smooth and elastic;
  • skin cell regeneration improves;
  • scars, scars, stretch marks become less pronounced or disappear altogether;
  • the skin is saturated with vitamins;
  • capillaries are strengthened;
  • lymphatic drainage increases.

If you want to look beautiful and attractive, use phytopilling, then you will be able to maintain youth and charm for many years.

How often can you do an herbal cleanse?

The course of herbal facial peeling depends on what problem needs to be solved. If the problem is acne, then 5–10 procedures are needed over a month and a half. No more than three procedures are performed in one week . If you need to get rid of a thickened stratum corneum, a course of 15 procedures will help.

Phytopilling can become part of the care for oily and problematic skin. You don't need to scrub every day, two to three times a week is enough. After the course, rehabilitation procedures are carried out.

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When addressing other problems with herbal peeling, it is worth considering that the duration of the course is most often determined individually and depends on the budget, availability of free time and skin condition. It is not recommended to carry out more than 15–20 procedures in one course. Several months should pass between courses for the skin to recover.

The need for phytopilling

The phytopiling procedure is carried out on open areas of the body, namely: on the neck, hands, face and décolleté. In what cases is it recommended to resort to this procedure:

  • if you have acne and a large number of pimples;
  • presence of oily skin;
  • pigment spots appeared on the skin of the face;
  • after removing blackheads or pimples, scars remain;
  • if the skin begins to lose its elasticity and firmness;
  • when the first signs of aging appear;
  • the presence of irregularities and roughness on the skin.

Phytopilling will help you cope with all these problems. However, not everyone can use this procedure.

Tips and preventive actions

  • Before the procedure, you should assess the condition of the skin and consult a specialist.
  • If discomfort occurs during peeling, you should stop the procedure and wash off any remaining product from the surface of the skin.
  • Before doing herbal peeling, you need to familiarize yourself with the composition of the components and check them for individual intolerance.
  • After the course, it is necessary to undergo skin restoration procedures. Masks and creams will help a lot.
  • Under no circumstances should you peel yourself. It is better to contact a professional cosmetologist.

Thanks to herbal peeling, you can get rid of acne, redness and other defects of the skin of the face.


Despite its softness, herbal peeling is highly effective.

Helps with the following indications :

  1. Increased activity of the sebaceous glands.
  2. Pigment spots and uneven complexion.
  3. Problem skin, enlarged pores.
  4. Blackheads, acne.
  5. Uneven cover surface.
  6. Swelling, swelling.
  7. Age-related changes.

What effect to expect from phytopilling

You can expect the following results from treating your face and body with herbal ingredients:

  • Cleansing from sebaceous plugs and dirt;
  • Treatment of acne and inflammation;
  • Enrichment of tissues with oxygen;
  • Supply tissues with nutrients;
  • Increased resistance to external stress;
  • Reduction of the vascular network;
  • Detox and antiseptic effect;
  • Light lifting.


The basic contraindication to herbal facial peeling is individual intolerance to certain ingredients.

If your facial skin is scratched, infected or overheated by the sun, it is better to postpone facial phytopilling.

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High blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases and too dry epidermis are also symptoms incompatible with phytopilling.

Japanese placental-herbal peeling AMENITY

SF P-Lotion 10% SF Herb Powder SF P-Lotion 30%


Anti-aging antiseptic | Tea

Grind a small handful of dry green tea leaves in a blender, add a couple of tablespoons of low-fat yogurt. This natural peeling is applied to the face and neck in circular movements for 5 minutes, then you can wash with water.

For tired skin with post-acne | With forest herbs and pepper

At the tip of a teaspoon, pour dry nettle, mint, and St. John's wort into a cup. Add 2 spoons of lemon juice, half a spoon of red pepper and 2 spoons of olive oil. Cover with a saucer and leave to brew at room temperature for 2-3 days.

Phytopilling helps smokers cope with the lack of oxygen and dehydration in the tissues. Microcirculation of blood gives the face a pleasant shade and evens out the color.

For oily skin | With aloe, cabbage and sea buckthorn

Pour some juice from a jar of sauerkraut, add aloe juice, and season with olive oil. The resulting paste is applied to the face for half an hour, then washed off with water at room temperature.

Has a rejuvenating effect and relieves inflammation.

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