10 anti-aging procedures that give real results

Glowing, fresh and tightened skin is the dream of many women. Moreover, to achieve such an ideal you need very little. First of all, contact a competent cosmetologist who will diagnose your skin condition and recommend rejuvenating and supporting procedures that are suitable for you. Their choice, believe me, is very impressive, so not a single woman will be left without attention.

What can cosmetologists offer their patients today? In fact, a lot of interesting things!


No matter how much people talk about Botox, no matter how much ridicule there is around this procedure, it still remains quite popular and in demand. Today, the protocols for the procedure have changed significantly, the techniques and preparations have been improved, so the risk of getting a “stony” face is minimal. But getting rid of deep skin wrinkles and smoothing the skin, refreshing your face is as easy as shelling pears!

The essence of the procedure is that the cosmetologist injects microdoses of botulinum toxin type A into certain areas of the face. This drug neutralizes muscle movement, leads to their relaxation and, as a result, to the reduction of wrinkles.

The technique is painless, does not cause serious injury to the skin, has no rehabilitation period and is suitable for most women. The result lasts up to 6-8 months, and there is no addiction to the drug, so sessions can be repeated as needed.

The most popular cosmetic procedures: facial cleansing

The skin on the face is more susceptible to environmental influences than others (not counting the hands). It must be treated with great care and attention. To keep your skin young and healthy longer, you need to take care of it regularly. There are a lot of variations today: dozens of different procedures can confuse a woman who comes to the salon for the first time. But why is this necessary?

Most people have acne or comedones. They appear due to environmental influences: exhaust fumes, factories and constant dust. All this settles on the skin, mixes with dead cells - and voila! The appearance of acne, pimples and comedones is also facilitated by hormonal imbalances, dermatological and hormonal diseases, and poor nutrition. As a result of all these unpleasant things, the skin self-cleanses worse and sebum accumulates.

Comedones sit very deep, so they cannot be removed with a regular scrub or peeling. In this case, only a professional can help. What types of cosmetic facial cleansing are there:

  • Ultrasonic cleaning.
    First, the skin is prepared: lotions and gels containing fruit acids are applied. Then they clean the skin with a special device through vibration and massage. This method is not very effective in removing comedones, since they do not “come out” to the surface;
  • Vacuum cleaning
    is done using a special nozzle: air is pumped inside the nozzle and negative pressure is created. This option is also considered to be quite superficial; sometimes keratinized particles are not completely removed from the surface of the skin;
  • Gas-liquid peeling.
    This option for facial cleansing was invented recently, but is already very popular. Cosmetologists claim that after this procedure the skin is not only cleansed, but also rejuvenated;
  • Mechanical cleansing
    is the oldest of all and one of the most effective against acne. Comedones and blackheads are simply squeezed out - simply and effectively.

There are other variations of facial cleansing. Choose the one that you like best and fits the price category.


for facial cleansing:

  • Seborrhea of ​​the facial skin;
  • Enlarged pores;
  • Acne and/or comedones;
  • Skin withering.


  • Skin diseases: herpes, eczema, dermatitis;
  • Bronchial asthma;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Severe mental disorders.

Hyaluronic acid fillers

Procedures for introducing gel based on hyaluronic acid have not lost their relevance for several decades. The drugs are based on a substance that is synthesized by our body, so fillers are perceived quite well. Their role is to enable the modeling of certain facial features. For example, by filling skin creases with filler, it is possible to smooth out wrinkles; by injecting the drug into the cheekbone area, you can make them more pronounced and high. The drug can also be administered to model the nose, chin, and lips.

Hyaluronic acid is safe because the gel is eliminated naturally after some time. This does not happen immediately, but gradually and most evenly.

Expression wrinkles

Hypermimic wrinkles, most pronounced in the forehead, between the eyebrows and the paraorbital region, are very common cosmetic defects. Increased activity of the facial muscles is one of the provoking factors in the development of facial wrinkles, which accelerate involution processes. Static wrinkles are formed under the influence of degenerative changes in the musculocutaneous system of the facial area associated with age-related tissue changes that are aggravated by external factors (exposure to sunlight, gravity, bad habits, etc.).

The methods used in practice for correcting involutionally changed facial skin, including various types of cosmetic massage, electrotherapy, chemical peels, injections of intact implants, various types of dermabrasion, etc., do not allow us to radically solve this problem, since there is no effect on the facial muscles.

The discovery of the effect of Botulinum toxin on facial wrinkles by Allaster and Jean Carruthers (Vancouver, Canada, 1991) was a significant progress in aesthetic medicine. According to English professor D. Lowe, Botulinum toxin opened the era of non-surgical control of facial muscles.

The drug is used as an injection directly into the target muscle. The maximum effect is observed 2 weeks after the injection and lasts for 3-6 months. Injections of the drug for aesthetic reasons are carried out only by medical personnel who have undergone special training, have experience and appropriate permission.


The procedure is based on the introduction of preparations containing hyaluronic acid. But unlike fillers, it has a different viscosity, so it performs a slightly different function. In particular, the biorevitalization procedure involves administering the drug to certain points on the face. Hyaluronic acid creates a kind of framework that supports the skin, but at the same time it also retains moisture. Due to this, the natural process of producing collagen and elastin, which are responsible for the elasticity and tone of the skin, is activated.


Another injection procedure based on the use of special groups of drugs containing vitamins, microelements, peptides and other substances. Meso-cocktails are supplied both ready-made and can be prepared by a cosmetologist for a specific patient.

Mesotherapy allows you to maintain healthy skin, saturating it with all the useful elements for normal functioning, protection from external aggressive factors and anti-aging.

In addition to fresh and radiant skin, mesotherapy achieves good results in the treatment of acne and acne, in the fight against scars, and helps get rid of accumulated toxins.


Each cosmetic procedure has its own characteristics and the nature of its effect on a specific organism. Before starting a rejuvenating procedure, you will need to consult a cosmetologist. The following problems may become an obstacle to the implementation of procedures:

  • state of pregnancy and lactation;
  • diabetes;
  • oncological diseases;
  • hypertension;
  • epilepsy;
  • mental illness;
  • day in the menstrual cycle;
  • exacerbation of infections and inflammatory processes;
  • somatic diseases;
  • postoperative period.

In addition, contraindications that are relevant to a particular procedure or use of a particular drug should be taken into account. For example: the restrictions for peeling include diseases of the cardiovascular system, herpes, skin wounds and even recently tanned skin. Botox injections will be prevented by intolerance to this drug, taking antibiotics, etc. Only a special examination carried out as prescribed by a cosmetologist will allow you to dot all the “Is”.


A fairly old and proven method of skin rejuvenation, which, among other things, solves many related problems. The effect is based on the fact that due to the application of special preparations, controlled damage to the upper layers of the skin occurs. This process triggers natural tissue regeneration, which leads to skin renewal. At the same time, peelings can also solve problems such as enlarged pores, increased oily skin, and post-acne.

Facial skin care depending on skin type

The selection of skin care products should be carried out in accordance with its type. In cosmetology, there are normal, oily, dry and combination skin types.

  • Dry skin

This type is ideal for young girls. The face looks smooth, toned, silky, pores are invisible. But with age, problems appear in the form of peeling, irritation, and a feeling of tightness. On dry skin, the first wrinkles appear first.

Moisture loss can occur for several reasons. This includes genetic predisposition, lack of nutrients in the body, chronic diseases, and dehydration. The main disadvantage of dry skin is its increased sensitivity. After using incorrectly selected cosmetics, a feeling of discomfort occurs, rashes appear, even dermatoses. Owners of this skin type should take care of sufficient hydration. It is necessary to exclude regular soap and harsh makeup removers and cleansers from everyday use.

To ensure dry skin looks decent at any age, you should take care of careful care and additional nutrition of the epidermal cells.

  • Oily skin

This skin type causes a lot of trouble for girls. Enlarged pores, acne, oily shine - all this looks unattractive. Increased secretion of the sebaceous glands causes clogged pores, black spots and inflammation appear on the face, epidermal cells stop receiving adequate nutrition, and the blood supply to the integument is disrupted. Oily skin reacts very sensitively to hormonal fluctuations, so puberty becomes a real problem for owners of this type. With age, the condition of the integument changes, and the skin most often approaches a mixed appearance.

The benefits of oily skin include the delayed appearance of wrinkles. The secretions of the sebaceous glands seem to protect the upper layer of the epidermis from moisture loss, sudden temperature changes and other negative influences. And shortcomings can be easily corrected if you choose the right systemic cosmetic treatments for the face.

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  • Combination skin

This is the most common skin type. It is easily recognized by the presence of areas of the epidermis of varying fat content. Most often, the face is distinguished by an oily T-zone (nose, forehead, chin) and drier temples and cheekbones. This is due to uneven functioning of the sebaceous glands.

But even those with a combination type can look perfect if they take care of quality care. To maintain the beauty of the skin, several cosmetic products are used at once. These are cleansing, moisturizing, nourishing compositions that reduce oiliness, relieve rashes and irritation, normalize blood circulation, and restore a healthy complexion.

Over the course of life, skin type can change. The combined one is replaced by normal and then dry. After 30 years, the skin requires special attention, because it is during this period that active age-related changes in epidermal cells begin. It is important to start proper care in a timely manner; this will ensure an attractive appearance for many years.

  • Normal skin

Everyone wants to be perfect, but, alas, this skin type is extremely rare. It is characterized by a healthy complexion, sufficient hydration, elasticity, absence of dryness, rashes, acne, clogged pores. Epidermal cells are well supplied with nutrients, which provides the necessary protection. The face of those with normal skin is fresh, well-groomed, and youthful.

But no matter how perfect you look, you shouldn’t forget about comprehensive care for your face and body. Without proper support, the work of epidermal cells is disrupted, which is especially evident in cold weather. As a rule, skin care consists of gentle cleansing, sufficient hydration and nutrition.


A procedure that is on the border between cosmetology and medicine. It involves the doctor injecting the patient’s own blood plasma under the skin. Thanks to an increase in the number of fibroblasts, self-rejuvenation processes are launched: collagen and elastin begin to be synthesized more actively, which leads to increased skin elasticity, tightening of the oval, eliminating visible wrinkles and a general improvement in the patient’s appearance.

Plasmolifting is a course procedure with a cumulative effect, the optimal number of sessions is up to 6-10.

Advantages of care procedures at the Provence clinic:

  • effectiveness (the products contain valuable substances);
  • safety (hypoallergenic composition of masks);
  • experienced cosmetologists (perfect in the techniques of this procedure);
  • comfort (there is no pain during the session);
  • attractive price (the Provence clinic has a loyal pricing policy).

The clinic offers care programs not only for women, but also for men. One procedure takes from 30 to 90 minutes. The course may consist of 1-6 sessions, depending on the condition of the skin.


One of the most traditional, but no less effective options for skin rejuvenation is massage. Some doubt its results, but they exist and, believe me, they are very impressive. The fact is that, through certain sequences of movements, the massage therapist forces the facial muscles to work, toning them. Following the strengthening of the muscle frame, the skin is also tightened. Among other things, massage helps solve a lot of related problems: improves complexion, removes toxins, reduces swelling of tissues, removes dark circles under the eyes. And this procedure itself is very pleasant and relaxing.

Hardware rejuvenation

Hardware cosmetology can rightfully be an alternative to injection techniques and massage, especially since specialists have a huge selection of techniques. For example, here you can recommend RF lifting sessions, laser, ultrasound or photorejuvenation procedures. The operating principles of these techniques are different, but the effect is largely similar: eliminating a network of wrinkles and deep skin creases, improving tissue nutrition by activating microcirculation, reducing pigmentation, stimulating fibroblasts and reducing collagen fibers, which provides skin tightening with a prolonged effect.

Botulinum therapy

Botulinum therapy is a method of treating various diseases with botulinum toxin, manifested by muscle spasm, pain and autonomic dysfunction.

Botulinum therapy has been developing in the world for 30 years, in Russia – 15 years. The highest efficiency and maximum safety of botulinum therapy are confirmed by all the rules of evidence-based medicine.

Botulinum toxin is obtained by fine purification and subsequent lyophilization of the bacterial culture of Clostridium botulinum.

In muscles, botulinum toxin blocks the release of acetylcholine at the neuromuscular junctions of muscle fibers and in the neuromuscular spindles. Inhibiting the activity of muscle spindles promotes muscle relaxation.

Currently, 5 commercial preparations of botulinum toxin type A are registered in the Russian Federation:

  1. "Botox" from Allergan (USA)
  2. "Xeomin" from Merz Pharma (Germany)
  3. "Lantox" from Lanzhou Institute of Biological Products (China)
  4. "Dysport" from Ipsen Pharma (France)
  5. Relatox Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Russia)

Treatment with botulinum toxin in aesthetic medicine is carried out in the following cases: facial wrinkles and excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) of the palms, feet and other parts of the body.


When the methods described above do not help, or there are contraindications to their use, you can try another option - mesothreads. This procedure is low-traumatic, but gives a pronounced effect that is stable for several years.

The essence of the technique is to install special polyester threads made from biodegradable (self-absorbable) material under the skin. The threads have a certain design: along their entire length, at a distance from each other, they have small notches. Thus, when mesothreads are inserted under the skin, it is, as it were, strung on them and tightened.

For the first few months, the threads play the role of a frame that supports the skin and thereby provides a pronounced lifting effect. When the threads dissolve, connective tissue remains in their place - this is a natural framework. It should be remembered that the procedure is performed under anesthesia, it has a certain recovery period and some contraindications, so the decision to install mesothreads should be made only by a competent cosmetologist with the appropriate qualifications.

When should you use different types of cosmetology?

When to resort to the help of various types of cosmetology, each person decides for himself. You just need to know and remember that any problem with skin, nails and hair must be solved in order to avoid possible complications and aggravation of the pathological process. So, under what circumstances should you seek help from a cosmetologist?

1. In what cases should you contact a cosmetologist if you have diseases.

An unscheduled visit to a specialist will be required if:

  • You have system-wide pathologies (diabetes mellitus types I and II cause significant harm to the skin, nails and hair; thyroid diseases lead to excessive oily or dry skin; allergies can trigger inflammatory processes on the body, face and scalp).
  • You have acne (ill-informed and untimely acne treatment contributes to the formation of scars at the site of inflammation, which are almost impossible to remove).
  • Hirsutism (increased facial and body hair) should also be treated under the supervision of an endocrinologist, dermatologist and cosmetologist.
  • Papillomas, warts, keratomas or new moles have appeared.
  • Worrying about changes in the feet that bring discomfort and pain due to joint pathologies or wearing uncomfortable shoes.

2. In what cases should you contact a cosmetologist to eliminate cosmetic defects?

Some types of problems are purely aesthetic in nature and are not pathological processes. When they arise, each person must decide for himself whether he wants to get rid of any external defects or not. You can consult a doctor if:

  • There are noticeable scars left after operations and injuries.
  • Stretch marks appear on the skin as a result of a sharp decrease in body weight or after pregnancy.
  • Pigmentation has formed.
  • You experience allergic reactions to decorative cosmetics (permanent makeup will help solve this problem).
  • Early wrinkles or other age-related changes in the skin of the face have appeared.

3. When to contact a cosmetologist for the first time.

This question should arise even before signs of inflammation and aging of the skin are detected, because the prevention of skin diseases and the prevention of age-related changes should be addressed from a young age. To monitor the condition of the dermis, you need to visit a specialist at least once a year.

4. When to take your child to a cosmetologist.

Parents should think about this question if:

  • The child has congenital aesthetic defects.
  • He constantly experiences skin irritation.
  • The child begins puberty.

Read material on the topic: Depigmenting peeling: everything you wanted to know about it


The effect of facial rejuvenation can be achieved in a slightly different way, for example, by affecting the skin around the eyes. It is known that wrinkles appear in this area first and the skin loses its elasticity. Because of this, it gradually begins to move, hanging in an ugly fold over the upper eyelid and thereby making the look heavy and age-related.

The situation can be corrected not only surgically by removing a small piece of skin, but also by conservative methods. For example, through laser blepharoplasty, which leads to tissue reduction and tightening.

The advantages of eyelid lift are that the operation is considered the least traumatic, has a short rehabilitation period, but at the same time gives a pronounced effect, removing 10-15 years of age.

Photo source: Internet

Modern cosmetology and its types

Modern cosmetology is a complex science that includes the knowledge of specialists, the latest products, preparations and devices. The results of research in this area indicate that with the right choice of procedures and cosmetic products appropriate to the client’s age and time of year, it is possible to regulate and control metabolic processes in skin cells, slow down aging and delay its external manifestations.

So, now we can distinguish two modern areas of facial cosmetology: medical and decorative.

Decorative cosmetology is aimed at eliminating a person’s external imperfections, while medical cosmetology helps fight skin and hair diseases using conservative and surgical methods of therapy, as well as prevent their occurrence. The range of cosmetic products and methods in this area is constantly increasing.

In cosmetology, there are several other different areas: laser, therapeutic and hardware. Each of them has its own advantages, disadvantages, capabilities and features, but all of them will definitely help you look attractive, well-groomed and young.

Therapeutic cosmetology is the broadest field. It includes medical and cosmetic procedures aimed at treating problematic, pigmented skin. This type of cosmetology also includes methods for correcting wrinkles, tightening the facial contour, changing the shape of the lips, getting rid of excessive sweating and mesotherapy.

So, cosmetology is a field of medicine that is constantly developing and improving. She deals with skin problems, eliminating cosmetic imperfections of the dermis and caring for it.

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