Facial care after 40 years: advice from a cosmetologist, pharmacy, folk remedies, medicinal cosmetics

Dermatologists and cosmetologists recommend facial care for every person after 40 years of age, using special products and techniques to prevent loss of firmness and elasticity of the epidermis. Medicine has proven that after 40 years, a person’s skin loses the ability to quickly recover, as a result of which it dries out, undergoes increased pigmentation and loses its barrier properties faster than before—increased regeneration and thermoregulation of the body.

To help the skin retain all its properties and functions in full for longer, you should follow the advice of experts on caring for, nourishing and maintaining the health of the largest human organ. As you know, the skin is this organ.

Symptoms of skin withering

At the age of 40-45 years, the female body undergoes hormonal changes, accompanied by atrophic processes in the integument. Regeneration of the dermis slows down, estrogen levels decrease.

Signs of skin aging:

  • dryness and thinness;
  • creases in the area of ​​the nasolabial folds, forehead and eyelids;
  • loss of clear contours of the oval face;
  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • decreased elasticity of the skin.

Facial care after 40 years (cosmetologist's advice is given taking into account the age category) includes masks, creams, tonics and scrubs.

How skin condition changes at 40

Statistics talk about total rejuvenation and increasing life expectancy of the population.
Nature has its own opinion. The peak of beauty occurs before the age of 30. The body does an excellent job of maintaining the necessary balance. Later he needs help, and it needs to be provided very carefully and correctly. First of all, you have to fight the decrease in collagen production. Changes in skin condition occur against the background of hormonal changes. Menopause is already approaching, adding many problems that also affect appearance. The skin becomes drier and more vulnerable, regeneration slows down, and nutrient absorption slows down. All of the above points force you to select a new skin care complex that meets the body’s changing requirements, and here it is worth listening to the advice of cosmetologists.

Skin care after 40 years

To maintain youthful skin, there is no need to use creams or serums hourly: the optimal time for daily procedures is 10-15 minutes.

Care stages:

  • cleansing: washing the face is done with filtered water using foams or milk to gently remove dust, grease and dirt from the epidermis;
  • toning: To restore skin turgor, tonics, serums or lotions are used. At home, it is recommended to use green tea, chamomile infusion or ice cubes;

    Only comprehensive facial care after 40 will provide the desired effect and slow down the aging process of the skin

  • moisturizing: to replenish the lack of fluid in the cells of the epidermis, the cream must contain components to protect against ultraviolet radiation;
  • nutrition: night creams containing retinol and vitamins nourish the skin.

It is necessary to take care of your skin daily to achieve a lasting effect.

We are friends with sports

In order to saturate the blood with oxygen, improve blood circulation and the general condition of the body, and become strong and fit, a middle-aged woman should exercise regularly.

Those who do not have the time or financial opportunity to visit the gym can take walks in the fresh air, perform basic exercises at home, etc. To do this, there is no need to purchase expensive equipment and devices. The step platform can be replaced with a low chair, dumbbells with water bottles, a barbell with a child, who will certainly be happy to play such a game, while the mother will strengthen the muscles and avoid their sagging.

Fat is deposited not only on the sides and other parts of the body. It envelops the heart, preventing it from fully performing its functions. The same applies to the liver and other internal organs whose activity is impaired. Also, fat cells negatively affect the blood formula and clog blood vessels. They can cause a heart attack or stroke.

The absence of excess fat deposits promotes health and rejuvenation.

It is necessary to understand that excess weight is a burden on the entire female body. Various functions and systems are affected, including the spine. As a result, it becomes distorted and, as a consequence, organs are displaced. This leads to subsequent disruption in their work. It is much healthier to do exercises every day than to see an aging reflection in the mirror.

Caring for the skin around the eyes

Premature aging of the skin around the eyes occurs for the following reasons:

  • use of creams intended for the face and eyelids. They may contain aggressive components that negatively affect the eyes;
  • applying oil-based creams: the products prevent oxygen from entering the skin, and there is an oily sheen around the eyes;

  • rubbing movements when applying the product: the skin is stretched and wrinkles form prematurely. The cream must be applied with smooth patting movements;
  • Do not wash off decorative cosmetics before a night's rest: the development of inflammatory processes and clogging of pores is possible.

The skin of the eyelids is thin and sensitive, it lacks a fat layer and sweat glands, and the collagen content is minimal. Facial care after 40 years (cosmetologist's advice includes comprehensive skin rejuvenation) is aimed at preventing the appearance of deep wrinkles.

Daily cleansing is done with milk; removing makeup from the skin is recommended with micellar water. The epidermis is nourished using natural masks or creams that have a lifting effect.

Ice cubes made from herbal infusions are known to have a tonic and refreshing effect: they are used morning and evening to wipe the skin around the eyes.

You can use tonics or lotions. Nourishing creams in the winter and products with SPF protection in the summer protect against ultraviolet rays and harmful environmental influences.

Porous skin: specifics of care

Cosmetologists who treat patients with oily, porous skin know how difficult it is sometimes to achieve good results. It is not enough to precisely build a complex algorithm of salon procedures; sometimes you have to make a lot of effort to get the patient to change his view on the basics of home care.

About this and much more - specialists - practitioners with many years of experience, who have studied in detail the features of the “character” of oily skin. Elena Alferova, dermatocosmetologist, head. dermatocosmetology department, Valentina Trofimova, nurse-cosmetologist, Tamara Korchevaya, Ph.D., dermatocosmetologist, director, Center for Medical Cosmetology “Danae”

Features of porous skin

Oily skin with enlarged pores, which causes serious problems in youth, reveals its benefits at a more mature age, as if rewarding the owner for the torment that he endured with it. It ages more slowly and retains a greater reserve of vitality than dry skin. However, in the absence of adequate care, it loses its attractiveness, becomes dull, loose, and porous like a sponge. What we call pores are the openings of the sebaceous glands. The more sebum accumulates in the sebaceous gland duct, the more the mouth stretches. And if you do not properly care for such skin and do not clean it on time, then over the years the outlet openings of the sebaceous ducts expand even more, and multiple small funnels appear on the skin - like on the surface of a thimble.

Oily skin is plagued by three problems, all of them with the prefix “hyper”:

  • hyperplasia (enlargement) of sebaceous gland cells.
  • hypersecretion (production of large amounts of sebum);
  • follicular hyperkeratosis (thickening in the area of ​​the mouths of the sebaceous glands).

The elasticity of collagen fibers decreases with age to one degree or another depending on genetic factors; over the years it becomes increasingly difficult for them to keep the skin toned. Due to the fact that the sebaceous glands are located on the border of the papillary layer of the dermis and epidermis, where collagen and elastin fibers are loosely located, gaping “holes” can form on the skin where the glands come to the surface. This is similar to how the cells of a grid stretch when it is filled. Therefore, neglecting skin care in youth can significantly affect its appearance over time. Ungroomed porous skin, becoming atonic, flabby, can look very untidy with age. With the loss of elasticity, the pores seem to spread wider.

Blame it all on improper care

Unfortunately, at our appointments we see many patients who do not properly care for oily skin. When asking people who turned to us for help, we repeatedly discovered that, having already oily skin, they use fatty creams. This is partly due to television advertising, which encourages our women to use anti-aging creams (as we know, most of them are created with oily bases). On the other hand, many people make the choice in favor of a rich cream based on their subjective feelings. When you ask patients why they use a rich cream, they answer something like this: “I probably have dry skin, because it peels, sometimes there is a feeling of tightness.”

What causes these uncomfortable sensations? The fact is that those with oily skin often “care” for it too aggressively: they wash it with hot water and soap, wipe it with alcohol and non-alcohol, but too active lotions, which dry out the skin greatly. Because of this, the surface hydrolipid film is destroyed, which normally maintains skin hydration, that is, prevents transepidermal water loss. As a result, the skin becomes dehydrated, redness, irritation and a feeling of tightness appear. Hot water and soap will indeed wash away the fat for a while, and the skin will be “drier” for a few hours, but then the sebaceous glands will react with a more significant release of sebum: the more the skin is degreased, the more actively it produces sebum. In addition, hot water itself expands the pores even more. Therefore, you should wash your face with warm water, and finish washing with cool or completely cold water.

People with oily, porous skin often overuse scrubs. Many people use them almost every day, damaging their skin. Usually, when a new patient comes to us with problematic oily skin, the first thing we do is forbid him to even think about homemade scrubs. After the skin has been restored, when it is possible to restore good moisture to it and relieve inflammation, we begin to work with the stratum corneum using professional peelings and preparations, using active but at the same time gentle techniques. In the future, when the skin condition improves and stabilizes, you can return to very mild homemade scrubs, but use them no more than once a week (in some cases, 2 times a week is acceptable).

In general, care for oily skin, both in the salon and at home, should be aimed at reducing the thickness of the stratum corneum, reducing the secretion of the sebaceous glands and optimizing the release of sebum to the surface. Let's take a closer look at what it consists of.

Salon treatments for porous skin

Peels. As we have already said, oily skin has a thicker layer of keratinized epithelium, which thickens even more with age, when the rejection of its particles slows down. Therefore, such skin especially needs peelings (mechanical, chemical, enzyme) and special products that promote proper and timely exfoliation of dead cells.

For porous skin, superficial peels based on glycolic, lactic, mandelic acids, and combinations of acids are recommended. They are recommended to be carried out in a course of 3-4 procedures once a week, followed by 2 procedures every 3 weeks, and then preventive peelings once a month.

The use of some superficial peels is quite possible even in summer; Moreover, in the summer season, when the skin becomes oilier, these peels slightly dry it out, neutralize the secretion of large amounts of sebum, and slightly “cover” enlarged pores.

In winter, due to unfavorable conditions (frequent temperature changes, dry indoor air), the skin often loses its hydrolipid protection, becomes less oily and even a little dry and more sensitive. In this case, even ordinary superficial peeling with fruit acids may be too aggressive for her, and then she has to choose another peeling, more gentle. For example, enzymatic.

In addition to professional peelings, the problem of hyperkeratosis is also solved by modern preparations for home use, containing a small concentration of salicylic acid (this is a classic keratolytic that loosens the superficial horny scales, reduces the thickness of the stratum corneum, freeing clogged pores).

Moisturizing procedures. Oily skin has an increased tendency to lose water, so it especially needs increased hydration. Hydration allows you to improve metabolic processes in the skin, since all biochemical reactions occurring in it require the presence of a sufficient amount of water.

In the salon, various masks (alginate, with hyaluronic acid, etc.) can be used for moisturizing. It is equally important to choose the right moisturizing products for the patient for home care. They should be from a line of professional or pharmacy brand cosmetics and be suitable specifically for his skin type. After we have nourished the skin with moisture, it needs to be “dressed”, covered with a thin protective film that will prevent transepidermal water loss (excessive loss of moisture from the surface of the skin). There are special protective protective creams for this purpose. Their use is especially important in windy weather and during prolonged stays in dry rooms. With good hydration, even the porous, textured pattern of the skin will not be so noticeable. Well-groomed, moisture-saturated skin is transformed: usually dull, it smoothes out, as if stretched, and acquires a healthy glow. At the same time, the mouths of the sebaceous ducts (pores) are no longer so contoured.

Speaking about skin hydration, I would like to touch on another aspect. Our skin is a hormone-dependent organ, and the degree of its hydration largely depends on the level of estrogen in the blood. For example, in the second phase of pregnancy, the skin looks simply great precisely due to the good estrogen saturation of the body. When ovarian activity fades (when the cycle becomes irregular, with unclear ovulation, a shortened second phase, scanty menstruation), estrogen production decreases, which is immediately manifested by dehydration of the skin. In this case, you can offer the woman a mild non-hormonal correction of the ovulatory cycle using a diet that includes foods with phytoestrogens, as well as prescribe medications with extracts of grape seed, kiwi, wild yam, etc., which also have estrogen-like properties. That is why in our center dermatologists are assisted by a nutritionist who, using the selection of certain foods, vitamins and herbal remedies, carries out non-hormonal cycle correction in our patients.

Cleansing is a mandatory procedure for oily skin, and it must be done literally from adolescence. Otherwise, the pores become clogged, sebum stagnates and expands the openings of the sebaceous glands. Stagnant lard turns rancid, and the skin even begins to smell bad. It may not be felt from a distance, but the cosmetologist notices it clearly when he bends over the patient’s face during cleaning.

With the advent of hardware cleaning techniques (ultrasonic, vacuum, etc.), cosmetologists began to abandon manual (mechanical) cleaning. She is often scolded completely undeservedly, considered too rude. The method was discredited partly due to the fact that not everyone knows how to professionally perform this procedure. In our opinion, for oily, heavy, thick skin clogged with comedones, manual cleansing, on the contrary, is indicated, since only they can effectively evacuate the contents of deep pores. The problem is that very often they are started prematurely, when the skin is not yet ready. Also, cosmetologists sometimes shorten the cleaning protocol. According to the rules, after manual cleansing, you can do a special therapeutic massage that will soothe the skin, and it is recommended to finish the procedure with a soothing pigment-constricting mask.

The cleaning schedule is determined individually. On average, mechanical, “general” skin cleansing is indicated once every 3-4 months, between them you can limit yourself to so-called atraumatic cleansing, which does not require squeezing out comedones.

Properly performed mechanical cleaning is comparable to performing an aerobatics maneuver. To do this, you need to find the micro-hole of the follicle. Since many sebaceous ducts are located at an angle, this is not at all easy to do. Sometimes the sebaceous secretion is hidden so deeply that it is impossible to immediately start with manual cleaning. You must first prepare the skin, pull the contents of the sebaceous glands to the surface, and remove elements of microinflammation. The skill of a specialist who performs cleaning lies in the fact that he knows how to approach this or that skin, what type of cleaning to use: with steaming, heating, squeezing or without them.

If the skin is inflamed, cleansing is postponed for 2-3 weeks until the active phase of inflammation subsides. At this time, cryomassage with liquid nitrogen is prescribed, which has a tightening, drying, cauterizing effect, as well as special soothing masks that resolve foci of inflammation. For home care, lotions with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects are also prescribed, which at first may even contain a small alcohol content. However, there is no particular need for this, because many very good drugs have already appeared that allow us to treat patients without cosmetics with alcohol components.

Massage and hardware techniques

For porous skin, a special therapeutic massage is recommended, which uses a lot of pinching movements. This massage will help remove sebum from the ducts; It is advisable to do it between cleanings. If it is performed regularly, the pores will become noticeably smaller.

With severe oily skin with enlarged pores, especially with age, peripheral microcirculation very often deteriorates. To cope with this problem, it is necessary to prescribe massage (plastic, metabolic, etc., which do not need to be done with massage cream). First, a course of 8-10 procedures 2 times a week (once a year); after 40 years - maintenance procedures once a month; after 45-50 years, maintenance procedures are carried out every week. Manual massage affects all layers of the skin: dermis, subcutaneous fat, blood vessels and muscles. It has a drainage effect, improves blood flow, and promotes cell renewal.

Hardware techniques can also be used to improve drainage. Pneumophototherapy, which combines two effects: vacuum massage and phototherapy, has proven itself very well in this case. With the help of a vacuum, the sebaceous secretion of the glands is pulled to the surface, which facilitates its evacuation. In turn, phototherapeutic effects provide an antibacterial, sebostatic effect. This technique gives very good results for seborrhea-prone skin with enlarged pores. After pneumophototherapy, the skin looks very beautiful and well-groomed. Redness caused by stagnation and impaired microcirculation disappears, the skin is evened out in color, tightened, and fresher before the eyes.

The secretion of the sebaceous glands consists of fatty acids, cholesterol, high-molecular alcohols, and contains small amounts of vitamins, hormones, salts and bactericidal substances, etc. Recently, publications have begun to appear in the literature that the sebaceous glands, along with sweat glands, are excreted from the body a fairly large amount of toxins and breakdown products. That is why we always advise our patients, especially those with oily skin, to undergo a gastrointestinal tract examination. The skin will never be beautiful if there are any problems with the digestive tract (if it does not cope with its job, additional toxins are released through the skin).

The success of treating oily, porous skin depends not only on salon procedures. It largely depends on proper home care, which the patient must be taught.

Oily skin care

As we have already said, one of the problems of oily, porous skin is hyperkeratosis. To reduce the thickness of the stratum corneum and remove dead cells from the surface, it is recommended to make masks at home from acidic products: kefir or low-fat cottage cheese, which can be alternated with masks from sorrel, strawberries, strawberries, red and black currants. It is very good to apply lemon juice and sauerkraut to your face (it is important to ensure that the juice does not dry out on your face, otherwise creases will form. Rinse your face with cold water after 5-7 minutes). All of these products contain fruit acids that have a slight exfoliating effect, in addition, they remove excess sebum. Such masks can be applied very often, almost daily, or in courses: do them every day for a week, then take a break. Next, use maintenance masks 1-2 times a week. Creams containing salicylic or glycolic acid can also be used to exfoliate the stratum corneum.

For oily skin types, it is also recommended to rinse your face with infusions of hops, wormwood, and St. John's wort. You can freeze the herbal infusion and wipe your face with ice cubes. These plants have an astringent effect. They tighten the pores a little, reduce the secretion of sebum, and the less sebum, the narrower the pores.

Regular care of porous skin, first of all, should be aimed at moderately cleansing it of oil (not “to the point of squeaking”!). Cleansing must be done 2 times a day - morning and evening. In the morning, the face is wiped with a special cleansing lotion; in the evening, a washing gel is used that has a chemical effect on fatty acids - in order to loosen them, rinse them and remove them from the face. Cleansing for oily skin always ends with cold water, since cold tightens pores.

To prevent clogged pores, you should not “fry” your face in the sun for a long time. The sun makes the lard thicker, so sebaceous plugs form more easily. Because of this, by the way, it is in the fall that there is often an increased outbreak of acne.

For skin with hypersecretion of the sebaceous glands, it is also important to use sebostatic drugs that will dry out the skin. For example, preparations with sulfur. The use of moisturizers and products aimed at preventing transepidermal water loss is also one of the important components of home care for skin with enlarged pores.

We have already said above that scrubs for oily skin should be very delicate (gommage-type scrubs are often prescribed). They are used no more than once a week, in exceptional cases - twice a week.

Unfortunately, if the pores are enlarged, they can no longer be completely narrowed either by deep peelings or dermabrasion. Although there will, of course, be an effect of smoothing the skin and reducing pore contouring. Therefore, the second task remains to camouflage the pores, which, although reduced with the help of professional care, still remain somewhat enlarged. I would like to note in this regard that now many lines of cosmetics have creams and cream powders, dry powders with reflective particles that create an optical effect of smoothing the skin. Many women do not use them for fear of clogging their pores, but in vain: these products are specially created for oily skin and do not have a comedogenic effect. Thanks to their use, not only enlarged pores, but also wrinkles become less noticeable, and the skin, reflecting the rays falling on it, seems to acquire an internal glow.

Since we are talking about makeup techniques, I would like to tell you about one more observation. In their youth, almost all owners of oily skin actively try to degrease it, fighting oiliness. Over the years, this habit of removing oily shine remains: women heavily powder themselves, trying to make their skin matte, while moderate shine not only does not spoil “age” skin, but also beautifies it.

It makes it more “alive” and hides small wrinkles.

We cannot change the type of skin determined genetically, we cannot significantly reduce the amount of sebum produced, but we can improve the characteristics and appearance of the skin, making it healthier.

With careful and adequate care, you can achieve good results. A thing of the past, greasy and “heavy” skin will become more delicate, remaining fresh and matte throughout the day. However, in order to avoid disappointment, you should not reassure patients with quick results. The effect will increase gradually and will take many months to achieve, and only if proper care becomes a daily habit.

Oily skin has an increased tendency to lose water, so it especially needs increased hydration. In the salon, various masks can be used for this (alginate, with hyaluronic acid, etc.).

Nasolabial fold area

Facial care after 40 years (cosmetologist's advice is not a panacea for all causes of wrinkles, but only general recommendations) involves an integrated approach, in which a special place is given to the area of ​​nasolabial folds. This area actively loses moisture, so with age, the process of dehydration accelerates and provokes the appearance of creases.

The defect is eliminated with moisturizers and massage. It is forbidden to cleanse the skin of acne or pimples on your own: there is a risk of blood poisoning due to closely located vessels. Pronounced wrinkles cannot be corrected at home: cosmetologists use filler injections for this.

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Makeup and clothes in the same color scheme

Monochrome style is not a new phenomenon and is quite popular. But the fact is that creating a decent image within just one color scheme is very difficult. In some cases, this technique mercilessly ages. Especially when a woman chooses shades that are too dark or ones that don’t suit her at all.

To avoid accidentally making yourself look old, dilute a monochromatic look with bright accessories (a belt, for example) or shoes. It is advisable that the color scheme of the makeup does not match the chosen clothing. Let it become an interesting accent in the image, giving it dynamics.

How to support cheekbones and cheeks

In addition to moisturizing and toning products, gymnastics is effective for maintaining and creating a beautiful oval face:

  • mouth full: puff out your cheeks as much as possible, hold the air for 7-10 seconds and exhale sharply (repeat 7-10 times);

  • lollipop: draw air into the cheek space, and then move it to the other cheek like candy. “Roll” the air for 1 minute;
  • drawing: prepare a landscape sheet and a subject for drawing. Hold a pencil or pen between your lips and, making circular movements with your head, draw something on the sheet.

Massage helps improve blood microcirculation and warm up facial muscles: apply 2 tsp on face. honey and spread over the skin. Perform the massage with light tapping with your fingers until slight redness appears. After the procedure, rinse off the honey with warm water and apply the cream to your face. Carrying out the procedure daily.

A cold massage tones the skin: pour the chamomile decoction into ice molds and freeze . Rub the prepared cube onto your face until it completely melts. No washing is required; just pat your skin dry with a towel.

Neck and décolleté care

To prevent premature skin aging and the appearance of age spots and wrinkles, follow the following rules:

  • avoid direct sunlight and do not abuse the solarium;
  • sleep on a small pillow: a large cushion under the head interferes with normal blood circulation and contributes to the formation of a double chin;
  • Perform a contrast shower on the décolleté and neck area every day. After the procedure, do not wipe the skin, but let it dry on its own.

At home, décolleté skin care can be done using peeling: mix 1 tbsp. fine salt, oatmeal, soda and kefir. Apply the finished mixture to the skin in a circular motion and massage for 2-3 minutes. Rinse with water, apply cream or oil.

Potato wrap is good for the skin: 1 tsp. Mix glycerin and olive oil with 2 boiled and chopped potatoes. Apply the finished compress to the neck and décolleté for 30 minutes, cover with a napkin. After the procedure, rinse the mixture with water and let the skin dry.

The effectiveness of the procedures is noticeable after 1 month if carried out regularly.

Makeup for forty

Makeup is of great importance. 41 years or more is the age when the absence of makeup does not make you look younger. Rather, on the contrary, all the shortcomings become more obvious and conspicuous.

Before going outside, you need to apply at least a minimal layer of makeup. Foundation will help even out skin tone and hide hyperpigmentation. Concealer - will disguise dark circles. Blush will help highlight one part and highlight another.

Pharmacy drugs

Advice from cosmetologists on facial care after 40 years using pharmaceutical products: apply the drug as a face mask in the morning or evening 2 times a week.

Common pharmaceutical products:

  • Vitamin A (retinol): improves the functioning of the sebaceous and sweat glands, smoothes wrinkles. It comes in the form of an oil, so it is applied to the skin twice a week before bed.
  • Zinc ointment: fights wrinkles and acne: for the treatment of inflammatory lesions, apply the product around the lesion; to smooth out wrinkles, the ointment is distributed over the skin until absorbed. After the procedure, it is recommended to apply a moisturizer.
  • Curiosin: Containing hyaluronic acid, the product maintains skin elasticity and accelerates regeneration processes. The gel is applied as a stand-alone product or mixed with cream.

  • Relief: an ointment intended for the treatment of hemorrhoids, it contains shark oil and phenylephrine, and has a vasoconstrictor and tonic effect. Apply locally to wrinkles.
  • Heparin ointment: eliminates swelling and bags under the eyes. Apply to cleansed eyelid skin, avoiding contact with eyes.

  • Retinoic ointment: contains a large amount of vitamin A, restores skin elasticity and a healthy appearance. Used to treat comedones and acne. Can be used as a stand-alone product or in combination with masks.

Before applying the drug to the face, the product is tested on the inside of the wrist: if redness or rash appears, it should not be used.

Massage, nutrition, lifestyle

To achieve maximum effect from cosmetics, use them in combination with a simple massage. Apply a special massage product (for example, sculpting oil concentrate) and perform the procedure with massage movements. Start from the nose and gradually move along the face to the temporal area. Next, you can work on the skin from the chin to the earlobes, from the lips to the ears, from the forehead to the temples, from the eyebrows to the hairline. It is better not to massage the area around the eyes so as not to injure the thin skin. Also, don’t forget about your neck and décolleté - massage this area with light movements, moving from bottom to top.

Remember the need for good sleep. The time from 23:00 to 2:00 is the most important for beautiful skin. The regeneration process is as active as possible during this period - use it to preserve the beauty of your skin and try to fall asleep before midnight.

Also, don't forget to watch your diet. The daily diet must have a balanced combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and must also contain vitamins and microelements. Maintain hydration and drink enough clean water at the rate of 30 ml per kilogram of weight.

Medical cosmetics

Cosmetologists recommend taking care of your face after 40 years with regular use of medicinal cosmetics. A variety of products allows you to choose a cream taking into account age, composition and principle of action.

Common cosmetic products:

  • Isofill cream from Uriage: It is unique because it does not contain parabens, silicones and mineral oils, which can clog pores. Contains peptides, hyaluronic acid, antioxidants. Corrects facial contours, stimulates collagen production and restores skin elasticity. Apply to the neck, décolleté and face twice a day.

  • cream Arkeskin+: has nourishing and moisturizing properties, prevents the appearance of age spots. Contains wheat proteins, chestnut extract and sesame oil. Recommended for use during hormonal changes in the body and for those with dry skin. Apply to face and décolleté twice daily after cleansing the skin.

  • Liftactiv from Vichy: smooths out fine wrinkles and reduces larger ones, returning firmness and elasticity to the skin. Consists of rhamnose, hyaluronic acid and thermal waters. The first result is observed after 2 weeks of using the product twice a day on the face, décolleté and neck.

The effectiveness of creams increases if the skin is steamed and cleansed before application, the product is applied with soft patting movements, and wait until it is completely absorbed.

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Hardware care at home

Cosmetologists recommend including hardware procedures in your regular skin care after 40 years. They fight existing age-related changes and prevent the appearance of new signs of aging.

Modern portable devices for rejuvenating and preserving the beauty of the skin will make it possible to make the most popular cosmetic procedures part of regular care, and at the same time save considerable amounts on similar services in professional salons. Today, using available hardware devices, you can carry out a number of effective procedures at home:

  • RF lifting - a rejuvenation method in which the skin and subcutaneous layer are exposed to radiofrequency stimulation. It heats the deep layers of the skin and launches natural restoration processes, accelerates metabolism and activates collagen. As a result, the skin becomes tightened and elastic, and wrinkles are smoothed out.

    ION cleansing promotes deep cleansing of impurities and makeup. Directed streams of positively charged ions cleanse the skin of comedones and makeup residues, penetrating deep into the pores. The action of negative ions helps improve the elasticity and overall condition of the skin.

  • Iontophoresis is the effect of low voltage current on the skin. Improves the production of collagen and elastin, increases blood circulation, and promotes better penetration of cosmetics. Helps in the treatment of acne and post-acne, removes inflammation, evens out skin tone.
  • EMS therapy uses weak electrical impulses to contract, strengthen and tone facial muscles. This improves lymph flow, eliminates swelling and sagging skin, and makes the facial contour clearer.
  • Cool-lifting - toning radio waves cool the skin to 10-12 °C. This provides a lifting effect, helps narrow pores and blood vessels, and has an anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect.

Choose comprehensive care devices that can perform several different procedures. One of the bestsellers in this category is the nanoSkin device, developed by the South Korean brand ReadySkin, which specializes in the production of gadgets for the beauty and health of the skin.

The innovative device can perform the above procedures at the level of professional beauty salons . The nanoSkin model provides 5 modes for caring for the skin of the face and body: cleansing, tightening and strengthening, preserving youth and combating age-related changes.

The advantages of the device include a high level of efficiency - results will appear after the first procedure and will have a cumulative effect, as well as comfort in use - a simple and clear control panel and a high-definition LCD screen will ensure easy setup.

Thanks to its compact size and weight of only 280 g, the device can be put in almost any bag and taken with you on a trip or business trip, which will allow you to care for your skin not only at home, but also at outdoor events.

Masks at home

It is possible to carry out complete skin care at home using the following procedures:

  • cleansing mask: combine 5 g of coffee and buckwheat flour with 10 g of clay and 20 drops of mango oil. The finished mixture is diluted with tea leaves and stirred thoroughly: apply in a circular motion to the face, rinse after 12 minutes. An ideal recipe for oily skin: relieves redness and rashes, reduces wrinkles;
  • toning mask: Mix 4 drops of tangerine oil with 10 g of honey, 15 g of rye flour and 5 ml of cognac. Apply the thoroughly mixed mixture to the skin, excluding the eyelids and nasolabial triangle, rinse off after 20 minutes. The procedure improves blood flow, regeneration processes, and fights skin sagging;

  • moisturizing mask: boil potatoes, chop and mix with olive oil until smooth. Apply the mixture 5-6 mm thick to the face, rinse after 20 minutes. The mask smooths out wrinkles and restores elasticity to the skin;
  • nourishing mask: 1 tsp Brew chamomile flowers with boiling water and leave for 40 minutes. Drain the broth and mix the herbal pulp with olive oil. Apply the finished mixture to the face and décolleté, leave for 20 minutes, rinse with water. Has a nourishing, calming effect;

  • egg mask: Mix 2 chicken yolks with avocado pulp and apply the mixture for 20 minutes. on the skin of the face. After the procedure, rinse with water. The mask is intended for dry, depleted skin: it provides a supply of nutrients.

To achieve results, you need to make masks 1-2 times a week, before applying the skin, thoroughly cleanse and steam.

Do not use ingredients that may cause an allergic reaction.

Recipes for tonics and scrubs for facial care after 40 years

Removing keratinized particles of the epidermis and restoring skin tone is possible both through procedures in the salon and at home:

  • Oatmeal scrub: Grind the flakes and mix with sour cream until a uniform consistency is obtained. Apply the finished mixture onto the face in a circular, soft motion and stroke the skin for 2-3 minutes, rinse with warm water;

  • Coffee scrub: grind coffee beans and mix with olive or sunflower oil. Apply the mixture to your face for 2-3 minutes, massaging the skin with gentle movements. There should be no feeling of pain or discomfort. Rinse off with warm mineral water;
  • Cleansing tonic: pour 30 g of ginger with boiling water and leave for 120 minutes. Strain the broth, add 7 drops of grapefruit oil. Wipe the skin with the prepared product before applying the cream;
  • Moisturizing toner: Squeeze 20 ml of juice from aloe leaves, mix them with 120 ml of chamomile decoction and 15 drops of grape oil. Pour the finished product into a bottle and shake the container before applying to the face.

The purpose of scrubs is to exfoliate the stratum corneum of the epidermis, improve microcirculation and cleanse contaminated pores. Before applying the scrub, it is necessary to moisturize the skin to soften the epidermis.

Tonics prevent premature loss of moisture and have a calming and antioxidant effect. Alcohol tonics are applied directly to the site of inflammation.

When can you not do without the help of specialists?

Home care does not require huge amounts of money and time, but achieving a good result is not always possible for the following reasons:

  • incorrect selection of cosmetic products or procedures: a cosmetologist can determine the degree and depth of wrinkles, the skin’s predisposition to certain processes. Acne, cracks and dry skin that cannot be treated at home are a reason to visit a salon;
  • hormonal disorders: selection of drugs by a gynecologist solves the problem of hormone imbalance, and the aging process will slow down, the skin will recover faster;
  • chronic diseases: The skin is a mirror of the body, reflecting its condition. Treatment of diseases by specialized specialists will prolong not only the youth of the skin, but also the years.

A common reason for visiting a cosmetologist is the ineffectiveness of home procedures.

The salon offers the following rejuvenating procedures:

  • Laser: removal of the upper layer of the epidermis with the launch of skin regenerative processes;
  • Mesotherapy: injections of cell renewal stimulators, 1 procedure per year is recommended;
  • RF lifting: radio wave heating of the deep layers of the dermis to tighten the skin.

Salon procedures effectively rejuvenate the skin in record time, provide the skin with professional care and prevent premature aging.

Sleep patterns at 40-45 years old

During sleep, the body rests and recovers. It is required that a woman has adequate sleep, the duration of which is at least 8 hours.

Lack of sleep from year to year invariably affects the condition of the skin, appearance and the body as a whole. You need to sleep on a pillow. It is advisable to spend maximum time on your back. Sleeping face down on a pillow is not allowed. This leads to wrinkles on the skin, dark circles under the eyes, etc.

It is advisable to go to bed around 22.00. This type of sleep is the most effective and beneficial.

To increase comfort and speed up falling asleep, the room must be ventilated before going to bed. The room should not be too hot. It's better to sleep in a cool room.

To relax, you can drink mint tea, take a warm bath with herbs, or light scented candles in the room.

Expert recommendations: how to look young after 40

For facial care after 40 years, cosmetologists advise not only to use cosmetics and pharmaceutical products, but also to follow the following rules:

  • adherence to a daily routine: adequate sleep, alternating work and rest help normalize metabolism. During sleep, skin layers are renewed;
  • giving up alcohol and smoking;
  • rational nutrition: exclusion of fatty, sweet and starchy foods. Drink a full diet (at least 2 liters) and eat enough vegetables and fruits. It is permissible to compensate for seasonal vitamin deficiencies with vitamin complexes;
  • self-facial massage using special products or creams;

  • Regular sports: swimming pool, fitness or dancing, any movement helps strengthen the immune system and improve the general condition of the body;
  • decorative cosmetics: for women of this age period, serums and creams are produced containing hyaluronic acid and vitamins to maintain the epidermis of the skin;
  • timely treatment of diseases and monitoring the condition of the body: the body ages faster if regeneration processes are disrupted.

The youth and beauty of the skin should be protected from adolescence. Women after 40 years of age will appear beautiful with a skillful combination of facial care according to the advice of cosmetologists with a beautiful wardrobe and makeup.

Alcohol and cigarettes are not our friends

Alcohol and nicotine age and negatively affect blood vessels and female internal organs. As a result, blood supply deteriorates, which, in turn, leads to changes in skin tone, thinning, wrinkles, vascular network, swelling and other negative consequences. To avoid this, you need to completely abandon them. For those who have been smoking and drinking for many years, soft drinks and electronic cigarettes will help smooth out the transition period.

At the same time, it is necessary to understand that to maintain attractiveness, giving up bad habits alone will not be enough. To look young, you need to get quality sleep. Sleep should be at least 8 hours. In this case, daytime and nighttime sleep are not summed up. It's only about the night. Rest during the day is more intended for relaxation and cannot compensate for lack of sleep at night.

To rejuvenate the skin, you need to take care of the nervous system. Stress does not leave its mark on your appearance.

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