Cosmetics for facial cleansing. Steaming products, cleaning skin pores, professional care

Are you familiar with the situation when medicinal cosmetics, which work so wonderfully for others, turn out to be completely useless for you? And the point is not at all that the product was chosen incorrectly or is of poor quality...

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Sometimes the problem is that the active components simply do not reach their “destination” due to the fact that the skin pores are dirty and have become impenetrable to beneficial substances.

Most often, these microscopic holes, which serve for the outflow of sweat and “breathing” of the skin, become clogged with oily particles secreted by the sebaceous glands.

In addition, the situation is aggravated by air pollution, from which dust, fumes and aggressive chemical components get on the skin.

Such a harmful “cocktail” clogs pores and contributes to inflammation, acne and deterioration of the general condition of the dermis.

In addition to external influences, the presence of problems with facial skin can be genetically determined or associated with a certain stage of development of the body. But this does not mean at all that there is no way out of the current situation.

A huge number of products for deep cleaning of pores are offered both by salons and specialized stores, as well as online platforms for selling cosmetics. And the correct selection of methods of influence will not only solve the problem, but also prevent its occurrence in the future.

In this article:

Why are cleaned pores so important? TOP products for cleansing pores How to clean pores at home

Why and how often should you cleanse your skin?

Cleansing the skin is necessary to get rid of excess oil secreted by the skin itself for its softness and elasticity. Dirt accumulates in uncleaned pores and bacteria multiply, leading to micro-inflammations.

Deep cleaning, which should be carried out at least once a month, will help cope with this. Superficial daily cleansing is a preventive procedure after deep cleaning.

Cleansing rules

When cleansing your skin daily, it is important to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • the face should be cleansed in the mornings and evenings using various cleansers, and they must be washed off with water;
  • Cleansers should be selected according to skin type;
  • evening cleansing order: removing makeup, washing, toning, moisturizing;
  • use peeling, scrub or cleansing mask no more than 2 times a week;
  • When washing, do not use soap;
  • the area around the eyes should not be rubbed with force;
  • the cleanser should be applied in a circular motion, avoiding the eye area; the skin of the neck also needs daily cleaning;

  • After rinsing off the product, the skin is carefully blotted with a towel.

It is worth noting some features of cleansing:

  • to wash oily skin, first use warm and then cold water;
  • It is not recommended to cleanse the skin with products without the use of water, since when using such cosmetics, impurities are not completely removed, and the skin is deprived of massage.

How to deep clean pores and blackheads on the face

Cleanse your face to remove dirt from your pores.

If you notice a lot of blackheads that occur when oils and dirt get into your pores, start by cleansing your skin. Gently wash your face with your regular cleanser and warm water to get rid of dirt in your pores.

Fill a large saucepan with water and heat it to a boil.

Find a large pot, similar to the one you would use when making a large batch of soup, and fill it about 2/3 full with water. Place the pan on the stove over high heat and bring the water to a boil.

Avoid filling to the very top. The water may boil and be difficult to move onto the table.

Cover your head with a towel.

Take a large, thick towel and cover the top of your head with it, but position it so that it does not cover your face. This will help trap the steam, allowing more of it to come into contact with your skin.

A thick towel will hold steam better than a thin one, but you can use whatever you have on hand.

Keep your face as close to the steam as possible for 5-10 minutes.

Lower your face towards the pan so that the towel is draped on either side of it. Do not keep your face closer than 50 cm from the water, otherwise you may scald your skin. Stay over the steam for about 5 minutes, or 10 if you're comfortable enough.

Wash your face again with a gentle cleanser.

Steaming your face can wash away dirt and oils to the surface of your skin. Plus, it makes you sweat, which can also push impurities out of your skin. To make sure that dirt does not get back into the pores, use a cleanser.

Try using a mild, unscented face wash for this.

Exfoliate your face
2-3 times a week to remove dirt and dead skin.
Exfoliators gently remove old dead skin cells, oils, and dirt that collect on the surface of your skin. There are several ways you can do this. However, it is best to use a chemical exfoliant if you have acne-prone skin. These products are more effective than physical exfoliants at removing dead skin cells and unclogging your pores without causing irritation.

  • Be careful not to rub too hard as you may irritate the skin.
  • If you have sensitive skin, you shouldn't exfoliate more than once a week.
  • Always moisturize after exfoliating.

Use a
face mask to draw out impurities from your skin.
Many masks can help draw out impurities from your clogged pores. Visit a cosmetics store to find a mask that works well for your skin type. Then apply it and leave it on according to the package instructions. When you're done, you may need to peel or rinse off the mask, or you can simply remove the mask if you used a sheet mask.

  • Clay masks are especially nourishing, and activated charcoal masks are great for detoxifying your skin.
  • If you want, you can make your own face mask at home!

Try a chemical peel to remove the top layer of your skin.

These peels involve the use of strong chemicals to dissolve the oils, dirt and cells on the top layer of your skin, leaving your skin feeling refreshed. If you have never had a chemical peel before, it is best to visit your dermatologist. However, you can buy chemical peels for use at home.

  • If you choose an at-home chemical peel, follow the instructions exactly. Failure to do so may result in skin damage, redness and irritation.
  • Whether you exfoliate at home or have it done by a professional, your skin will be tender and sensitive for a day or two afterwards.

Stages of cleansing

Facial skin cleansing occurs in stages using special cosmetics:

  • At the 1st stage, decorative cosmetics are removed from the skin;
  • at the washing stage, dirt and fat are washed away from the surface of the skin;
  • toning is a mandatory 3rd stage;
  • Finally, cream is applied.

Makeup remover

Makeup removal is the removal of decorative cosmetics and must be carried out before bed, because at night the skin undergoes restoration processes.

When choosing makeup removers, you need to focus on this skin type:

  • For normal skin, any product is suitable;
  • dry ones are completely unsuitable for alcohol-containing products; milk is more suitable for her;
  • Products with cosmetic oils are not suitable for oily skin; micellar water is needed to cleanse it.


  • Removing cosmetics begins with removing lipstick;
  • then use a cotton pad to clean the eye area with soft, gentle movements;
  • Lastly, the foundation is removed.

It is necessary to cleanse the skin of complexion products especially carefully and carefully. Failure to follow the rules leads to damage and early aging.

Steaming and washing

For better cleansing, steam the skin using hot water, or better yet, herbal decoctions. After steaming, the elasticity of the skin increases, blood circulation increases, the pores open, which makes it easy to remove dead cells and fat accumulation in the pores. Masks and creams applied to the skin after steaming are more effective.

Each skin type has its own steaming method:

  • It is recommended to steam oily skin 2 times a week for 20 minutes;
  • For normal skin, 1 steam per week for 10 minutes is enough;
  • Dry skin is steamed for 5 minutes. once every 2 weeks.

Preparation and carrying out the procedure:

  • remove makeup;
  • carry out surface cleaning;
  • moisturize lips and skin around the mouth and eyes with a rich cream;
  • collect hair in a bun;
  • boil water or prepare a decoction of herbs, pour into a convenient container;
  • place your face over a container of hot liquid, cover with a towel;
  • withstand for the required time.

Proper washing is important to keep your skin clean and healthy. Morning washing cleanses the skin of dust particles and sweat released during sleep. Evening will get rid of the remnants of cosmetics and dirt, returning full breathing to the skin.

You should not wash your face with hot or too cold water; for this it is better to use water at room temperature.

It is also not recommended to wash your face with running water: heavy impurities have a negative effect on the skin. Filtered or boiled water, infused overnight with glycerin, lemon juice and soda, is suitable for manipulation. Immediately before washing your face, you should thoroughly wash your hands with soap.

Facial cleansing cosmetics also include cleansers that are applied to damp skin, rubbed in for a few seconds, and rinsed off.

Deep cleansing of pores

There are 3 types of deep facial cleansing:

  • hardware room (using special devices for deep cleansing of the skin, widely used in beauty salons);
  • mechanical (deep contaminants are squeezed out of the pores);
  • chemical (using cleansing masks, scrubs, peelings).

You can do deep facial cleansing yourself at home using natural products. Such products will contain natural beneficial components and abrasive particles.

Before the procedure, the skin must be steamed. For particularly contaminated areas of the skin, use mechanical cleansing, and then clean with hydrogen peroxide. Then cleanse the skin with peeling or scrub, rinse with water, apply a deep cleanser, leave for a few minutes, and rinse.

In order to close the pores after deep cleaning, apply a special mask and wash with cool water. The procedure is completed by applying a suitable cream.

Deep cleansing of facial pores at home:

How to choose a cleanser based on your skin type

Selection rules:

  • For oily skin, degreasing foam, mousse, scrub and toner without alcohol, designed specifically for oily and problem skin, are suitable.
  • For dry skin, cleansing milk or oil is suitable for cleansing, which will saturate it with vitamins and moisturize the skin, smooth out fine wrinkles.
  • The choice of cleansing products for normal skin is wider. This includes a variety of gels, micellar water, milk, powders and powders.
  • Alcohol-free products are suitable for cleansing mixed-type skin: gel, foam, milk.

When purchasing facial cleansers, it is important to pay attention to the presence of harmful substances in the composition , such as animal fats, bentonite, glycol, and gluten. High-quality drugs should not contain such substances.

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Which cleansing face mask to choose

The choice of a cleansing face mask is based solely on the individual needs of your skin:

  • Before purchasing, you should study in detail the product description and composition, for what skin type the manufacturer recommends the mask. For oily skin, most masks based on clay and charcoal are suitable, which effectively cleanse pores and regulate oil production. If there are no obvious skin problems, you can choose any inexpensive mask from our selection.
  • For the needs of dry skin, the composition must contain moisturizing components, for example, hyaluronic acid, vitamin E, wheat germ oil.
  • People with sensitive skin types should choose hypoallergenic products with mild ingredients.
  • For aging skin, masks with snail mucus extract or other substances that activate the production of collagen and elastin are effective.
  • For pronounced problems, such as acne, blackheads, seborrhea, rosacea, keratosis and others, pharmaceutical and professional products with a specific focus are suitable. They can be found among products in the mid-price and premium segments.

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Facial cleansing cosmetics

Types of Cleansers

Cosmetics for facial cleansing are divided into types:

  • foam - a creamy cleanser that forms a gentle foam on damp skin;
  • mousse - foamy cleanser;
  • gel products form less foam than mousses and foams and are conveniently applied to the face;
  • lotion is a cleansing liquid that contains beneficial substances and herbal infusions; there are alcohol-free and alcohol-free lotions; lotions do not need to be washed off with water;
  • milk is the most delicate cleanser that does not require rinsing; apply it to the face with your hands and remove it after a couple of minutes;
  • emulsion is a liquid in which drops of another substance are in a certain state.

Cleansing foam

From all the variety of cleansing foams, you need to be able to choose your own. The tools described below will help you make your choice.

The most popular foams:

  • Vichy foam. For dry skin, use foams with a gentle composition, the components of which prevent moisture loss. These products contain vitamin E and wheat protein. Vichy foam has a pleasant aroma and light texture. The product contains thermal water and a complex of plant components. This foam can handle even waterproof cosmetics. The bottle contains 200 ml, its price is approximately 1000 rubles.
  • Toning foam Green Pharmacy.
  • Foams for cleansing oily skin contain natural ingredients that have an astringent effect (oak bark, string, green tea). Inexpensive (RUB 135) toning foam Green Pharmacy is suitable for oily and normal skin types. The composition includes: milk proteins, menthol, castor oil.
  • Natura Siberica foam for removing makeup from the face and eyes removes mascara and eyeliner well. The product helps restore skin, slows down aging, and does not irritate the eyes. The composition contains medicinal herbs and panthenol. A 150 ml bottle costs about 400 rubles.

Foam cleansers are applied to a damp face, foamed, washed off, and then cream is applied.


Not only various foams are suitable for washing; there are also other means:

  • Organic Kitchen soft soap is suitable for oily skin; it delicately cleanses the face, fights imperfections, and makes the skin softer. Price: 220 rub.
  • Librederm cleansing gel is designed for dry and normal skin, moisturizes and does not contain parabens or alcohol. Cost from 200 rub.
  • Max Perfection Brightening Multi Cleanser complex cleanser eliminates acne marks, lightens age spots, cleanses the skin, soothes irritations, and protects against wind and frost. Price: 1000 rub.

Any cleanser is applied to damp facial skin in a circular motion and washed off with water.


Steaming cosmetics provide deep cleansing of the skin.

Here are some of them:

  • Hot facial cleansing Premium Professional deeply cleanses and restores the skin, eliminates acne, removes dead skin cells, tones, and slows down aging. Apply to the skin with gentle movements, rinse off after a few minutes with cool water. Price: 538 rub.
  • Garnier steaming mask for blackheads in individual packaging deeply cleanses pores. The clay and zinc included in its composition eliminate unevenness, narrow pores, and remove excess fat. The product is applied to the skin for several minutes, during which the skin warms up and cleanses. Then it is washed off. Price: 146 rub.
  • Caolion 2 masks: warming and tightening pores. A steaming mask based on mineral water, coal, oat grains and kaolin saturates the skin with essential microelements, moisturizes, opens pores, destroys bacteria, removes dead cells, and soothes. Apply, leave for a few minutes, and wash off. Mask No. 2 tightens pores. Price: 2400 rub.

Micellar water

Micellar water is used to remove makeup and lightly cleanse the skin.

Examples of funds:

  • NIVEA micellar water removes even the most stubborn makeup, tones, and is suitable for every skin; it contains castor oil and panthenol. Price: 240 rub.
  • LOREAL micellar water is designed specifically for skin with increased sensitivity; it quickly removes decorative cosmetics; the glycerin contained in it soothes the skin; the product does not cause allergies and is used sparingly. Price: 300 rub.
  • DUCRAY ICTYANE micellar water for very dry skin, easily removes long-lasting cosmetics, moisturizes, protects against irritation, and has a pleasant smell. Price: 930 rub.

When cleansing your face with micellar water, wet several sponges and place them on your eyes for 1 minute. Then remove the makeup with a light movement. To wash off the foundation, wipe the skin with a sponge soaked in micellar water.

Makeup removal

Optimal products for removing makeup:

  • Loreal micellar lotion is suitable for even the most sensitive skin, does not contain alcohol or harmful substances, and does not cause allergies. Costs 230 rubles.
  • Jason Natural Wet Pads are a time-tested, effective solution. They will quickly and effortlessly rid your face of any make-up; it contains vitamins and herbal extracts that your skin needs, and there are no chemicals. To remove makeup, you need to wipe the eye area and facial skin with pads. Price: 460 rub.
  • The Saem alcohol-free two-phase product is suitable for every skin biotype, effectively and gently removes decorative cosmetics, moisturizes the skin, and contains no harmful substances. Price: 420 rub.

Any makeup remover is applied to cotton sponges, wiped over lips, eyes, and then facial skin.

Shower gel

Cleansing gels from the most famous brands:

  • Gentle moisturizing gel “Black Pearl” is designed for dry skin. Instantly moisturizes, increases skin elasticity, and nourishes. With regular use, the condition of dry skin noticeably improves. The price is nice, from 100 rubles.
  • BIOTHERM is the best anti-gloss cleanser. The gel deeply cleanses pores, normalizes sebum production, treats acne, and smoothes out skin unevenness. Price: 1700 rub.
  • NIVEA washing gel with a scrub effect effectively removes decorative cosmetics, dirt and excess fat. Keeps skin matte without feeling dry. Fights acne and has an exfoliating effect. Average cost: 160 rub.

Wash gels are applied to damp skin, foamed and rinsed off.

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Cleansing with water

Tap water is not at all suitable for washing; it is better to use mineral, bottled or filtered water.

The most important thing is the right cleanser:

  • For dry skin, a gentle gel with a creamy texture from NIVEA , containing almond extract and costing 200 rubles, is suitable.
  • Cleaning gel Clean Line is suitable for any skin type, thoroughly cleanses the skin, does not dry it out, and fights acne. The price is only 85 rubles.
  • Cleansing gel from the French company Arnaud is considered one of the best mattifying products. Cleans well and tightens pores without drying it out. As a result, the skin is matte and fresh all day long, and the occurrence of acne is minimized. Price: 600 rub.

Hydrophilic oil

Facial cleansing cosmetics can also be in the form of oil. Hydrophilic oil, along with micellar water, is used to remove makeup and is suitable for any skin.

Examples of quality oils:

  • NYX is a fragrance-free cleansing oil that easily removes long-lasting makeup and is used sparingly. The price for a 100 ml bottle is 550 rubles.
  • Kose Softymo oil is recommended for dry skin; it removes makeup well and is completely washed off with cleansers. Cost 780 rub.
  • Soft cleansing oil from The Body Shop does not dry out the skin when used, is suitable for daily use, and dissolves any cosmetics, even particularly long-lasting lipsticks. The price of one package is 1090 rubles.

Hydrophilic oil is applied to dry skin and left for 2 minutes. Next, you need to wet your hands and massage your face, rinse with cleanser.

Oil textures

Oil-based facial cleansers are especially recommended for use with the onset of cold weather, when the skin is exposed to low temperatures.

For example:

  • L'OCCITANE Cleansing Oil removes any type of makeup well. When interacting with water, it turns into a delicate foam, does not dry out, and nourishes the skin. The price is: 1700 rub.
  • URBAN DECAY thick oil balm is a highly professional product for removing cosmetics, convenient for travel, and contains natural ingredients and vitamins. Price: 2300 rub.
  • ORIGINS cleansing oil is based on sunflower, olive, sesame and safflower oils, and also contains vitamin E. The product gently washes away any impurities and restores the skin. Price: 2900 rub.

Facial cleansers containing oils are applied to dry skin after 2 minutes. The facial skin is massaged with wet hands and the product is washed off with water.


In addition to surface cleansers, facial cleansing cosmetics also include deep cleansing and exfoliating scrubs:

  • Vichy gel scrub will effectively and without damage remove the dead layer of cells and inflammation, return a pleasant color to the face, and tighten pores. The cost is: from 900 rub.
  • Clean line scrub with apricot kernels and chamomile perfectly exfoliates, softens and tones the skin. It is important not to overdo it when using, otherwise you can injure the skin. The price is attractive: 90 rubles.
  • Garnier clean skin is a scrub, a mask, and a cleansing gel. Deeply cleanses the skin, treats acne, cools, closes pores. Price: 300 rub.

Application of scrubs: apply the product to steamed skin, massage, rinse with water, apply a suitable cream.


Facial exfoliation is the removal of dead cells with exfoliating agents.

Facial exfoliation products:

  • Biotherm lotion renews the skin, deeply cleanses, eliminates oily shine and acne. Price: 1700 rub.
  • Lancome's gentle exfoliating cream gently removes the top layer of cells, ideal for sensitive skin. Its cost: 2900 rubles.
  • Peeling with glycolic acid Medic Control Peel is used on skin prone to hyperpigmentation, gently exfoliates, and fights age-related skin changes. Price: 1100 rub.

Any peeling product is applied to damp, steamed skin, the face is thoroughly massaged, and the product is washed off with water. Peeling products should not be used in the eye area.

Why do pores get clogged?

Pores on the skin are microscopic openings that perform a number of important functions. For example, they allow the epidermis to breathe. They contain the ducts of the sebaceous glands through which sebum comes out. When there is too much of it, the pores become clogged and stretched. Clogged pores are the result of increased activity of the sebaceous glands, hormonal fluctuations, poor diet, insufficient cleansing and excessive use of thick decorative cosmetics. Pore ​​size is largely determined by genetics and cannot be changed. During life, this diameter may change slightly depending on certain factors, for example, during hormonal fluctuations and with properly selected care. With age, pores expand, nothing can be done about this, you will have to constantly monitor the condition of the skin.

When pores become clogged and stretched, they become noticeable on the face. And yes, clogged pores are not just a cosmetic flaw; they can cause acne. Black spots are the result of oxidation. Impurities in the pores react chemically with oxygen and sebum, becoming dark in color. This is a natural process. The thicker the sebum and the more it is produced, the more noticeable the blackheads. Most often they are localized on the cheeks, nose, forehead and chin. The skin becomes prominent and looks unattractive.

Skin cleansing devices

Deep facial cleansing can be done using special devices at home.

This device can be purchased in the online store:

  • Vacuum dermabrasion device GESS Elastic professionally cleanses pores, removes acne, provides a high-quality massage, thereby smoothing out wrinkles. Device price: 5650 rub.

    For deep facial cleansing, in addition to cosmetics, you can use special devices, such as the GESS Elastic vacuum dermabrasion device.

  • Ultrasonic facial cleansing from GESS Star Face effectively rids the skin of dead skin particles, acts gently, tones, and stimulates metabolic processes. Costs about 4000 rubles.

  • An inexpensive option (RUB 1,250) - the Pulse Beauty device is multifunctional. You can use it to wash your face, massage your face and neck, cleanse your skin and smooth out wrinkles, and even apply cosmetics. Its cost: 1250 rubles.

The procedure for cleaning the skin with a special device is carried out on previously cleansed skin. A special gel is applied to the skin. The movements of the appliance blade during cleaning should be slow. Periodically remove dirt from the spatula. After the procedure, apply a soothing mask to the skin.

Tips for using the devices:

Skin typeNumber of proceduresDuration of the procedureAccompanying cosmetics
Dry10-1510-20 min.Moisturizing formulations
Sensitive1010-15 min.Moisturizers
Fat10-1510-30 min.Tonic
Fading10-2010-20 min.Moisturizers

How to reduce pore pollution?

  1. Cleanse your skin thoroughly and regularly. If this is not done, excess oil and impurities will accumulate in the pores, stretching the skin ducts. It is best to use gels and foams (for oily skin), two-phase liquids, mousses and creams (for dry and dehydrated skin).
  2. Remove makeup thoroughly. Decorative cosmetics clog pores, so they must be washed off. Considering your skin type and its characteristics, choose a makeup remover cosmetic (micellar water, hydrophilic oil, milk). Be sure to wash off the product with gel or foam.
  3. After washing your face, use toner or lotion. These products complete the cleansing process, protect the skin from dehydration, even out the tone and texture of the epidermis, and also accelerate cell renewal.
  4. Don't ignore salon treatments. Once again, cleaning your pores manually at home is not the best option. But in the salon - please. The specialist will do everything as needed, all you have to do is maintain the result.
  5. Avoid comedogenic cosmetics. It clogs pores, provokes inflammation and makes the face dull.
  6. Touch your face with your hands as little as possible. Thousands of microbes and bacteria live on the skin, which multiply well on the face, causing acne and comedones.
  7. Use products to tighten pores. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to narrow them down much, but after the cleansing procedure, these cosmetic products will help keep your pores in order for much longer.

Top 5 best cosmetic complexes for facial care

To keep your facial skin clean and well-groomed, you need to use a whole range of cosmetics.

Top 5 best cosmetics manufacturers abroad:

  • According to Russian consumers, the best cosmetics are products from the German brand Nivea ;
  • In 2nd place are Swiss cosmetics Oriflame ;
  • on the 3rd place are cosmetics produced in Belarus ;
  • Maybelline is rightfully in fourth place ;
  • The list is completed by the Loreal brand.

Top 5 Russian cosmetics manufacturers:

  • Natura Siberica;
  • Clean line;
  • Black Pearl;
  • Red line;
  • 100 beauty recipes.

Every skin needs daily cleansing. The choice of cosmetic product for facial cleansing should be taken carefully and seriously, taking into account the type and condition of the skin, as well as age. Properly selected cosmetic complexes prolong the youth of the skin.

Author of the article: Doroshenko E.N.

Article design: Ovsyanikova S.V.

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