Abdominal massage: benefits, how to do it correctly, indications

Abdominal massage is an effective procedure that is used not only for cosmetic purposes, but also for the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases. Using various massage techniques, you can tighten the skin on the abdomen, remove sagging after childbirth, make stretch marks less pronounced, and also normalize the function of the gastrointestinal tract. This procedure can be carried out independently, but to achieve a better result it is advisable to contact a specialist. In this article you will learn what types of massage there are, how it is useful and how to properly prepare for this procedure.

What types of abdominal massage are there?

Getting rid of a bulging belly is not easy, even for those who lead a healthy lifestyle. The reason for this is hormonal imbalances and exposure to stress. The abdominal area contains vital organs. With the help of various types of massage, you can reduce your waist size and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Depending on the technique and purpose of massage, the following types are distinguished:

  • Canned . To improve the appearance of the abdomen, it is recommended to use silicone cups. With their help, a vacuum massage is performed, which improves blood circulation in problem areas. Oil is applied to the skin, the jar is slightly squeezed and applied to the skin. It must be carefully moved clockwise. Before starting the procedure, it is advisable to warm the jar in hot water to make it softer and rub the skin a little to prepare it for the massage. If bruises remain on the skin, then you need to reduce the vacuum effect and not squeeze the can so hard.
  • Lymphatic drainage . This type of massage helps improve lymph flow and relieve swelling. Thanks to the lymphatic drainage effect, massage fights cellulite and improves the appearance of the skin, tightening it. Lymph moves slowly, so movements should be leisurely. The massage begins with stroking, then the massage therapist moves on to rubbing and kneading.
  • Visceral . This is a deeper massage that allows you to work through the abdominal wall on the internal organs. This procedure must be carried out by an experienced specialist, otherwise it can harm the body. The technique includes deep, strong pressure, vibration, and kneading. As a result, blood circulation in the internal organs is normalized, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened, the outflow of bile and the production of gastric juice improves. After this procedure, you should not drink water for 10 minutes and eat for an hour. After the first session, it is better to eat only light food in small portions.
  • Honey . Honey contains more vitamins and microelements. It quickly draws out toxins and cleanses the skin. Natural honey helps eliminate cellulite and smoothes the skin. You only need to choose liquid honey. To enhance the effect, add a few drops of essential oil (orange, clove, lavender, mint). The mass is applied in a thin layer, and then the masseur places his palm on it and sharply tears it off. As a result, the honey turns gray, which indicates high-quality cleansing of the skin. Thanks to honey massage, you can quickly eliminate swelling in problem areas.
  • Pinch . The pinch technique allows you to strengthen weakened abdominal muscles and improve the condition of the skin. After warming up the dermis and applying oil, the specialist grabs an area of ​​skin and gradually moves around the navel, expanding the treated area.
  • Water . The skin in the abdominal area is massaged with a stream of water. All movements are performed clockwise.

There is also a non-contact abdominal massage (breathing exercises). With the help of special exercises, it improves the functioning of internal organs and strengthens the diaphragm. Breathing exercises also tone your abdominal muscles and help you lose weight faster.

How to use a vibrating massager for effective weight loss

A vibration massager, like a vibration simulator, can greatly facilitate the massage procedure. It is much more powerful than human hands and has greater intensity. That is why various devices are used when conducting a session in health or cosmetology centers. But there are devices for home use too.

Massagers, just like manual massage:

  • improve local blood circulation;
  • promote lymph outflow;
  • relieve swelling;
  • relax muscles.

Such devices can help relieve muscle tension and reduce pain after intense training.

Principle of operation

The operating principle of the device is based on the transmission of vibration waves. They have a mechanical effect on the surface layers of the skin, stimulating blood flow. Their action is in many ways reminiscent of classic types of massage. The only difference is the ease of execution. There is no need to strain your hands, stretching your body, the device will do everything.

Terms of use

In order for the device to have a positive effect, a number of rules must be followed:

  • Use only on dry skin, some time after a shower or bath.
  • There is no need to apply warming oil or cream to the skin before use. You can spread them on afterwards.
  • Gradually increase the intensity of vibrations and the duration of the procedure.
  • Do not scrub or peel the skin several hours before the session.
  • Observe the frequency of procedures, but do them every day.

The massager must be used strictly for its intended purpose. It is also important to monitor the serviceability of the device and its integrity.

Types of device

There are three main types:

  • Belt or vibrating platform. This type is often found in sports clubs and is used to relieve muscle tension. It is a wide moving belt, reminiscent of a conveyor.
  • The massage belt is most convenient for the abdomen, sides, and waist. Just put it on, secure it, and it will do the job itself.
  • Manual, suitable for working on individual areas.

Such devices are quite suitable for home use. But they can only be used with the permission of a specialist.

Benefits of abdominal massage

If the massage is performed by a professional, it affects not only the skin and subcutaneous fat, muscles, but also the internal organs. The right approach will improve intestinal motility, liver and pancreas secretion. However, it is advisable to carry out such a procedure only after consultation with a doctor.

Professional abdominal massage gives the following results:

  • Makes the terrain more even;
  • Removes cellulite and stretch marks;
  • Helps normalize digestion;
  • Eliminates swelling by normalizing blood circulation in the subcutaneous layers and internal organs.

Massage also helps to improve well-being , relieve muscle tension, and relax .

If you plan to get a purely cosmetic effect, a light effect will be enough. This procedure can be carried out independently. For a deeper massage, you should contact only a qualified specialist.

Where to learn?

In any training center "Arabia" the technique of corrective body massage (legs, arms, abdomen, back) can be mastered in 1 day. Experienced technologists-teachers will talk in detail about the essence of the method, demonstrate its practical application on a model, answer all questions and reveal professional secrets. Look for the Arabia training center in your city and sign up for corrective massage training right now!

Corrective body massage ARAVIA Organic gives excellent results (minus 3-4 cm in the waist in 1 procedure!), At the same time, it is based on the gentle effects of lymphatic drainage techniques and is easy to perform. You can master it easily, quickly, and this skill will benefit both the specialist and clients a hundred times more than the effort expended.

Does abdominal massage help you lose weight?

Visceral fat is very difficult to eliminate even with the help of diets and sports. Massage increases blood circulation, allows you to break down fat deposits, and also increases skin elasticity, which gives a visual effect of slimness. As you know, from those areas of the skin where there is good blood circulation and lymph outflow, fat disappears first.

Massage is an additional aid in losing weight, but the procedure itself will not eliminate fat. You need to reconsider your diet , give up bad habits (sometimes smoking and drinking alcohol contribute to an enlarged belly), move more , and monitor the condition of your skin .

To speed up the weight loss process, you need to drink more clean water . If you drink 2-2.5 liters of still water per day, the effect of the massage will be more noticeable. Swelling will begin to go away faster, metabolism will accelerate, and the skin will become more elastic.

If you follow the basic rules, you can quickly get your figure in order. After physical activity, massage helps muscle tissue recover faster. Even those people who could not remove their belly fat through exercise will see noticeable progress after a massage. Abdominal massage speeds up the fat burning process and helps make your figure more toned, but it does not solve the problem of excess weight associated with overeating and physical inactivity.

Figure correction methods

Nothing raises a woman's self-esteem as high as a beautiful and fit figure that attracts admiring male glances.
It takes a lot of effort to get the body of your dreams. To achieve this, at all times there have been special methods of body correction that help achieve the desired result. Today these methods include:

  • constant adherence to diets;
  • attending massage sessions;
  • regular physical activity and gym classes;
  • the use of various pharmaceutical products for weight loss;
  • mesotherapy;
  • wearing tight underwear;
  • liposuction or other surgical intervention.


Cosmetic massage is performed to reduce fat deposits. If you have problems with the elasticity of the skin on your abdomen, uneven skin, stretch marks, cellulite, contact a professional massage therapist. After childbirth, you can also massage the abdomen to restore it to its previous appearance, prevent skin sagging, speed up its contraction, and enhance collagen production. However, the procedure can be carried out only after the end of postpartum bleeding, complete healing of the sutures and contraction of the uterus. Before going to the salon, consult your doctor.

Therapeutic abdominal massage is prescribed in the following cases:

  • Constipation due to slow intestinal motility;
  • Flatulence;
  • Colitis;
  • Problems with the reproductive system;
  • Biliary dyskinesia (bile stagnation);
  • Fat deposits in the abdominal area that are difficult to remove with diet.

Wearing shapewear as a method of body shaping

Wearing shapewear is the simplest and least effective way to shape your figure. The method is suitable for special occasions and evenings, but it is worth remembering that frequent use of shapewear can cause problems with blood circulation. In addition, it does not fight the problem, but only temporarily hides it.

Photos of figure correction methods

Photos of figure correction using lipofilling clearly demonstrate the advantages of this operation. You can see before and after photos in the “Photo Gallery” section on our website.

Contraindications to abdominal massage

Massage is not recommended if:

  • the patient has worsened chronic gastrointestinal diseases,
  • there is abdominal pain,
  • body temperature increased.

Contraindications to the procedure are also:

  • oncological disease,
  • tuberculosis,
  • pregnancy,
  • menses,
  • recovery period after abortion,
  • violation of the integrity of the skin.

You should not massage the abdomen if you have gallstones or urolithiasis. The procedure may cause stones to pass out and lead to pain.

Classic abdominal massage technique

Classic massage has been very popular for decades. It can be used both to normalize the gastrointestinal tract and to eliminate cosmetic defects.

Classic abdominal massage is carried out as follows:

  • First prepare the skin by cleansing it. Choose a massage oil or anti-cellulite cream that suits your skin type.
  • The massage begins with light stroking with your fingertips to warm up the skin. Start from the area around the navel and gradually increase the diameter. Remember that all movements in the abdominal area should be performed only clockwise.
  • After stroking, you can start rubbing . If this is the first session, it is advisable to rub the skin of the abdomen for no more than 3 minutes. They allow you to warm up the dermis more intensively and prepare it for further manipulation. Rubbing is done with both hands. If the massage is performed to eliminate cellulite, you can increase the time of this stage or make the movements faster and more intense.
  • Pressure is used to normalize the functioning of internal organs . You need to place your palm on a certain point, cover it with your other hand, press lightly and hold it for no more than 3 seconds. Then you can move on to the next point and move clockwise.
  • Another stage of classic massage is kneading . A small area of ​​skin on the abdomen is grabbed with the fingers. This roller gradually shifts. Kneading warms up the skin well and accelerates the process of breaking down adipose tissue.
  • Then you can move on to vibration . Such movements are carried out with the edge of the palm or fingers. Vibration improves skin elasticity and helps tighten the belly.
  • The massage session ends with stroking . All that remains is to remove the remaining oil.

Redness of the skin is a normal reaction to massage. But there should be no bruises or hematomas on the skin. If you notice marks or feel pain in the abdominal area, you should interrupt the course and consult a doctor.

To get a good result, you need to carry out a massage course of 10 procedures. The break between sessions should be short. Sometimes it is recommended to do massages every day until the end of the course. Then you definitely need to take a break.

The duration of one session is no more than 25 minutes. But for the first time, it is not advisable to massage the abdominal area for more than 15 minutes.

Positive effect

Mechanical and reflex effects on organs and tissues have long been a natural remedy that has a beneficial effect on the entire body. Thanks to massage procedures, a person is filled with new strength and energy, the body is cleansed and rejuvenated. However, the main positive effect of medical massage is that it is a fairly effective therapeutic method that allows you to fight various diseases.

Classic medical massage allows you to achieve the following results:

  • normalize lymph flow, increase blood flow to internal organs, improve blood circulation;
  • improve blood quality;
  • increase immunity;
  • strengthen ligaments, relax muscles, eliminate swelling;
  • reduce various pains;
  • prevent disturbances in the activity of the sympathetic nervous system;
  • speed up metabolic processes;
  • increase skin sensitivity, improve the performance of the skin's excretory system;
  • increase skin elasticity and firmness;
  • cleanse the epidermis of dead cells;
  • strengthen your back muscles;
  • rejuvenate the skin and the entire body;
  • relieve fatigue and eliminate the effects of stressful conditions;
  • normalize the psycho-emotional state;
  • cleanse the body of toxins;
  • calm or excite the nervous system;
  • reduce the patient’s body weight;
  • correct your figure and eliminate the appearance of cellulite.

All of the above advantages of this method, which help improve human health, are the answer to the question: is massage a medical service or not? The pronounced therapeutic effect of the massage procedure leaves no doubt that massage refers specifically to therapeutic methods.

Features of abdominal massage

During the procedure, many people try to pull in their stomach and tighten their abdominal muscles. This is not recommended. It's better to relax as much as possible. It will be easier for the specialist to capture areas of the skin. Don't worry that your belly looks too big or flabby; with massage and proper nutrition, it can be brought into good shape.

If during the session you feel tingling, slight burning or even discomfort, this means that the movements are quite intense. But if pain occurs, you must inform a specialist. You cannot endure pain during a massage.

If you are doing a massage for the first time, the duration of each stage should not exceed 3 minutes. You will not be able to achieve rapid weight loss if you increase the session time. This will only injure unprepared tissues and lead to swelling and bruises.

To achieve a more pronounced anti-cellulite effect, after the massage, dry your stomach, lightly rub it with a brush or towel, and apply cream or lotion to strengthen the skin.

If a rash appears on the skin, it itches, peels off, it means that the cream or oil for massage was chosen incorrectly. Before the session, apply a little cream to your wrist or elbow and wait 5 minutes. If no irritation appears, then there is no allergy, and you can start massage.

If you massage yourself, do not press too hard on the skin. Anti-cellulite massage should not be too painful. Squeezing the skin and folds only injures the tissue and increases swelling. Traces of hemorrhage on the skin, an increase in the volume of the abdomen indicate that you overdid it during the massage.

At the last stage of cellulite, even small touches to the abdomen can cause pain and discomfort. Massage is not a contraindication, but you need to warn a specialist about the presence of pain. The first sessions should be very careful and short. Gradually, the procedure time will increase, and the discomfort will begin to go away.

After a massage, do not go on a strict diet. Fasting will signal your body to store fat. You need to eat regularly, but try to reduce the amount of carbohydrates. But fiber will help you lose weight.

During the course you should not wear shapewear, corsets, or tight belts. Blood circulation in the abdominal area should not be disturbed by anything.

Preparing for a belly massage

Complicated preparation for massage is not required. Before starting the procedure, it is advisable to go to the toilet. The intestines and bladder must be empty, otherwise it will be uncomfortable. The last meal should be no later than 2-3 hours before the procedure. You can eat light food that is quickly digested: cereals, fruits, soups. It is worth avoiding fatty meat, alcohol, strong coffee, and legumes on the day of the procedure. Do not eat or drink anything that may cause increased gas.

However, fasting is also contraindicated. Massage activates digestive processes. If you haven't eaten at all that day, the production of gastric juice will irritate the walls of the stomach and cause discomfort.

Be sure to shower before your massage. Use a washcloth, gel, scrub, peeling to cleanse the skin. It is not advisable to use lotions and creams after a shower.

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