Use of heparin ointment for acne, blackheads and post-acne

Representatives of the fair sex often encounter these cosmetic defects due to hormonal imbalances and disruptions of the endocrine system. It is important to understand that the fight against acne is effective only with an integrated approach. Before deciding whether heparin ointment helps with acne, you need to objectively evaluate your lifestyle. Often the problem lies in poor cosmetics, poor diet, and bad habits.

Heparin ointment helps get rid of acne, scars and scars

If, after a detailed analysis of each of the listed points, it was not possible to determine the cause of acne and post-acne, feel free to start reading this article. The presented material is entirely devoted to the fight against cosmetic defects on the face. To be more precise, we will talk about how to get rid of them using heparin ointment.

Composition and release form

This product contains three substances:

  • Heparin (main active ingredient);
  • Benzyl nictoinate (dilates small blood vessels and improves absorption);
  • Benzocaine (has an analgesic effect).

The main active ingredient is sodium heparin, an anticoagulant whose action is aimed at reducing blood clotting and increasing its fluidity. This has a beneficial effect on the healing of damage, reducing the likelihood of scars and scars.

After all, the flow of fresh blood to the site of injury contributes to:

  • Outflow of decay products of already dead and damaged cells;
  • Delivery of oxygen, nutrients and vitamins to the site;
  • Influx of immune cells and antibodies;
  • Less rapid and more uniform formation of granulation and connective tissue, and therefore reduced scarring of this area.

Mechanism of action

Heparin sodium is an anticoagulant whose main role is to inactivate blood clotting factors. In addition, under its influence, the enzyme liporotenilipase breaks down large molecules of lipids (fats) in the blood plasma into smaller ones.

All this helps to reduce blood viscosity and accelerate blood circulation at the site of application.

The increase in blood flow at the site of application is also facilitated by the vasodilating (vasodilating) effect of Benzoyl nicotinate, which consists of reducing the tone of blood vessels and increasing their lumen.

Among the beneficial effects it is also worth noting:

  • Saturation of tissues with blood and therefore nutrients;
  • Acceleration of getting rid of dark spots;
  • Alignment of tone and complexion;
  • Reducing pain.

Under no circumstances should heparin ointment be applied to open wounds or purulent inflammations!

How does it affect the skin?

Initially, Heparin ointment was developed for the treatment of the following pathologies:

  • Inflammatory process in the lymph nodes;
  • Thrombophlebitis;
  • Phlebeurysm;
  • Bruises and injuries;
  • Subcutaneous hematomas;
  • Superficial mastitis;
  • Trophic ulcers.

It will also help treat acne of various forms. The beneficial effect of Heparin ointment for acne is expressed in the following effects:

  • Destruction of pathogenic bacteria in pores;
  • Reduced swelling;
  • Reducing the inflammatory process;
  • Pain relief;
  • Stimulating tissue regeneration;
  • Strengthening local metabolism;
  • Strengthening the supply of nutrients to the skin;
  • Cleansing cells from toxic substances;
  • Resorption of blood clots;
  • Expansion of capillaries;
  • Normalization of the secretion of sweat and sebaceous glands;
  • Disinfection of the epidermis;
  • Removing excess fat;
  • Evening out facial tone.


The drug has some contraindications for use in acne.

It should not be applied to the skin if you have:

  • Hypersensitivity;
  • Ulcers;
  • Problems with blood clotting;
  • Purulent wounds;
  • Open wounds (including cuts and abrasions).

Please note that before using any product, you must perform an allergy test on your wrist. And if irritation and redness do not appear, then you can apply the products to your facial skin. And for those with thin skin, it is not advisable to use this product, especially if there are spider veins on the face, in order to avoid redness and bruising.

Also, do not apply this product to the skin around the eyes.

When to use heparin ointment

Let's figure out for which cosmetic defects this product can be used, and for which it does not make any sense or can cause harm.

For acne and blackheads

It is extremely undesirable to apply the ointment at the moment a purulent formation appears. Since the compaction that has appeared, the so-called “inflammatory infiltrate” is separated from healthy tissue in the place where pathogenic bacteria have entered. The use of heparin ointment will not localize the inflammation and may cause the bacteria to spread to other healthy areas. The drug, of course, will help reduce the pain of inflammation, but the price can be very high.

In simple terms, you start smearing one, but your whole face and more can fall asleep.

You should especially not use the product when the first signs of pus appear. In this case, it not only will not help, but will most likely provoke the appearance of new inflammations and an increase in the size of the pimple or blackheads. And if pus enters the systemic bloodstream in this way, it can lead to fatal consequences for the entire body.

For post-acne and acne spots

The effectiveness of heparin ointment for acne spots is due to the fact that the heparin in the composition accelerates the flow of blood and the nutrients and vitamins it contains to the site of damage, and, therefore, accelerates healing, providing the problem area with the components necessary for this.

Application method:

  • The face is cleansed and treated with an antiseptic;
  • The ointment is applied pointwise or locally to the problem area of ​​the skin;
  • Rub in in a circular motion;
  • Apply 2 times a day for 1.5 weeks.

If you want to enhance the effect, you should avoid wearing makeup while using this drug.

Pharmacy products - for acne marks

Folk remedies are safe because they consist of natural ingredients, but they act extremely slowly.
Therefore, not everyone trusts them. Medications that help well include:

  • antiseptics;
  • antibiotics;
  • hormonal ointment and medications;
  • antiallergenic drugs.

Ointment with ichthyol or streptocide disinfects the skin and removes germs. Levomekol, Zinerit ointments, and the hormonal drug Advantan cope well with bacteria.

Acne and skin inflammation caused by allergies are treated with the following ointments:

  • Flucinar;
  • Senoflan;
  • Zodak tablets;
  • Cetrin.

All of them eliminate the cause of allergies, acting from the inside.

Among pharmaceutical preparations, one can highlight Contractubex ointment. This drug acts in the deep layers of the skin and heals fresh wounds well. Old scars are best treated during the inactive sun season - winter or autumn. At this time, the skin is protected by clothing from ultraviolet rays, and a person spends less time outside in the sun.


Analogs include the following drugs.


Badyaga is a freshwater sponge, a living organism, from the Badyaga family (Spongillidae). It is used in medicine and cosmetology as an independent medicine or as a component of creams, ointments and gels. The crushed body of Badyagi is a brown powder with a characteristic odor, consisting mainly of silica needles. This same silicon oxide, in contact with the skin, stimulates the nerve endings of the receptors and thus has an irritating effect, which causes blood flow to the irritated area. Due to the needle-like structure, there is also an exfoliating effect.

This is the cheapest product described and is similar in effect to peeling with organic acids. It evens out the complexion and reduces hyperpigmentation. Used in masks and creams.

The price is about 50 rubles for a bag of powder or about 80 rubles for a gel or cream with Badyaga.


A drug containing a softening agent - urea, heparin and camphor. Objectively, in the early stages it can help slow down the formation of a scar, but is not able to eliminate it even at the formation stage, unlike the next drug.

Camphor has a distracting and irritating effect that feels like cold or warming of the affected area, which can both reduce pain and increase discomfort. Do not apply the product to an open wound.


Prevents the appearance of scars and cicatrices due to its direct effect on the structures involved in the formation of connective tissue.

What to replace it with?

Stagnant vascular spots will help to effectively remove pharmaceutical products, among which we should highlight such drugs as:

  • Bodyaga;
  • Kelofibrase;
  • Sledocid.

The drug Bodyaga is a cheap remedy that effectively helps against acne spots by improving local blood circulation, eliminating the inflammatory process and exfoliating effect. The product has an effect similar to acid peeling. Bodyaga allows you to even out the complexion of your face and lighten your skin somewhat.

Kelofibraza cream helps prevent the appearance of scars and scars after acne. For formed fibrous type defects, the product is ineffective. In addition to urea, which is the main active component, the drug contains sodium heparin.

Sledocid cream is used for problematic facial skin. It contains hyaluronic acid, essential oils and colloidal silver. Active components increase the protective functions of the skin, fight rashes and prevent the development of stagnation in the epidermis.

Alternative means to prevent the appearance of spots and scars during post-acne periods are Skinoren and Baziron. Their effectiveness is noticeable if you complete the course recommended by a dermatologist.


We invite you to read reviews from ordinary people about the use of heparin ointment for acne and spots on the face, and if you still have any questions, you can always ask them to a cosmetologist or pharmacist on our forum.

I do martial arts and initially I bought heparin ointment for bruises on my face, but somehow, out of curiosity, I decided to a little anoint the pimple on my forehead while treating the bruise and noticed that it began to hurt even more, and the amount of pus increased. Now I try not to touch these areas anymore.

Oleg, 24 years old, Lukhovitsy

I use heparin when I squeezed out a pimple and it stopped hurting, I do this on the advice of my friend. I noticed that this way the inflammation goes away and matures faster, and when combined with Differin it creates an excellent combination. Which allows you to get rid of a pimple in a week.

Marina, 26 years old, Istra

Not a single pimple of mine goes away without a trace; there are always some spots that look like bruises. The pharmacy advised me to apply Heparin ointment to the pimple when it stopped hurting. And, you know, I don’t understand how it works, but although the spots continue to appear, they are not as pronounced and less noticeable than before.

Olga, 23 years old, Odintsovo

For which rash will treatment be effective?

It is most effective to capture the development of a pimple of any etiology at the initial stage, when redness and slight swelling appear. Subcutaneous formations are painful, so the anesthetic property of Heparin ointment is very useful.

Severe acne can also be treated with it, but if pustules filled with pus appear, it is recommended to replace Heparin with an ointment or cream with a stronger antibacterial effect. Since it belongs to anticoagulants, and their use to eliminate acne with purulent contents can not only cause side effects, but also aggravate the situation.

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