Anti-wrinkle ointments reviews the whole truth about this miracle cure

Zinc facial ointment for wrinkles on the face and under the eyes: instructions

Zinc is often used in the manufacture of cosmetics and medications. Zinc is used to make zinc ointment, which helps eliminate wrinkles. If you treat your skin with this ointment, it will perform the following actions:

  • Activate enzymes that renew the epidermis.
  • Protect the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays, preventing the appearance of the first wrinkles.
  • Regulate the performance of enzymes, maintain the upper layers of the skin normal.
  • Even out the skin texture on the face.
  • Free the skin from dead cells.
  • Heal scratches and wounds.

The main factor in the primary aging of the skin on the face is the rays of the sun, which dry out the skin, resulting in wrinkles.

Those women who have already used zinc ointment were able to appreciate this remedy. They noted that the ointment ideally smoothes out wrinkles, maintains normal skin condition, makes it young and very silky.

Zinc ointment is a universal medicine. If you decide to use it, you will have to perform some subtleties:

  • Apply zinc ointment only in the evening.
  • Clean your skin well before applying the ointment.
  • Do not use the ointment as a makeup base.
  • Do not add any additional components to the ointment if you have oily skin. This product will dry out your skin.
  • If you have dry or normal skin, then add butter or nourishing cream to the ointment.
  • If you do not want your skin to become too dry from the ointment, then apply it in a thin layer to places where there are wrinkles.

Is zinc effective for acne?

You're probably wondering if zinc is scientifically proven to be effective for acne? A couple of studies have already been conducted, and they show really positive results.

1) In a Turkish study, researchers recruited 87 people, 47 of whom had acne and the rest had clear skin. They divided them into separate groups based on their skin condition.

Scientists found that in a group of acne patients, 54.1% of people were deficient in zinc, compared with just 10% of people with clear skin. They also noticed that the average zinc levels in the blood of acne patients were much lower than average.

2) The second study involved 54 patients who took either zinc supplements or a placebo. After 6 weeks of treatment, the amount of acne in patients taking zinc decreased by 33%.

3) This large study recruited 332 people with acne. They were given 30 mg of zinc gluconate, which is twice the recommended daily intake.

After three months, all patients had a 49.8% reduction in the total number of acne lesions! It was also noted that in 31.2% of participants the reduction in acne was two-thirds or more.

Zinc gluconate is not the most effective form of zinc supplementation. There are other forms: zinc oxide, acetate, sulfate, glycate, etc. Zinc picolinate is considered the most effective. Picolinic acid promotes the fastest absorption of zinc in the intestines.

Methods of application

So, what does it help with and how is zinc ointment used in cosmetology? There are several simple and accessible recipes for its use. Choosing yours will most likely have to be done by trial and error. But since negative consequences and side effects from the use of zinc ointment are extremely rare, there is nothing to worry about.


In this case, the drug is used in its pure form and helps to quickly get rid of single pimples, accelerate the healing of wounds and microcracks, and reduce inflamed acne. First you need to remove your makeup, wash your face thoroughly and blot off excess moisture from your skin. Then we take a regular cotton swab and apply a small amount of zinc ointment one by one to all the rashes. How many times a day to do this depends on the condition of the skin.

To combat acne more effectively, I recommend that you first go over it with another stick dipped in essential oil. Anything with pronounced antibacterial and antiseptic properties will do: eucalyptus, fir, cinnamon, clove, tea tree, ylang-ylang, rose, lavender, etc. After 15-20 minutes, carefully wipe off the remaining ointment with a cotton pad. Don't wash your face!


For very problematic skin with multiple rashes and blackheads, masks are better suited. They can be applied to the entire face, and not just to certain areas. In addition, zinc ointment is not the only active element, but works as part of the complex. Here are some effective and healthy recipes.

With clay

Cosmetic clay, in addition to the properties listed above, similar to zinc, also has excellent adsorbing ability and collects excess fat well. This mask is ideal for oily seborrhea, severely enlarged pores and uneven skin texture.

A tablespoon of green or white clay is diluted with still mineral water to a thick sour cream and a teaspoon of zinc ointment is added to the composition. If desired, you can add 5-6 drops of the essential oils listed above.

Distribute the composition evenly over clean, dry skin and lie quietly for 15-20 minutes. At the same time, a noticeable lifting effect appears as an additional bonus. Before washing off, cover your face with a damp cloth for a couple of minutes. And then they carefully wash most of the mask with it. Residues can be washed off with water.

With licorice

A mask with licorice root powder or its extract helps to treat problematic skin and at the same time get rid of pigmentation, including age-related ones. For oily and problem skin, the second option is preferable, since a powerful antiseptic such as ethyl alcohol is added. For thin and sensitive skin, it is better to choose powder. It is sold in pharmacies or you can make it yourself by grinding a piece of dried root in a coffee grinder.

Mix a teaspoon of zinc ointment with half a teaspoon of powder or the same amount of extract until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Distribute the composition evenly over the face

It is very important that it does not get into the eyes and mucous membranes. If this happens, rinse immediately with water!

Leave for 15 to 30 minutes and wash off with a small amount of gel. Be sure to apply moisturizer.

With cream

For those who cannot afford high-quality anti-aging cosmetics, a technique such as enriching anti-wrinkle cream with zinc ointment is suitable. They are mixed in equal proportions and applied to the entire face, as well as the décolleté and neck. Due to the presence of Vaseline in the ointment, an occlusion effect is created, the skin is well moisturized and softened. This leads to the smoothing of shallow and small wrinkles.

But remember that this product is not suitable for very dry and sagging skin. It will only make the situation worse. It should also not be left overnight. It forms a film that prevents the skin from breathing and releasing toxins.

With lemon juice

Helps even out complexion tone and cope with shallow pigmentation. Do not use on damaged, inflamed, very thin, dry and sensitive skin! It is also not recommended during pregnancy - if the face is not carefully protected from ultraviolet radiation, it can lead to the appearance of new age spots.

Mix zinc ointment with the same amount of freshly squeezed lemon juice and distribute evenly over the skin. When the first layer dries a little, apply a second one to the pigmented areas, and, if desired, a third one. Leave for up to 15 minutes (no more!) and rinse well with warm water without soap. Be sure to apply a soothing cream. Before going out into the sun, use a sunscreen with UV 30 or higher.

Combat problems typical of oily skin

On pimples, blackheads and other defects that worsen the appearance of the skin, zinc ointment is most often applied pointwise. Only if there are very heavy rashes, it is recommended to cover the entire face with ointment, distributing it as thinly as possible. When applied locally, the procedure can be carried out 3-5 times a day until the acne disappears, wiping off the residue after a quarter of an hour.

The condition of problem skin after a course of zinc ointment most often improves noticeably

The drug is used in a similar way for age spots, even those that often appear during pregnancy. It also helps lighten freckles. The ointment can be used not only on the face, but also on the neck and décolleté area. It is used in courses lasting up to two months. Problem areas are lubricated with the drug 1–3 times a day.

After using zinc ointment, pigment spots become much lighter, including age spots and those caused by hormonal imbalances

Video: zinc ointment against hyperpigmentation

If you need to get rid of blackheads, be sure to steam the skin first. For degreasing, problem areas are wiped with tonic or hydrogen peroxide diluted with water. The ointment is applied only to dry skin and left for 10–15 minutes. After this, the contents of the blackheads will be easier to squeeze out. Then, to narrow the cleansed pores, wipe the skin with an ice cube or apply any tightening mask to the face (for example, with gelatin, egg white, clay). Sessions are carried out once a week, the course lasts 1.5–2 months.

The appearance of blackheads on oily skin is almost inevitable.

The drug described actually ensures tissue regeneration at an accelerated pace and helps get rid of inflammation faster. But this is an “ambulance” for the skin. To finally get rid of excess fat, you will need a combination of cosmetic procedures, proper facial care and a healthy lifestyle.

It is better to apply zinc ointment pointwise to the most problematic areas

Video: zinc ointment against acne

Application of Zinc ointment for the face

When using an ointment to eliminate wrinkles, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the action of its components.

It is important to observe the duration of the course and select the method of application depending on your skin type

You do not need a prescription to purchase the ointment at the pharmacy. The product is produced in cans of 25, 40 and 50 grams, as well as in tubes weighing 25, 30 and 50 grams. The approximate cost of packaging is 30 rubles for 25 grams of ointment and 40 rubles for 50 grams.

It is more convenient to use zinc ointment from a tube

Action of components

In addition to zinc oxide, the ointment also includes petroleum jelly in a percentage ratio of 9:1 with a predominance of the active component. Together, these substances have a softening and healing effect on areas of the face. The product not only rejuvenates tissue, but also has an anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effect. Thus, when using the ointment, pimples and redness are eliminated, itching is relieved, damage is healed and inflamed areas of the skin are dried out.

Penetrating into the surface layers of the epidermis, zinc oxide helps open pores and eliminate dead cells. As a result, enzymatic activity increases and metabolic processes intensify. By improving elasticity, the active substance tones and tightens tissues. Prevention of wrinkles occurs by protecting the surface of the face from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation.

Zinc ointment contains 10% zinc oxide

Methods of use

Before using Zinc Ointment, you must remove makeup and clean the surface with tonic or milk. Since zinc oxide is characterized by a strong drying effect, in order to combat wrinkles, dermatologists do not recommend applying it to the skin in its pure form. To use the product correctly, especially for dry skin, it must be mixed with oil and other moisturizing ingredients.

When applying the ointment on a surface characterized by sensitivity and dryness, use the following recipes:

  1. Mix a small amount of ointment with 3 drops of ordinary vegetable oil. Apply the mixture to the surface of your face.
  2. Take zinc oxide, Lanoli cream and Glycerin in equal proportions and mix thoroughly. Use a thin layer of the mixture to apply.

To moisturize the skin, add a few drops of vegetable oil to the mixture with Zinc ointment.

If your skin tends to produce excess oil, then it should be used in combination with corn oil and boric petroleum jelly. The prepared mixture must be applied in an even layer to areas of the face, easily rubbing into the surface.

For combination skin, as well as normal skin, it is better to use zinc oxide (20 g) mixed with Spermaceti cream (8 g). You can also add a couple of drops of olive or vegetable oil to the mixture.

When using Zinc ointment on combination or normal skin, it is better to mix it with Spermaceti cream

After applying the mixture, you must wait about 6–10 hours, after which the treated areas should be blotted with a napkin. The product should not be used as a makeup base due to its high fat content, and should not be mixed with tinting cosmetics. It is applied in a light layer without affecting the eye and mouth area.

Duration and effectiveness of use

It is not advisable to apply the Zinc ointment every day - it is better to take a break of 1-2 days between sessions. The duration of 1 course aimed at getting rid of wrinkles is 21 days with an interval of 30 days before the next course.

The effectiveness of the ointment appears after completing several courses of use of the product. You should not expect complete smoothing of wrinkles - the product can cope with fine and superficial wrinkles that are not very pronounced

Those with a dry surface type should use this product with caution to avoid increasing the severity of wrinkles. It is recommended to actively moisturize dry areas of the face using nourishing creams

What does zinc ointment help with?

The product for external use reduces exudation (the release of fluid in inflamed tissues), weeping (the separation of exudate from blisters on the skin). The layer of the drug does not allow blood and sweat to pass through.

Main therapeutic effects:

  • weak antiseptic (disinfectant);
  • moderate anti-inflammatory;
  • wound healing;
  • drying;
  • adsorbing;
  • astringent.

The antiseptic properties of zinc oxide are weaker compared to iodine, chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide, and salicylic acid. This is one of the reasons why the drug is not used to treat infected lesions.

The healing properties of zinc ointment are useful for reducing redness and inflammation during sunburn, and for protecting affected skin during sports and outdoor activities. After applying the drug, a thin film forms on the skin, under which the epidermis dries and heals.

In addition, the remedy

  • prevents softening of tissues and increase in wound size;
  • protects damaged skin from penetration of microbes;
  • reduces the irritating effect of exudate;
  • absorbs toxins from bacteria and fungi;
  • creates conditions for regeneration;
  • eliminates redness and swelling.

The effectiveness of the drug for various skin lesions varies. Zinc ointment does not help against papillomas, the appearance of which is caused by a viral infection. The product does not have antiviral and keratolytic effects.

Zinc ointment for calluses protects damaged skin from drying out and penetration of microbes. Natural healing occurs under the film.

The product is applied to the affected skin to reduce inflammation and irritation. The drug reduces the severity of exudative processes and eliminates the harmful effects of various factors.

Zinc ointment is used for burns and minor injuries as an “first aid” remedy. Itching and redness disappear within 10-15 minutes after applying the drug.

For skin allergies, this is not the most effective treatment. However, the product has fewer side effects compared to hormonal creams. The drug is applied in a thin layer to itchy rashes to reduce inflammation and irritation.

Zinc ointment for herpes on the lips relatively quickly reduces itching and dries out the blisters.

For atopic dermatitis, it is used as a non-hormonal remedy, safe even for infants. Lubricate the reddened areas of the face, hands, and other affected areas of the body to relieve children from itching. Make sure that the child does not scratch the treated areas.

Dry epidermis is caused by loss of water in the top layer of skin. As a result, microcracks form and the healing process worsens. Zinc ointment for psoriasis creates an oily layer that retains water in the skin. The product softens the horny substance (keratin), the excess of which accumulates in the form of scales and plaques.

Indications for the use of zinc ointment include:

  • diaper rash, prickly heat (diaper rash) and other dermatitis, including photocontact;
  • bedsores, trophic ulcers, other ulcerative skin lesions;
  • superficial abrasions, cuts, cracks, wounds;
  • burns (including sunburn);
  • eczema in the acute stage;
  • rash due to herpes simplex;
  • streptoderma.

Zinc ointment during pregnancy does not harm the health of the woman and the unborn child. It is necessary to dose and apply the product correctly and follow the instructions.

Zinc is necessary for the normal course of spermatogenesis and testosterone synthesis. The microelement enters the body with food.

Zinc ointment is used for potency (prevention of impotence). Rub the product in for 10 minutes every day. The duration of one course of treatment is 10 days. After a break, therapy (prevention) is continued for 2 months.

When the drug is rubbed into the prostate area, microcirculation in the tissues of the gland improves.

Indications and contraindications for the use of ointment

This product, like all medicinal and cosmetic products, has its own list of indications and contraindications. Indications include:

  • Dermatitis;
  • Diaper rash;
  • Ulcers;
  • Burns;
  • Bedsores;
  • Acne.

Ointment with zinc is also used in dentistry - it is an integral part of the solution in the manufacture of fillings.

A complete contraindication to the use of this drug is the presence of an allergy to the active substance or to one of the additional components.

Use the ointment with caution in the following cases:

  • The occurrence of irritation;
  • Inflammatory processes;
  • The presence of various rashes, the cause of which has not been established;
  • Purulent formations.

During pregnancy and lactation, it is recommended to discuss the use of ointment with your doctor.

Important trace element

Zinc is a trace element present in every cell of our body. It is important for many life functions, including the sense of color, smell and taste.

Healing zinc is important for fertility, proper cell division, vision and immunity.

Due to such extensive participation in the life of our body, zinc is very widely used. Zinc oxide and sulfate powder combined with other ingredients are used for external use. Their use for medical purposes requires consultation.

Contraindications and side effects

Zinc ointment is well tolerated. A contraindication is hypersensitivity to the components of the ointment, which can cause side effects. These include:

  • skin itching;
  • tingling sensation;
  • burning sensation;
  • skin hyperemia;
  • rash.

Some women note darkening of the integument. Most often this happens with dark skin. Adverse symptoms go away without treatment after the application of the ointment has been stopped. If this phenomenon persists, then you need to visit a doctor.

Side effects occur due to drying of the skin under the influence of zinc oxide. To prevent this effect, you need to combine the use of Zinc ointment with a moisturizer.

In severe cases of an allergic reaction, the following symptoms occur:

  1. swelling of the lips, tongue, face;
  2. feeling of tightness in the chest;
  3. difficulty breathing.

Important! If side effects develop, you should urgently call an ambulance.

When applying the composition to the eyes, the following is observed:

  • severe itching;
  • lacrimation;
  • hyperemia of the eyelids.

In this case, rinse your eyes with running water for 15 minutes.

If the ointment is swallowed, the following symptoms occur:

  1. painful sensations in the epigastric region;
  2. nausea and vomiting;
  3. diarrhea;
  4. fever with chills;
  5. icteric staining of the sclera and dermis.

If such symptoms appear, immediately call an ambulance, and give the patient plenty of water or milk, activated charcoal. Do not use a product with zinc oxide if you are allergic to at least one component.

The first wrinkles form around the eyes and mouth. These are the most sensitive areas. If you overdry them using ointment, the moisture from the nap will evaporate and the wrinkles will become even larger. In addition, they will be deep, and it will be possible to get rid of them through prolonged treatment.

Alternatives to zinc ointment. average cost

Ointment with zinc is available in jars of 25 - 50 g. or in tubes of 25, 30 or 50 g.

Average cost:

  1. 25 gr. – 30 rub;
  2. 50 gr. – 40 rub.

The product is sold in pharmacies and is available without a doctor's prescription.

An alternative to using zinc ointment in the fight against wrinkles is the use of preparations with hyaluronic acid. Such products provide quick visible results.

A modern component of anti-aging cosmetics is rhamnose. This remedy affects the cells that produce collagen. The combination of this component with hyaluronic acid has the most beneficial effect on cells, improves appearance, increases elasticity and firmness.

Retinoic ointment.

This drug includes vitamin A in active form, which improves metabolism, accelerates healing processes, and increases collagen production.

Heparin ointment

It is also widely used when wanting to reduce wrinkles. Application of this product allows you to smooth out small wrinkles, eliminate puffiness and bruises under the eyes.

Ointment with zinc is a universal method for treating various skin diseases, which is quite effective, efficient and safe. In the fight against wrinkles, it is better not to use pure zinc ointment, but only creams with the addition of this component.

Zinc ointment can solve some problems that arise with the skin of the face. In order to determine the most suitable anti-wrinkle product, you should consult a cosmetologist.

Analogues of the drug

If we consider other pharmaceutical drugs used for other purposes, to combat wrinkles and protect the skin from the effects of external natural and climatic factors, you can choose drugs in which zinc oxide is the active component:

  • salicylic-zinc paste (salicylic acid is effective in fighting acne and inflammation, corn starch dries out the skin);
  • Zinkudan (an antifungal drug with salicylic and undecylenic acids);
  • Desitin (lanolin-based ointment with cod liver oil, has an astringent and drying effect).

Salicylic acid, which is part of the salicylic-zinc paste, is widely used in cosmetology to combat problems characteristic of oily skin.


Does zinc ointment really help against wrinkles? To understand this issue, it is important to find out what ingredients are included in the drug. The base is the well-known Vaseline, and the active ingredient is zinc oxide.

Vaseline base is used as a softening agent. This substance forms a film on the surface of the skin that effectively protects against adverse external factors - cold, dust, etc.

Moreover, it helps relieve flaking, soften rough skin and promotes faster healing of superficial, non-infected lesions.

The active substance of the ointment is zinc oxide. The substance is a white crystalline powder, which has long been actively used both in the pharmacological industry to create various drugs and in cosmetology. This substance is added to sun protection creams.

In addition, zinc oxide acts on the skin as follows:

  • stimulates metabolic processes in cells;
  • increases the rate of regeneration, accelerating cell renewal processes;
  • “controls” the functions of the sebaceous glands, normalizing their work;
  • has the ability to destroy pathogens that provoke the development of inflammation;
  • has a drying effect, which promotes faster healing of wounds;
  • relieves irritation and inflammation;
  • increases natural tightness, preventing the formation of wrinkles.
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How does zinc stop acne?

For a long time, the reasons why zinc was so effective in treating acne were unknown.

People knew that vitamin A reduces sebum production, but they had no idea about the benefits of zinc for the skin. Many people believed that it was necessary for the formation of cells in the skin, hair and nails.

New evidence suggests that zinc's benefits go much deeper, with effects on the immune system including:

1. Controls inflammation

If there is chronic inflammation in the body, with pro-inflammatory cytokines produced en masse, then consuming more zinc can quickly alleviate the problem.

Zinc is closely related to the immune system and controls some of its functions. This means that the inflammatory response to acne bacteria won't be as huge and the red pimples won't swell massively.

Zinc controls acne inflammation by reducing levels of NF-kB, which is the messenger that precedes the release of many pro-inflammatory cytokines in our body.

Zinc actively reduces the inflammatory response to bacteria. When bacteria invade blocked pores, they can cause severe irritation in the area, causing pimples to become red and very painful.

Acne-prone skin reacts much more strongly to bacteria than normal, healthy skin. Zinc helps moderate the inflammatory response and reduce the impact of bacteria on the skin.

2. Transport of vitamin A

Vitamin A - directly reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands, and zinc is vital for the effective transport and use of this vitamin.

Zinc is a key component of the retinol-binding protein, which transfers vitamin A from the bloodstream to receptors on the skin, where it further performs its functions.

3. Fast wound healing

This is another effect of zinc on the whole body and on the skin directly. It helps acne heal faster, thereby reducing the overall number of acne.

4. Antioxidant effect

Antioxidants benefit the skin by preventing sebum from oxidizing (another cause of acne).

In addition to the presence of antioxidants in fruits and vegetables, our body is capable of producing some of its own: superoxide dismutase and glutathione. It is known that patients with acne have a deficiency of these enzymes.

Zinc is a key component of glutathione. By increasing its levels in the body, we enhance overall antioxidant activity.

5. Kills bacteria

Test tube tests show that zinc kills acne-causing bacteria. Of course, not as effective as antibiotics, but it still works.

Bacteria cannot cause resistance to zinc, so it is also effective for people with antibiotic-resistant bacteria on their skin.

6. Reduces keratinocyte activation

Keratinocytes are cells that produce keratin, which in large quantities interferes with cell separation and leads to the formation of blocked pores, which also causes acne. By reducing keratin production, zinc helps skin pores remain open.

7. Blocks DHT (dihydrotestosterone)

Zinc is also useful for acne in the case of blocking dihydrotestosterone, which means it reduces the effect of hormones on the skin.

Other DHT blockers are known to reduce the amount of sebum that produces clogged skin pores.

Unfortunately, zinc does not block DHT too much, but this is a huge plus for it.

Instructions for use of zinc ointment

The active ingredient is zinc oxide (10%), the auxiliary substance is petroleum jelly or white paraffin. The percentage ratio is 1:9. Those. Vaseline in the cream contains 90%.

Action of zinc oxide

Zinc oxide in this ointment is the active ingredient with anti-inflammatory properties. In addition to this, it has a hygroscopic effect: it dries out inflammation and helps the skin recover faster.

The instructions for use clearly indicate its effect. According to it, this ointment dries, disinfects and relieves inflammation.

It is used in formulations:

  • zinc ointment and pastes (antiseptic drying effect);
  • medical plasters:
  • sunscreens,
  • foot creams (precisely because of its antimicrobial disinfectant effect)

Effect of Vaseline

This is a dermatotropic skin softening agent. Acts as an effective barrier in protecting against dryness when exposed to the environment (temperature changes, rain, cold).

  • eliminates peeling;
  • lubricate scratches, abrasions, cracks;
  • softens rough skin on heels, elbows, feet;
  • helps restore softness to chapped lips during wind and frost.

But Vaseline does not penetrate the layers of the epidermis and is not absorbed by cellular tissue. Protects and softens - yes, but no more.

But if you spread it generously in a thick layer, then oxygen will stop flowing to the cells. This may disrupt the natural “breathing” of your skin.

How to use the ointment

Zinc ointment for the face has found great use in the fight against acne. This drug acts on the source of inflammation, while eliminating redness and some swelling. For large and painful acne, it relieves pain. The ointment dries out acne remarkably, preventing it from spreading to healthy skin. And the price of this product is attractive. I used it myself, but not for more than 3 weeks.

A detailed description can be found here


It is not without reason that dermatologists, when prescribing zinc-containing drugs, prescribe moisturizing cosmetics. To protect against excessive drying out.

Tell me, how then does the ointment affect wrinkles, eliminating them? Or maybe cosmetologists somehow use it in a special way. What if they know some special secret?

Zinc ointment has long been used as a medicinal and cosmetic product to get rid of skin diseases. Today it is also often used to smooth out wrinkles.

The popularity of using this product is explained by its low cost compared to other anti-aging cosmetic procedures.

The main active ingredient of zinc ointment is zinc oxide. Vaseline or lanolin are often used as secondary components.

Using Vaseline as an additional ingredient ensures the formation of a thin, invisible film on the skin. This film prevents the skin from drying out, retains moisture, and prevents its evaporation. The disadvantage of Vaseline is that this product is absolutely not absorbed by the skin.

Depending on the brand, the ointment may also include:

  1. Salicylic acid;
  2. Ethanol;
  3. Menthol;
  4. Propylene glycol;
  5. Methylarabene.

The composition of the ointment depends on the manufacturer. The concentration of a particular substance affects the effect of the ointment.

What are the benefits of zinc for the skin and how it eliminates acne inflammation

In recent years, zinc supplements have been frequently touted for the treatment of acne. In this article we will try to analyze all the pros and cons of such treatment, and most importantly, how is zinc useful for the skin?

Zinc is an excellent mineral for treating acne, especially if your body is deficient in it. It mainly acts on the immune system, reducing the manifestation of chronic inflammation.

What results can be expected from zinc treatment? It all depends on the severity of the disease: if the occurrence of acne is associated with immunity, then you will see the real benefits of zinc.

However, almost every acne patient suffers from chronic inflammation to some degree, so when treating acne with zinc, everyone will see at least the slightest improvement in their skin.

Researchers have seen an average of 50% reduction in acne with zinc treatment, and some have seen skin improvement of over 65%.

If you are lucky, then zinc may well end the treatment of acne.

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The use of zinc ointment in cosmetology

Using zinc ointment in anti-wrinkle cosmetology is necessary according to a number of specific rules. It can be used in its pure form, but to obtain noticeable results it is recommended to combine the drug with other care products. Below are recipes and methods of using ointment that will help improve your appearance, get rid of wrinkles and other problems.

Features of use for different skin types

Zinc ointment is classified as a drying agent; therefore, it can be used in its pure form or in combination with other drugs only for the care of oily and combination skin. Application to dry skin can aggravate its condition, causing irritation, peeling, and redness.

Can zinc ointment be used on dry skin?

Of course not

Regardless of skin type, extreme caution should be used when applying the product around the eyes. With regular use, thin and sensitive skin becomes drier and irritated, which can cause new wrinkles to appear.

If there are deep folds on the skin of the eyelids, it is recommended to apply it exclusively to the area where wrinkles accumulate.

To prevent possible negative consequences, before using zinc oxide, it is recommended to determine the type of skin.

In its purest form

It is recommended to use zinc ointment in its pure form in courses, the maximum duration of which should not be more than fourteen days. Before using the product, it is recommended to apply a thin layer of any moisturizer or oily cream to the skin. This method will enhance the effect of caring cosmetics and deliver active ingredients deep into the cells.

Can the ointment be used in courses lasting more than two weeks?


If you have skin problems, which include wrinkles, pimples, blackheads and other cosmetic imperfections, it is recommended to apply the medication once a day shortly before bedtime or in the morning. It should not be washed off. The drug must be used once a day.

Homemade masks based on zinc ointment

Home remedies made with zinc paste will help you achieve positive results, improve the appearance of your skin and eliminate wrinkles. The most popular of them are the following:

Homemade mask. To prepare it, you need to thoroughly mix the main component and any fatty cream in equal proportions. Apply the resulting homogeneous mass to the face in a thick layer, rinse off after twenty minutes. The procedure should be carried out no more than once during the day.

Clay mask. To prepare, you need to mix the blue clay, the main ingredient and the yolk of a chicken egg until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Take the components in equal proportions. Apply the finished product to pre-steamed facial skin, rinse after thirty minutes.

These homemade masks will help you quickly give your face a rested and fresh look, making your skin smoother and softer.

Contraindications, possible negative consequences, precautions

Zinc ointment is considered a hypoallergenic drug, but the possibility of allergies cannot be completely ruled out. Therefore, before using it, be sure to conduct an appropriate test by applying a small amount of the product to the crook of your elbow or the inside of your wrist. If a negative reaction to the drug in the form of itching, burning, rash, swelling, redness appears, it occurs within 20–30 minutes. Accordingly, you won’t have to wait long for an answer to the question of whether zinc ointment can be used for facial care.

An allergic reaction to zinc oxide is rare, but not impossible.

The drug does not penetrate into the blood and acts only in the superficial layers of the skin. Therefore, zinc ointment is safe for pregnant and lactating women. In some cases, it is also prescribed to infants.

The only contraindication, besides individual intolerance to the drug, is very dry and thin skin, prone to peeling and irritation. You cannot use the ointment in its pure form on it.

Anti-aging masks and creams with zinc ointment

Mask with zinc ointment for normal to oily skin

This nourishing facial mask also has healing properties. In addition, clay in combination with zinc brightens the skin and removes excess fat.

Composition and application

  • Zinc oxide (zinc paste) – 3 g
  • White clay – 10 g
  • Talc – 5 g

Mix clay and talc and dilute with boiled water to the consistency of sour cream. Then add zinc paste and mix thoroughly again. Apply the mask in a thin layer to your face, avoiding the area around the eyes and mouth, and leave for 10-15 minutes. Then soak the mask slightly by applying a wet towel to your face and remove with a wet cotton swab or napkin. Rinse your face with cool water or a weak infusion of tea.

Zinc ointment mask for oily skin

To heal and rejuvenate oily skin, you can use zinc ointment in its pure form, applying it in a thin layer to the face. But we suggest trying a mask recipe that will help tighten pores even more effectively, remove oily shine and give your face a matte appearance. Boric Vaseline and corn oil will help with this.

Composition and application

  • Zinc ointment – ​​1 part
  • Boric Vaseline – 1 part
  • Corn oil – 1 part

To prepare the mask, take equal doses of all 3 ingredients and mix well. Apply the mixture to your face and leave for 20 minutes. Then remove the residue from the skin with a cotton swab dipped in water. Rinse your face with chamomile infusion.

Cream with zinc ointment and spermaceti

If you have normal facial skin, you can prepare a homemade cream. It contains spermaceti and zinc ointment. Spermaceti is a substance that is prepared from whale oil and it nourishes the skin well and fights aging; together with zinc ointment, this effect is enhanced.

Composition and application

  • Natural spermaceti – 8 g
  • Zinc ointment – ​​20 g

Place a piece of spermaceti in a container and melt it in a water bath. Remove from heat and after a couple of minutes add a tube of ointment. Stir thoroughly until a thick, very oily consistency is formed. This is a homemade cream that needs to be applied to the face, neck and décolleté in a thin layer and left to absorb for 2-3 hours. Remove the remaining cream with a dry cloth. Store the cream in a cool, dry place.

Cream for dry skin based on zinc ointment

In this recipe, use “Spermaceti” cream as a basis, which will replace natural spermaceti; you will need 1 tube. Additionally, olive or almond oil will enhance the rejuvenating, nourishing and moisturizing properties of the cream.

Composition and application

  • Zinc ointment – ​​1 tube
  • Cream “Spermaceti” – 1 tube
  • Vegetable or cosmetic oil – 1 teaspoon

Mix the ointment, zinc and oil thoroughly until you obtain a homogeneous creamy paste. Apply the homemade cream to your face for 1 hour and then blot off any unabsorbed residue with a napkin.

Cream for skin prone to dryness

A cream made from zinc paste, “Lanolin” cream and glycerin has good moisturizing, nourishing and rejuvenating properties. All these substances fight wrinkles and photoaging of the skin. Glycerin helps retain moisture inside the skin, so the skin feels noticeably fresher after using the cream.

Composition and application

  • Zinc paste – 10 g
  • Cream “Lanolin” – 20 g
  • Cosmetic glycerin – 10 g

Mix all the ingredients of the cream thoroughly until creamy. Place in a clean glass jar, seal tightly and store in a cool, dry place. Apply the cream to your face and neck for 1 hour. Remove the remaining cream from the face with a napkin.

Watch a video about the brightening effect of zinc oxide on facial skin:

Reviews about the product

There is zinc ointment, and there is salicylic-zinc ointment. The latter dries out pimples well and is prescribed for problem skin. And zinc ointment is greasy, it’s really good for lubricating dry areas of skin, chapped lips, hands, it heals wounds on the lips. I speak with full responsibility, because I myself use this ointment from time to time.


Zinc ointment is a very good remedy for acne, acne, bruises, bruises, mosquito bites, and so on. I use it myself. It even smoothes out wrinkles and does not dry out the skin at all, but on the contrary...


After reading your advice, I tried applying zinc ointment to my face. And for sure: it whitens and smoothes wrinkles, and also relieves minor irritations and inflammations!


The teacher told us about zinc ointment at school when we were pimply teenagers. Available in the form of a white paste. I applied it to each pimple with a cotton swab. She dries them. I apply it at home at night. Everything gets dirty - yes. Is it possible for the whole face? I don’t know about that.

La George

The product is good. It clears up acne relatively quickly, the only problem is that it dries out the skin a lot. Therefore, I used it in combination with Metrogil. It soothes irritated areas and removes excess dryness. As a result, in a couple of weeks I cleared my skin completely, I didn’t even believe the effect. Now I use zinc ointment to eliminate accidentally occurring inflammations, plus I treat skin wounds with it and even dry out colds on my lips. In general, this product has taken quite an honorable place in my home medicine cabinet. And if you consider that it costs no more than forty rubles, then it is clear that I am very happy with my discovery. By the way, my sister treated my nephew’s diaper rash with zinc ointment, and it helped a lot.


Zinc ointment in my first aid kit is a necessary and irreplaceable thing for me. Moreover, it’s also cheap, I bought it for 30 rubles. I use it if acne suddenly appears on my face, which under the influence of this product dries out quite quickly and disappears. But this is not the only thing that zinc ointment is good for me. To my great surprise, it helps perfectly with dry and flaky lips. I realized this absolutely by accident - it so happened that my lips were very chapped and chapped, and practically nothing helped. And here, probably out of despair, I decided to lubricate my lips with this product at night. And the next morning, some of the cracks healed, and it immediately became clear to me that the ointment was really effective for this too. This ointment is white in color, odorless, and has the consistency of a rich cream. And I almost forgot to say - it can leave marks on clothes or linen, so be careful.


My aunt recommended this ointment to me when I was a teenager, when she looked at my face and was horrified by the huge number of acne. I wiped them with lotions, used creams, but they did not go away, and she suggested a simple pharmaceutical remedy for my youthful problems. I bought an inexpensive ointment and began to lubricate my face before going to bed. This product is very thick and takes a long time to absorb. I had to rub it into the skin for a long time, but I still found greasy stains from the ointment on my pillow in the morning. It dries out not only inflammation, but also the skin. If you smear it often, the skin will peel off a little. Despite such troubles, I continued to smear my face, and after a few days it really became cleaner, and I wasn’t the only one who noticed this. Since then, zinc ointment has always been on my shelf, because in critical situations it quickly deals with unpleasant pimples.

Nadezhda Ovchinnik

Zinc is a very important microelement for maintaining youthful skin. Zinc ointment, if used not exactly as intended, helps to quickly get rid of acne, inflammation, and other problems typical of oily skin. It visually rejuvenates the face, evening out its color and texture. Since this is initially a drug, before you “prescribe” it to yourself, consult your doctor about the possibility of using the ointment, the duration of the course and how to use the drug correctly.

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Composition of zinc ointment

This thick white product contains zinc oxide and petroleum jelly as a base. Their ratio is approximately 1:10. Zinc regenerates tissue, synthesizes insulin, promotes the formation of red blood cells and good brain activity.

In addition to zinc and petroleum jelly itself, manufacturers add the following:

  • For smell - menthol;
  • For softening - lanolin, dimethicone;
  • For saturation with vitamins – fish oil;
  • Parabens are used as preservatives.

Due to its composition, zinc ointment has a beneficial effect on the skin. How does zinc ointment work, having a similar composition:

  • Heals;
  • Protects the skin in every possible way from harmful sun exposure, preventing burns and promoting an even distribution of tan;
  • Absorbs;
  • What zinc ointment is most often used for is to disinfect and relieve inflammation;
  • The product perfectly softens and smoothes the skin;
  • Forms a film coating on the skin that protects against irritation;
  • Zinc ointment is actively used in reducing exudate - the liquid produced by inflamed cells.

What else is zinc good for the skin?

Zinc deficiency is extremely common among acne sufferers.

It helps not only with severe inflammation of the skin, but also promotes the speedy healing of wounds, strengthens hair and nails

One important risk factor for zinc deficiency is an unhealthy grain-based diet.

You probably think that bread, pasta and similar foods contain high amounts of zinc.

Perhaps so, but along with it these products contain phytic acid, which does not allow the body to normally absorb zinc, iron, potassium, magnesium and calcium.

Don't be tempted by these grain products often. They are certainly useful, but constant diets on grains will not benefit the body. And even if you consume enough zinc, the body will not be able to absorb it into the bloodstream.

If you are not deficient in zinc, you should still consider getting more of it; this will give you additional acne benefits such as faster wound healing.

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