“Beauty is beauty, but life is life.” Who does plastic surgery in Belgorod?

What are the recommended criteria for choosing a clinic for blepharoplasty?

Experts in the field of modern plastic surgery recommend paying attention to several main factors.

  • Do the clinic’s plastic surgeons have the necessary qualifications to perform blepharoplasty (laser, transconjunctival, circular). It is important to clarify what kind of education the doctors have received, what additional advanced training courses they have completed in the field of blepharoplasty: the website of the clinic-plastic surgery center should contain copies of documents that confirm the doctor’s experience and education.
  • A medical center that offers classical blepharoplasty or more modern methods of correction of the area around the eyes must have a license to conduct medical activities.
  • Does the plastic surgery center have the necessary equipment to perform blepharoplasty and facial rejuvenation procedures, and how modern is it? The presence of accompanying equipment, which may be required during the rehabilitation period after a plastic surgeon has performed circumferential blepharoplasty, laser or transconjunctival correction of the orbital region, also plays a role.
  • It is worth ensuring that the clinic has means and devices for resuscitation: in case of unforeseen complications when performing blepharoplasty.
  • It matters whether the aesthetic surgery clinic can be examined before the procedure, take the necessary tests, and whether it is possible to stay in the ward after blepharoplasty and facial rejuvenation, if necessary.
  • Where is the plastic surgery center located, how convenient is it to get to the clinic, because you will have to come for a consultation with the doctor who performed the medical procedure more than once.
  • The cost of services from medical center specialists, including laser blepharoplasty, circular facelift and other rejuvenation procedures.
  • Reviews from patients about how the clinic’s plastic surgeons perform blepharoplasty: they can be viewed on the medical center’s website or other resources on the Internet. Feedback from people you know personally is especially valuable.
  • The design of the clinic and the state of its environment. If the interior of a medical institution is in a deplorable state, this indicates a low demand for its services, which may indicate an insufficiently high level of qualifications of specialists and the low popularity of the clinic. In cases where the furnishings are too expensive and do not harmonize with the medical purpose of the institution, it is worth considering that you will have to pay for such luxury - the prices for blepharoplasty in such a center will be significantly higher than the market average.
  • Finally, you will have to decide in which medical center - public or private - you prefer to undergo circumferential eyelid lift procedures. In the first case, insurance in case of complications is rarely provided; in the second, as a rule, the company management insures its liability and compensates clients for costs if a good aesthetic result after laser transconjunctival blepharoplasty was not achieved. It is recommended to check whether insurance is provided at a particular plastic surgery medical center.

Regardless of where blepharoplasty is performed, in each aesthetic surgery clinic the patient and the medical center sign a formal agreement for the provision of medical services.


The cost of the procedure is from 44,000 ₽.

Blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery (from blepharon, in Greek - “eyelid”) is a plastic surgery to remove excess skin and fatty tissue from the upper or lower eyelid and, in some cases, strengthen their muscle tone.
Thanks to blepharoplasty, you can get rid of bags and swelling under the eyes, some types of wrinkles, and also cope with such an unpleasant disease as ptosis (drooping of one or both upper eyelids). You can lift the corners of your eyes, eliminate asymmetry, and remove excess skin on the lower and upper eyelids.

During the procedure, incisions are made in the natural crease of the upper eyelid and just below the lash line on the lower eyelid. Next, excess fat and skin are removed, after which the incisions are closed with microsurgical sutures.


  • Ptosis (drooping) of the upper eyelid
  • Excess skin of the upper or lower eyelids
  • Excess fat under the eyes, fatty hernias
  • An eye shape that interferes with normal vision (however, if the patient is simply not satisfied with the natural shape of the eyes, this is also a reason to consult a surgeon)
  • Bags under the eyes
  • Eye asymmetry
  • Ectropion (eversion of the ciliary margin)
  • Damage to eyelid skin due to trauma and birth defects


  • Acute or chronic diseases in the acute stage
  • Myopathy (chronic progressive neuromuscular diseases characterized by primary muscle damage)
  • Oncological diseases
  • Diabetes
  • High intracranial pressure
  • Bleeding disorders
  • Severe anemia
  • Arterial hypertension
  • Recovery period after any eye surgery
  • Keratitis or blepharitis
  • Infectious lesions of the cornea
  • For women - the period of the menstrual cycle

Time of operation

The operation lasts 2-3 hours.


General / local

Primary rehabilitation (sutures, swelling, hospital)

Inpatient: 1 day / 1 hour

Removal of sutures: 7-10 days

Swelling: 10-14 days (on average), in rare cases up to a month

Primary result after one month

Complete rehabilitation

You can fully evaluate the results of the procedure after 3-4 months

Limitations of the rehabilitation period

In the first 2 days after surgery:

  • Limit work behind the monitor
  • Do not lift weights up to 5 kg
  • Don't bend over
  • It is not recommended to drive

Over the next 2 weeks the following are prohibited:

  • Any strength training
  • Visiting saunas, baths, swimming pools
  • Sleeping with your face in the pillow

Rehabilitation procedures

Iontophoresis and microcurrent lifting, lymphatic drainage massage, mesotherapy, biorevitalization, plasma therapy.

In Europe or in Moscow?

Patients often wonder where it is better to have blepharoplasty: in Moscow or one of the European countries?

Europe is very close, so going to a foreign clinic is quite easy. In addition, European medical centers strive to use the latest equipment for surgical and non-surgical blepharoplasty. The cost of an eyelid lift varies significantly and directly depends on the status and popularity of the clinic, as well as on the method used. As a rule, you will have to pay for the initial appointment with a plastic surgeon, pay for the materials and medications used, as well as the aesthetic medicine procedure itself. It is also worth considering accommodation costs and possible expenses during the rehabilitation period for additional procedures. Plus tickets for the road: you will have to come more than once.

In Moscow, the cost of blepharoplasty without surgery also varies widely - from 25 to 150 thousand rubles per course, usually consisting of several sessions at intervals of one month. The price in Moscow depends on the volume of work, the degree of its complexity, the level of technical equipment of the clinic and the service that it offers. Moreover, if you live in Moscow, you do not need to pay for travel to another country and accommodation in it, which significantly reduces the costs of circular blepharoplasty, plastic surgery of only the lower or upper eyelids, and non-surgical procedures.

If we evaluate all financial costs, surgical correction of the eyelids is much cheaper in Moscow than in Europe. However, the question of the quality of plastic surgery remains.

Otoplasty surgery

OP 3.02.2011

February 03, 2011
Today I decided to do the OP! I came home a few hours ago. So far I feel great, no pain. I was generally not happy with just my ear, but the doctor. stubbornly insisted on 2x, said that he had already learned from such results that patients then did not like that the ears were different. He wanted to send me home, but I still decided on 2, although I would be glad to have one. The operation took place in excitement, lasted 1.5 hours, it seemed to me that it was 40 minutes..)))

04 February 2011

I, too, had everyone against surgery! My friends didn’t seem to dissuade me, my cousin supported me and said go ahead! If it bothers you! and Friends of the parents and the parents themselves, my husband... They asked me such an interesting question - “Why do you need it?, you can’t see anything under your hair?” It was absolutely killing me!!! I explain to them that I want to tie my ponytails, that in the summer I feel hot (I have long hair), and at sea, before going into the water, I tried to cover my ears with hair, so that after my head got wet, they wouldn’t stick out from under my hair, that I want to go to work with a well-groomed head, not a shaggy one. But they all looked at me in surprise..., they didn’t want to understand at all. My friend (my friend’s mother-in-law) actually started to scare me, saying, it’s dangerous, you have a child, you never know!!, who are you going to leave your daughter with! You’re selfish!! ..I just laughed when I listened to this))) My friend supported me 100 percent, who herself has protruding ears) she went with me to the OP. This is the second day, and I can’t believe that I got rid of that ear that was sticking out (they did 2 of them for me, of course, but I didn’t want it, one thing didn’t suit me)... I still can’t wait until I see and understand! that it is true.!

05 February 2011

Today is my 3rd day, and I began to notice some strange sensations, as if water was flowing out of my ears, something like when you swim in a pool and the water gets in, and then flows out... I’m sitting, I can’t see anything. , since everything is clogged with cotton wool, I called the doctor, he says he has no idea what it is, should I go to him tomorrow to check something? And since one ear was sticking out, but they did an operation on me for 2, then what was sticking out, this is the feeling If you remove the bandage, it will straighten out. somehow it’s not comfortable for him in such a folded position... I’m afraid it’s terrible (((and the second one doesn’t even hurt anymore...

07 February 2011


08 February 2011

Today, I’m also itching like crazy inside) since you and I have an operation on the same day and have the same symptoms) that means it should be so)… but nothing hurts… I.. will only have the tight bandage removed for you on Thursday??? for a long time, they told me on Thursday that I would be allowed to wash my hair))) yay!)))

10 February 2011

Today I was examined, the nurse said to walk in a bandage for 21 days from the moment of the operation, horror... the doctor somehow ran away quickly and I didn’t have time to ask anything, why it took so long

Today I looked at my ears thoroughly, and showed them to others, in general, they pressed them specifically on me, which I don’t like, ..... they are blue, the swelling is very strong, antihelix.. I hope the ears will go away at least a little

Yes, I wanted one, but he refused me... he said there were already people like him, he did one for them, and then they came and said they had different ears... it was easier for him to do 2, he completely refused me about one, so I decided on 2 ..and what was left..later I’ll post the Before and After photos (now there’s just nothing to even look at, just a bruise......one ear suited me quite well, I didn’t want to touch it..and now I generally feel like a “goblin”)))) no ears)))) damn it stuck))

11 February 2011

That's great! when you look at yourself as a “normal” person ::) I’m so happy! Today I looked at myself, in general, I’m in love with my ears) even if they are very stuck on))) but they don’t stick out) ;) I want to show them again and again))

my ears are 8 days old, of course there’s nothing to look at) but still the result is obvious... my ears are dirty, still covered in iodine)) I’m afraid to touch them again

I'm happy with how they are now! -the same!!!!! but I don’t even look at the difference in cartilage... who wants to compare? so let's not find fault with YOUR NEW EARS!

February 14, 2011 Tell me, when will ear sensitivity return? I don’t like this numb feeling at all, the feeling that they are becoming nastier and nastier.. in terms of the fact that when I touch them.. horror.. ugh.. if they’re not mine..

18 February 2011

Today my ears are 15 days old... the blue has finally gone away, but I still haven’t washed my ears)))) I’m picking and picking, I don’t understand anything, there are some kind of crusts..... today I’ll make my husband clean them for me ;) otherwise I can’t see it myself , what am I picking there!! ..that's what happened!!!! …..the asymmetry is a little visible (the tip of the left one moves away a little more than the right one) but I’m happy, in principle I don’t find fault

Side view

It hurts more because the ear was sticking out (apparently the excess cartilage was removed there), so the pain is stronger, but what was normal was somehow normal

Yes, my neck hurt!!!, as if it was blown out on one side, I was even twisted to one side, I couldn’t turn my head, and a day later a bruise appeared up to my chest. , and a day later the pain stopped, but the bruise is still there... until now

Not a very attentive doctor, but at least he does it normally) I also don’t like that he doesn’t look closely and doesn’t really tell anything, I went to a private clinic before him, and he described everything to me down to the last detail, even the essence of the operation, but he only one ear costs 15, I didn’t have such an opportunity, I went to Ledovsky, so he, without really explaining anything, told me to do 2 ears and that’s it………in 3 weeks I’ll go anyway, let him look)))

19 February 2011

It’s only been 16 days for me, I’m ready to raise them, my ears are already normal, but unfortunately I have to wear the bandage until 24 (((I want to take it off earlier, on Sunday

22 February 2011

the left one is moving away more and more ((damn, what should I do? :-[they were kind of the same, now they’re completely different

the tip of the left one is very far away(((

the main thing is that the left one hasn’t come off yet)) otherwise I’ll have a LOP EAR again ((maybe it’s better than the right one, but I doubt it... when he had the operation, he says the cartilage on the left ear is thinner, maybe that’s why it came off

18 March 2011

Well, exactly 1.5 months have passed... and what happened to my ears, one thing is completely gone(((((((I don’t know what the hell to do, I’m in a panic(((((((

After the last dressing I didn’t change it again, I deliberately waited longer to see the result. I'm afraid he'll say that everything is fine with me((((((

Damn I'm upset, terrible (((

In general, my expectations regarding the doctor’s answer were justified!!!((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((. I I started to tell him about lifting the tips of the ears... he replied that the antihelix had already been formed and there was nowhere to form it further... everything he could do, he did. It’s all strange when here on the forum everyone is talking about lifting the tips, that means it’s real, why is he stubborn? I don’t know(((I say, well, tighten it up for me with skin! He replied, the skin will part and it will be the same...

Damn, it’s a pity to give money for such a result! I’m stressed out by the different ends, and what’s the point that I did the OPI that I won’t wear tails... he answered me - This is already a complex! I prove to him that when I took off the bandage after 3 weeks, there was also a small difference, but it didn’t bother me, and yesterday I looked in the mirror. I was just horrified! …. he said go for 4 months, maybe it will change, but he didn’t promise to do anything to me (((

2 months later

30 April 2011

Well, 3 months have passed, this is my result, ((((I was hoping that the second one would go away, but alas...

Damn, the most offensive thing is that he doesn’t promise me anything, or rather, he says that nothing can be done at all:'[

mine will be 3 months in 3 days, well, I’m looking at the photo, and my eyes and eyebrows are different))))) I just noticed)) damn, well, my ears have been operated on, I want a positive result!...by the way, when to look at the ears from the top , in general, the difference is very noticeable: '[for example, when I look in a car in a mirror that is covered in this crap from the sun (I forgot what it’s called)) the gap is very visible (((((

15 April 2012

Well, here I am again, I thought it was all over, it was all over, but it wasn’t (((((((after 1 year and 3 months my ear came off (I did both, but I didn’t like one thing, the doctor did 2 for asymmetry), no in the same position as it was before the OP, but it’s still visible quite clearly (the ear became soft, apparently that’s why it stopped holding its shape. The top came off. I went to the doctor several times, even 3 months ago, the ears were different anyway, but I’m already like then I resigned myself. thinking... that it was still not the same as before, the difference was not noticeable to those around me. So 3 months ago he looked and said: there’s nowhere to even bend it, so just go like this! and this morning I was horrified when I lifted my hair up ( ((((((ears are different((((((((

Tomorrow or the other day I’ll go to the doctor and see what he says about it. It’s a terrible shame((((For the sake of symmetry, he convinced me to do both, although the second one completely suited me. And what happens here is that I overpaid the money, suffered through it, but there’s no point((((

After OP, after 3 months it went away a little, but I decided not to pay attention, I thought it was still better than it was. Initially, one ear stuck out, but the doctor made 2. And this morning, yes, I get up and see that my ear is actually sticking out. Something sharp.((((I don’t really understand the reason, it didn’t catch me, I like to sleep on it, maybe that had an effect( I also sleep on curlers at night, just that night I slept, maybe I caught it somehow. Although I try to sleep on my side on my arm. I don’t really understand what’s wrong, nothing hurts.

16 April 2012

I saw the doctor today. He said: The thread inside has broken. I asked in surprise: THREAD?, he - yes, of course, she is holding her ear, she broke off. He will do the correction for free, I only need to do the tests. I’ll do it for 2 weeks while it’s not too hot. Eh, I don’t want to go through all this pain again (((

Not even “BROKEN.” (I remembered the phrase) “CUT” the thread........ I don’t know how it is....., during the OP I’ll ask him. Do we really need to protect our ears now and not hurt them under any circumstances?

26 April 2012

I made a correction today. The doctor's version about the CUT THREAD turned out to be erroneous. He himself was surprised when he saw that all the threads were in place. He never stated the reason for the ear detachment. He says that you are the first one in our country that the ear would come off within a year, usually either it comes off immediately after wearing the bandage, or after an injury the threads break, but you have no reason whatsoever. He says: “If it comes off this time... we’ll glue it in place or sew it on with nails.” Well, it looks like they sewed it on more tightly. So we’ll see how it goes in a year.. Of course, it’s a shame to go through this again, when so much time has already passed: (I’m waiting for the evening and these terrible pains

10 May 2012

The second time, everything somehow went faster for me) I washed my hair on the 4th day) I treated it for another 4 days and then took off the bandage without waiting for 2 weeks and forgot to treat it, I just wear it and feel that the bandage is no longer useful. The ears are back to normal, this time the rehabilitation period somehow passed faster than the first, maybe because there is one, and not 2 like that time, today it’s exactly 2 weeks and the ear is the same as it was before the OP, without bruises and no longer hurts. I clean it with chopsticks as much as I can) but the first time I did it, I was afraid) I didn’t touch it for a month.

The story of patient “Regina89” was taken from the forum.

Where is laser blepharoplasty performed best?

European medical centers enjoy deserved popularity. They employ highly qualified plastic surgeons, because the requirements for the professionalism of doctors in European countries are very high, which is largely explained by the high cost of health insurance and services.

However, no less qualified and experienced plastic surgeons work in Moscow, who have every opportunity to master the latest techniques of modern plastic surgery in order to perform eyelid surgery successfully and achieve an excellent effect in correcting age-related changes and skin rejuvenation.

Where is blepharoplasty performed in Moscow with a guaranteed result?

Our plastic surgery clinic is one of the most famous in the capital. Our plastic surgeons perform not only circular eyelid surgery using the classical method, but also non-surgical laser blepharoplasty. The transconjunctival eyelid lift technique is used, in which incisions are made on the inside of the eyelids, so the consequences of the operation are completely invisible.

Contact the specialists of our aesthetic surgery medical center to make an appointment at a convenient time for a consultation with an experienced plastic surgeon M.A. Osin regarding laser, circular, transconjunctival or fat-sparing blepharoplasty.

The information on the site was personally verified by plastic surgeon Maxim Aleksandrovich Osin; if you have any additional questions, call the phone number listed on the site.

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