Alexa celebrates her 30th birthday: how the Ukrainian singer was disfigured by plastic surgery

How serious are the changes in Alexa's appearance before and after plastic surgery?
We are used to everything. Some stars are dissatisfied only with their breasts, others want a perfect nose and chin, and still others want bigger and more frequent surgeries! It's sad to see when a sweet girl with perfect voices can't stop choosing her own lips! It seems that in the case of the singer Alexa, you don’t have to guess, at least the girl had lip surgery at least 3 times.

Look carefully at the photos of Alexa from 2010, 2016 and 2022 - at first glance, 3 different girls will appear before you.

Biography of singer Alexa

Singer Alexa is one of the most prominent representatives of the Russian “Star Factory”.
Having taken part in the fourth season of the popular television show, the girl instantly won the hearts of all fans of the project and became one of its most famous “graduates.” Today Alexa is a self-sufficient singer who is actively working on writing new songs and preparing new tour programs. It is for this reason that our story today about the creative and life path of this Ukrainian beauty will certainly be of interest to many.

No longer a businesswoman

Things on the personal front for Alexa are currently going better than in business. In 2016, Chvikova began producing jewelry. It all started with the fact that the girl created several products based on her own sketches for herself, which her subscribers and acquaintances really liked. “Then I decided to do this for everyone. There were no analogues of my jewelry on the market. It was not so much my income as my pleasure,” the former “manufacturer” shared with PeopleTalk.

Article on the topic
Inveterate. Russian musicians who changed their profession However, last spring her brand ceased to exist: “The entire stock of jewelry remained with my business partner. Starting March 28, 2022, I have no control over production and, accordingly, cannot be held responsible for the quality of the product in the future.” From making jewelry, Alexa quickly switched to sports and now actively advertises her husband’s training and marathons, in which until recently she herself took an active part.

The early years, childhood and family of singer Alexa

Alexa, or rather Alexandra Chvikova, was born on September 4, 1988 in one of the largest cities in Ukraine - Donetsk. Her mother was a housewife, and her father Alexander Chvikov headed a successful Donetsk company that specialized in the production of wall blocks.

Singer Alexa had plastic surgery

It is worth noting that it was with her father that the girl was always especially close. The successful businessman literally doted on his daughter, and she always reciprocated his feelings. As noted in some sources, Alexa even chose her stage name in honor of her father. Thus, father and daughter always remained closely connected.


Some may sinfully think that all this is truly for the glory of Satan. In fact, this is, of course, an image. Anyone who talks to me for more than two minutes will understand that I am an adequate and kind person. All this blood, Satan and guts is for the sake of hype, for the sake of promo and for the sake of a group that should stand out from the rest of the groups. For example, when you go to a concert to listen to music, it’s one thing, but when you go to Rammstein, you go for the show and the buzz. This is exactly what I focus on: developing the image of the group. On the one hand, I grew up in an urban village, there were basically only rednecks and gopniks, and I was no different from them. I fell in love with aggressive music because there is something brutal in me.

It’s interesting that I haven’t had a single clash with Orthodox activists yet. I think they will soon start putting a spoke in my wheels. In general, I perceive them as religious fanatics and prefer not to enter into discussions with them. I would just avoid them. But in our country, where the Russian Orthodox Church erects churches wherever it pleases, this will not be easy.

I'm not really looking for hype on YouTube. I only cover what I like. For example, on 21 Pilots or Oksimiron. By the way, he wrote to me in a personal message, praised me, and said, “Dude, you ******* [great] yelled.” Respect from such people gives me motivation to develop and move on. Now I don't feel like some cool YouTuber who achieved his goal. I didn’t go for this, I did everything for the sake of music.

The group is something else. We have a clear plan. We are writing a new album. It is completely different from the previous one. I am now beginning to realize that we are gradually reaching a new level. And people really like it.

Singer Alexa in advertising

At the age of eleven, our today’s heroine began to actively get involved in creativity.
She wrote poetry, studied dancing and singing, and also learned to play the piano at one of the music schools in Donetsk. Around the same period, the girl began to appear among the participants in prestigious music competitions in her native Ukraine. She was successful, but, of course, she was still far from real popularity. With the active support of her father, some time later the girl managed to break into the modeling business. She took part in several advertising campaigns, and her face began to appear on billboards.

Alexa's first songs

In 2001, success in the modeling business was also accompanied by new successes in the music field.
During this period, the young (or rather, young) singer recorded her first single - the song “Air Kiss”, which very soon began to be heard on many radio stations in Ukraine. Soon, a video clip of the same name filmed for this composition began to be actively broadcast on music channels. Alexandra Chvikova - Alexa In the second half of 2001, with the financial support of her father, our today's heroine began working on recording her debut album, which was also called “Air Kiss”. Alexa's first album was released in Ukraine in 2001, but did not become particularly popular. Having plunged headlong into creative activity, the girl, however, did not forget about school and, in the end, passed all the exams as an external student. After this, Alexa was able to fully concentrate on her career.

In the mid-2000s, the girl went to Moscow, where she collaborated with Russian producers for some time. However, very soon a new opportunity loomed on the horizon, and our today’s heroine did not fail to take advantage of it.

“I stupidly wanted the same thing”

Four years ago, before I started making videos on YouTube, I changed many professions and factories: I worked as an assistant to the chief mechanic, as a design engineer, worked at foundry machines, and even managed to work as a salesman. But all this time I was engaged in extreme vocals.

He studied extreme vocal techniques from the age of 14. I did everything myself - I just turned on the “plywood” and trained. I learned to sing only from covers: I tried to portray facial expressions and emotions. I was particularly influenced by Suicide Silence and Bring Me The Horizon - my favorite bands at that time. It was because of them that I took up heavy music. I remember when I heard them, I stupidly wanted to do the same thing - I sang their songs, but I did it only for myself.

Then, naturally, I already had my own gang, by the way, not the first. However, unlike me, the guys didn’t really strive for any kind of fame. This is what really motivated me, and I decided to try myself on YouTube - I started recording covers and publishing them in the hope that some progressive musicians would notice me. Looking ahead, I will say that this is what ultimately happened.

I didn’t invest in advertising. I had nothing at all, only 500 friends on VKontakte. As luck would have it, I posted a cover of the track Unanswered by Suicide Silence on the page, and it immediately got a thousand likes. I even saw it on Pikabu - I didn’t understand how, but I got my own fan base. This was probably the turning point.

I became more active in making videos on YouTube. Among them were covers of both heavy bands like Slipknot and pop ones like Imagine Dragons - my friend really asked me to “yell” a cover of them. I didn’t even know what kind of team they were, and I couldn’t imagine that the video would get more than 800 thousand views.

Singer Alexa's career, Star Factory

In 2004, Alexandra Chvikova appeared at the casting of the popular project “Star Factory-4” and eventually successfully passed the competitive selection.
But unexpectedly for everyone, getting on this television show turned out to be a very difficult test for Alexa. Already at the very beginning of the project, the girl began to feel depressed. She began to ask the producers of the TV show to let her go home to Donetsk, but they, after some deliberation, still refused to the sixteen-year-old singer. Timati feat Alexa - When you're near The situation began to improve somewhat only after a young girl began an affair with rapper Timati on the project. This relationship allowed the young beauty to find some balance in her soul and find the strength to participate in a television music show. Ultimately, Alexa reached the finals, performing in two nominations the compositions “Moonpath” (a remake of Alsou’s song) and “Where are you,” which later became her main hit. The participant's ratings before the final were quite high, however, despite being among the finalists, the girl still could not make it to the number of prize-winners.

Despite this unfortunate failure, Alexa entered into a lucrative contract with producer Igor Krutoy, who subsequently “supervised” the young singer for a long time. However, this cooperation also had a downside. In the mid-2000s, riding a wave of success, the girl suddenly disappeared from all television channels. The reason for this is believed to be a conflict between the producer of Channel One (Russia) and the composer Igor Krutoy.

Alexa was able to regain the attention of the public only in 2007, when she, together with her boyfriend Timati, recorded the song “When You Are Near,” which subsequently played on music channels for a long time.

Several times there were rumors in the press that singer Alexa was pregnant

Subsequently, the singer began collaborating with producer Yana Rudkovskaya, but some time later she decided to bind herself to contractual obligations with another manager, Alexander Seltsov. However, her father always remained the main mentor and adviser for the singer. With his support, the girl recorded two albums - “My Vendetta” (2007) and “Imaginary World” (2011), and also released several new music videos.


Then, having had her fill of Russian show business, Alexandra returned to her native Donetsk. After Moscow, the city was already too small for her, and she didn’t want to return to Russia, so the choice fell on Kyiv. Apparently, due to some idleness and depression, she began to experiment with her appearance.

The changes started from the lips. At the end of the 2000s, when she had already faded into oblivion as an artist, photos of her with heavily inflated lips began to appear. Back then, big lips were a big trend. But the singer clearly overdid it, and instead of sensually plump, her lips became cartoonishly large. Over time, the fashion for such lips passed, and she realized that she already looked completely comical. The girl went to the doctor to restore her lips to their previous appearance.

But, as they say, you become addicted to plastic. Her next operation was rhinoplasty. Alexa thought that she had an unattractive hump on her nose and was unhappy with the wide tip of her nose. This operation was already more successful, since her nose was made neater. But her native, however, did not spoil her, but made her younger and more perky.

Judging by how significantly Alexa has changed (before and after plastic surgery), experiments with her do not stop to this day, and she achieved the ideal shape of her nose through more than one operation.

In addition to rhinoplasty and lip augmentation, you can see many Botox injections and various sculpting fillers on her face.

Personal life of singer Alexa

While still at the Star Factory, the girl began an affair with the singer Timati, but after the end of the project, the relationship between the young people quickly went wrong.
In 2006, the celebrities finally broke up. Subsequently, there were reports in the press that Alexa was allegedly dating a young performer Andrei Popov (known under the pseudonym Lil Pop), but very soon the news about this affair was actually refuted by new news from the singer’s personal life. This time, photos of Alexa in the company of Kyiv programmer Vlad Tislenko leaked to the network. Today he is considered the singer’s new boyfriend.

Third Party Income

I decided to launch my own original masks, came up with an idea, drew a sketch as best I could, and sent it to the masters in Sochi. They did everything for eight thousand rubles. I received the order, put it on my head and went to record covers. The audience liked the mask, the guys and I set a price of four thousand rubles apiece and launched mass production. Later I found cheaper craftsmen and now I have a mower for each mask - we have already sold more than a thousand of them.

What really shocks me is that fans have started getting tattoos of this mask. I can’t even adequately respond to this, I can’t understand how to perceive it. I would never in my life have thought that this would happen to me. But if my listeners like the music so much that they pin my symbols on themselves, that’s cool.

Photo published by @alexterribleofficial

Even before, I taught extreme vocals via Skype, but it didn’t work out very well - I’m a bad teacher. I just needed money back then. Now I have recorded several video lessons that are sold by partners. To be honest, I don’t even know their cost: something like 666 rubles. The second package will be more expensive.

I’m also interested in streaming - I sit and play Counter-Strike. In general, I’m a big fan of CS—I’ve been into the subject since I was 6 years old. We hack together with a friend and during the game we start a broadcast so that people can see us and communicate with us. They see the real us, and they seem to like it. They even donate money: some 50, some 100 rubles. But I can’t get them out - I don’t know how. I just like to play, have fun and communicate with the audience.

My main business, besides the group, is RUSSIAN HATE PROJECT, which, in fact, spends most of my income. The fact is that my channel already has more than 140 thousand subscribers: it’s no good, having such a large audience, to sit on a chair and just yell at the camera. People are waiting for other content, and I try to do something for them to the best of my ability. Every day I try to record covers, at least for myself. A friend from Chelyabinsk helps me with filming; he records all the videos and, in fact, edits them. Moreover, it was he who made all the videos for Slaughter to Prevail.

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