Jessner peeling at home: how to do it and what effect can be achieved

No matter how much we support alternative medicine, drugs synthesized by the chemical industry are more successful in treating skin diseases. After the Jessner chemical peel procedure, carried out at home, your skin will get rid of blackheads, acne, age spots and oily shine. Several sessions will make the skin color even, have a slight lifting effect and eliminate facial wrinkles. So, why not try a miracle cleanse? In this article, we will tell you how to do a Jessener peel at home to achieve positive results.

The essence of the procedure

Jessner peeling is the process of freeing the pores on the facial skin from keratinized scales and accumulated sebum using a specially developed preparation.

The procedure is characterized by a shallow, gentle effect on the epidermis, so cases of side effects are recorded extremely rarely.

The product used in cosmetology for Jessener peeling was originally developed as an after-shave balm.

US Navy ship's doctor Jessener developed a miracle formula that was designed to disinfect the skin from bacteria transmitted by tactile means. As a result, an “acid” cream was obtained, which has excellent antiseptic properties.

The essence of the Jessner peeling procedure is a step-by-step effect on the epidermis:

  1. Stage 1. Cleansing and stimulation of metabolism at the cellular level.
  2. Stage 2. Lifting effect and elimination of wrinkles.
  3. Stage 3. Eliminates serious wrinkles, age spots, acne and eliminates skin irregularities.

Attention! The number of stages directly depends on the problems that need to be resolved. This peeling is chemical. First, the skin is cleansed, then it is exposed to acids, after which they need to be neutralized.


Indications for the use of Hollywood facial peeling are as follows:

  • scars, scars and post-acne;
  • age and expression wrinkles;
  • decreased skin tone and turgor;
  • unhealthy complexion, unusual dullness and grayness;
  • enlarged and clogged pores;
  • skin is excessively oily, prone to acne and acne;
  • signs of early aging of the integument;
  • comedones, blackheads;
  • ingrown hair problem;
  • hyperkeratosis;
  • skin pigmentation of various types, including those caused by pregnancy;
  • freckles;
  • seborrheic dermatitis.

With Jessner peeling, you can refresh and heal the skin, and correct imperfections in the relief of the surface of the face. This can be done in a beauty salon or at home after a detailed study of the cleansing technique, and also in the absence of contraindications.

Peeling composition

Jessner peeling products include:

  • lactic acid, which fights age-related changes by activating the production of its own collagen fibers. The skin is also moisturized and the production of new, healthy cells is accelerated;
  • resorcinol. This component has an antibacterial effect on the epidermis. In addition, it provides a scrubbing effect, cleansing pores of impurities and dead skin scales, and also promotes deeper penetration of Jessner's product. Thanks to this component, pigment spots are removed and small expression wrinkles are eliminated;
  • salicylic acid. Removes sebum (subcutaneous fat), cleansing the skin of acne. It also does a good job of disinfecting the skin and relieving inflammatory processes.

Sometimes after peeling, peeling appears on the face. This process is completely normal. It signals that dead cells, thanks to lactic acid, begin to leave the epidermis. In addition, after several sessions, the skin on the face acquires an even color and slightly whitens.

Are there any contraindications?

Although the use of peeling is quite common today and even Hollywood stars use it (which is why it is also called Hollywood), this type of procedure is not suitable for everyone.

First of all, people with the following problems should pay attention to such cleaning:

  • acne and post-acne;
  • rosacea;
  • enlarged pores;
  • increased secretion of the sebaceous glands;
  • dark spots;
  • wrinkles;
  • scars, scars;
  • loss of tone;
  • black dots;
  • comedones;
  • freckles.

But cosmetologists recommend not to ignore contraindications for the procedure, ignoring which will not only not give the expected result, but can also worsen the condition of the skin and health. So, Jessner peeling is not suitable in the following cases:

  • allergies;
  • individual intolerance to at least one of the components included in the peeling;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin surface;
  • the presence of large moles, papillomas;
  • skin diseases;
  • burns;
  • vein blockages;
  • increased body temperature;
  • carrying out chemotherapy procedures;
  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • oncology;
  • diseases of the immune system.

Women with dark skin should be wary of this type of exfoliation. Since the effect of peeling is aimed, in particular, at whitening the skin. Therefore, before the procedure, you must consult with a cosmetologist. Frequent cleansing is also contraindicated for older people, since radical effects of active substances can lead to loss of turgor in weakened skin and the formation of a capillary network.

Indications for use

Jessener peeling at home is indicated for numerous skin problems. If the procedure is carried out correctly and the recommendations are followed during the rehabilitation period, you will be able to get rid of:

  • rosacea;
  • acne;
  • scars and stretch marks on the skin;
  • acne;
  • seborrhea;
  • age spots;
  • freckles;
  • facial wrinkles;
  • greasy shine;
  • enlarged pores;
  • excessive facial hair and ingrown hairs;
  • sagging skin;
  • uneven color.

Thus, a product based on lactic, salicylic acid and resorcinol is suitable for people of any age. The procedure is especially relevant in adolescence, when the sebaceous glands, under the influence of hormones, produce large amounts of sebum, as well as after the age of 35, when the skin loses its turgor and healthy color.

Jesser peeling can be performed for any skin type, in particular for combination and sensitive skin. The procedure is especially relevant for those with oily skin, because salicylic and lactic acids perfectly eliminate excessive amounts of fat on the surface of the skin and in the pores of the epidermis.

Jessner Peel

Jessner Peeling – Jessner Solution – is the first multi-acid chemical peeling in the history of cosmetology, invented a hundred years ago by Max Jessner, which remains relevant to this day.

American doctor Max Jessner worked on a submarine. The doctor needed to prepare an antiseptic for the sailors in order to provide protection against infections to the crew members during the voyage. Jessner decided to experiment and mixed several ingredients. The result is a unique product. The sailors' relatives were surprised to note that after a long voyage their faces were shining and seemed to have become younger. It turned out that the crew was using a product invented by Jessner as an aftershave lotion.

The composition of the peeling Jessner made a cocktail of alpha and beta hydroxy acids and a powerful antiseptic: - lactic acid - one of the softest AHA acids, has not only an exfoliating, but also a moisturizing effect; — salicylic acid — beta-hydroxy acid, a keratolytic with a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and sebum-regulating effect; — resorcinol is an antiseptic, suppresses the activity of pathogenic bacteria and minimizes the development of unwanted reactions.

This composition has a complex effect: by damaging the epidermis, it exfoliates cells, stimulates their renewal and rejuvenation. At the same time, it removes pigment spots, reduces the severity of wrinkles, and fights increased oiliness.


Jessner peeling is used to correct age-related changes and post-acne phenomena, for acne, and is also indicated for: - hyperpigmentation; - hyperkeratosis; - small superficial wrinkles; - photodamage to the skin; - post-inflammatory scars; - hypersebony skin.

Efficiency and benefits of the procedure

Thanks to its original acid composition, Jessner peeling combines the advantages of fruit and salicylic peelings: - has a rejuvenating effect; — increases the level of skin moisture; - regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands; - fights acne; - helps cleanse pores; — evens out the color and texture of the skin; — smooths out wrinkles; - restores radiance to the skin; - has a lifting effect.

Safety and the ability to control the degree of skin damage is one of the important advantages of this peel.

The Jessner Peel Difference

from other peelings is that the concentration and dosage are always the same, the depth of damage varies due to the number of applications. The procedure can be performed both on the face and on any areas of the body where correction is required.

Jessner peeling can be superficial, medium or deep.

Superficial - the most popular, prescribed for: - to lighten age spots caused by insolation; - for dull skin; - mild form of acne; - dehydration; - shallow scar formations.

1-2 applications are carried out during one session. Prescribed as a course or as a preparatory stage for TCA medium peeling.

Median corrects more serious defects, such as scars of various origins and severe hyperpigmentation. Involves applying 3-4 layers of peeling composition during one procedure.

Care and recovery after the procedure

The deeper the peeling, the longer the rehabilitation after it. After superficial exposure, the skin will peel slightly for an average of three days. Recovery from a mid-peel may take a week. In the middle case, crusts form on the face that cannot be touched; it takes time for them to go away on their own. There are also redness, slight swelling, and tightness of the skin.


- rosacea, eczema, psoriasis and other skin diseases; - herpes in the inflammation stage; - allergy to any of the components; - pregnancy and lactation period.

Who is this procedure suitable for?

Today, a huge number of superficial and medium peels are offered. There is no need to try to figure out which option is best for you. It is best to entrust the choice to a cosmetologist. After an examination and medical history, the cosmetologist will tell you which composition will be most effective for your body and suit your skin.

The doctor will also determine how many sessions are needed for optimal results. A course of 6-8 procedures with an interval of 10-14 days is often recommended.

Sign up for a consultation at to receive an individual appointment plan.

Rejuvenation and cleansing thanks to the Jessner peeling, beloved by many women, in Maryino.

Prices for the procedure: Jessner Peel

4000 ₽
Jessner Peel

4000 ₽

Jessner peeling is a type of chemical peeling that is highly effective and gentle. The solution applied to the surface of the skin stimulates the exfoliation of horn cells, resulting in a smooth, soft and healthy epidermis. Helps: • Effectively fights anti-aging changes; • Enhances the production of hyaluronic acid • Evens out skin texture; • Reducing the appearance of wrinkles; • Has a whitening, moisturizing and keratolytic effect; • Narrowing of pores; • Reduce and eliminate inflammation. Effectively fights against: • Photo and chronoaging; • Post-acne; • Uneven skin tone and hyperpigmentation; • Enlarged pores; • Oily skin. Smooth and beautiful skin.


  • Chemical peels -
  • Jessner Peel

Efficiency of the procedure

To achieve visible results, you will need to complete a course of 10 sessions with an interval of 10 days. After the procedure, slight peeling and the formation of a brown crust are possible. But after you go through all the therapy, you will have smooth, uniform skin, without pimples and blackheads. A pleasant bonus will be a slight lifting effect and the elimination of wrinkles.

Important to know: There are several types of peeling: superficial - to eliminate acne and rosacea, super-superficial, aimed at eliminating minor skin defects and a small number of pimples, and medium penetration, which is designed to eliminate scars and improve the regeneration of the epidermis. The type of peeling is selected depending on the problem.

It is believed that after a successful procedure, the positive effect is delayed for a period of 4–8 months. Some women note that medium peeling is an excellent alternative to surgery.

Consequences of peeling

Any exposure to acid to the skin involves tissue burns. If the situation gets out of the control of the peeling performer or he violates the technology of the procedure, the patient will face complications and unpleasant consequences.

All consequences of peeling can be divided into expected (predictable) and unexpected (complications).

The expected consequences of peeling are a normal reaction to the action of the chemical composition on the face. With proper skin care and compliance with all specialist recommendations, they will disappear without a trace during the rehabilitation period. Predicted consequences of chemical peeling include:

  • erythema or redness of the facial skin;
  • mild swelling of soft tissue in sensitive areas (under the eyes, around the mouth);
  • darkening of damaged areas;
  • peeling of the integument;
  • increased skin sensitivity to cold, heat, cosmetic products, weather conditions and solar ultraviolet radiation.

Post-peeling complications are an unexpected reaction of the skin to the procedure, a deterioration in its condition. Only a specialist can find a solution to the consequences that arise; self-medication can further complicate the problem and lead to residual marks on the face, even deformity.

If you notice changes on your face that are unusual for the procedure, contact a specialist immediately. Remember, timely assistance will speed up the resolution of the problem.

The most common complications after a Jessner peel include:

  • herpetic rashes on the face;
  • the appearance of pimples, acne and other manifestations of infection of the integument;
  • persistent erythema;
  • signs of an allergic reaction;
  • skin hyperpigmentation;
  • residual scars and scars after tearing off the film on the face.

Preparatory stage

No special preparation is required for the procedure. You only need to thoroughly cleanse your face of makeup using makeup remover cosmetics that you use regularly.

It is also recommended to apply a nourishing mask to the skin a few hours before the procedure, which will better prepare it for the effects of acids.

If you want the consequences of exposure to chemical components on the skin to be minimal, train your dermis: a week before the session, wipe your face with a weakly concentrated lotion containing fruit acids.

In beauty salons, the dermis is always degreased, that is, the remaining sebum is removed. Regular soap is not used for this purpose. A special product with an acidity pH of 4.5–5.5 is suitable. It is distributed over the entire surface of the face, wait 30 seconds, and then rinse with regular warm water.

How is peeling performed?

Peeling, advertised by Hollywood stars, can be carried out in the salon or at home, the steps are no different. Let's look at how the procedure is carried out in detail.

Preparing for exfoliation

Cosmetologists recommend a little preparation for the Jessner median peeling. To do this, 1–2 weeks before exfoliation, you need to apply special cosmetics containing a small percentage of fruit acids to your face 1–2 times a day. This will soften the stratum corneum and enhance the effectiveness of the further effects of Jessner’s composition. During this period, do not forget to use sunscreen cosmetics when going out into the sun.

If you do not have time to prepare, cosmetologists advise to initially carry out a light, superficial peeling, and after complete restoration of the skin, move on to a deeper effect.

Before cleaning, a test cleaning must be carried out. To do this, a little composition is distributed on the inner bend of the elbow, behind the ear or on the wrist. The appearance of itching, severe redness and pain indicates the impossibility of using this composition in the future.

Please note that on the day of peeling you should avoid using cosmetics and creams.

Direct peeling

The procedure for cleansing the integument of dead cells and layers, correcting existing imperfections in facial contours and eliminating other problems is carried out in the salon or at home and involves the following protocol of actions:

  1. Remnants of makeup, particles of dirt and sweat are removed from the face. In this case, special cosmetics with a pH level of 4.5–5.5 are used. There is no need to leave such cosmetics on your face for a long time. Massage your face for 30 seconds and rinse with warm water.
  2. Next, they begin to degrease the skin. In this case, alcohol or alcohol lotion is used.
  3. When the skin is cleansed and degreased, begin applying Jessner's composition. The layer should be uniform and thin. This is done in the direction of the forehead-chin, the area around the eyes, the lips are not touched. If you apply the product yourself, be careful not to get it on your eyes or ears.
  4. If, after applying the composition to the face, a burning sensation begins, a slight tingling sensation is an acceptable reaction. Once the product is removed from the surface, it will go away. A few minutes after application, white crystals begin to form on the face - this is an indicator of the active work of salicylic acid.
  5. The matte and whitish tint that appears on the skin symbolizes the active action of salicylic acid. After 6–10 minutes, the exfoliant is neutralized or another layer is applied (if medium peeling is performed). A total of up to 5 layers of acid are allowed. The more layers were applied, the deeper the impact and the stronger the post-peeling side effects. Please note that the recovery period is also lengthened.
  6. After removing the last layer, moisturizer and sunscreen are applied to the face.

In some beauty salons, the Jessner peel is not washed off; a soothing and moisturizing mask is applied over the peeling agent. In this case, the cosmetologist obliges the client to wash off the product after 4–8 hours (depending on the drug used) and apply a moisturizer, ointment with regenerating properties (Bepanten, Solcoseryl, Panthenol and others).

Attention! At home, it is not advisable to carry out deep cleansing; it is enough to apply 1–2 layers of the product. Otherwise, the situation threatens to get out of control, and you will face a severe chemical burn, dangerous with complications and unpleasant consequences.

Preparation and purchase of peeling products

The cost of Jesser's peeling product ranges from $50–70 per 100 ml. Special cosmetics from Mediderma are especially popular among manufacturing brands.

Options for ready-made solutions:

  • Onmacabim. This special Israeli-made product will help delicately treat the skin. 50 ml of the product will cost you 500 rubles.

  • Hydro-glycerin remedy from Mesoestetic. It contains salicylic, citric and lactic acid. It is forbidden to leave such a solution on the skin for more than 10 minutes. Neutralization takes place with special foams from the same manufacturer.

  • Jessner Solution Peel by Medpeel. The classic formula of cosmetics based on salicylic, lactic acid and resorcinol has an average effect on the epidermis. For superficial peeling, Fusion Peeling is offered.

  • JR by Enerpeel. The Italian manufacturer has developed powerful cosmetics for cleansing the face, which are applied for a maximum of 2-3 minutes. This cleaning can be done several times a year.

But why overpay for a well-promoted brand, because you can prepare a suspension yourself based on individual components purchased at the pharmacy.

Classic Blend:

  • 14% resorcinol;
  • 14% lactic acid;
  • 14% salicylic acid;
  • Jessener's solution (can be replaced with rose water or a herbal decoction).

If you plan to perform a deeper facial cleansing, then the percentage of lactic acid should be increased to 20%.

Useful tips

To avoid unpleasant consequences, protracted rehabilitation and deformity, before peeling, read the following advice from cosmetologists:

  1. Perform Jessner peeling in the fall and winter. At this time, solar activity is reduced, and there is less risk of skin infection from sweat.
  2. When choosing a clinic or beauty salon for exfoliation, approach it with the utmost responsibility. Study reviews about the selected institution, whether the staff has undergone special training, and how experienced the cosmetologist is in matters of chemical cleansing.
  3. Carefully study the methodology of the procedure, what indications the Jessner peel has, and possible consequences, in order to be prepared for all force majeure.
  4. Consult with a specialist about the advisability of the selected cleaning in your case. If a cosmetologist does not recommend that you carry out the procedure, ask why, as well as what is the best replacement.
  5. Do not try in every possible way to speed up rehabilitation; the cosmetologist has already taken care of this in his recommendations. You are only required to comply with them fully.

Looking perfect is the main dream of a woman at any age. With the Jessner peel, this desire has become easier to realize. Modern cosmetology has made the procedure accessible not only to world stars, but also to ordinary women. Don't miss the chance to look no worse than a Hollywood actress!

Based on materials from eksfoliaciya ru

Progress of the procedure

To apply the drug, use a swab, cotton pad or brush. First, the forehead and temples are treated, then they go down to the chin, finally going through the cheeks and nose. The area around the eyes is not affected, since there is very sensitive skin there. Upon completion of the procedure, the composition is neutralized with a special agent.

Do you want to achieve maximum effect? Then apply the product in 3-4 layers with an interval of 5 minutes. The third stage will relieve serious age-related changes, but is accompanied by the formation of a brown crust, which will disappear only after 1.5 weeks.

For velvety and smooth skin, apply the product in one layer. This stage may be characterized by slight redness, the formation of small white spots and peeling. For a more intense effect on the epidermis, use the following application of the product at intervals of five minutes. An event like this will help the components penetrate deeper. After such a session, there is a feeling of tightness of the dermis, burning and redness occurs. Very often a film appears that disappears after 5 days.

The standard exposure time for the composition on the skin is 5 minutes. Each applied layer must be observed. Rinse off immediately if you feel severe pain or burning.

Caution: Deep Jessner peeling should be carried out in a cosmetologist's office, because you need to strictly adhere to the correctness of the procedure and select the optimal skin care products in the post-procedure period. At home, superficial peeling in 1 layer or peeling in 2 layers is allowed.

Number and frequency of procedures

Jessner peeling is performed in courses. This allows you to achieve amazing, lasting results. How often peeling can be done and how many procedures will be required is determined only by a specialist. This takes into account the degree of the problem, the client’s age and the condition of his skin.

On average, the recommended course involves 5-6 peels for sensitive epidermis, 8-10 for oily and problematic skin. They are carried out at intervals of 3–5 weeks. At the first visit, the cosmetologist performs superficial cleansing (applies 1–2 layers), then the number of layers increases.

The duration of the results from cleaning varies. Ideal, tightened skin can last from 10 days to 6 months. A role in this is played not only by the manufacturer of the product, the skills of the cosmetologist, but also by further facial care and compliance with the specialist’s recommendations.

Healing period

You need to wash off the peeling product from your facial skin using special foams. In the absence of such, use plain water or herbal decoctions.

Of course, the effect of acids on the dermis affects its condition. To quickly remove unpleasant irritation, peeling and itching, you need to follow a number of post-procedure care tips.

After cleansing the skin, you should adhere to the following recommendations of the cosmetologist:

  • for the first 2 days it is forbidden to use creams, except moisturizers, and decorative cosmetics;
  • try to stay in the sun as little as possible for 2 weeks, and if you really need to go outside in the heat, apply a protective cream to your face;
  • Washing should be done with acidified water, and movements should be light and not injure the skin;
  • if a crust forms, do not peel it off;
  • Facial massage at first is taboo.

If you are carrying out the procedure at home, during the rehabilitation period it is advisable to use D-Panthenol, Inhibitor-ACTIVE, Post Pell cream with collagen, as well as sunscreen with a high level of protection - at least 30. To remove peeling after 3 days, use Shea butter , wax, panthenol or retinol, green tea extract.

For proper washing during the week after the procedure, add a tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice to regular boiled water. During the first 12 hours, it is generally contraindicated to wash your face to avoid infection. When drying your face with a towel, use light blotting movements (never actively rub the skin).

How quickly the skin recovers after the procedure depends on the degree of peeling performed and the stage of the course. Some people experience slight peeling after the first sessions, while others suffer from the formation of a crust on their face.

Important point: At the final stages of the course, do not apply the product in 3 layers, because too sensitive skin may not withstand strong exposure and become covered with ulcers and open wounds.

How to care for your face after a Jessner peel, day by day

The rehabilitation process for facial care after Jessner peeling involves a minimal set of procedures. The recovery period for the skin lasts a week.

  1. During the first 7 days, you should not go outside without a high-protection UV cream. Avoid saunas, steam baths, and solariums for a long time.
  2. In order for redness after Jessner peeling to go away faster, you need to give up spicy, salty foods and alcoholic drinks, which provoke an excessive rush of blood to the capillaries. The same thing happens in the case of physical activity, so the question of whether it is possible to play sports after peeling remains closed. Excessive sweating can cause itching, which will interfere with normal skin restoration.
  3. To wash your face, use warm water and perform this ritual only after 10 hours after visiting the salon. In the first hours, you need to take care of your facial skin with thermal water.
  4. During the first 14 days after Jessner peeling, it is not recommended to use creams based on organic acids and alcohol-containing components. The skin becomes susceptible to temperature changes.

On the second day after superficial peeling, dead skin appears as small scales and looks like snow flakes. Deep peeling is characterized by the appearance of large white spots. On the second day, the face is covered with a thin film, which begins to peel off after 4–5 days.

Precautionary measures

There is a list of contraindications under which Jessener peeling is prohibited. Among them:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • severe inflammatory processes on the skin of the face;
  • herpes in the acute stage;
  • elevated temperature;
  • a large number of warts;
  • fungal diseases of the skin;
  • diabetes;
  • epilepsy and mental disorders;
  • oncology;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • allergic reactions to the components of the peeling composition;
  • when you used retinoids to eliminate acne.

Before cleansing your face, test the product on your wrist. Apply a drop of medicinal suspension and leave it for 10-15 minutes. The absence of side effects is a green light for facial peeling.

It should be noted that due to the combination of lactic acid and resorcinol, allergic reactions may occur, which are accompanied by:

  • redness (normal 2 days after the session) or yellowing of the skin;
  • acne formation;
  • swelling;
  • itching;
  • darkening of certain areas of the skin;
  • hypersensitivity;
  • excessive peeling;
  • ulcers and open wounds.

After 1–2 weeks, such negative manifestations disappear on their own. If hygiene rules are not followed, infections, exacerbation of herpes and severe allergies may develop.

Complications and side effects

If the above recommendations are not followed, unpleasant consequences arise:

  • severe redness;
  • irritation;
  • swelling;
  • itching

After removing the peel, many women feel a slight burning sensation. There is no need to worry: this is how the skin reacts to acid exposure. The skin needs 5-6 days to recover, after which time you can admire the result of the procedure.

Some women have an allergic skin reaction to lactic acid. It is accompanied by:

  • changes in skin color;
  • the appearance of acne;
  • swelling;
  • itching;
  • increased skin sensitivity;
  • intense peeling;
  • ulceration, the appearance of open wounds.

Allergy symptoms usually go away on their own after a week or two. If a woman does not follow hygiene rules, her allergies may worsen, and the likelihood of infection or exacerbation of herpes increases.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages of the procedure, it is advisable to highlight:

  • ease of use;
  • long-lasting effect and relief from numerous problems;
  • possibility of carrying out at home;
  • rapid rehabilitation;
  • real relief from pimples and acne;
  • you can vary the depth of impact on the layers of the epidermis;
  • minimum contraindications;
  • versatility, since Jessner peeling is performed at any age and for any skin type;
  • no special requirements for skin preparation.

But you can’t do without minuses. These include:

  • a wide range of side effects;
  • unpleasant aroma emitted by the peeling product;
  • discomfort during the procedure (burning and redness of areas);
  • getting burned if the recommendations are not followed during deep peeling in 3 layers;
  • high cost (if ready-made cosmetics are used);
  • duration of the course to achieve the effect;
  • the possibility of carrying out not in the hot period, since exposure to the sun after the procedure can provoke hyperpigmentation.

Thus, Jessner peeling at home is quite easy. You are required to select the correct product, follow the recommendations during the procedure and undergo a rehabilitation period. At the end of the course, you will have beautiful, smooth skin without a hint of acne or wrinkles. So, dear women, try the Jessner cleansing for yourself.


Not everyone can do a Jessner peel. The procedure will be abandoned if there is at least one contraindication. These include:

  • allergies and individual intolerance to the components of the peeling product;
  • active herpes and various infectious rashes;
  • large moles in the treatment area;
  • pregnancy, regardless of trimester;
  • some skin diseases, demodicosis;
  • rosacea mesh on the face;
  • oncology, after chemotherapy;
  • exacerbation of chronic ailments;
  • feverish condition, general malaise;
  • the skin is inflamed or not fully restored after previous cleansing, after facial surgery;
  • wounds, cuts, purulent formations and injuries of various types;
  • taking many medications, in particular retinoids, drugs with menthol and camphor;
  • fresh tan

Jessner peeling is not recommended during menstruation, while breastfeeding or taking hormonal medications. Even minor hormonal disruptions in a woman’s body can negatively affect the outcome of the procedure.

If you have performed salicylic peeling before, and the procedure resulted in complications, you should notify your cosmetologist about this. There is a high probability that peeling with a salicylic-milk composition will also not work.

Those with dark skin should approach the procedure with caution. Deep exposure may cause a line of demarcation to appear on the face.

Neglecting contraindications is dangerous due to unpleasant consequences, the development of complications and deterioration of the condition of the epidermis. Therefore, before cleaning, consult a cosmetologist. A detailed examination of the condition of the integument and the patient as a whole makes it possible to prevent their occurrence.

Peeling at home

Peeling is a fairly common skin cleansing procedure. You can buy a ready-made product for this or make it yourself. Although, it’s easier, of course, to purchase a peeling kit in pharmacies, specialty stores and even supermarkets

When choosing, it is important to focus on the composition, expiration date and manufacturer.

What kind of acid is this?

Acid group

There is another name - essence of youth. It has rapid permeability through the upper skin due to its low molecular weight. In cosmetics the concentration ranges from 3 to 10%. For peeling, a concentration of 40% to 80% acid is used.

At home, cleansing with glycolic acid allows you to remove dead skin cells, dirt particles, and toxins through surface treatment of the skin.

Until recently, peeling was done only in beauty salons, but today women can take care of themselves at home using special products and instructions for use.

Action of glycolic acid

  1. Launches internal processes in the body;
  2. increases cell regeneration;
  3. promotes collagen production;
  4. cleanses;
  5. reduces sebum production;
  6. moisturizes;
  7. smoothes wrinkles;
  8. has protective properties against ultraviolet radiation;
  9. reduces pigmentation;
  10. relieves acne;
  11. tones.

As soon as the top layer of skin is destroyed, the body starts the process of producing its own collagen. Thanks to this process, the skin is renewed and looks healthy and fresh.

Effect after peeling

It comes on very quickly - within a few hours.

Who is glycolic acid peeling suitable for?

Specialists in beauty salons are confident that such acid peeling is suitable for any skin - both light with freckles and dark. The only difference will be in the concentration of the solution. But, in any case, glycolic acid has a mild effect, affecting only the surface layer of the skin.

Cases when acid peeling can be used:

  • after therapy aimed at getting rid of acne, scars, spots;
  • in the fight against age-related changes;
  • if desired, remove age spots and freckles;
  • to remove the top layer of skin;
  • to increase skin elasticity;
  • pronounced enlarged pores and increased sebum secretion.

In other cases, there is no point in doing an acid glycolic peel. And of course, you shouldn’t expect it to solve problems with scars and deep wrinkles, but it can make them less noticeable. For people over 50 years old, such rejuvenation and cleansing will not be effective, but up to 45 years old it can be safely practiced.

Skin testing

Before starting peeling, it is necessary to check the skin for allergies to the constituent substances. To do this, you need to apply the product to the skin around the elbow or wrist for 10 minutes.

When should the product not be used?

Glycolic acid has several strict contraindications. Among them:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • asthma;
  • cardiac and vascular pathologies;
  • diabetes;
  • wounds and inflammations on the skin;
  • herpes;
  • warts, papillomas and other formations;
  • high skin sensitivity;
  • allergy to acids;
  • fever;
  • oncology.

It is not recommended to perform peeling if hair removal or tanning was performed a few days before the procedure.

Undesirable consequences

Side effects appear with a high concentration of acid in the solution, or with prolonged exposure to the skin. It can be:

Swelling that appears a few hours after peeling

It goes away on its own, but requires further caution. Burn with redness. To smooth out the symptoms, you can simply wash your face with cold water and moisturize with a cream with a soothing effect. Allergy

Despite testing before the procedure of applying acid to the face, sometimes it happens that the test was successful, but an allergy appeared during peeling. Then you urgently need to take an antihistamine and further use of acid peeling is prohibited. Increased pigmentation. Dry skin, peeling. To avoid this in the future, it is recommended to dilute the acid even more and be sure to use a rich moisturizer.


To summarize, it is worth noting that the Jessner peel is practically a replacement for plastic surgery. This is exactly how patients and cosmetologists around the world describe the effect of it. Those who carried out the procedure according to all the rules received a stunning effect. They got rid of various skin rashes, their faces looked younger, fine wrinkles smoothed out. Looking fresh is not so difficult, losing a few years in your appearance is possible. The main thing is to go to a good clinic, choose an excellent specialist and follow all the recommendations.

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