What is a Jessner peel? What are its advantages? Can it be done at home?

general description

The essence of Hollywood peeling is to gently exfoliate dead cells and remove harmful substances that contribute to early aging.

Result: healthy complexion is restored, water balance is normalized, age spots and inflammation disappear, elasticity increases.

It is recommended to carry out the procedure after 35 years; before this age, it is only possible as a way to combat scars caused by severe acne.

The traditional exfoliating recipe contains the following ingredients: resorcinol, salicylic and lactic acid.

It was discovered by Max Jessner (an American military doctor who worked on a submarine) to prevent skin diseases during long voyages. Sailors used the composition as a disinfectant aftershave lotion.

A detailed study of its healing properties revealed that in addition to the antiseptic effect, it has a rejuvenating effect on the skin. Later, modified drugs with an improved formula were developed, including additional components.

Prerequisites for the procedure

It is recommended to resort to Hollywood peeling if you have problems with your facial skin that this cleaning method can handle. These include:

  • Change in complexion. As soon as the skin becomes dull, you should use Hollywood peeling.
  • Signs of emerging photoaging.
  • Presence of age spots.
  • Existing acne.
  • Expression wrinkles.
  • Minor scars and cicatrices.
  • Folds and creases of the skin.
  • Excessive sebum production.
  • Deterioration of skin elasticity.

The procedure is especially effective for recently emerging listed problems. Protracted forms of some epidermal diseases may require different treatment measures.


To obtain a lasting effect, 3 to 8 sessions are required with a break of 3-6 weeks.

The cosmetologist determines the schedule for each patient individually, depending on the skin type and existing defects.

During the first visit, one layer of the composition is applied, in subsequent visits the number of layers is increased.

The result appears on days 7-10: facial skin becomes elastic, looks younger and fresher. It lasts, on average, about 6 months, after which the course is repeated.

Hollywood peeling procedure in a beauty salon

Hollywood peeling is carried out in stages. Initially, special cosmetics are used to cleanse the face of impurities and remove makeup. The main stage of the procedure is the application of a product that eliminates dead areas. Typically, peelings contain various acids, mainly phytic.

The prepared solution is applied to a specific area or to the entire face. When alternating acids, the result is even more effective, the skin will become elastic and beautiful and will look much younger. After the procedure, the patient remains with the product on the skin. He wears it on his face for about a day, after which we wash it off with a cosmetic product, using a large amount of running water.

Hollywood peeling involves completing a course with several alternating procedures, and in parallel with this, the skin is moisturized with creams and lotions, as well as the application of masks that restore the proper functioning of the body's systems. If necessary, apply sunscreen.

The Bulhorn operation will help give your lips the desired shape.

Advantages and disadvantages

Based on the effect of the chemical composition on the body, experts note the positive and negative aspects of the procedure.

  • Simplicity of the process
  • Rapid restoration of the epidermis after chemical cleaning
  • Possibility of eliminating scars and other skin irregularities
  • Visible results after the first session
  • Gentle on the skin
  • No harm to the body
  • Presence of contraindications
  • Multiple treatments will be required for maximum effect

Advantages and disadvantages

Reviews of Hollywood peeling are mostly positive. Patients note the effectiveness of the treatment and the possibility of performing it at any time of the year, regardless of solar activity. Among the advantages of the procedure: a minimum of contraindications and side effects, low risks of complications and no rehabilitation.

There are also disadvantages. First of all, it is necessary to note the fact that phytic acid has been studied little, although it has positive potential. There is currently no official information about its safety; it is not certified for use for cosmetic purposes in a number of European countries.

As for the immediate disadvantages of action, the acid does not eliminate deep wrinkles, since it has a slight superficial effect.


Depending on the main active ingredient, there are three types of peeling:

  • Chloride - combines calcium chloride. Actively removes dead cells, gives a rejuvenating effect, improves complexion. Suitable for normal skin. For hypersensitive people, use with caution.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

Calcium chloride solution in different concentrations is widely used in medicine. For example, a hypertonic solution (10%) is a powerful antiallergic, antishock and hemostatic agent when administered intravenously. When used externally, it draws out moisture, helping to exfoliate dead skin cells.

  • Yellow (retinoic) - based on retinoic acid with the addition of other acids and vitamins. The composition has a beneficial effect on the epidermis and smoothes out wrinkles. Therefore, it is especially popular among older women. Indicated for all skin types. After the procedure, a yellow tint may appear on the face for some time.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

Retinoic peeling uses retinoic acid, a precursor of fat-soluble vitamin A. That is why the product easily penetrates the pores of the sebaceous glands and has a therapeutic effect, enhancing the activity of fibroblasts - the stem cells of the skin.

  • Phytic - the main component is phytic acid, obtained from rice or wheat seed cake after pressing the oil. It has a mild cleansing effect, copes well with pigmentation, and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Plus it has an antiseptic and lifting effect.

Products for deep cleansing facial skin at home

Products for deep self-cleaning of the skin contain acids and/or kaolin.


DermaKlia mask for problem skin DermaQuest is designed to weekly cleanse the skin and eliminate harmful particles that linger in the surface layers of the skin and are not washed off with conventional cleansers.

Double action of the mask:

  • kaolin 20% - absorbs impurities from the surface of the skin and from inside the pores;
  • salicylic acid 5% - delicately exfoliates and removes all impurities both from the surface of the skin and inside the pores;

Cleansing milk with glycolic acid and peptides - designed for deep cleansing of aging skin. Effectively cleanses and saturates the skin with rejuvenating peptides. Use once a week as a mask for 5-7 minutes.

The DermaQuest pumpkin mask has the status of a home peel and is performed once a week. Dissolves impurities, horny layers, comedones.

Designed for deep cleansing and keeping oily/combination/problem skin clean and well-groomed.


First, preparation is carried out, which includes collecting the patient’s medical history, determining the type of skin and existing defects. A schedule of visits is being drawn up.

The procedure consists of several stages:

  1. Removing makeup, cleansing the skin.
  2. Applying a special solution, after 10-15 minutes another one or several layers are applied.
  3. Applying soap foam. It reacts with the active substance and promotes subsequent exfoliation.
  4. Light facial massage.
  5. Washing.
  6. Applying a tonic mask of phytic acid or a special moisturizer.

The peeling composition in the office is not completely washed off; it is completely removed at home after 7-12 hours using gel or milk for washing.

At first, there is usually a feeling of burning and dry skin - this is a normal reaction of the body to chemical exposure.

Exfoliation of dead cells occurs within 2-3 days, and after a week the face looks younger. The minimum course is at least three sessions with a break of two weeks.

Complications and side effects

When performed correctly, Hollywood facial peeling gives excellent results without severely damaging the skin or causing side effects. This is why the stars love him so much: minimal risks and the fastest possible recovery.

However, if the technology is violated, which quite often happens when peeling is done by non-professionals at home, the following troubles may arise:

  • prolonged redness of the skin;
  • severe swelling of the entire face or just the eyelids;
  • hyperpigmentation in certain areas of the skin;
  • more pronounced manifestation of rosacea;
  • exacerbation of sluggish inflammatory processes.

Therefore, for those who are not confident in their own strengths and skills, it is better to go to the salon. The rest need to carefully study the instructions for the drugs used, in no case exceed their exposure time and be sure to do everything step by step, without changing the proposed sequence of steps.


  • After washing off the solution, it is recommended to apply a nourishing or moisturizing cream.
  • Cleansers must be water-based.
  • You should not use cosmetic products that contain retinoids and AHAs.
  • Do not touch the peeling areas with your hands or try to remove the crusts yourself. This can lead to scarring.
  • Due to the increased sensitivity of the skin, direct exposure to sunlight should be avoided in the first days after the procedure.
  • It is not recommended to undergo chemical procedures (hair coloring or permanent waving).
  • During the period of active peeling, it is advisable to use masks based on lactic acid or cranberry enzymes, which have antioxidant, antiviral and antihistamine effects.

Skin restoration after cleansing

Hollywood peeling does not require long-term rehabilitation; after it, the skin does not look damaged or burned by the chemical composition, while post-peeling care should last at least a month after the procedure.

A mandatory requirement is daily moisturizing and nourishing the skin to maintain normal water balance, as well as applying ultraviolet protection before going outside. Although it is acceptable to be in the sun for a short time, you should not visit the beach or solarium.

When peeling occurs, dying skin particles must not be removed mechanically; you must wait until they fall off naturally. Care at this time should be maximum, use rich creams with a thick consistency. If you feel dry, purchase bottles of thermal water and formulations based on hyaluronic acid; the combination of these products will return the skin to its normal level of moisture.

If complications arise, it would be a good idea to consult a cosmetologist again; there are also basic recommendations that should be studied before the procedure, including:

  • Panthenol promotes skin regeneration;
  • pronounced swelling can be effectively removed with the help of Traumeel;
  • In case of allergic reactions, it is necessary to take antihistamines orally.

Precautionary measures

When performed by a qualified specialist, Hollywood peeling, as a rule, does not entail any side effects, with the exception of redness and slight burning, which are normal in the first 3 days after the procedure.

In extremely rare cases, unpleasant situations may develop:

  • a strong change in complexion (sometimes found in fair-skinned people);
  • prolonged redness;
  • the skin acquires a pale tint (in dark-skinned patients);
  • dilation of blood vessels on the face.


Careful preparation for chemical cleansing of the face and the elimination of possible restrictions on the procedure will help to avoid complications.

Among them:

  • skin damage;
  • vascular diseases, the presence of redness;
  • very dry skin type;
  • inflammatory processes (herpes and others);
  • tendency to allergic reactions;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation.

Indications and contraindications

Peeling eliminates many imperfections and is recommended for the following indications:

  • dull, grayish complexion;
  • age-related changes - wrinkles, loss of elasticity and tone, photoaging;
  • excessive sebum secretion;
  • scars, stretch marks, scars;
  • defects associated with post-acne.

This type of cleaning is not suitable for everyone; there are contraindications:

  • mechanical damage to the epidermis - wounds, burns, scratches;
  • dry, flaky, sensitive skin;
  • pregnancy and lactation period;
  • diabetes;
  • severe inflammatory foci;
  • tendency to allergies and irritations;
  • infectious diseases.

Stages of carrying out in a beauty salon

Professional cosmetologists perform the procedure in compliance with all hygiene standards. Before applying the solution, the master does a test for an allergic reaction and, having determined the result, proceeds to further actions”:

  1. Special products are used to remove decorative cosmetics and impurities from the face.
  2. Clean skin is covered with a solution of various acids. Apply either to individual problem areas or to the entire face. Exfoliation and removal of dead particles occurs.
  3. Next, a mask with phytic acid is applied. This alternation provides a deeper effect.
  4. The client goes home and only after a day the remnants of the applied components are removed.

Since after such cleaning the skin requires special care, the master gives advice and recommendations.

Photos before and after

Hollywood Purge.

Do you want to make your facial skin incredibly smooth, refreshed and rested in the shortest possible time? Just one procedure to cleanse your face - get rid of oily shine, blackheads, chapping...

Then you can try doing a facial peel with calcium chloride at home, a la Hollywood cleansing. The effect is amazing! Overshadows the use of expensive cosmetics.

You will need for one procedure: 1. 1 ampoule of calcium chloride solution (calcium chloride) at a concentration of 5-10%. To begin with, it is better to use a five percent solution or dilute a ten percent saline solution or plain water.

Calcium chloride is usually sold freely in pharmacies in ampoules or bottles. It is better to purchase the solution in bottles, since when opening the ampoules there is a risk of cutting your hand, or pieces of glass may get into the solution used and seriously injure the skin. 2. Toilet soap (preferably “Children’s”, without fragrances). So, 1. Prepare your face for the procedure (it must be clean and dry). 2. Carefully open the ampoule with a solution of calcium chloride 5% -10%. 3. Apply part of the calcium chloride solution to the face (amply, you can use a cotton pad), let it dry. Do not touch the area around the eyes! 4. Apply the solution again, let it dry (and so on 3-4 times until the contents of the ampoule are finished). 5. Then lightly moisten the soap with water and generously soap clean hands (or a cotton pad, or fingers wrapped in sterile gauze wipes). 6. We begin to massage the face with soap foam (with hands, along massage lines, avoiding the eye area, but the “crow’s feet” area is ok). The reaction of soap with calcium chloride will cause “flakes” (pellets) to appear on the face. It should be. The mechanism here is as follows: calcium chloride interacts with soap (sodium and potassium salts of higher carboxylic acids), potassium or sodium chloride and an insoluble calcium salt of higher carboxylic acids are formed, which rolls off, simultaneously capturing part of the upper layer of keratin scales. This results in a gentle superficial peeling. Continue to roll up dead skin with gentle, gentle movements, without staying in one place for too long. If necessary, soap your hands again and continue the procedure. 7. Wash everything off thoroughly with warm water. 8. Apply a soothing mask and moisturizer. 9. We admire our rejuvenated, radiant skin! Important!!! This method of cleansing oily and combination facial skin requires special care and only under this condition gives an amazing result for a relatively simple home procedure.

  • It is not suitable for very dry, sensitive skin prone to redness and rashes. Also, this method should not be used on damaged or inflamed areas of the skin.
  • To begin with, you should try peeling on closed areas of the body, for example, on the back, chest or shoulders: I tried it on the back of the wrist. If the skin reaction is normal (without severe burning and redness), you can do the same procedure on the face
  • Mild tingling and redness are acceptable. Therefore, it is better to do the procedure before going to bed, so that the skin “comes to its senses” overnight and rests. You can do this peeling 1-2 times a month (some people do it more often). The skin should not be inflamed.
  • Those with sensitive skin may also experience tingling. But there should not be a strong burning sensation (in this case, immediately wash the solution off your face with plenty of warm water).
  • Immediately after the procedure, it is very good to make a soothing mask based on chamomile decoction with the addition of components suitable for your skin (rolled oats, for example), then, after removing the mask, apply a light moisturizer to the skin.
  • It would be good to get advice and recommendations from your cosmetologist before using the procedure at home.

PS. Because I have sensitive skin, I slightly modified the procedure, because after the first attempt, which I did strictly according to the recommendations, my face stung a lot. As a result, the next day, it was mercilessly peeling off. However, my friend, with whom we carried out this cosmetic experiment on ourselves, actually had truly radiant skin!

And I decided not to back down and did so. I soaked the cosmetic disc in a solution of calcium chloride, and quickly applied the solution to my face with a well-soaked disc. Then she quickly soaped her hands (without waiting for the solution to dry completely) and, as it were, whipped up some foam, shook it off and began to roll it over her face in a circular motion with her fingers. The first time, nothing rolled up :o( I think there were too many dead layers and they didn’t have time to soak in. I washed my face with cool water and again applied a layer of calcium chloride to my face. I did everything quickly, but carefully, without stretching the skin. And again I started carefully massage your face with soapy hands from the chin to the forehead. And here the skin layers began to come off in whole circles. And so on several times until the skin under your fingers stopped rolling (1 ampoule 10 ml). Well, then, according to the recommendations → wash with warm water → soothing mask (it would be better to prepare a mask in advance: mix, for example, chamomile infusion with banana pulp and finely ground oatmeal. Instead of chamomile, you can use sage, mint or calendula. ) → moisturizing cream. The skin after this peeling is fantastic!

Is the procedure carried out at home?

You can do Hollywood peeling at home yourself if you buy a solution.
However, it is better that it be performed by a person who has knowledge and experience in the field of cosmetology, otherwise the undertaking may result in the development of complications. After all, only a specialist can correctly select the active substance for a certain skin type, eliminate contraindications, and take into account all the nuances that can negatively affect the situation.

If you decide to carry out the procedure yourself, it is better to first consult with a dermatologist.

The layout of a home session is no different from an office session. Includes the following steps:

  1. Cleaning the skin by washing with soap or gel.
  2. Applying the substance to the face, you can use a cotton swab.
  3. Treat the skin over peeling with baby soap.
  4. Removing solution residues after 7-12 hours using cleansing gel.
  5. Applying a moisturizer or mask.

Reviews about the procedure

I recently discovered this incredibly simple, but at the same time effective way of cleansing my face. A friend recommended him to me. All ingredients can be purchased at any pharmacy, and you don’t need much time. True, at first the skin turned red, and I began to get scared, but then the redness disappeared and the dead skin began to peel off. After a few days, the result amazed me greatly. Now I always do this peeling.


Like most girls, I found a recipe for such cleaning on the Internet and immediately decided to use it. I went to the pharmacy, bought everything I needed, and even went to the stationery store to print out the instructions. In the evening I got down to business. I started regularly applying the procedure and began to notice how my skin was gradually restored, even a couple of my wrinkles disappeared. A very cool result, and the means are all quite affordable.


This peeling has many names.
Personally, I learned about it on YouTube after watching the channel of one popular beauty lady. I used the instructions provided and did everything according to the rules. After a week I began to notice that my skin became like velvet. I really liked the result. I recommend it to everyone. Irina

Service cost

The price of Hollywood facial peeling depends on several factors:

  • solution manufacturer;
  • type of peeling;
  • number of layers applied;
  • duration of the course.

The average cost of the procedure is 3,000 rubles. When choosing this service at the clinic, you should pay attention to the discount system.

Many cosmetology establishments have promotions offering a full course subscription, which helps you save money.

Jessner peeling - expert review

“This is not a procedure where you can come to a beauty salon and “order” it at your own discretion,” notes Olga Degtyareva. — Here you need to consult with a cosmetologist, who may suggest performing this particular type of peeling. And perhaps he will advise replacing it with other procedures, for example, biorevitalization or mesotherapy. They are often performed as a preparation for Jessner peeling, but sometimes it turns out that mesotherapy is quite enough to achieve the required result, and the peeling itself is no longer necessary. Therefore, first of all, you need to consult a cosmetologist.”

What is the effect of medium retinoic yellow peeling?

Retinoic acid, which may be called tretinoin, is the active form of retinol (or vitamin A). Found naturally in plant foods and animal sources. It is able to form bonds with nuclear receptors, with the help of which it triggers a cellular response. It is important to know that almost all cells in the body are sensitive to retinoic acid. To prevent the accumulation of tretinoin in tissues, as this causes side effects, use a mask with a high content of this substance. It needs to be applied once every couple of weeks. As a result, the epidermis will be renewed at the cellular level. Externally, this will be expressed in characteristic peeling of the skin.

Cosmetologists conducted studies that revealed the following pattern: five yellow peeling procedures done every one week are equal in the results achieved to using the cream for six months. It has also been proven that the chance of any adverse symptoms occurring is extremely small. During peeling, retinoids do not harm the skin, do not destroy living cells and do not lead to protein coagulation.

As a result of the influence of active substances on the skin, the following processes occur:

  • The level of mitotic activity in basal keratinocytes increases;
  • The processes of keratinization, differentiation and melanogenesis are normalized;
  • The number of atypical cells is reduced;
  • The processes of synthesis of epidermal lipids, as well as components of the intercellular matrix of the dermis, are activated and stimulated.

All this leads to a slowdown in aging and rejuvenation of the skin, its texture and relief are improved, and an antioxidant effect is achieved.

Let us recall the main advantages of retina yellow peeling: the process is absolutely safe, the occurrence of adverse reactions is minimized, the rehabilitation period takes a minimum amount of time, and the effect lasts for four months after the last session.

What is it needed for

The appearance of facial skin changes under the influence of various factors - natural aging processes, internal condition, exhaust gases, dust, sunlight.

The pores gradually become clogged, making it impossible for the skin to breathe normally. And its surface begins to become covered with wrinkles and folds, rashes, pigment spots, and scars.

Cell death occurs every 28 days. Afterwards, their particles fill the pores of the facial skin, complicating the access of oxygen and the absorption of valuable vitamins and minerals from the creams.

To restore your skin to a beautiful, fresh and healthy appearance, an exfoliation procedure is necessary .

, many useful and pleasant changes occur :

  • All dead and dead cells are effectively exfoliated.
  • Metabolic processes are activated.
  • The condition of the facial skin is normalized.
  • Provides a whitening effect - eliminating age spots and redness.
  • Enlarged pores narrow.
  • Recovery is accelerated.

After it, the facial skin regains its natural ability to absorb oxygen, moisture, valuable vitamin and nutritional components contained in caring cosmetics.

To enhance and consolidate the exfoliation effect, it is recommended to additionally apply masks with a nourishing or tightening effect .

The procedure is recommended for women and girls over 18 years of age.

The type of peeling, the frequency of its use, and the depth of impact should be determined by a cosmetologist.

The best gommage peelings with fruit acids

This rating category includes drugs whose effect is determined by the presence and concentration of AHA acids (glycolic, lactic, malic) or their complex. In addition to the ability to exfoliate the stratum corneum of the epidermis, they also have whitening, moisturizing and moisture-retaining properties. Contrary to stereotypes, acid peels intended for home use are very gentle on the skin because they contain a safe amount of active ingredients. But it is better not to use professional products with a high acid content without consulting a cosmetologist.

The best Korean peeling rolls

Relatively recently, Asian cosmetologists have developed a fundamentally new approach to the peeling procedure. According to it, impurities are erased from the skin just as an eraser erases pencil marks from paper. To achieve this effect, you need to apply a peeling roll, wait a couple of minutes and gently massage your face. Very quickly small pellets appear on it, which act as an eraser. The palm in the production of gel-rolls belongs to Korean companies, and we will look at them in more detail.

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