What is carboxytherapy? What effect does it have on skin rejuvenation?

Osteochondrosis can rightfully be called the scourge of modern society. This disease causes significant discomfort to a person, causes back pain, worsens the quality of life, and can also lead to the development of much more serious pathologies. Fortunately, despite the fact that it is not possible to completely get rid of osteochondrosis, its further development can be prevented. There are now a large number of methods for treating back diseases. And recently, carboxytherapy for osteochondrosis has been in demand. Reviews about the procedure on the Internet are mixed. Let's try to find out whether it is as effective in treating the disease as they say about it.

Carboxytherapy for osteochondrosis: reviews

What is carboxytherapy

Many people have heard about carboxytherapy, but not everyone knows what the essence of this procedure is. From the name of the procedure you can understand that during its implementation the most common carbon dioxide is used (the part of the word “carboxy” speaks about this). But how, where and why this gas is supplied are questions that concern those who want to try this method for themselves.

Features of carboxytherapy

So, carboxytherapy is one of the modern methods of treating and healing the body, used for various pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, and is also actively used in the cosmetology field. The essence of the method is that certain doses of carbon dioxide are injected into the patient's muscle tissue. For this purpose, a special device is used that is capable of delivering the substance in doses and precisely into the spasmodic muscle tissue.

How is carboxytherapy performed for osteochondrosis?

At this time, the following processes begin to occur in the human body: incoming carbon dioxide causes muscle hypoxia, that is, a lack of oxygen; accordingly, in the injection area there is a shortage of substances for certain processes - hematopoiesis and protein synthesis in particular. As a result, the body begins to mobilize all its resources and directs them to the problem area. In this area, capillaries expand, the body begins to work harder, the immune system is activated and metabolic processes are actively launched. About five minutes after administration, carbon dioxide is removed to the outside, and the attracted oxygen continues to actively work in the cells.

Carboxytherapy – gas injections

You can compare the effect obtained with that which occurs during breathing exercises or yoga. In this case, there is also an influx of oxygen to the tissues.

On a note! Carboxytherapy is also called pneumopuncture.


Carboxytherapy was first performed in the Karlovy Vary sanatorium and has since become famous throughout Europe. It became most popular in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Gradually I reached almost every self-respecting medical or cosmetology center.

The best carbon face masks

Judging by reviews on the Internet, the most popular are the following carbon face masks.

Korean face mask and activator gel Daejong Medical DJ Carbon therapy

The set for the procedure includes fabric carboxy face masks impregnated with a special composition and a syringe with a gel activator. They include:

  • Lemon acid;
  • Bicarbonate of soda;
  • Licorice root extract;
  • Eucalyptus extract;
  • Rose extract;
  • Angelica extract.

Citric acid and sodium bicarbonate cause intense production of carbon dioxide. Plant extracts soothe, moisturize the skin, have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and restorative effects. Beneficial substances and vitamins penetrate deeper into the upper layers of the skin and have a stronger effect thanks to carbon dioxide. The mask acts as a kind of screen that prevents the resulting carbon monoxide from escaping into the air.

BIOAQUA Carbonated Bubble Clay Mask

The product contains charcoal powder, which enhances the deep cleansing effect. It actively removes dead cells, leaving the skin clean and smooth. In addition, the mask includes the following ingredients:

  • Collagen;
  • Pomegranate extract;
  • Green tea extract;
  • A complex of other plant components.

The skin gains elasticity thanks to collagen, and facial contours become distinct. Pomegranate extract is responsible for moisturizing and effectively absorbing natural ingredients. It also effectively soothes inflamed areas, helps smooth out rough and uneven skin, evens out facial tone and tightens pores. The antioxidants contained in green tea promote skin rejuvenation.

A large number of other plant extracts tone, nourish and moisturize the skin.

When is the technique used?

Most often, carboxytherapy is used for osteochondrosis. It can relieve a person of pain and improve his overall well-being. Previously, when this method did not exist, most patients went on vacation during the rehabilitation period to resorts where there is clean air with a high oxygen content.

Mechanized syringe gun device

The procedure helps to increase the degree of joint mobility, improves the flexibility of the spine, relieves pain, removes toxins, eliminates swelling, etc. The person ceases to experience discomfort. Carboxytherapy often helps to transfer osteochondrosis into remission. But it is best to use it in combination with other methods. The procedure is also effective for protrusions and hernias, arthritis and arthrosis.

In addition to its beneficial effect on muscle tissue, carboxytherapy is excellent for bags under the eyes, helps improve skin tone, get rid of sagging chin, etc.

Disc protrusion

Gas injections - area of ​​application.

  • Excellent results for degenerative diseases of the joints and spine, rheumatological and orthopedic problems, after injuries
  • Vascular diseases (acceleration of healing of ulcus cruris)
  • Blood supply disorders, vasoneuroses (Raynaud's syndrome)
  • Ischemic diseases of the lower extremities
  • Diabetic ulcers
  • Arterial insufficiency
  • Various poorly healing wounds
  • Venous insufficiency
  • Condition after myocardial infarction
  • Headaches, migraines
  • Cellulite
  • Localized obesity
  • General loss of elasticity and skin aging
  • Circles and “blueness” under the eyes, eye hernias
  • Double chin and unclear facial contour
  • Stretch marks (striae), scars
  • Recovery after injuries, surgeries and burns
  • Psoriasis
  • Alopecia

Indications and contraindications

Carboxytherapy has many options for use, as well as contraindications. And before deciding on this procedure, it is important to make sure that there are no contraindications to its implementation.

Table. When you can and when you can’t do carboxytherapy.

Diseases of the spinal system of a degenerative-destructive nature, including arthrosis, intervertebral hernia, spondyloarthritis, osteochondrosis.
Chronic back pain.

Rheumatological diseases.

A number of pathologies of the heart and blood vessels.

Cosmetological problems, including cellulite and skin aging.

Diseases of the digestive system.

Stretch marks, scars.

Previous myocardial infarction.
Inflammatory processes in the arteries, increased blood pressure.


Skin diseases in the injection area.

Respiratory failure.

Infections, kidney failure, pregnancy.

Carboxytherapy should not be done during pregnancy

Carboxytherapy is also recommended for disease prevention. It can improve a person's general condition. And if it is used to treat osteochondrosis, it is recommended to take a course of 3-12 sessions and only then draw a conclusion whether it helped or not. It is important to maintain a gap of about 20-30 days between sessions.

Attention! The number of sessions and their frequency are determined only by the doctor according to the diagnosis and condition of the patient.

Carboxytherapy - how it is done

In some cases, if a person is constantly taking any medications, carboxytherapy may be prohibited - a negative reaction may occur. But, in any case, the decision to carry out the procedures must be made by the doctor.

Side effects

Carboxytherapy extremely rarely causes any side effects, but, nevertheless, they can occur. And this also needs to be taken into account when choosing this procedure. Fortunately, carbon dioxide is not toxic or dangerous; the human body is constantly in contact with it, because carbon dioxide is formed in the lungs during the breathing process.

Diagram of the breathing process

Fortunately, the gas does not cause allergies. But this refers to another aspect related to the human factor: it is important that all equipment used for injections is sterile and safe . Otherwise, there can be no complications after the procedure.

Although, due to some individual characteristics, a person may experience trembling, increased body temperature and heaviness in the limbs. But these are extremely rare occurrences. The appearance of hematomas can also be called a side effect, but they resolve quite quickly.

Hematoma on the back

On a note! At the injection site, the patient may feel a slight crunching sensation under the skin for 30-40 minutes. Then this effect disappears.

What problems does he struggle with?

Thanks to the effects of carbon dioxide in skin cells, metabolic processes are enhanced, the circulatory system is activated, and the mechanism of natural skin restoration is launched.

In addition, due to its properties, carboxytherapy has a visible effect and promotes:

  • Skin whitening;
  • Reducing the severity of wrinkles;
  • Reducing the severity of pigmentation;
  • Increasing skin tone and elasticity;
  • Reduce acne and dark circles under the eyes;
  • Eliminate swelling;
  • Reducing the severity of scars;
  • Normalization of skin relief and color;
  • Lifting;
  • Accelerate skin regeneration;
  • Reducing the severity of the vascular pattern.

Watch the video about non-injection carboxytherapy:

Analysis of reviews on the Internet

You can read a variety of reviews about carboxytherapy on the Internet, from sharply negative to hyperpositive. Someone writes that there is absolutely no effect from the procedure, and it is not cheap. Others note positive results fairly soon after starting the course of injections. It is quite possible that the decisive role here is played by the individuality of each organism. For some, it is enough to go through 3-4 sessions to understand that carboxytherapy has given the desired effect, while others, having been on it for an extremely long time, will notice only very minor changes for the better.

Reviews about carboxytherapy are mostly positive

You definitely shouldn’t rely on carboxytherapy alone in the treatment of osteochondrosis - it is not so effective. Usually, magnetic therapy, laser therapy, medications and other methods are used in conjunction with it . But those who additionally used carboxytherapy during treatment noted that the desired effect occurred quite quickly.

Also, most patients, contrary to doctors’ statements, note that the procedure is still painful. But it feels quite bearable. And not many injections are given at one time.

The carboxytherapy procedure for osteochondrosis and other diseases is performed by a certified physiotherapist using a modern device

The essence of the procedure

The method does not take much time, on average it lasts about 15-30 minutes (depending on the area of ​​the area that needs to be treated). Does not require anesthesia. There is no rehabilitation period.

The injections themselves are made by a doctor using a special injector device.

There are no special instructions after performing the injections, but during the first 4 hours, it is advisable not to wet the injection site, and not to use various thermal procedures (sauna, bath, bathhouse, solarium, etc.). After injections in the body area, you should not immediately put on underwear with a slimming effect.

To achieve results, it is necessary to undergo carboxytherapy courses. The most common scheme is 5-10 sessions over 2-4 weeks every year.

Carboxytherapy is an excellent and affordable way to restore health and youth to your skin.

Preparation for carboxytherapy

Carboxytherapy does not require special preparation, but it is still important to consider a number of aspects before going to the session.

Step 1. You need to study information about this treatment method and understand whether it is worth trying at all. In some cases, a person himself knows what diseases he has, and among them there may be those with which carboxytherapy cannot be attended.

Learn about carboxytherapy

Step 2. You should make an appointment with a doctor so that after examination and diagnosis you know the exact location of the problem area on the spine.


Carboxytherapy cannot be done in all clinics in Russia; this procedure is carried out only in large medical centers in large cities. However, despite this, this area of ​​treatment is actively developing. The price of 1 session and the entire course depends on the level of the medical institution, equipment, treatment area, and number of procedures. B - prices for carboxytherapy sessions are quite low, so you, dear patients, have the opportunity to immediately purchase a course of treatment of 3-5 sessions.

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