Peeling PRX-T33 – skin rejuvenation without surgery

Modern cosmetology has a considerable arsenal of products that allow a woman of any age, with any condition and skin type to look young and irresistible. When we talk about various methods of skin rejuvenation, the most popular at the present stage is peeling (exfoliation), the process of removing the surface layer from the skin, which consists of dead cells and keratinized particles.

The purpose of facial peeling is to exfoliate dead horn cells, make the skin surface smooth, get rid of age-related hyperpigmentation, freckles, acne scars, unevenness after demodicosis and hyperkeratosis, cleanse the skin of any impurities and stimulate epidermal renewal. After exfoliation, a layer of young, radiant skin opens and pores become smaller. In addition, peeling stimulates the division of cells in the basal layer of the skin, which improves collagen synthesis, increases skin tone, and makes it more youthful and healthy. Peeling is often used as a preparatory procedure for other anti-aging procedures.

Various types of peeling are used in cosmetology:

  • hardware
    - using laser or ultrasound
  • chemical
    - various acids are used
  • enzymatic
    - plant protease enzymes are used
  • mechanical
    - scrubs containing small abrasive particles are used (suitable for home care)

Now there are many types of chemical peels. Among them there are superficial, middle and deep. Many women are afraid to undergo chemical facial peeling due to its harsh effects on the skin, lack of sufficient recovery time and fear of side effects. Chemical peeling PRX-T33 is a radically new way of mid-cleansing facial skin!

This drug was developed by the Italian company GPQ Srl, which produces two product lines - WiQo cosmetics and WiQoMed medical products, which include PRX-T33. For 10 years, the search for the optimal composition was carried out, testing was carried out, and as a result, not only the drug itself was patented, but also a method of applying the product, which does not require the solution to remain on the skin for a long time. In addition to Italy, the drug is supplied to European countries such as Great Britain, France, Spain, Russia, etc.

Benefits of PRX-T33 therapy

  • Peeling PRX-T33 is all-season; you can safely do it even during periods of active sun.
  • This is a non-injection procedure for skin restoration and rejuvenation! This procedure is perfect for those who, for various reasons, cannot use injections for revitalization.
  • The procedure is virtually painless, which is essential for people who cannot tolerate pain.
  • The procedure does not require much time.
  • Does not require rehabilitation! After the procedure there is no peeling, redness, swelling, etc. There is a slight burning sensation during the procedure and slight redness for 15 minutes after the procedure.
  • Suitable for all skin types and recommended for use by patients from 15 to 60 years old.
  • Pronounced bright effect after the first session, which lasts for a long time.

Such amazing results can be achieved thanks to the unique composition!

The essence of the new method

Chemical peeling PRX-T33 is a radically new mid-level cleansing.

Thanks to its unique composition, the solution penetrates very quickly, almost instantly, into the dermis, activates all skin regeneration processes, but does not damage the epidermis at all.

After cleansing there is no peeling, redness or irritation.

The new technique can be used all year round : there is no connection to cold weather or activation of sunlight.

The skin after PRX-T33 peeling is not photosensitivity; a week after cleansing, you can take sunbathing without worrying about the appearance of age spots.

Use of PRX T33® to correct deficiencies:

Indications for PRX-T33 peeling

  • Acne (as an alternative to cosmetic procedures, this type of cleansing starts the process of removing purulent formations, pimples and blackheads)
  • Flabbiness or loss of elasticity of facial skin
  • Presence of post-inflammatory spots after acne
  • Atrophic scars
  • Stretches of various depths
  • Seborrheic dermatitis
  • An auxiliary method for the treatment of seasonal and age-related pigmentation
  • Hyperkeratosis of the facial skin
  • Prevention and treatment of skin photoaging

How is PRX-T33 peeling performed?

Since we are talking about a medium peel, you cannot apply PRX-T33 yourself, as this is fraught with burns and other complications. All manipulations should be performed only by a professional cosmetologist. No special preparation is required from the patient, except for a standard consultation: during which the doctor conducts a face-to-face examination, determines the presence of indications and contraindications, and selects the optimal number of sessions per course.

  1. The specialist cleanses the skin of the face of cosmetics, and then degreases them with alcohol.
  2. Apply the solution to the skin area with light massaging movements using special (nitrile) gloves. It is possible to apply several layers at once; their number is determined by the doctor at the stage of preparation for the procedure. It depends on what effect needs to be achieved at the end of the procedure; it can be 4 or 5 layers. The procedure is accompanied by a slight tingling and burning sensation.
  3. The drug is left on the skin. The doctor decides individually how long to leave the peeling.
  4. Removing drug residues with distilled water.
  5. Applying care products from the WIQо line.


This type of cosmetic manipulation does not require preparation, it is simple and does not take much time.

Depending on the depth of the solution, the peeling procedure can take from 40 to 90 minutes.

Order of conduct:

  1. The cosmetologist thoroughly cleanses the surface of the face with special products.
  2. Dries the skin with a napkin and degreases. To do this, soak a cotton pad in alcohol and wipe the area to be treated with it.
  3. Then the acid solution is immediately applied with a brush - evenly, in one layer. Depending on the condition of the skin and the problems being solved, the solution can be applied in several layers - from 3 to 5.
  4. After applying the acid solution, the specialist begins the massage. A short five-minute massage is performed with light circular movements strictly along the massage lines of the face.
  5. The solution is kept on the surface of the face for the time strictly specified in the instructions.
  6. Residues of peeling are removed with distilled water, then the skin is treated with an acid neutralizer and everything is washed off again with water.
  7. The final stage is moisturizing and nourishing the epidermis with a mask, lotion, serum or cream.

Procedure PRX-T33 facial skin peeling in the salon:

During the procedure, the client may feel a tingling or burning sensation. The sensations should be tolerable - this is normal.

If the discomfort is very strong, the skin literally “burns” - immediately remove the solution and complete the peeling.

After cleansing the skin, slight redness may occur. It’s not scary: it goes away on its own within half an hour and does not require any rehabilitation procedures.

Depending on the individual characteristics of the skin, a cosmetologist may recommend a one-time procedure or complete a full course of PRH-33 peeling, consisting of 5-7 sessions with a break between sessions of seven days . It is recommended to repeat the cleansing course once every six months.

PRX-T33 peeling price is about 6,000 rubles per session.

Unusual and surprising types of peeling!

  • How and why is fish cleansing done?
  • What is dry exfoliation for the face?
  • Overview of all types of color cleaning.
  • Exfoliation with Hilak-Forte.
  • The treasures of the sea for you are coral peeling.

Contraindications for PRX-T33 peeling

  • Dermatological diseases (psoriasis, eczema, etc.)
  • Allergy to one of the components of the acid solution
  • Pregnancy and lactation
  • Increased skin sensitivity
  • The patient after surgery, in a weakened state, during the period of an infectious disease, with high temperature and fever
  • Individual intolerance to peeling components
  • Fresh skin injuries (cuts, wounds, abrasions, etc.)
  • Pustular skin diseases (furuncle, erysipelas, etc.)
  • Viral diseases of the skin and other organs (herpes, etc.)
  • Taking medications also affects the outcome of the peeling. You should inform your doctor about all the medications you have taken recently, he will decide on the possibility of intervention

Important! Before the peeling procedure, the cosmetologist conducts a trial allergy test!

Despite the excellent results and the apparent simplicity of the procedure, we remind you that mid-skin cleansing is a complex cosmetic procedure! You need to take it seriously, carefully choose a clinic and a doctor, and carefully follow the doctor’s instructions for care before and after peeling. This is an integral part of the technique, which helps prepare the skin for the procedure, and then avoid pigmentation and other possible troubles, and activate the restoration of the protective functions of the skin.

Thanks to the new development of PRX-T33 peeling, this manipulation has become less painful, the recovery period has been shortened, and side effects such as redness, peeling and swelling are a thing of the past! Now restoration of youth and beauty has become much more accessible!

How to remove pigment spots with peeling

Important! The peeling composition should include lightening substances, and not just acids with an exfoliating effect. Only then will it work for lightening.

Peeling "MangoBright" DermaQuest

Specialized peeling “MangoBright” from DermaQuest – lightening of pigment spots that have arisen due to photoaging (diffuse superficial pigmentation). Additionally, the MangoBright peeling has an active moisturizing effect due to the content of hyaluronic acid, and also restores and rejuvenates the skin - antioxidants and plant stem cells in the composition do their job!

Peeling is used to combat age spots with clearly defined boundaries (superficial), spot prevention and antioxidant protection - preparing the skin for summer, maintaining smoothness and hydration. MangoBright peeling is completely atraumatic, which makes it part of the “before going out” program.

Benefits of MangoBright peeling

  • Atraumatic – does not cause redness, peeling, there is no rehabilitation period
  • Comfortable when performing
  • Performed without interruption from social life

How does MangoBright peeling work? DermaQuest

  • Lightens pigment spots and evens out skin tone

The basis of the peeling is Mango pulp - a source of ingredients with a brightening effect, containing phytic and kojic acids - whiten, delicately exfoliate the surface layer of keratinized cells.

  • Restores skin damage – fights photoaging

Contains Sweet Orange Stem Cells and Green Tea Leaf Extract – restoration of damaged collagen structures and antioxidant system protecting the skin from free radicals.

  • Moisturizes the skin and restores barriers , eliminating dryness and tightness

Peeling contains lactic acid 30% and hyaluronic acid.

  • Prevention of premature skin aging

MangoBright peeling contains carnosine , a substance that captures and removes excess sugars that glue collagen fibers together. Prevents glycation – sweet aging of the skin.

Clinical results of peeling - reduction in the severity of age spots:

1st procedure – reduction by 37%,

4 procedures – for 87%.

“MangoBright” PEELING COURSE ranges from 6 to 8 procedures once every 10 days.

You can see the VIDEO the link .

Peeling SkinBright DermaQuest

Peeling "SkinBright" DermaQuest - to combat deep stagnant pigment spots that are not amenable to classical correction methods.

Composition of acids in SkinBright peeling

A combination of acids that does not require neutralization. Layer-by-layer lyses the epidermis, blocks melanogenesis, brightens the skin and prevents post-peeling hyperpigmentation.

  • Lactic acid 10% - loosens and moisturizes the skin;
  • Mandelic acid 10% - delicately exfoliates, has an antiseptic effect, prevents rashes during peeling;
  • Salicylic acid 10% is a true keratolytic, evenly exfoliates the epidermis;
  • Phytic acid 5% is a powerful antioxidant, has an anti-tyrosinase effect;
  • Citric acid 5% - tyrosinase blocker (brightens);

Whitening ingredients in SkinBright Peeling:

White Lily stem cells block the transfer of melanin to keratinocytes.

Plant extracts: licorice root, white mulberry, bearberry, red algae;

Benefits of SkinBright peeling

  • Whitening pigmentation, both focal and diffuse, of any origin, including deep and long-existing;
  • Safe for all phototypes, including dark skin;
  • It is applied in layers, it is possible until frost appears - the status is middle;
  • Rejuvenates the skin - has a stimulating effect on the dermis, evens out the relief and smoothes out wrinkles;

The course consists of up to 3-4 procedures in autumn and spring.

Performed once a month with appropriate home care.

The result of application - with strict adherence to the recommended pigmentation correction algorithm - is a guarantee of smooth and uniform facial skin!

Looking for a peeling for acne-prone skin? about which peeling is best for problem skin - read here .

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