Five common questions about recovery after intimate plastic surgery

Injection intimate plastic surgery is a non-surgical, painless and non-traumatic method of rejuvenation and correction of the female genital area. Such procedures help improve the quality of intimate life, control the process of age-related changes, achieve harmony in relationships and attitude, and get rid of problems with self-esteem. They also allow you to achieve a lasting rejuvenating effect in the intimate area without surgical intervention. For injection plastic surgery, preparations based on hyaluronic acid are used, which are completely safe for health (do not cause an allergic reaction, are non-toxic, biologically compatible with the human body).

Indications for intimate plastic surgery

The procedures are effective in the presence of the following defects in the female intimate area:

  • changes in the shape of the labia and a decrease in their tone, which are associated with age-related changes or are the consequences of injury or childbirth;
  • violation of the structure of the vaginal walls;
  • insufficient volume of the labia;
  • clitoral deformation;
  • dry mucous membranes;
  • decreased elasticity, sagging tissue due to sudden weight loss;
  • insufficient G-spot size.

Injection plastic surgery is also indicated for changes in the shape of the nipples and loss of sensitivity.


The operation is not performed if the patient is diagnosed with the following conditions:

  • oncopathology;
  • hematopoietic disorders;
  • chronic infections;
  • autoimmune processes;
  • heart pathology;
  • severe diabetes;
  • acute inflammatory processes;
  • dysmorphophobia (mental disorders associated with unreasonable exaggeration of a cosmetic defect).

Time restrictions - menstruation period, pregnancy, lactation, current illnesses.

Results of intimate plastic surgery

With the help of injection plastic surgery, a large number of problems in the field of aesthetic medicine are solved. After the procedures, the following results are achieved:

  • increase in the volume of the labia;
  • increasing tissue elasticity;
  • restoration of the aesthetic appearance of the labia;
  • restoration of normal tissue density;
  • moisturizing the mucous membrane;
  • restoration of metabolic processes, improvement of tissue nutrition;
  • increasing the sensitivity of receptors to stimulation;
  • restoration of the brightness of sensations during intimate relationships.

Plastic surgery of intimate places: pros and cons

An opinion on the operation must be obtained from a gynecologist, urologist and psychiatrist. It is necessary to make sure that the surgeon’s intervention on the genitals is a forced step. Not all doctors are sure that you need to go “under the knife” to acquire ideal intimate forms. This case has its positive and negative sides.

The advantages include:

  • Uterine prolapse, vaginal prolapse, development of inflammatory processes - solving these problems will undoubtedly make a woman’s life easier;
  • Prevention and relief of inflammation during narrowing of the foreskin in men will ensure a painless and normal sexual life;
  • Correcting and giving the organs an aesthetic appearance will allow you to relax and remove psychological discomfort in partners;
  • Relieving pain symptoms and sensations after childbirth will again bring the joy of sexual intimacy;
  • The only way to cope with the abnormal development of the genital organs;
  • Rejuvenation of organs and increased self-esteem.

The disadvantages include:

  • harmful effects of anesthesia on the human body;
  • inability to eliminate all risks of negative consequences and complications (severe swelling, loss of sensitivity, allergic reaction to painkillers);
  • a constant need to improve the appearance of the genitals at the expense of one’s health.

Rehabilitation after intimate plastic surgery

For several days, some patients feel slight discomfort in the affected area, and slight swelling may occur.
Unpleasant sensations and swelling usually disappear within 3-7 days. Additional correction is carried out, if necessary, no earlier than a week after the previous procedure. In the first 2-3 days after injection plastic surgery, it is recommended to avoid intimacy; during the week it is advisable to limit physical activity, including sports. In the first 2-3 weeks, any activities and procedures with warming effects (for example, taking a hot bath, visiting a sauna) are prohibited.

The aesthetic result of the procedure lasts up to a year, after which it can be repeated.

Undergo intimate injection plastic surgery procedures in our clinic to restore the youth of the genital area, self-confidence and harmony in intimate relationships.

Postoperative period

Recovery of the body after intimate plastic surgery takes from one to several weeks, depending on the complexity of the operation.

During the rehabilitation period, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • ensure hygiene of the intimate area and sutures with special means;
  • for the first 5-7 days, limit your sitting position;
  • Avoid intimacy and physical activity for a month;
  • follow a special diet.

Since the genitals have a good blood supply, the healing process takes place quite quickly. After the operation there are no visible stitches.

Colporrhaphy: contraindications and the operation itself

Vaginoplasty surgery does not require special preparation. The main contraindications against surgery are the presence of diseases such as syphilis, hepatitis and HIV, as well as the presence of active inflammation in the vaginal area.

Vaginoplasty is performed at the beginning of the cycle.

The operation itself takes about an hour of pure time, including preparation and anesthesia. The patient is in the ward under the supervision of doctors for 4 - 5 hours after the operation, after which he can leave the clinic on his own. The operation is performed on an outpatient basis and anonymously.

When is vaginal plastic surgery recommended?

Colporrhaphy is done in the following cases:

  • Vaginal size is too large.
  • Increased stretching of the vaginal opening.
  • Vaginal prolapse and genital prolapse.
  • Postpartum ruptures and scars.

Basically, all this is the negative consequences of childbirth or stretching of the vagina by other mechanical means.

The most serious medical indication for surgery is organ prolapse through the vagina. This occurs when the muscles of the perineum are weakened and the ligaments that hold the uterus are stretched. The initial degree of vaginal prolapse manifests itself in the form of a rosette at the site of the vagina, which is evidence of prolapse of the vaginal walls outward. If left untreated in later stages, the uterus and other organs may prolapse, which can lead to urinary incontinence and the inability to walk. The course of the disease is accompanied by pain and spasms. Injury and concomitant infection of internal organs also often occur upon contact with underwear and the outer coverings of the body. This mainly affects women over 50 years of age.

Aesthetic indications for vaginal plastic surgery include factors that reduce satisfaction in intimate life. After childbirth, the size of the vagina increases, which can dramatically reduce sensitivity during sexual intercourse in both partners. Anterior vaginalplasty and posterior vaginalplasty help to effectively reduce the size of the vagina. Also, during difficult births (large fetal size, multiple pregnancies, etc.), there may be vaginal ruptures, which, when sutured, leave unaesthetic scars. By narrowing the entrance to the vagina and suturing the vaginal walls, it is possible to restore not only the woman’s sensitivity during sexual intercourse, but also the partner’s satisfaction when the penis is in close contact with the vaginal walls. This operation is often performed simultaneously with labiaplasty.

Plastic surgery of intimate areas: description of the service

With the advent of new technologies, women no longer feel constrained in their sexual life and endure discomfort in bed. Modern cosmetology and plastic surgery help to enrich sensations, improve the appearance of the genitals, and increase confidence in one’s own attractiveness. Our patients can choose surgical transformation methods, injection cosmetology and other techniques. The following areas are distinguished:

  • Labiaplasty is a plastic surgery to correct the shape and size of the labia. Aimed at eliminating visible developmental defects. Plastic surgery of the intimate area using this method gives a good effect in women who have not yet given birth.
  • Vaginoplasty is a surgical method of correction of the vagina, including the elimination of damage and areas of stretching. The tightening of the vaginal walls narrows, improving sensitivity during sexual intercourse.
  • Hymenoplasty is the surgical restoration of the integrity of the hymen. It is carried out by stitching together the damaged tissue or by completely restoring it using vaginal tissue. In the first case, the effect is quick but short-lived. In the second, the operation is more complex in terms of technical parameters, but provides a long-lasting result.
  • Surgical defloration is the removal of the virgin film, which is most often performed due to its increased density.
  • Clitoroplasty is plastic surgery of the intimate area in women by correcting the clitoris. Helps to brighten sensations and get rid of signs of anorgasmia.
  • Intimate contour plastic surgery - improving the aesthetics of the genital organs, eliminating dryness and discomfort, correcting the walls and vault of the genitals. The doctor does not use a scalpel, but injections.

Features of operations and preparation for them

To ensure a comfortable stay for the patient, all interventions are usually performed under anesthesia. When planning aesthetic intimate plastic surgery, it is advisable to be examined for genital tract infections to avoid undesirable inflammatory consequences. Before the procedure, deep hair removal of the entire intimate area is performed.

Before the intervention, a thorough examination by the doctor is required, the choice of manipulation tactics, and an assessment of possible risks and contraindications. These include:

  1. pregnancy;
  2. acute inflammatory diseases;
  3. severe somatic pathologies (uncompensated diabetes mellitus, oncological processes, cardiovascular and systemic diseases, etc.);
  4. allergic reactions and intolerance to medications used.


I had two births. After the first one, at 21, nothing changed, and I gave birth to the second one at 30. I had to have an episiotomy. At first I went to the clinic through insurance, but under the VHI it was impossible to perform the operation. Then I found Lama, where there is an operating gynecologist, Zhanna Georgievna Muradova. She told me that you need to wait a year after giving birth until you stop breastfeeding. We agreed to do plastic surgery and excise the scar with a laser. I could barely wait until the deadline. The scar terribly spoiled the appearance and was very noticeable. The operation itself was normal, but after it it was painful. They performed it on an outpatient basis, but for three more days at home it was difficult to get up. But now the result makes me very happy. Everything is there as before. So there you go!!! Contact normal specialists and don’t immediately run to just anyone for surgery!!!

Alexandra (Moscow, February 2013)

I had a difficult birth, the boy weighed 4400, there was a large vaginal tear, which was not stitched very carefully in the maternity hospital. This left a large scar that was still red. I noticed how my husband immediately began to lose interest in sex. I read a lot about this on the Internet and started looking for a doctor for vaginoplasty. I didn't want to go to a man. I accidentally found an excellent surgeon: Zhanna Georgievna Muradova. A friend of mine had her uterus cleaned there, and she really liked the doctor. The operation itself is not painful, but then, of course, it was painful to get out of bed for about a week. I started sitting around the 5th day. It also took me quite a long time to overgrow. I read that for some people everything goes away in a month, for me it turned out to be almost two months because both walls of the vagina were sutured, the entrance and labiaplasty were done at the same time. But it's still worth doing! Everything in my personal life began to recover. It hurt a little at first, but it went away quickly. I feel great. I can confidently recommend Zhanna Georgievna!

Elena (Moscow, 2013)

I gave birth to one child and after that my vagina stretched so much that both my husband and I stopped enjoying sex. It was terrible when everything started to go wrong in family life. I saw the child until he was 2 years old and decided to have a colporrhaphy. Otherwise, everything could end in family life. It took me a long time to choose a gynecologist; I didn’t just want to go to a plastic surgeon, but I also didn’t want to go to a gynecologist who had no experience in operations. Through a friend I found Zhanna Georgievna Muradova at the Lama clinic. I went to the appointment and was very pleased. You can immediately sense that he is an experienced person. I first started taking all the tests so that there were no complications, and then I had surgery. The operation is not easy. Then I lay at home without getting up for two days. It was painful. I recovered for a month after it. The first contact was painful, but after a week everything went away. I even started to enjoy myself again. My husband is definitely very pleased. He even brought me flowers!! I recommend Zh.G. to everyone. Muradov. Her hands are golden.

Violetta (Moscow, 2013)

Oh, how bad things were after my third birth. I love babies, but the third birth turned out to be extremely difficult. And all this affected the condition of my female organ. A friend with many children said that she had vaginal plastic surgery and again feels like a full-fledged woman. I was skeptical about the possibility of the operation, but after talking with Dr. Zhanna Georgievna Muradova, I put my doubts aside and went “under the knife.” Now my life has become the same, intimacy with my husband has returned to its previous level, and I’m probably ready for another baby.

Inga (Moscow, 2015)

I am the happy mother of a real hero. I gave birth to him weighing 5200, naturally, my vagina was assembled in parts. It took a long time to heal, and when my husband and I returned to sex, I realized that I didn’t feel anything pleasant, moreover, I felt some discomfort. Therefore, having learned about the possibility of undergoing vaginal plastic surgery, my husband and I immediately began to look for a decent clinic. After going through more than a dozen, I heard that there is Zhanna Georgievna Muradova, who works at the Lama clinic. Satisfied clients only talk about what a sorceress she is. I am one of those whom Zhanna returned to normal life! I can safely say that you should not be afraid of operations if they are beneficial.

Valentina (Moscow, 2015)

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How is vaginal plastic surgery done?

The decision on how to perform colporrhaphy is made by a gynecologist surgeon after examining the patient. Vaginoplasty can be divided into the following main stages:

  • Anterior colporrhaphy is a plastic surgery of the anterior vaginal wall, in which part of it is removed.
  • Posterior colporrhaphy is plastic surgery of the posterior vaginal wall, when the size and depth of the vagina itself decreases.
  • Vaginal narrowing is a surgical reduction of the vaginal opening.
  • Levatoplasty is the strengthening of the perineal muscles when they are seriously stretched or torn. Usually performed for medical reasons together with anterior colporrhaphy and suturing of the vaginal opening.

Vaginoplasty is a full-fledged surgical operation, but often only it can restore sexuality and harmony in intimate life.

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