Asti (Anna Dzyuba) before and after plastic surgery. Photo, biography, personal life

Brief biography and personal life

Asti (before and after plastic surgery photos are shown below in the article) or Anna Dzyuba was born in Cherkasy at the end of June 1990. Very little is known about the singer’s parents; for example, the celebrity’s mother and grandmother worked in a sewing workshop, and her father owned a chain of cafes.

Since childhood, Anna, who adored Indian melodramas and dreamed of conquering the stage, was taught the skill of sewing together with her sister, and after school they were forced to say goodbye to the dream of a variety and circus school in favor of a law institute and makeup artist courses.

The young singer's solo career began completely unexpectedly. Anna, suffering from unrequited love, became interested in writing songs, publishing them on the Internet. Producer Artem Umrikhin (Artik) accidentally came across her works, and since he was looking for a soloist for his project, he wrote to the girl, inviting the girl to Moscow.

The duo Artik & Asti, which appeared in 2010, became popular from their second single , and in 2013 they recorded a solo album, together with DJ Smash. Following “Paradise One for Two,” the soloists released “Here and Now” and “Number 1.”

In 2016, the pop duo presented the single “You Can Do Anything,” the video of which was decorated with scenes from the “50 Shades of Gray” franchise, and then “I’m Yours,” which received more than 2 million views on YouTube.

In 2017, the pop duo released “Indivisible” and “Together”, which were included in the singers’ 2nd album “Feel - EP”, and in 2019 the singles “Sad Dance” and “Under Hypnosis” appeared, announced as part of the new mini-album “7 (Part 1)”. In 2020, the pop duo presented the final songs of the album, which included the megahit “Girl Dance.”

Anna Dzyuba hid her personal life from journalists until 2017, when she finally spoke about the fact that she had been in a permanent relationship for some time and was very happy. Before this, in her personal life, the singer had long been haunted by love failures and betrayals by her partner, which the girl learned to cope with with the help of psychological literature.

For some time, Anna was credited with an affair with her partner Anton Umrikhin, but the singers denied such rumors , noting that they were connected only by friendly, almost family, but far from love relationships. In addition, Anton always acted as a “vest” in Asti’s love failures.

Photo: Asti (Anna Dzyuba) with her husband

In 2020, the singer married businessman Stanislav Yurkin, but has no plans to have children yet. From his first marriage, Stanislav has a daughter, Varya.

Artem Umrikhin now

On November 2, 2022, the day his group turned 10 years old, Artyom announced that the duet “Artik and Asti” no longer existed - at least in its usual composition. He was happy for his colleague and friend Anna, who “turned from a little girl into a luxurious woman and artist,” and promised that the group would soon appear in an updated form:

Anya will probably start her solo journey, and I will continue to do what I’ve been doing all my life - write songs, look for new talents and help them realize themselves. I would like to express my gratitude to Anya, together we have come a long, incredibly interesting and important path!

Figure parameters and appearance

Asti (before and after plastic surgery photos show the dramatic changes that have occurred with the singer) is known not only for her creativity, but also for her luxurious body.

Figure parameters:

Height173 cm
Weight55 kg
Chest – waist – hips90-63-93
Bust volume90 C
Bust size3
Clothing size42-44
Shoe size39

It is known that after moving to Moscow, the secretive girl was reproached for a long time for being overweight, but thanks to grueling diets, training and plastic surgery, Anna overcame her excess weight, sculpting an ideal, model body.

Anna loves to paint her body with a variety of tattoos, noting that this is one of the ways to calm her suffering “cat soul.”

The singer's biggest tattoo is a cat's face surrounded by stars and flowers, as well as a small treble clef. This ornament is placed on Anna’s right hand and extends from the back of the hand to the elbow.

The inscription One Love is engraved on Anna's right thigh, and the singer placed a small cross between her breasts. Another tattoo, of unknown meaning, consisting of an inscription over several periods of time, was applied to the singer’s ribs.

History of creation

The group was formed in 2010 by Artem Igorevich Umrikhin (born 12/09/1985), a famous producer, performer, composer, founder of the music company SELF MADE MUSIC, known under the stage name Artik.

Artik started out as a sound producer and composer

The group “Artik and Asti” was preceded by Umrikhin’s successful hip-hop project: the group “Karats” (silver medalists of the InDaHouse festival in 2003, the best rnb-hip-hop group in 2005 according to the Ukrainian show business award, the best RnB group in 2008 year according to the All-Ukrainian award “SHOWTIME RnB/Hip-Hop AWARDS”). And collaboration with the groups Quest Pistols and Marselle brought fame to Artem as a producer.

By the end of 2009, Artik tried himself as a composer. He wrote music for famous performers: Dima Bilan, Yulia Savicheva, Ivan Dorn, Zhanna Friske, and others. But Artik’s creative nature needed a new grandiose project, however, the most important thing was missing - a good vocalist. Umrikhin auditioned many candidates for this role. Luck came from an unexpected place: on the Internet, a sound producer was attracted to the music recordings of an unknown singer.


She turned out to be Anna Dzyuba (born June 20, 1990), an aspiring 20-year-old singer from the Ukrainian city of Cherkassy. Artem Umrikhin was fascinated by the girl’s voice and set himself the goal of finding her at any cost. Yuri Bardash from the group “Mushrooms” helped the producer find Anna’s phone number. Artem invited the future vocalist of the group “Artik & Asti” to audition. So, in 2010, a new pop group “Artik and Asti” appeared with two charming and talented performers.

Before and after plastic surgery

Asti (before and after plastic surgery photos appeared on the centerfold of Maxim magazine) has suffered from complexes about her appearance since childhood, and when she appeared in Moscow, she faced widespread criticism. Having decided to completely change, Anna went on a diet, but having lost weight, she lost her magnificent breasts, along with her butt.

The singer decided to return what she had lost with the help of plastic surgery, which she easily told her followers on Instagram. To correct the buttocks, Asti performed 3D lipomyosculpture , which is a conventional lipolifting in which fat from the abdomen is transferred to the buttock area.

Due to the procedure, for which Anna was forced to gain an extra 6 kg, not only her buttocks were transformed, but the singer’s waist size also significantly decreased. The singer spoke about all the nuances of the operation, as well as her recovery period, on Instagram, openly answering questions from fans.

After the operation, doctors forbade Anna to lose weight, but she did not strive for this, keeping in shape with proper nutrition.

In addition to shaping her buttocks, the singer is also suspected of changing her facial features, including:

  • performing rhinoplasty, which changed her naturally rather large nose;
  • removal of Bisha lumps, outlining the cheekbones and sharpening the oval of the face;
  • correction of the shape of the lips with fillers, giving them additional volume.

Fans also suspect the singer of correcting the shape of her breasts, but Anna by nature has a rather impressive bust. While losing weight, her mammary glands decreased slightly in size and if the singer did something with them, she most likely performed lipolifting, adding a little of her own fat to obtain volume and plumpness, but did not insert implants.

Asti’s fans also don’t like her strong love for fillers, who believe that such correction makes the idol look very old and also makes her look similar to Svetlana Loboda.

Appearance after plastic surgery

Asti, whose photos before and after plastic surgery clearly prove the effectiveness of surgical correction for the formation of ideal body parameters, suffered from complexes for a long time and struggled with excess weight.

The singer, through artificial changes, was able to form a model body, as well as correct her facial features, adding a glamorous shine to them. The only thing that fans of Anna don’t like about the hobby for plastic surgery is that they claim that such procedures make their beloved idol look very old.

Beauty secrets

Asti (the singer posted photos before and after plastic surgery on her Instagram, openly telling fans about the changes that had happened to her) knows very well that true beauty is hard work that requires a lot of time and effort.

The singer trusts professionals to take care of her appearance, and calls ice and moisturizing masks , which instantly tighten and transform the skin, her must-haves.

Personal care

In her free time from touring, Anna prefers to get up later and then wash her face with cold water or wipe her face with ice cubes. By freezing chamomile infusion or green tea in this way, the singer provides herself with an excellent tonic that instantly refreshes her face and helps her wake up.

Asti calls dr.Jart alginate masks one of the secrets to the beauty of your face . According to the singer, they work real miracles with the skin, giving the tissues the necessary nutrition and hydration.

Every day Anna uses eye patches and tries to take a bubble bath, and after water treatments she always applies a nourishing cream to her body, giving her skin the smell of custard, vanilla cream.

Like any girl, singer Asti loves to take care of herself and spares neither time nor effort on procedures. The best vacation, according to the star, is visiting a spa salon with friends, where the girls can enjoy a variety of treatments, massages and body wraps.

Anna also loves going to her favorite “Beauty Bureau”, where she conducts hair and skin care sessions, a variety of peelings, massages, cleansing and masks. According to the singer, moisturizing facial care is not only pleasant, but also makes it possible to appear at any event completely without makeup.

Anna recently performed the “PRXT Peeling with Mesoscooter” procedure and simply fell in love with the result, which improved her complexion, tightened her skin, removed scars and activated the skin’s production of its own collagen.

In her interviews, Asti does not hide the fact that, suffering from complexes about her appearance, she performed many aesthetic procedures, carefully correcting her nose, lips and chin with injections.

Having reached the age of 30, Anna decided to take a break from the transformation, noting that she regularly pinned up only her lips, and stopped mocking her cheekbones and chin, seeing that due to the abundance of fillers, it had not shrunk, but had only “floated.”

Taking care of her beauty at home, Anna makes various masks, cleanses her face with toner and uses moisturizer.

Among the star's favorite products:

  • products from LaMer;
  • alginate masks dr.Jart;
  • Israeli cosmetics AHAVA, including moisturizing creams for hands, feet and body.

Hair care

Anna explains the beauty of her luxurious hair by using oils with argan oil and mandatory daily washing. For the singer, cleansing her hair is an opportunity to remove fatigue and negativity that has accumulated during the day. After washing, Anna applies argan oil, antistatic agent, serum, hair volume spray to her hair, and then does a beautiful hairstyle.

Singer Asti loves various experiments and can easily change her hair color to red or purple, and then return to her natural look. The only thing Anna will never do again is dye her hair blonde, since after the last bleaching she had to treat and restore damaged strands for a very long time.


In her free time from work, Anna tries to give her skin a rest and practically does not use makeup.

Basically, the singer uses:

  • mattifying face cream as a base from Erborian and Shiseido;
  • MAC peach blush with gold shimmer;
  • pink BabyDoll shadows from NYX Professional Makeup, applied to the apples of the cheeks and giving the face a rested and slightly doll-like look;
  • Becca highlighter;
  • cheekbone-emphasizing dry corrector;
  • Shiseido mattifying powder;
  • transparent lipstick or lip pencil.

When Anna wants to do brighter makeup, she applies a Chanel pencil to the corners of her lips, shades it as much as possible, and then uses transparent lipstick.

In her youth, the singer worked for some time as a makeup artist and knows very well how to best highlight the beauty of her face.

For concert looks, Asti's makeup is done by herself or by a guest makeup artist, who creates a bright concert look using eyeshadow of the most unexpected colors. The singer loves to use variegated monochrome colors on the entire eyelid or laconic winged eyeliner in her makeup.

It is considered mandatory for Anna's concert makeup to use false eyelashes, glued in bunches to the corners of the eyes and adding drama to the look.

According to the singer, it is imperative to apply shadows on a base of multifunctional tints or even matte lipsticks.


For a long time, Asti suffered from excess weight, but no matter how much she struggled, she could not completely overcome the kilograms that were bothering her. Anna was helped to cope with the problem by accepting herself for who she is, fitness, plastic surgery and proper nutrition.

Despite her tendency to be overweight, the singer does not limit herself too much, and in addition, after the correction of her buttocks, the doctor persistently forbade her to lose weight. Anna eats sweets, but not very often, since she doesn’t have a particular craving for sugar, and calls fried potatoes and pickles her favorite dishes.


The singer tries to exercise every day, but does not work hard in the gym, since any defect in the body can easily be corrected with the help of plastic surgery. Working with a personal trainer, Anna prefers to do cardio, strength and stretching exercises, as well as yoga and Pilates.

Awards and interesting facts

The pop duet Artik & Asti is one of the most titled on the Russian stage, whose awards include:

  1. "Annual Music Award" for the best pop project of the year;
  2. 4 “Golden Gramophone” figurines;
  3. 3 Muz-TV awards;
  4. 2 Major League awards;
  5. “Top Hit Music Awards”, “Fashion People Awards” and “Insta Awards”;
  6. Nominations for the “RU.TV” statuette as the best musical group.

Interesting Facts:

  1. Anna loves animals, and at home she has a Sphynx cat, who periodically accompanies the singer to interviews, and a French bulldog, whose habits and character the star likes to talk about on her Instagram.
  2. In April 2017, Anna opened her own salon, “Beauty Bureau,” specializing in cosmetic procedures. In addition to specialists of various profiles, here you can also find the singer herself, communicating with clients and giving advice on creating a bright make-up.
  3. The singer calls music her “greatest love,” noting that for her there is no greater happiness than performing in front of an audience.
  4. Asti loves tattoos, saying that when she sings, her cat's soul cries, and when she cries, she paints herself.
  5. Anna is very afraid of a lot of people, which is why she rarely goes to clubs and tries not to ride in the elevator. Oddly enough, the singer is not afraid to perform on stage, noting that during the concert the fans are below, and she is on stage. Asti calls television his second phobia, especially when there are political programs on it.
  6. Anna has a warm, friendly relationship with Artem (Artik), reminiscent not of the interaction between a boss and a subordinate, but rather of an older brother and sister.
  7. Despite her surname, Anna Dzyuba is not a sister or distant relative of the Russian National Team football player. The young people are simply namesakes, although both, by strange chance, were born in the summer.

Asti is the vocalist of the pop duo Artik & Asti, known not only for her creativity, but also for her open, frank communication with fans. Easily speaking on any topic, and even ironing her photographs taken before and after plastic surgery, Anna Dzyuba is considered one of the most talented and titled stars of Russian show business, and videos with her songs invariably occupy the first lines of the hit parades.

Childhood and adolescence

Artem was born on December 9, 1985 in Zaporozhye, into a simple Soviet family. Like all the boys of that time, he played football in the yard, rode a bicycle, fought and was mischievous. As a teenager, he became interested in modern music, and when he heard his neighbor in the yard perform songs from the repertoire of the group “Bachelor Party,” he fell in love with rap and hip-hop.

Artik (Artem Umrikhin) in childhood

From the age of eleven this became his main hobby. Artem composed songs and recorded them on a cassette recorder, and with the advent of the computer he began to devote all his free time to his favorite pastime. After graduating from school, he and a group of like-minded people created the RnB/HipHop group “Karats” and took the pseudonym Artik (derived from the name Artem).

Artem developed a love for music as a child

Their music was initially adapted for a wide audience and aimed at clubs, so it immediately attracted widespread attention. In the same year, the guys moved to Kyiv and took their rightful place among talented Ukrainian performers.

Artem Umrikhin took the pseudonym Artik

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