Anna Dzyuba (Asti) before and after plastic surgery: Instagram tuning in action

Anna Dzyuba was born on June 24, 1990 in Cherkassy, ​​Ukraine. The girl’s parents sang in a group when they were young, but did not achieve much success in the artistic field. In the future they will tell Anya that you can’t make money from songs. For some time, the girl will even believe in her father’s words, but she will not stop singing.

In the meantime, this is an ordinary child from a low-income family. According to the singer, she was very active as a child. Anya often took part in school productions and was involved in several creative clubs. However, her native school remembered her not because of her unique vocal abilities or artistry, but because of her excessive talkativeness.

Asti in childhood. Instagram @astiselfmade

Asti recalls how her classmates often asked her to ask the teacher as many questions as possible during class in order to stretch out the time. As for the teachers, they seemed to enjoy such curiosity. The mother of the future star often heard from teachers that the girl was good, but she talked a lot.

In the future, having become a famous singer, the girl will remain a simple girl who is open to communication and new friends. Among the latter, by the way, there were always more boys than girls.


As a teenager, Anna Dzyuba was not the example of femininity that her fans had long been accustomed to. According to the star, during adolescence she was a tomboy. Communication with guys was easier for the girl than with the fair sex. Guys, according to the artist, are much less likely to envy girls and can really give practical advice on appearance.

As for the romantic side of the life of the then Anya Dzyuba, then, according to the star, at that time she was not popular with the opposite sex. The girl even believes that she was that ugly friend of the local beauty. However, later the young people saw in her a good friend and things on Anya’s personal front improved noticeably.

At the same time, the future star admits that she grew up in difficult times. The crisis that came in the 90s also affected the life of a girl from a small Ukrainian town. According to Asti, many of those around her drank alcohol and drugs during that period. The girl will have many acquaintances with addictions; at some point, Anna joins her friends in this hobby, but very quickly abandons it.

Today it’s hard to believe that Asti was a tomboy in her youth. Instagram @astiselfmade

Since then, the most important thing in the girl’s diet is wine. However, there will still be a moment in the artist’s life when she reaches for a glass in an attempt to drown out the pain.

In the meantime, she is graduating from university and becoming an assistant lawyer. According to the singer’s recollections, professional literature was difficult for her. At work, she often wrote song lyrics, for which she was sometimes reprimanded. According to the star, she left her position as an assistant lawyer with a scandal, after which she tried herself as a makeup artist.

Asti recalls that at that time she thought that it was possible to break into show business with the help of connections or through bed. According to the artist, she had no influential acquaintances at that time, and sleeping with someone in the name of fame was unacceptable for her. However, Anna continues to sing and even participates in the filming of a music video.

It is noteworthy that at that time the girl had to pay herself for the right to sing, which today the artist recalls with a smile. However, then participation in the project, about which little is known today, was her only professional achievement. Asti managed to give up and come to terms with life in obscurity.

According to Asti’s recollections, at that time she was a completely ordinary girl from a small Ukrainian town. She did not have a chic wardrobe, nor a sea of ​​admirers, and she was also not experienced in traveling to distant countries. At that time, the future star flew by plane only two times: to Turkey and back. However, very soon everything changed.

Anna Dzyuba (Asti) before and after plastic surgery: Instagram tuning in action

Just recently, this simple girl from a small Ukrainian town posted not very professional videos on YouTube and was convinced that without connections and money she would not achieve success. Today her name is known far beyond the country's borders: in just a few years, the aspiring singer Anna Dzyuba turned into an idol of millions, becoming the beautiful half of the popular duet Artik & Asti. Her compositions top iTunes, and two of her three albums went platinum in Russia.

Career growth was accompanied by external changes. The transformation from an unknown chubby into an attractive show business star was followed by thousands of fans, because Anna-Asti is not at all shy about using the services of plastic surgeons and talks about it in detail on her Instagram, where she now has more than a million followers. What kind of operations helped Dziuba get rid of his very ordinary appearance and the complexes associated with it? We compare photos before and after plastic surgery, and find out all the secrets of creating an impeccable stage image:

↑ How to get into showbiz without money and connections?

  • Birthday: June 24, 1990
  • Height: 175 cm. Weight: 55 kg.
  • Parameters: 90-63-93, bust size: 2

The future star was born in the city of Cherkassy, ​​and already from childhood she felt her creative potential: she came up with skits and staged performances, demonstrated “fashion shows” and organized singing concerts, which were watched with pleasure first by parents, friends and neighbors, and then by teachers and classmates.

At the age of 17, the girl wrote her first full-length song, filmed it and posted it on the Internet. The video collected many views and likes, however, Dziuba did not take it seriously. After graduating from school, she received a higher legal education and began working in her specialty - although from time to time she still recorded and posted new demos.

It was thanks to this that the talented girl was found by the already quite famous producer Artem Umrikhin, who collaborated with Dzhigan, Ivan Dorn, Anna Sedokova and other stars. In 2012, Dziuba became a soloist in his new project, which was called “Artik & Asti” and turned out to be very successful: just a year later, the talented guys collected the first million views for their new video, in 2015 their second album received platinum status version of “Yandex.Music”, and in 2017 the famous “Number 1” was released, which instantly took the first place in iTunes and caused a real resonance among fans.

Today Artik and Asti can already be called real “sharks” of Russian show business. Tickets for their concerts are instantly sold out, and the vocalists invariably attract full houses. Success is confirmed by many awards from almost all national music awards, including Muz-TV, Zhara, Insta Awards, VK Music, Major League, Golden Gramophone and many others.

At the same time, Anna, like many stars of the second half of the 2010s, is trying to convert her popularity into additional income. She has already opened two beauty salons in Moscow called Asti Beauty Bureau and launched her own clothing line, Selfmade. How successful these projects are is unknown, however, the girl constantly emphasizes in her interviews that she devotes a lot of time and effort to the business.

↑ Why does the singer hide her personal life?

But Anna Dziuba’s relationships with men remain behind the scenes of her public activities. It is known that in 2015 the singer met with a certain young man, as evidenced by their common photos on social networks. The serious relationship lasted more than two years, however, at the end of 2017, the girl admitted in an interview on Love Radio that she had a painful breakup, which she tried to hide from prying eyes.

Now the star is in a new relationship, in her words “harmonious and happy,” but she is in no hurry to show her chosen one to the public. From what Anna said in an interview, it is known that the couple rarely sees each other due to the artist’s constant employment. Starting a family and having children is also not planned yet - in order not to ruin Asti’s career in show business.

↑ What plastic surgeries did Anna Dzyuba perform?

Despite the fact that our heroine is naturally extremely pretty, from childhood she was haunted by complexes about her own appearance. And as soon as such an opportunity arose, Asti began to work hard on how she looked. So zealously that today there is no trace left of that Anya Dziuba from the small town of Cherkassy, ​​who in 2010 began to take her first timid steps in show business.

Of course, this could not have happened without the help of plastic surgeons. The star does not hide this: she spoke in detail about her lipofilling on Instagram, but many believe that this operation alone was not enough. Anna is credited with rhinoplasty, removal of Bisha's lumps, breast enlargement... To figure out where the truth is and where the fiction is, we carefully studied the star's photographs over different years:

↑ What did Asti do to her face?

Many are sure that at the beginning of her career, Anna Dzyuba changed the shape of her nose, making it thinner and removing the overhanging tip. However, the differences in old and recent photographs are not too obvious; they can be explained by successful filters and the use of Photoshop (for those who actually did this operation, the difference, as a rule, is much more noticeable and does not raise any doubts).

In addition, contouring, eyebrow correction, aggressive make-up, hairstyle and hair volume also greatly change how the nose is perceived - for example, against the background of new enlarged lips, it usually looks smaller than it really is. Therefore, it is impossible to draw unambiguous conclusions about rhinoplasty: it is possible that the operation did take place, but it is much more likely that it was done without it.

Another popular question about Anna Dzyuba’s plastic surgery is the removal of Bisha’s lumps. The singer does have characteristic sunken cheeks, which suggest this operation. Old photos show that she had quite a lot of fat around her lower jaw. Therefore, it is quite possible to assume that the obvious pits did not appear as a consequence of general weight loss, but were made surgically.

Another serious problem was the round, “burly” oval face with which Anya began her career. He did not at all fit with the image of a seductive beauty necessary for the stage and videos. To correct the situation, I had to try: firstly, to lose weight, and secondly, to enlarge my cheekbones using contouring, due to which an aristocratic elegance appeared in my features. True, many fans believe that as a result, Asti began to look much older than she actually is - but this statement seems very controversial to us.

A busy performance schedule does not leave much time for sleep and does not always provide the opportunity to eat right. Coupled with aggressive stage makeup, this negatively affects the condition of the skin: it causes premature aging, dull color and lack of tone. The girl is trying to keep the situation under control with the help of a professional cosmetologist: she is a big fan of ultrasonic lifting, and also regularly does peelings and uses natural skincare products.

Another trend, now of the past, that Anna Dzyuba could not resist is lip augmentation. Everyone knows: to add volume, you don’t need major surgery, one session of fillers is enough. The main thing is not to overdo it - but the singer did not always succeed in this. In many photos, her lips look excessively large and completely unnatural. Fortunately, even an unsuccessful result goes away within a few months, and recently the girl seems to have found her “dosage”: she still continues to apply fillers, but the result already looks quite adequate, without any excesses.

↑ Figure transformations

Anna has a natural tendency to be overweight, and she has admitted more than once that in her youth she was extremely complex about being overweight. At the same time, Dziuba first began to fight the hated kilograms - with the help of grueling diets, which, however, did not give much results.

When a stellar career loomed ahead, Asti made another effort - she took up stretching and yoga, and also completely switched to proper nutrition. And this attempt turned out to be much more successful, if not for one problem: as a result, the figure became almost completely flat. If the volume still remained in the chest, then in the buttocks area it disappeared without a trace. Getting fat again is not an option, so Dzyuba decided to turn to plastic surgeons for help with her problem, and she was right.

The girl performed an operation, which in her posts she called 3D lipomyosculpture (essentially ordinary lipofilling). During the intervention, Anya's own fat was pumped out from her abdomen, which was then transplanted into her buttocks. Due to this, not only did the volume of the “fifth point” increase, but also the waist, from where all unnecessary was removed, became noticeably more graceful and thinner. Asti showed the main stages and subtleties of what was happening on Instagram (including the girl had to specifically gain 6 kg in order to grow the required amount of lipid tissue for the transplant), and demonstrated her updated body in photos from the beaches of Dubai and the Maldives at the beginning of 2022.

↑ Has Asti had breast surgery?

As for Anya’s bust, by nature it is not too large, but quite noticeable and quite in harmony with the rest of her figure, so there was no particular need to enlarge it surgically. True, there are those who are sure that Dziuba still had mammoplasty, they say, otherwise her breasts would have completely “deflated” after losing weight.

But there are no obvious traces of implants in the latest photos, and knowing Asti’s commitment to large volumes (and we have already seen how she got her lips inked), it is not difficult to assume that if there was talk of surgery, the singer would now be showing off at least a “B” , and not a modest “deuce”. Those who are still looking for traces of plastic surgery may be satisfied with the version about lipofilling: since the star had already done this with the buttocks, there was no difficulty in transplanting a little fat into the bust area. This procedure will not give a significant increase in size in the case of breasts, but it will easily compensate for the effects of weight loss and create a pleasant natural roundness.

And, in addition to plastic surgery, the girl transforms her body with the help of tattoos, periodically adding new symbols to the collection. The largest image is on the girl’s right hand. Previously, there was only a small treble clef, symbolizing Anya’s main passion - music. And not so long ago she decided to complement the drawing by stuffing a cat surrounded by roses and stars. The singer claims that this reflects her fickle soul. Also, Asti has decorated the front of her hips with wide inscriptions, on her chest there is a small cross, on her left shoulder there is a set of dots reminiscent of old Soviet punch cards, and symbols of unknown meaning run through the ribs in a thin line.

  • Total:
    Anna Dzyuba did much less plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures than she is credited with. Now she has only undergone standard “Instagram tuning” - removal of Bisha’s lumps, contouring of cheekbones and lips - as well as lipofilling of the buttocks and, possibly, breasts. At the same time, the star is clearly ready to continue working on her face and body, and the main thing is to immediately talk about what is happening, so we can expect new beauty experiments from her soon.


Artem Umrikhin was looking for a vocalist for his new project. One day he came across a clip in which he heard Anna’s voice out of the corner of his ear. The musician liked the stranger’s vocals and wanted to contact her, but her contacts were not in the description of the video. The producer will spend the next six months searching for an unknown singer.

Miraculously, a member of the Mushrooms group will find her and immediately contact her, but Anya Dzyuba, who answered the call, will decide that this is a prank and will not wait for the promised call from Arti. When Artem finally called her, she broke out in a sweat. She instantly recognized his voice, but later, just in case, she would check the number that came up with the one her friend had.

Artem Umrikhin invited the girl to come to him in Kyiv for an audition. The girl agreed, but inside she was torn by doubts. Anya was afraid that her new acquaintance would turn out to be a sick person and even mentally made a plan to escape, but Artem simply invited her to sing.

Despite her star status, Anya Dzyuba remains a simple girl. Instagram @astiselfmade

Wanting to impress the famous producer, Dzyuba gave her 100%, but Umrikhin stopped her and asked her to sing more simply, which she did. This is how the group Artik&Asti arose, which brought worldwide success to the two artists.

The first wave of fame will cover the guys after the release of the song “Clouds”. Afterwards, the team will release more than one super hit, and their second studio album “Here and Now” will receive platinum status several times. However, very soon Asti will learn the other side of the coin.

The girl is distinguished by her curvy figure, which immediately attracts the attention of the press and envious people. Online, the young artist is called overweight. The criticism reaches Asti's ears and she takes it upon herself. Very soon the girl transforms and wipes the nose of the spiteful critics.


Calling themselves Artik & Asti, the duo attracted the attention of the public from the second single “My Last Hope”, artists began to be invited to concerts, and the video clip for the song was literally bursting with views on YouTube. In 2013, it was time to release the debut album “#region of two”, containing a composition recorded together with DJ Smash.

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Anna Dzyuba before and after plastic surgery
The next addition to the discography was the collection “Here and Now”, which, according to Yandex music services, was among the most popular records of the year, “Number 1” and LIVE at the A2 Green Concert on June 16, 2018.

In 2019, the titled Artik & Asti amazed with their performance: the tandem recorded the mini-album “7 (Part 1)”, released “Sad Dance” with Artem Kacher, the singles “You’ll Forget”, “Under Hypnosis” and a video for the last hit, which gained four months more than 20 million views.

Asti in 2022

Asti today is one of the brightest performers in Russian show business. However, even taking into account the busy touring schedule and being busy at the studio, the girl manages to find the strength for entrepreneurial activity.

The artist’s projects include her own beauty salon, as well as a clothing collection. According to the artist, she herself does not understand how she manages to keep up with everything, because sometimes, due to the frantic rhythms, she cannot even eat normally.

However, the main topic of 2022 for Asti fans was not her business projects or even her latest tracks. The hottest news during this period was the change in Asti's personal life.


The capital's entrepreneur registered Studio San Denis LLC in 2011. By the way, two founders of the organization were Stanislav Igorevich and his ex-wife Yana Viktorovna Simakova, the shares were divided equally. The main activity of the company was to provide professional education services in the field of beauty.

Posted by Stanislav Yurkin on Monday, January 16, 2017

Stanislav Yurkin with his daughter Varya

In 2016, the businessman registered as an individual entrepreneur. Yurkin engaged in the wholesale sale of branded clothing, as well as accessories.

After 2 years, changes occurred in the Muscovite’s career. He got into the restaurant business and opened the Kultura Bar. The signature bar has become popular thanks to its unique collection of cocktails, which, according to information from the official website, are created individually for each guest.

Personal life

Being a famous singer, Asti is in no hurry to show off her personal life. The press knows little about the star’s loves, and she herself rarely opens up in interviews.

It is known that, as a teenager, Anya Dzyuba did not always enjoy success with the opposite sex. However, at some point the attention of young people was attracted by the girl’s simplicity and openness. However, not everyone knows how to appreciate spiritual qualities that are so unusual by today’s standards.

Asti recalls how she found herself in a relationship with not the most honest young man. Once he even cheated on his girlfriend, she forgave him, but she no longer had the same trust in him. At some point, the couple quarreled again, and when Asti called a close friend for support, it turned out that he could not come because he was spending time with her friend. The response from a close friend hurt the singer to such an extent that she considered committing suicide.

The girl was stopped by thoughts of her parents. This episode greatly influenced Asti as a person, because now she prefers to solve problems without resorting to alcohol.

As for the artist’s current personal life, in 2022 Asti announced her upcoming wedding on her Instagram page. The singer's chosen one was a Moscow entrepreneur. He is 11 years older than the singer and has a daughter from his first marriage. For Asti, this will be the first officially formalized relationship.

Asti with her lover in Bali. Instagram @astiselfmade

Plastic surgery

Even being a real star, Asti never ceases to be honest with her fans. In 2018, the artist published a post on her Instagram page, where she admitted that she had undergone plastic surgery. According to the singer, she underwent liposuction of her abdomen and used the same fat deposits to enlarge her buttocks. Most of the star's subscribers highly appreciated the idol's sincerity, but there were also those who criticized Asti's further publications.

Asti admitted that she sought help from a plastic surgeon. Instagram @astiselfmade

According to haters, the girl resorted not only to removing fat from her abdomen and enlarging her buttocks. Evil tongues in the comments stated that she allegedly turned to “beauty doctors” for help more than once or twice.

Everything about Nastya is charming: her voice, her smile, and her figure.

Photos here and below by @kamenskux

Ukrainian pop singer, as well as a participant in numerous television projects, Nastya Kamenskikh (also known as NK) in 2018 released a video for her song “Butt like Kim,” which instantly went viral and collected more than 45 million views on YouTube. But we suggest remembering that Nastya Kamensky’s photos are no less hot than this popular video (if not more).

Don't take our word for it - see for yourself!

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