Ultrasound gel Mediagel (ultragel) medium viscosity 1kg bottle

Cleansing and treating facial skin with an ultrasonic device or scrubber is a popular procedure both in beauty salons and at home. The effectiveness of the method lies in the complex effect on the epidermis, which allows you to remove dirt accumulated in the pores and products of the sebaceous glands, as well as remove dead particles of the epidermis.

The use of scrubbers, in addition to a pleasant massage effect and deep relaxation of the facial muscles, stimulates the process of active formation of collagen in skin cells. Thanks to such procedures, the elasticity and firmness of the epidermis increases, and the oval of the face looks more toned and clearly defined.

Treatment of negative changes that mature skin is susceptible to is one of the popular methods of using modern ultrasound devices. The devices help reduce wrinkles and age-related pigmentation.

Scrubbers have proven themselves well in removing scars or treating acne. However, the effect of using ultrasonic devices directly depends on the correct selection of a contact gel that enhances conductivity and contains special components.

Description of the procedure

Ultrasonic facial cleansing (ultrasound peeling) is an exfoliation procedure aimed at removing dead particles and deep impurities from the surface of the skin.

It is carried out in a cosmetologist’s office or at home using a special device - a scrubber. After the device is activated, high-frequency vibrations occur in the nozzle with which it is equipped.

When in contact with the skin, they destroy the connections between the cells of the stratum corneum, cleanse the pores, promote the penetration of moisture into the epidermis, accelerate blood microcirculation and activate metabolic processes.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

Without the use of a liquid medium, ultrasonic vibrations do not penetrate the skin. This is why conductors are used. For regular peeling, a physiological solution of sodium chloride (table salt) is used; to improve the result, special gels with medicinal components are used.

Reviews of ARAVIA Professional intensive gel for ultrasonic cleaning and hardware procedures

[email protected] , review on irecommend.ru

: “Thanks to the gel, the device glides perfectly over the skin and protects it during the procedure. The gel does not tighten the skin and does not dry out. The face is wet during the procedure. Also, the product does not dry out, does not cause itching or tingling. The gel really steams the skin and helps the contents of the pores come out. The result is noticeable, pores look narrower. After the procedure, the skin remains soft and smooth even after washing.”

Regina, review on wildberries.ru

: “With an ultrasound machine, it cleans the skin perfectly and does not scatter in all directions. Everything remains on the shoulder blade and can be easily removed.”

Margarita, review on aravia.ru

: “I did it under film, opened it in zones and cleaned it with an ultrasound machine, everything was fine. The smell is not strong and pleasant, suitable for sensitive skin.”

Victoria, review on wildberries.ru

: “It smells nice, I took it for microcurrents. The skin after it is smooth and moisturized.”

Diana, review on ozon.ru

: “It steams the skin well if you apply it under the film for about 15 minutes, it has a comfortable consistency, not runny or thick.”

Features of choosing contact gel

By skin type

To increase the conductivity of ultrasonic waves and saturate the skin with useful substances and microelements, a contact gel is used. It is selected individually taking into account physiological characteristics:

  • in case of disturbances in the production of sebum or the presence of rashes, it is better to give preference to products with softening properties;
  • in case of pigmentation, you should choose drugs with a whitening effect;
  • for hypersensitivity - with a delicate effect;
  • in case of excessive dryness, peeling, signs of aging - containing useful substances and biologically active components.

What should be included

When purchasing a gel for ultrasonic cleaning, be sure to pay attention to the list of components that it consists of. The safety of the procedure, its benefits and the absence of side effects depend on this. A quality cosmetic product should include:

  • AHA acids (fruit) - gently exfoliate dead cells, accelerate epidermis renewal, smooth out facial wrinkles, even out tone, add firmness and elasticity.
  • Vitamin complexes (A, E, C, B, K) - activate the synthesis of collagen and elastin, protect against the negative effects of free radicals, ultraviolet radiation, have antioxidant properties, make scars less noticeable, moisturize, eliminate dark circles under the eyes.
  • Macro- and microelements (sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium) - provide deep cleansing of the integument, restore ion exchange, improve the transport of nutrients, normalize fluid balance, relieve inflammation, swelling, tone, stimulate regeneration.
  • Squeezes of medicinal plants have anti-inflammatory, soothing, antibacterial, rejuvenating, strengthening effects.

Ultrasonic peeling products should not contain :

  • wax;
  • paraffin;
  • fatty acid;
  • parabens;
  • fragrances;
  • dyes.

Indications and contraindications

Ultrasonic peeling is a hardware cleansing of surface action. You can do this throughout the year, even during the period of maximum solar activity. It combines the effect of exfoliant and massage as an independent method of rapid transformation and is recommended for women under 30 years of age. When the first age-related changes appear, it is combined with mesotherapy, biorevitalization, Botox injections, as well as hardware methods of rejuvenation.


  • stressed skin - unhealthy dull tone;
  • the first signs of withering are loss of firmness and elasticity;
  • dryness, peeling;
  • excess sebium synthesis, oily shine;
  • tendency to the appearance of foci of inflammation;
  • enlarged pores;
  • superficial wrinkles, sagging skin.

There are a number of limitations for carrying out, identified at the consultation stage.


  • pregnancy;
  • carrying out drug therapy;
  • oncology;
  • psychoneurological diseases;
  • eczema;
  • herpes;
  • recently performed peeling procedures, beauty injections, mesothreads;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • hypertension;
  • acne in active stage.


The contact gel is selected taking into account the characteristics of the epidermis and can be:

  • Steaming - indicated for oily skin. The action of the components is aimed at opening the pores, due to which ultrasonic waves are able to penetrate into the deep layers. Such preparations usually contain fruit acids, so if you are hypersensitive, it is better to avoid them.
  • Softening is the best option in the presence of age-related changes, as well as dermatological problems. However, it is important to follow the instructions for use due to the content of AHA acids. Despite the low concentration, with frequent use they can cause an allergic reaction.
  • Whitening - recommended for pigmented and freckled skin. Helps lighten and even out tone, hide defects.
  • Anti-rosacea - designed specifically to combat rosacea. Normalizes blood microcirculation, eliminates redness, vascular network, reduces the risk of re-development of the disease.
  • Moisturizing - used for increased dryness and flaking. It has a viscous consistency, enriched with nutritional components to tonify and saturate epidermal cells. Regulates water balance. Not recommended for use on greasy skin.
  • Delicate - for thin and sensitive skin. Does not contain aggressive substances, is made on the basis of medicinal herbs. Has calming properties.

Table of medicinal substances used in phonophoresis

Medicinal substanceComposition and form of the medicine
Analgin50% solution
Anestezin5-10% anesthetic ointment
Baralgin2-2.5 ml. ampoule solution is rubbed into the skin and coated with glycerin
Gangleron0.25% ganglerone ointment based on lanolin and petroleum jelly
HeparinAqueous solution or official ointment
Hydrocortisone1% hydrocortisone ointment
Hyaluronic acidGel containing 0.02-0.5% sodium hyaluronate
InterferonSolution (1 ampoule of dry substance per 2 ml of water)
Iodine2% alcohol solution
Collagenase (iruxol)1 g of dry powder, 250 and 500 units
Complamine (xanthinol nicotinate)2 ml. The ampoule solution is applied to the skin, then covered with a layer of Vaseline or vegetable oil.
ContratubeksThe gel contains allantoin, heparin and bulb extract
Serae LidazaSolution (1 ampoule of lidase -64 UE is dissolved in 2 ml of 0.5% novocaine)
LongidazaOintment 3000 IU
LidocaineEmulsion: 20 ml. 2% lidocaine solution, 50 g lanolin, 30 ml. distilled water.
Methyluracil10% methyluracil ointment. Used as a regeneration stimulator for facial bone injuries.
Nanofin0.25% nanofin ointment on a vaseline or lanolin base.
OxyzoneAn ointment containing oxytetracycline dihydrate 3% and hydrocortisone acetate 1%. Used for skin diseases.
Papain1% aqueous solution
Prednisolone0.5% ointment
Solcoseryl20% gel or ointment
Trilon B2-5% solution
Troxevasin2% gel or ointment of troxevasin
Fibrinolysin10,000-20,000 units in distilled water per procedure
Chlorophyllipt0.25% oil solution

The best gels

The range of contact gels for ultrasonic facial cleansing is wide and varied. The most popular series is from Beauty Style. The company's laboratories are located in the USA and South Korea. The quality of the raw materials used in the production process is at the highest level. Each cosmetic product is the result of rigorous scientific research and testing, and its safety is confirmed by dermatological testing.

The products are based on exclusive formulas and patented drug complexes.
Let's consider the manufacturer's best offers for the ultrasound peeling procedure. Ultraclean Sens cleansing gel (moisturizing) is a professional exfoliant for thin, dry and normal skin. Gently exfoliates dead skin particles and removes impurities from pores. Includes:

  • ANA of tomatoes - stimulate regeneration, slow down the aging process;
  • licorice extract - promotes cleansing, evens out tone and relief, nourishes, activates protective functions;
  • aloe vera - relieves inflammation, softens.

You can buy it on the official website of Beauty Style in the Russian Federation at a price of 449 rubles for 150 ml and 1299 rubles for 600 ml.

“Ultraclean control” (steaming) - for mixed and oily skin types. Regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands, tightens pores, eliminates shine, mattifies, normalizes moisture balance, and has a bactericidal effect. Contains:

  • fruit acids (malic, grapefruit, peach) - increase the ability of cells to recover, tone;
  • witch hazel and chamomile extracts - have soothing and softening properties, effective against inflammation and irritation;
  • calendula extract - prevents rashes of various etiologies, disinfects.

The price in Moscow for a bottle with a dispenser is 549 rubles (150 ml) or 1599 rubles (600 ml).

Another well-known manufacturer of ultrasonic peeling products is the German company Gess. It has established itself on the European market and in Russia by producing products of impeccable quality.

The brand’s most popular offering in the exfoliant category is considered
the “Cleansing Gel for Oily and Combination Skin” (softening).
Properties: delicate exfoliation of the stratum corneum, cleaning pores of impurities, matting, normalizing the acidity of the skin, moisturizing.

Can be used together with an ultrasonic scrubber or as a stand-alone product. Main active ingredients:

  • salicylic acid - has an antibacterial, healing, whitening effect, regulates sebum production, stimulates cell renewal;
  • Virginia witch hazel extract - relieves swelling and dark circles under the eyes, rosacea, evens out the relief, smoothes out scars and the effects of acne, softens, improves blood microcirculation, has antiseptic properties;
  • rose centifolia extract - nourishes, eliminates flaking, relieves inflammation, smoothes wrinkles, prevents rashes;
  • hyaluronic acid - activates the synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers, tones and refreshes, normalizes water balance, transports minerals, vitamins and nutrients into the deep layers of the epidermis.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

When applied superficially, hyaluronic acid has only one effect - moisturizing, due to its ability to bind water molecules. All other qualities of hyaluronates appear only with injection methods of administration.

The cost of one 150 ml tube in online stores is 650 rubles.

What effect to expect

Ultrasonic cleaning helps to increase the elasticity of the epidermis, smooth out the skin texture and improve skin color.

Pores are cleansed of shallow impurities, blackheads are removed, skin breathing is normalized, and metabolic and regenerative processes in cells are accelerated. Positive changes are noticeable immediately after exposure.

The procedure allows you to refresh your face, make your skin smooth and well-groomed, eliminating peeling, the development of erythema and other side effects characteristic of peeling. That is why it is often performed before an important event to look fresh and young.

A one-time exposure to ultrasound cannot guarantee a long-term effect; ultrasonic cleaning belongs to the category of regular procedures. Cleaning should be done in courses based on the condition of the skin. The average duration of ultrasound therapy is 5–8 sessions every 7–10 days, after which a break is taken.

If there are no obvious problems or comments regarding the condition of the skin, it is enough to perform ultrasound peeling once a month.

Reviews from cosmetologists

Cosmetologists note the need to use contact gel as an active conductor for the ultrasound facial cleansing procedure and its high efficiency. The positive aspects include a beneficial effect on the skin, economical consumption and affordable cost. Special attention is paid to the fact that many try to replace professional preparations with thermal water, but it dries out the skin, so it is better to abandon this idea.

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