What to expect from SMAS lifting using an ultrasound HIFU therapy device?

SMAS lifting in Moscow: who is it suitable for?

The SMAS facelift is intended for women and men who would like to look like they did 10–15 years ago. If you have tried to achieve this with the help of cosmetology, but the procedures have ceased to bring the desired result, perhaps it is time to seek help from a plastic surgeon.

SMAS lifting in Moscow is offered by many surgeons. When choosing a specialist, you need to take into account his experience and qualifications, the level of the clinic, and reviews of patients who have had surgery with this surgeon. SMAS-lift has different costs for different surgeons in Moscow, depending primarily on the qualifications of the surgeon and the technical equipment of the clinic. But if you need a significant rejuvenation effect without traces of the surgeon’s work, Dr. Bely is the only right choice. Why? Yes, simply because he is a specialist who can perform a SMAS lift through the shortest incision in the world!

Hardware lifting

Personal data processing policy

1. General Provisions

1.1. This Policy defines the procedure for processing personal data and measures to ensure the security of personal data at Grand Clinic on Chistykh LLC in order to protect the rights and freedoms of individuals and citizens when processing their personal data, including the protection of rights to privacy, personal and family secrecy guaranteed by the Constitution.

1.2. The personal data processing policy was developed in accordance with Federal Laws No. 152-FZ dated July 27, 2006 “On Personal Data” and No. 323-FZ dated November 21, 2011 “On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation”; Government resolutions No. 1119 dated 01.11.2012 “On approval of requirements for the protection of personal data during their processing in personal data information systems”, dated 09.15.2008 No. 687 “On approval of regulations on the specifics of personal data processing carried out without the use of automation tools”; by FSTEC order No. 21 dated February 18, 2013 “On approval of the composition and content of organizational and technical measures to ensure the security of personal data during their processing in personal data information systems.”

1.3. This Policy discloses the principles, procedure and conditions for processing personal data of individuals when seeking medical help from a medical organization.

1.4. The principles, procedure and conditions for processing personal data of the clinic’s personnel, as well as personal data processed in the process of fulfilling contractual obligations in the course of daily activities, are not considered in this Policy and are regulated by the internal regulatory documents of the medical organization.

2. Categories of personal data processed

2.1. Personal data of patients (persons who are a party to the contract for the provision of medical services) that are subject to processing: – passport data; – telephone numbers for contacting the patient (contact information); – information about the state of health, the presence or absence of diseases listed in the patient’s health questionnaire, completed during the process of collecting anamnesis; - any data from laboratory and diagnostic tests obtained by patients as a result of the examination.

2.2. The list of documents generated when a patient applies to a medical organization is provided for by the Civil Code, Federal Law dated November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ “On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation”, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 4, 2012 N 1006 “On approval of the Rules for the provision of paid medical services" - Federal Law "On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation" dated November 21, 2011 N 323-FZ (as amended by the Resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation dated January 13, 2020 N 1-P), order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated May 2, 2012 No. 441n “On approval of the procedure for issuing certificates and medical reports by medical organizations.”

3. Purposes and terms of processing of personal data

3.1. The purposes of processing personal data of patients who contact a medical organization: – execution of an agreement for the provision of medical services, to which the patient is a party; – medical and preventive purposes (establishing a medical diagnosis, providing medical services, monitoring the quality of medical care, etc.).

3.2. The terms for processing personal data directly depend on the storage periods of civil contracts and medical documentation and are: – for personal data received in connection with the conclusion of an agreement for the provision of medical services – 5 years; – for personal data of special categories (health data) – 25 years in a medical organization, 75 years – in the archive.

4. Principles and conditions for processing personal data

4.1. The processing of personal data at Grand Clinic on Chistykh LLC is carried out on the basis of the following principles: – legality and fairness of the purposes and methods of processing; – limiting the processing of personal data to the achievement of specific, predetermined and legitimate purposes; – preventing the processing of personal data incompatible with the purposes of collecting personal data; – preventing the merging of databases containing personal data, the processing of which is carried out for purposes that are incompatible with each other; – processing only those personal data that meet the purposes of their processing; – compliance of the content and volume of processed personal data with the stated purposes of processing; – preventing the processing of excessive personal data in relation to the stated purposes of their processing; – destruction or depersonalization of personal data upon achievement of the purposes of their processing or in the event of the loss of the need to achieve these purposes.

4.2. A medical organization processes personal data only if at least one of the following conditions is present: – processing of personal data is carried out with the consent of the subject of personal data to the processing of his personal data; – processing of personal data is necessary to achieve the goals provided for by law (subparagraph 4, paragraph 2, article 10 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ); – processing of personal data is necessary for the execution of a contract to which the subject of personal data is a party; – processing of personal data is carried out, access to an unlimited number of persons is provided by the subject of personal data or at his request (public data); – personal data subject to publication or mandatory disclosure in accordance with federal law is processed; – personal data is processed in accordance with the legislation on compulsory types of insurance and insurance legislation.

4.3. A medical organization and other persons who have access to personal data due to work duties are obliged not to disclose to third parties or distribute personal data without the consent of the subject of personal data, unless otherwise provided by federal law.

5. Rights of the subject of personal data

5.1. The subject of personal data decides to provide his personal data and consents to their processing freely, of his own free will and in his own interest, without coercion or misleading on anyone’s part.

5.2. The subject of personal data has the right to receive information regarding the processing of his personal data, unless such right is limited in accordance with federal laws.

5.3. The subject of personal data has the right to demand clarification of his personal data, their blocking or destruction if the personal data is incomplete, outdated, inaccurate, illegally obtained or is not necessary for the stated purpose of processing, as well as take measures provided by law to protect his rights.

5.4. It is prohibited to make decisions based solely on automated processing of personal data that give rise to legal consequences in relation to the subject of personal data or otherwise affect his rights and legitimate interests, except in cases provided for by federal laws, or with written consent of the subject of personal data.

6. Ensuring the security of personal data

6.1. The security of personal data processed by a medical organization is ensured by the implementation of legal, organizational, technical and program measures necessary and sufficient to meet the requirements of federal legislation in the field of personal data protection.

6.2. Measures to ensure the security of personal data include, in particular: – appointment of a person responsible for organizing the processing of personal data; – publication of local legal acts regulating the rights and obligations of the personal data operator, describing a system of measures to protect personal data, defining access to personal data information systems; – identification of threats to the security of personal data during their processing in personal data information systems; – application of methods (methods) of information protection; – assessment of the effectiveness of measures taken to ensure the security of personal data before the commissioning of the personal data information system; – accounting of computer storage media of personal data; – detection of facts of unauthorized access to personal data and taking measures; – restoration of personal data modified or destroyed due to unauthorized access to it; – establishing rules for access to personal data processed in the personal data information system, as well as ensuring registration and accounting of all actions performed with personal data in the personal data information system; – control of measures taken to ensure the security of personal data and the level of security of personal data information systems.

7. Final provisions

7.1. This Policy is a local legal act, is publicly available and must be posted on the official website of the medical organization.

7.2. Control of compliance with the requirements of this Policy is carried out by the person responsible for organizing the processing of personal data.

Why is SMAS lifting, whose price is higher than average, more profitable than a regular lift?

  1. An operation performed by an experienced surgeon gives a more natural and beautiful result. You don't have to spend money on additional correction!
  2. SMAS lifting is always a longer-term effect. You won't need to seek another lift in 3-5 years!

Rehabilitation is easy and painless. Unlike a traditional circular lift, SMAS lifting does not tighten the skin, does not distort the outline of the mouth, the shape of the eyes and facial expressions.

See more before and after face lift images in the Photo Gallery

Facial aging mechanism

The SMAS consists of two layers—the superficial fascia and the facial muscles. Time has a negative impact on each of them. In the superficial fascia, the production of collagen and elastin decreases, their existing fibers stretch and lose their elasticity. The muscles, in turn, weaken and can no longer keep the underlying tissues from falling or sagging. This is how deep folds form and the contours of the face lose clarity.

How does a SMAS lift work?

The purpose of the operation is to return all soft tissues of the face without exception to a higher position - the one they occupied in youth, reliable fixation of these tissues and tightening of the skin with excision of its excess. The SMAS lift is always performed under general anesthesia. The duration of the operation is from 2 to 4 hours.

The peculiarity of the SMAS operation with Dr. Bely is that all these actions are performed through a very short incision (2-3 times shorter than with any other surgeon). The choice of a suitable technique is determined by plastic surgeon I. A. Bely individually: depending on the indications, wishes and characteristics of the patient’s anatomy.

Operating principle

A typical HIFU lifting machine consists of a power supply, a computer station, a monitor and a handle with replaceable dual-use sensors. Each such sensor can not only have a HIFU effect on tissues, but also visualize their structure using an ultrasonic wave. On the monitor in real time, the doctor sees the anatomy of the patient’s face, the condition of his epidermis, dermis, subcutaneous fatty tissue and, of course, the muscular aponeurotic system - SMAS. This allows you to control the depth of the impact and adjust the procedure parameters directly during the session, which contributes to more effective and safe work.

Ultrasound imaging of the HIFU lifting device allows you to examine tissue to a depth of up to 8 mm, demonstrating on the screen the condition of the muscles and underlying bone structures of the face. Naturally, to correctly interpret what you see, you need certain knowledge and proper experience. It is worth noting that not all HIFU devices have the possibility of ultrasound visualization.

During the tissue lifting procedure, the transducer of the ultrasonic HIFU therapy device transmits a directed ultrasound wave to the focal point. Absorption of ultrasonic energy causes intermolecular vibration and the release of heat (from 60 °C or more), sufficient for partial denaturation of collagen. At the same time, wedge-shaped zones of thermal damage (Thermal Injury Zones, TIZ) with a volume of 1.0-1.5 mm3 are created in SMAS. In turn, the acoustic energy surrounding the TIZ is dissipated into the tissues without significantly affecting them.4

Rice. 1. Geometry of thermal damage zones (TIZ) of pig muscles depending on power

Regarding safety, studies have shown that even when 8 J of energy is delivered to tissue, the epidermis does not suffer thermal damage.5 For example, a typical HIFU machine transducer delivers only 1.2 J of energy to a depth of 4.5 mm, making injury to the epidermis extremely unlikely.


A SMAS lift requires the patient to stay in the hospital for at least 24 hours. After SMAS lifting, the face does not hurt (the vast majority of facial surgeries are completely painless in the postoperative period).

Patients are provided with maximum comfort, attentive service and close supervision by qualified medical staff. For 3–5 days you need to wear a special fixing bandage that prevents swelling. Sutures are removed 5–7 days after surgery.

The effect of the operation will be noticeable immediately, and after 4-6 weeks it will be possible to demonstrate it to friends and colleagues. Specific rehabilitation periods may vary depending on the type of SMAS operation, individual characteristics and, of course, the patient’s compliance with the regimen.

During the rehabilitation period the following are contraindicated:

  • physical and emotional overload;
  • prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • smoking and alcohol abuse.

HIFU devices in aesthetics

In 2004, preclinical testing of a prototype device for tissue tightening using high-intensity focused ultrasound began. And already in 2007, White et al reported the first successful use of a HIFU device in dermatology.2

In their study, the scientists assessed the effect of high-intensity focused ultrasound on a human cadaver specimen. They first imaged the facial musculoaponeurotic system (SMAS) using classical ultrasound and then targeted it with HIFU.

High-intensity focused ultrasound was found to create zones of thermal damage in the SMAS of reproducible localization, area and volume. This became the impetus for a closer study of the anti-aging properties of HIFU, which could be used in cosmetology.

In 2009, the American regulator FDA approved an ultrasound HIFU therapy device for eyebrow lifting. A few years later, HIFU was approved for face lifting, neck lifting and other aesthetic indications.

Author's methods of Professor I. A. Bely

Professor I. A. Bely has developed his own unique methods of carrying out SMAS lifting: 3S-LIFTING and PRIMA-LIFTING. Both methods contribute to radical facial rejuvenation; they are suitable for people with different age and anatomical characteristics. These types of lifting can be performed without deep surgical intervention, which allows Professor Bely to carry out SMAS lifting in Moscow at a fairly low price. In addition, the minimally invasive nature of these procedures reduces their pain and the duration of the rehabilitation period.


The ideal patient for HIFU is relatively young, has mild to moderate skin laxity and/or mild fat ptosis. Younger patients usually have good skin elasticity and better wound healing, which is important for SMAS lifting.

Ultrasound HIFU therapy device can be recommended for:

  • Smoothing the skin.
  • Reducing the severity of wrinkles.
  • Non-surgical face and neck lift.
  • Lifting of eyebrows and lower eyelids.
  • Contouring the lower jaw line.
  • Improvements in the condition of the décolleté area.

It is worth noting that smoking and intense photoaging worsen the quality of the skin - this leads to a less pronounced effect. Significant tissue ptosis, pronounced displacement of facial fat packets and extremely poor skin condition can also negatively affect the result of the SMAS lifting procedure.

Advantages and disadvantages of radiofrequency lifting

Let's look at why radiofrequency (or RF) lifting is a modern replacement for plastic surgery in the fight against skin aging.

Here are the main advantages of this technology:

  • effective for all skin types, the procedure can be done from 18 years of age;
  • The session goes quickly, lasting about half an hour;
  • compatible with other skin care methods;
  • passes without pain and discomfort;
  • can be performed without prior preparation;
  • after the session there are no scars, burns, swelling, the skin does not require a recovery period.

The following can be considered disadvantages:

  • high price for radiofrequency face lifting;
  • there is a chance of getting to an inexperienced cosmetologist and getting burns if he works with a monopolar device;
  • There is little information about the effect of radiofrequency pulses on the entire body.

Like other cosmetic procedures, radiofrequency lifting has contraindications that are worth paying attention to.

Read material on the topic: How to remove wrinkles on the face: the most effective methods


High-resolution ultrasound diagnostics Doublo (SMAS-lifting Doublo) is the most important tool not only in developing an individual procedure protocol, but also the main assistant in drawing up a course of treatment for complex categories of patients. The high energy level of Doublo HIFU up to 2 J/cm2 ensures lasting, stable and pronounced results.

Thanks to the wide variety of protocols and manipulatives, the Doublo device is suitable for any course of treatment for cosmetic patients, and the possibility of high-quality diagnostics protects the doctor from mistakes and opens up endless opportunities for the growth of professional skills.

Dear readers of the Portal 1nep.ru, Especially for you, Vadim Andreevich Charikov conducted a webinar “SMAS-lifting HIFU: pitfalls in the work of a cosmetologist and how to deal with them.” Fill out the form below and we will send you a link to the recording.


Photorejuvenation is the effect of pulsed light of a certain wavelength on the superficial and deep layers of the dermis. The vessels absorb light and heat up, transferring heat to surrounding tissues, as a result of which collagen production is activated.

The procedure takes 25-45 minutes, the number is determined by the cosmetologist at the first session. There are no painful sensations.

At the beginning of the session, a conductive gel is applied to the treatment area, and at the end, a restorative cream is applied.

The course of photorejuvenation does not lead to the formation of scars. The skin recovers very quickly - on average it takes 3 days. The effect of the course lasts for years.


Experts recommend starting photorejuvenation at the age of 30-35 years. There is no point in attending treatments too early. After 55 years, the effectiveness of light exposure becomes much lower; collagen is poorly stimulated by thermal exposure.

Price for facial skin lifting

  • BBL /BBL photorejuvenation at the gene level
    Read the terms of the promotion
    Area of ​​influenceSpecialist. price, rub. price, rub.
    Forehead5 900
    Face14 90019 900
    Neck11 95015 950
    Cleavage14 90019 900
    Face+Neck20 20026 900
    Face+Neck+Décolleté26 95035 900
    Cheeks9 900
    Chin5 900
    Hands8 20010 900
    Forearms13 45017 900
    Back (subscapular area)12 900
    Back (to the end of the shoulder blades)15 900
    Full back23 90031 500
    One flash500
    Face13 45017 900
    Cheeks7 5009 900
    Shoulders12 900
    Back14 95019 900
    Neckline/chest12 65016 900
    Zone 10 cm* 10 cm12 900
    Forehead5 900
    Cheeks9 900
    Nose5 900
    Chin6 900
    Face19 900
    1 category / 1 zone11 95015 900
    Area of ​​influenceSpecialist. price, rub. price, rub.
    Face24 70032 900
    Neck20 20026 900
    Cleavage23 17030 900
    Hands14 20018 900
    Forearms19 800
    Face+Neck37 50049 900
    Face+Neck+Décolleté48 70064 900
    Face/lower third14 90019 900
    Full face25 100
    Neck18 70024 900
    Cleavage21 900
    Face + neck31 20041 900
    Face + neck + décolleté41 20054 900
    Cheeks15 100
    Hands (pair)12 70016 900
    Inner surface of hands (pair)22 900
    Elbows (pair)11 90015 900
    Inner thigh (pair)29 900
    Belly (upper zone)16 900
    Belly (lower zone)18 900
    Full belly26 90035 800
    Patellar region14 90019 900

    Make an appointment

  • SCARLET RF / Scarlet micro-needle lifting
    Read the terms of the promotion
    Name of serviceSpecialist. price, rub. price, rub.
    Eyelid area15 900
    Face23 900
    Face + Neck30 900
    Face + Neck + Décolleté37 900
    Upper third of the face16 900
    Lower third of the face16 900
    Neck17 900
    Abdomen (atonic skin, sagging), scars, stretch marks up to 1000 steps21 900
    Abdomen (atonic skin, sagging), scars, stretch marks up to 1500 steps29 900
    Abdomen (atonic skin, sagging), scars, stretch marks up to 2000 steps36 900
    Buttocks – up to 1000 steps21 900
    Buttocks - up to 1500 steps29 900
    Buttocks – up to 2000 steps36 400
    Knees + elbows – up to 500 steps16 900
    Knees + elbows – up to 1000 steps21 900
    Inner surface of shoulders + elbows + hands up to 1000 steps21 900
    Inner surface of shoulders + elbows + hands up to 1500 steps29 900
    Inner thighs – up to 1000 steps21 900
    Inner thighs – up to 1500 steps29 900
    Inner thighs – up to 2500 steps36 900
    Back of the neck + collar area – up to 1000 steps21 900
    Back of the neck + collar area – up to 1500 steps29 900
    Back of the neck + collar area – up to 2500 steps36 900
    Anaesthesia, 15 g1 500

    Make an appointment

  • ULTHERA SYSTEM / Ulthera ultrasonic lifting
    Read the terms of the promotion
    Processing areaNumber of linesSpecialist. price, rub. price, rub.
    Upper lip lift2014 950
    Upper lip lift5028 950
    Upper third of the face (eyelids+forehead)/5.0+44 950
    Upper and lower eyelids/5.0 +9827 95034 950
    Upper and lower eyelids/8.0 +16042 950
    Upper and lower eyelids/8.0 +25056 95065 950
    Middle and lower third of the face (not including the submandibular area) /5.0 +26669 95079 950
    Middle and lower third of the face (not including the submandibular area) /5.0 +39089 950
    Correction of wrinkles, improvement of skin turgor, including submandibular zone/ 5.0+450102 950
    Middle and lower third of the face + submandibular zone /8.0 +680145 950
    Face+ submandibular zone/ 5.0+50489 950119 950
    Face+ submandibular zone/ 8.0+800149 950169 950
    Face + submandibular zone / Extended protocol1000159 950199 900
    Face + submandibular zone + décolleté / Advanced protocol1200199 950239 950
    Neck / 5.0 +15041 56051 950
    Neck / 8.0 +30066 950
    Submandibular zone/ 5.0 +14039 950
    Neck+ submandibular zone/8.0+530116 950126 950
    Neckline /8.0+28066 950
    Elbows8046 950
    Elbows30079 950
    Body40099 950
    Body500119 950
    Body600139 950
    Additional line (in any program)1500

    The cost of the procedure includes the cost of anesthesia.

    Make an appointment

Radiofrequency lifting and thermage are not the same thing

Thermage is a rejuvenating hardware procedure. Its essence is the effect of radio frequency waves, which locally heat areas of the skin. The temperature at the treatment site rises to +60 °C.

The table shows the distinctive features of Thermage and radiofrequency lifting:

Recommendations for skin care before and after radiofrequency lifting

What a client undergoing a course of procedures needs to remember:

  1. All metal objects, jewelry, and contact lenses must be removed for the duration of the session;
  2. You should protect your skin from direct sunlight, do not sunbathe or visit a solarium for at least three days after lifting;
  3. Avoid any other types of care in the treatment area;
  4. Do not take anti-inflammatory medications for a week or more after the procedure;
  5. It is advisable not to touch the skin with your hands at the site of exposure;
  6. As a supportive measure, increase your vitamin C intake.

It is necessary to avoid visiting the solarium, bathhouse, and not to peel the skin immediately before the lifting session. The dermis should be clean, without makeup.

Radiofrequency lifting is good to combine with mesotherapy, which helps relieve stress and nourish the skin with antioxidants.

The rejuvenating effect will be more noticeable if the next day after the procedure you perform a lymphatic drainage massage that removes excess intercellular fluid.

Read material on the topic: Facial mesotherapy procedure: pros and cons


Absolute contraindications to RF lifting:
stage 3-4 hypertension;

acne/acne and other skin diseases;


autoimmune diseases.

During pregnancy, lactation and the presence of silicone implants, it is highly undesirable to perform a lift with high-frequency current.

RF lifting sessions eliminate many body skin imperfections with an increasing effect from session to session. Thanks to these procedures, cellulite and stretch marks become less noticeable. Also, heating the skin with high-frequency current burns fat.

Possible complications

You should not plan to go out immediately after the procedure - there will be redness on the skin for several hours. This is a normal reaction to thermal exposure.

Complications arise if sessions are carried out with excessive load on the skin and if the cosmetologist’s recommendations are not followed:

  • burns;
  • edema;
  • high skin sensitivity;
  • itching;
  • exacerbation of herpes;

After each session, avoid sunbathing and other hardware procedures in the affected area. It is not advisable to visit the sauna or swimming pool.

Some people do RF lifting themselves at home. Home procedures carry serious dangers - from burns to hospitalization.

Brief summary of types of lifting

tissue preservation++++++

Everything described is about real lifts, when there is enough excess skin. But often the small sagging facial tissues that people come to us with do not require such serious interventions. They can be eliminated much easier and cheaper. You can read about it here>>

When is a facelift done?

With ptosis of the oval face, when there is drooping of the soft tissues, the chin angles become less pronounced, and the skin loses its tone, the choice is no longer so great. A facelift is the only way to restore contours. Thread lifting involves the introduction under the skin using a flexible cannula needle of the thinnest absorbable or non-absorbable threads, followed by tension and fixation of soft tissues. Facelift (SMAS) is a serious plastic surgery during which the surgeon works not only with the epidermis, but also with the deeper subcutaneous muscular-fibrous layer. Lifting the oval of the face is carried out by detaching and moving deeper layers, resection of excess stretched skin that forms folds, with their subsequent fixation using sutures hidden in the natural folds of the skin in the area of ​​the ears. Facelift requires preparation, the rehabilitation period takes longer, but the effect is worth it! The range of indications for facial plastic surgery is more limited than for mesothreads.

General indications for facelift with mesothreads and surgery (SMAS)

  • Ptosis of the oval face and skin (“triangle of youth” is turned upside down);
  • Nasolabial folds;
  • Wrinkles on the forehead and around the lips,
  • Expression wrinkles around the eyes;
  • Age-related drooping of the corners of the lips and eyes;
  • The face looks tired and permanently swollen;
  • Unclear mental angles;
  • Asymmetry.

To one degree or another, both methods help to cope with these shortcomings. However, if a facelift allows you to visually look younger by 10-15 years, then a less radical thread lifting can make you look 5-7 years younger. After 50 years, if there are deep wrinkles, jowls, nasolabial folds, or significant sagging of the face, the wisest decision would be to undergo a SMAS facelift. After 40 years, a facelift with mesothreads or endoscopy of individual areas is usually sufficient.

Reviews about the procedure

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Sent by Tamara Ulanova

For some time, I began to notice on my face that the corners of my lips began to droop even more, and the nasolabial folds were very noticeable. I asked my daughter to look for something to correct these flaws. Thus, I reached Lantan. Without thinking for a long time, I went for a consultation. I really liked the reception at the clinic: very friendly medical staff, friendly doctors. The doctor suggested that I undergo ulthera therapy. Now my face is 10 years younger without surgery. Thank you very much to the doctors!

Sent by Vera Last summer, I found the Lantan clinic in Moscow and went for a consultation with such a problem - drooping of the edges of the lips. I'm still relatively young (43 years old) and this ruins everything. At an appointment with doctor Natalya Imaeva, we chose an alter. Of course, the procedure is not cheap and I started saving up. I made it during the New Year holidays. I liked that it’s a one-time visit, you don’t have to go several times. I took photos for myself once a week, the effect of ultrasound exposure was increasing. Thanks to the doctors!

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