AQUASHINE - interview with a doctor about the drug Aquashine

Details about Aquashine biorevitalization preparations

The Revofil Aquashine product line is one of the advanced and most effective products in anti-aging cosmetology.
In addition to peptides and HA, the gel cocktails include an impressive set of biologically compatible components (more than fifty components in total). Each person not only successfully performs the functions assigned to him, but also enhances the mutual effect of influence. Revofil Aquashine preparations are a proprietary development from South Korea, a world leader in the research of biomimetic peptides and cell growth factors.

Aquashine fillers are presented in three preparations:

  • Soft or basic - intended for skin showing the first signs of aging.
  • BR is effective in combating age-related changes in the dermis such as increased pigmentation.
  • BTX – has the strongest lifting effect, comparable to Botox therapy.

The composition of each of the cocktails is represented by a complex combination of diverse components with a synergistic rejuvenating effect:

  • Hyaluronic acid (NMF) - provides intensive saturation of the dermis with moisture. Promotes angiogenesis, stimulates the proliferation of fibroblasts and their synthetic function (collagen production). Strengthens the effect of peptide components, prolonging the time of their presence in the tissues of the correction area.
  • Nucleic acids - take an active part in the construction of new DNA, being the precursors of the structural units of deoxyribonucleic acid, nucleotides.
  • Coenzymes Q10 and minerals - balance the condition of the integumentary tissues, activate the production of enzymes, increase resistance to negative environmental factors and endogenous toxins.
  • Peptides - reduce the activity of enzymes that destroy HA, reduce the severity of age spots, smooth out fine wrinkles, stopping the development of new cosmetic defects.
  • Vitamins (groups B, A, K, C, I) – increase the protective functions of tissues, have regulating and antioxidant properties.

Revofil Aquashine Soft

Recommended by cosmetologists at the first signs of skin aging, at the age of 35-40 years. The drug helps saturate the dermis with moisture, activates the production of collagen, elastin, HA, and comprehensively rejuvenates the skin. By awakening cell migration and accelerating the replacement of old cells with new ones, it improves skin tone, demonstrating a pronounced effect of the natural “radiance” characteristic of young epidermis.

Revofil Aquashine BR

Provides excellent lifting results and has a noticeable depigmentation effect by reducing melanin production. Evens out complexion and promotes cell detoxification. The drug is recommended for use after 45 years, since at this age age spots become most obvious. It is not possible to hide them with decorative cosmetics or products like creams and lotions.

Revofil Aquashine BTX

A universal drug that demonstrates a powerful lifting effect due to a decrease in the activity of facial muscles. The peptide complex in combination with HA generates collagen production while preventing its destruction. You can evaluate the effect 2 weeks after the first session, when the maximum tightening effect is achieved. Additional components included in the cocktail protect the skin from antioxidants and promote water saturation.

The Aquashine BTX biorevitalization course may be recommended in the following cases:

  • Lack of effect from botulinum therapy.
  • There are restrictions on the use of drugs containing botulinum toxin.
  • The need for anti-aging correction in areas where botulinum neurotoxin injections are contraindicated or highly undesirable.

Additional Information. Aquashine preparations look like a transparent gel. Available in a volume of 2 ml, in a sterile syringe, a needle is not included in the kit. The product is ready for use and is consumed immediately after opening the package or within 1 day, subject to storage rules.

Sealed packaging with Aquashine is stored for no more than 2 years from the date of production, in a dark place at a temperature of 5 to 25 degrees Celsius. Opened blister packs should be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of 5-6 degrees Celsius.


In order to avoid complications after biorevitalization, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules. If there are contraindications to the use of Aquashine, it is necessary to refuse manipulation. Contraindications are:

  • hypersensitivity to the components included in the drug;
  • the presence of chronic skin diseases (eczema or psoriasis);
  • presence of cancer;
  • pregnancy;
  • exacerbation of inflammatory diseases;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • hemophilia;
  • taking anticoagulants;
  • herpes;
  • diabetes.

To reduce the risk of side effects, you should also limit your alcohol intake the day before the procedure.

Features of the technique

Biorevitalization is, in essence, the same as mesotherapy. Or rather, it is a variety of it. The term “biorevitalization” appeared not so long ago and is used mainly by Russian specialists in the field of cosmetology, while the name “mesotherapy” is common abroad.

The Aquashine technology is based on an injection method of introducing compounds under the skin that have a healing, rejuvenating and stimulating effect. The procedure is performed on the face, neck, décolleté, hands and other areas that need protection from aging.

Experts in the field of cosmetology are unanimous in the opinion that technology is the most modern, advanced and effective method of injection rejuvenation. The products used do not just eliminate aesthetic imperfections, but solve the problem at the cellular level, providing a prolonged effect.

A significant advantage of the rejuvenating course is safety and comfort for the patient. Any negative consequences are minimized. If the patient is frank with the doctor about his health, and the cosmetologist has sufficient practical experience and qualifications, side effects are, in principle, excluded.

Benefits of Aquashine rejuvenation

Aquashine biorevitalization is also called the lunch break procedure. It is carried out quickly, painlessly and is not accompanied by a long rehabilitation period.

The key goal of the session is a comprehensive, powerful rejuvenation of the integumentary tissues. Positive changes are visible immediately and last for a long period of time. The Aquashine course guarantees:

  • Intense lifting effect.
  • Normalization of the sebaceous glands.
  • Smoothing wrinkles.
  • Restoring a healthy, fresh complexion.
  • Elimination of excessive (unwanted) pigmentation.
  • Deep hydration.
  • Reducing acne.
  • Narrowing of pores.
  • Treatment of rosacea.
  • Restoring elasticity and firmness of the dermis.
  • Strengthening the walls of blood vessels.
  • Cleansing from free radicals.
  • Restoration of facial oval.
  • Activation of collagen and elastin production.

Innovative rejuvenating cocktails based on peptides and biologically active substances literally awaken the skin, fill it with vital energy and health. The miraculous elixir of a complex of HA, vitamins, coenzymes, minerals, amino acids and peptides continues to work for several months until the start of the next recommended course.

Indications, contraindications and price of Aquashine BR

Aquashine biorevitalization is absolutely safe. The drug has proven itself as an effective anti-aging agent and is successfully used all over the world. It is used in the following cases:

  • fading, dry, lacking radiance skin;
  • wrinkles, ptosis, unclear facial contour;
  • rosacea, spider veins;
  • age spots.

The procedure cannot be performed during pregnancy, in the presence of autoimmune diseases, diabetes, oncology, hemophilia, or a tendency to allergic reactions. Preparation for biorevitalization involves avoiding visiting a bathhouse or sauna 2 weeks before the session. Before the procedure, a consultation with a cosmetologist is required. After rejuvenation, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • do not touch your face on the 1st day;
  • Do not visit baths, saunas, solariums for 2 weeks, stay away from sunlight;
  • Avoid intense physical activity for a week.

The cost of Aquashine biorevitalization is from 9 to 20 thousand rubles. If you want to do Aquashine, contact the “BL” clinic. Experienced cosmetologists will perform biorevitalization efficiently and painlessly in compliance with all safety rules. You will get great results!

Recovery after the procedure

The recovery period after injections with Aquashine takes 1-3 days. During this time, visible traces of injections, swelling, and possible redness disappear. The skin takes on a radiant, fresh look, wrinkles are smoothed out, and pigmentation goes away.

To obtain a lasting visible result and prevent complications after the procedure, you should follow simple rules and recommendations for 7 days:

  • Avoid the use of decorative cosmetics.
  • Do not massage, warm wraps, masks, compresses.
  • Refuse to visit the pool, open water, steam room, or spa.
  • Do not sunbathe (in direct sunlight, in a solarium, using self-tanning products).
  • Limit physical activity.
  • Avoid the use of alcohol and anticoagulants, which are contained in many antipyretic drugs, as well as in medications for headaches and joint pain.

In 98% of cases, Aquashine biorevitalization takes place without complications or undesirable consequences in the form of redness or swelling of the injection area. Much depends on the degree of personal responsibility of the patient, as well as on the qualifications and experience of the cosmetologist.

You can learn more about innovative rejuvenation technologies, advanced injection and hardware techniques during a consultation with a cosmetologist at the Moscow Soho Clinic Center for Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology. You can make an appointment by calling the phone number listed on the website.

Release form and course of treatment

Both Aquashine and Aquashine BR are available in dosed form for 1 procedure - 2 ml of the drug is already in the syringe. For the procedure, 32G needles are used. Before the doctor gives the injections, the following happens:

  1. first the skin is thoroughly cleansed;
  2. then a local anesthetic is applied;
  3. after this there is a marking where the injections will be made.

Markings are made before injections

The drug is administered starting from the edge of the jaw, gradually moving to the entire area of ​​the face - the intervals between injections range from 0.8 to 1 mm. The procedure ends with the application of a soothing mask and sunscreen.

In order to achieve a sustainable effect, one procedure is not enough. A good result can be achieved if you do a session of at least 3 procedures. If the skin is in a neglected state, it is recommended to do a session of 6 procedures. The interval between manipulations is at least 2 weeks.

Reviews from respondents indicate that the therapeutic effect is noticeable within a day. Both cosmetologists and patients note that in subsequent days the effect intensifies, that is, Aquashine works with accumulating effectiveness, forcing the body itself to synthesize the necessary elements.

Experts recommend performing at least 3 procedures to support the results within a year. If an intensive course of biorevitalization is required, then you will have to visit the clinic every two months for a year. At the same time, you should not contact a different cosmetologist each time; it is better to do sessions with the specialist who has already done biorevitalization for you.

The price for the procedure ranges from 10 to 12 thousand rubles, but it is worth checking if there are any discounts on the full course - this way you can save a lot.

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