The effectiveness of electrolysis, preparation for its implementation and possible consequences

History of electrolysis

The first prerequisites for the emergence of this hair removal method were undertaken back in the late 19th century in the USA by Charles Michael to rid patients of ingrown eyelashes.

In 1916, this technique began to be used by Paul Cree in cosmetology. Later thermolysis (diathermy) was developed. This method has been widely used in microsurgery.

The technique began to be developed back in the 20th century

In 1948, a device was patented with which hair removal was performed using alternating and direct current. The device was developed by Henri Saint-Pierre and Arthur Hynkel. 20 years later, training in electrical hair removal techniques appears in programs for doctors in medical schools.

In the 1980s, specialized equipment with computer control was developed and began to be used in the USA.

Important ! By the beginning of the 21st century, a large number of special devices for various types of electrolysis were widely used.

Today this procedure has undergone many changes.

What types of hair removal using electric current are there?

Galvanic . Direct current is used, under the influence of which the destruction of hair follicles occurs through chemical decomposition. The process uses sodium hydroxide or another alkali (this is typical for galvanic processes). Two electrodes are used - a needle and a metal object. The needle is pointed at the hair follicle, and the patient holds the metal object in his hand.

Important ! Several needles are required, since the exposure time on one bulb can reach a minute, due to which the procedure lasts a very long time.


During hair removal using the thermolysis , the follicle is quickly heated by exposure to high frequency current, and the cells are coagulated. This method is used when action on hair that is not very deep is required. The disadvantages include the likelihood of burns, which result in microscars.


If the blend method , the hair is exposed to alternating and direct electric current (thermolysis and electrolysis are combined). The alkali heats up, causing the bulbs to break down at a faster rate.

Important ! This method is good due to its shorter execution time and high degree of efficiency.

Blend technique

There are two stages of exposure to hair follicles.

  1. Thermolytic: the follicle and surrounding tissues are heated and dehydrated.
  2. Electrolytic: when a galvanic reaction occurs, an alkali is produced, which completely destroys the follicle.

Modern equipment has the possibility of computer control, due to which it is possible to select the optimal operating mode taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient.

Two different approaches lead to the same goal

When using this method, there is also a possibility of developing folliculitis and scarring. When using a modification such as a sequence blend, the hair roots are destroyed faster and pain is reduced.

Flash electrolysis method . This is a more modern and improved modification of the thermolysis method, which uses high-frequency (about 2000 kHz) direct current. The insulated needle design minimizes pain and trauma during the procedure. This method is most effective for eliminating unwanted hair on the legs or arms, while it is used much less frequently for the bikini area or on the face. There is also a more advanced technique that uses sinusoidal alternating current.

Important ! This method allows you to control the parameters of the procedure, taking into account the size and thickness of the hair during the procedure.

Flash electrolysis method

How to properly organize rehabilitation?

Skin care after electrolysis should be performed on a regular basis. It is imperative to use antiseptics, for example, alcohol-containing solutions or Miramistin. The preparations are applied to a clean cotton pad and used for further treatment of the skin 3 - 4 times a day at equal time intervals.

If necessary, it may be necessary to use anti-inflammatory and healing compounds (Bepanten, Panthenol and others ointments). They are used for burns and severe redness of the dermis to relieve inflammation, soothe damaged tissues and provide additional hydration.

On average, rehabilitation lasts up to 14 days, but for many patients it ends much faster. In addition to using the special tools described above, it is necessary to adhere to the following standard restrictions, namely:

  • Do not go out in the sun without special protective cosmetics.
  • Do not visit solariums, saunas and baths.
  • Avoid swimming in pools and open water.
  • Limit physical activity so as not to provoke active sweating.
  • Minimize any mechanical impact on the treated area (it is strictly forbidden to comb the resulting crusts at the site of the removed hairs).

Video review and recommendations for electrolysis

How is electrolysis performed?

There are two main methods of electrical hair removal: using needles or tweezers.


A thin tweezers-electrode grasps the hair to be removed, after which it is exposed to high-frequency current. The rod delivers current to the follicle and its subsequent destruction occurs. This method is characterized by its duration - up to two minutes are spent on one hair, so it is not used on large and extensive areas of skin. However, the advantages include its relative painlessness and low level of trauma.

Using tweezers-electrodes, hairs are processed in the required area.


Special needles are inserted directly under the skin, to the desired hair follicle, and apply electric current.

Types of needles used.

  1. Made from an alloy of nickel and chromium, these metals are widely used in microsurgery. Typically, such instruments are used when performing manipulations on healthy skin in patients with a normal pain threshold.
  2. Insulated needles are equipped with a special Teflon coating to protect the skin from damage. Used for patients with increased skin sensitivity.
  3. Gold-plated needles are recommended for those who are prone to allergies.

Mandatory condition: the needles used in clinics are strictly disposable. Usually they are opened directly in front of the patient.

There are different types of needles, and they are all disposable

The procedure for hair removal using electrical impulses has a number of contraindications. These include:

  • any blood diseases;
  • malignant tumors;
  • heart and vascular diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • increased tendency to develop scars and keloids;

    The tendency to develop scars and cicatrices is a reason to refuse the procedure

  • installed pacemaker;
  • for the bikini area: the presence of a contraceptive intrauterine device;
  • varicose veins in the problem area where the procedure is performed;
  • various skin diseases (acute and chronic);
  • bacterial and viral infections;

    Infections – inadmissibility to the procedure

  • period of childbearing and breastfeeding;
  • any type of hepatitis;
  • individual intolerance to the components used or electric current.

The main areas where electrolysis can be recommended are the chin, thighs, arms, legs, and armpits. The most painful areas are the bikini and lips.

Important ! Hair length requirement for the procedure: minimum 2 mm.

Electrolysis is performed on different parts of the body


Despite all the obvious advantages, electrolysis also has disadvantages. First of all, these are its contraindications:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • any diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • benign and malignant tumors (in any place, not just in the affected area);
  • irritation on the skin in the bikini area, wounds, scratching, etc.;
  • mental and neurological diseases (primarily epilepsy);
  • allergic reactions to the material from which the electroepilator needles are made;
  • viral skin diseases;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • diabetes;
  • elevated temperature;
  • infectious diseases during exacerbation.

Before starting work, the cosmetologist must make sure that there are no factors that could make the procedure unsafe.

Sometimes during the procedure the client holds a neutral electrode in his hands

Main advantages of the procedure

This is a proven method, the duration of which has been used for more than 100 years, it has proven its effectiveness and has earned more positive reviews from patients. Almost everyone who has tried this method says that it was effective. Today, this method is considered the most effective in the fight against unwanted body hair.

Many speak positively about the procedure

Duration of the effect: with the correct selection of the course and the correct set of procedures, the effect of this hair removal method will last a very long time.

Important ! It is possible to treat almost any area of ​​the body, regardless of skin type or hair structure.

Facial skin preparation

Before electrolysis of the face, you need to prepare the skin. Two weeks before the procedure, you should not visit saunas, swimming pools, baths, or sunbathe .
Using a scrub, it is recommended to exfoliate those areas of the face where the manipulation will take place.

The hair that will be removed must be at least 2.5 mm long, so you cannot shave before the procedure.

Disadvantages of electrolysis

Incorrectly performed procedure. Due to the complexity and labor-intensive nature of the process, a lot depends on the qualifications and practical skills of the cosmetologist who performs this manipulation. It is extremely important to pay close attention to which clinic the procedure will be performed in, to choose a doctor responsibly, and to choose a certified specialist with good experience.

The most dangerous thing is to carry out the procedure incorrectly.

Complications. If safety precautions are violated during the procedure, as well as if the patient hid important features of his body from the doctor, complications may arise in the form of scarring, purulent inflammation or changes in skin pigment.

Important ! This method is considered quite painful, and local anesthesia usually does not have a significant effect. However, it all depends on the equipment used and the pain threshold of the patient.

Local anesthesia cannot completely relieve discomfort

Electrolysis is one of the most expensive methods of hair removal - you will have to pay about $60 for an hour. The number of sessions is calculated by the doctor depending on the amount of hair, its structure and the area where the procedure is performed. Thus, the cost of a full course can reach 2 thousand dollars - not everyone can agree to pay that much money for hair removal.

The price for the procedure is considerable

We will indicate the average cost of each type of procedure.

Type of procedureCost of one minute of procedure
Galvanizer34 rubles.
Thermolysis22 rubles.
Blend technique50 rubles.
Flash method35 rubles.

A lot depends on the qualifications of the specialist performing the manipulations. The minimum training course to obtain a corresponding diploma in electrolysis is at least 120 hours, ideally the amount of time spent on preparation should be 10 times more. In European countries, only specialists who have devoted at least five years of work to this method can carry out this procedure independently.

There is a strong dependence of the quality of the procedure on the qualifications of the specialist

Electrolysis is a traumatic method, the integrity of the skin is compromised, therefore complete sterility must be maintained during the procedure and strict adherence to hygiene standards by the patient subsequently. Unfortunately, it is impossible to provide complete anesthesia during the procedure.

The method is considered quite traumatic

How many sessions are needed?

Regardless of which hardware hair removal method we are talking about, it is impossible to remove all the hairs at one time, because they are in different growth phases:

  • anagen - active phase; catagen—death phase;
  • telogen - resting phase.

Through electrolysis, the cosmetologist affects hair in the active phase, and also partially affects those in catagen. As a rule, their total number does not exceed 15% of the total amount of hair. Everything else is in a “sleeping” state, so you have to wait until a new portion of hairs appears on the surface of the skin. Thus, you will have to go to the result in small steps, spending more than one month on it.

In addition, not all follicles that are affected are destroyed on the first try, so if at one time using electrolysis the bikini area was freed from 15% of hair, this does not mean that some of it will not grow back.

It is generally accepted that to completely stop hair growth, it is necessary to do 3-5 procedures with an interval of 1-1.5 months. In reality, you may need to conduct 10-20 sessions. Each case is individual, so it is difficult to say in advance when the real result will appear.

Electrolysis affects hair in the anagen phase

The duration of the procedure is discussed between the cosmetologist and the client in each individual case. The average duration of treatment for a deep bikini (pubes + labia + area between the buttocks) can be from 4 to 10 hours, because the amount of hair is different for everyone, as is the area they occupy. You don't have to delete everything at once. Most often, hours-long treatment is divided into several sessions.

Men generally require more procedures than women. This is explained by the fact that their hair follicles are much stronger, and the hairs themselves are stiff and characterized by intensive growth.

During the healing period of the skin after electrolysis, crusts may form on it.

Myths and misconceptions about electrolysis

This method of eliminating unwanted hair has proven itself and has been widely used in cosmetology for more than a century, but it is still surrounded by a large number of different myths, misconceptions and prejudices.

This procedure has its own myths

Surprisingly, even experts and professional cosmetologists support the development of misconceptions around this procedure. This must be combated through general education, since false information conveyed to patients undermines the authority of qualified specialists and simply prevents many from coping with unwanted hair.

Myth 1. The pain is too strong, unbearable

The usual sensations during the procedure can be compared to mild heating or mild insect bites. In many areas of the body (for example, on the legs or in the forearms), pain is minimal and well tolerated by almost all patients.

When using modern certified equipment, special computer programs are used that make it possible to set the most comfortable settings that reduce the intensity of painful sensations.

Today the procedure does not cause much pain

Important ! The highest rates of soreness are observed in the bikini area or face. Most negative reviews of discomfort come from patients with a low pain threshold. Partial anesthesia may be provided during the procedure.

There have been cases when patients calmly fell asleep during the procedure - for this reason it is better to come to the procedure with a positive attitude and not think about the fact that it will be very painful - then all manipulations will be tolerated much easier. Using modern equipment, this procedure is performed with minimal pain. However, it is really not possible to completely eliminate them.

People may even fall asleep during the procedure

Myth 2. Treatment is too long

Indeed, during electrolysis, almost every hair is treated. Therefore, in large areas with thick hair, the duration of hair removal may increase. However, much depends not only on the cosmetologist performing the procedure or the degree of hair development, but also on the patient. Here it is extremely important to maintain regularity, not to violate the schedule of sessions, and to avoid omissions. Many clients take long breaks, up to six months, without appearing at an appointment with a specialist, and destroy hair between electrolysis sessions on their own - this cannot be done, because this increases the total time of hair removal and seriously reduces the effectiveness of the procedure. Typically, such undisciplined patients give feedback that the effectiveness of electrical hair removal is low, and the process is very long and labor-intensive.

Important ! Hair removal will indeed take some time - you should be prepared for this. The duration of a full cycle can reach one and a half years due to the characteristics of human hair growth.

This does not mean that you will need to constantly do unpleasant procedures - the first zone is treated once every 2 months, the further process occurs once every 3.5 months. Then, once every six months, single growing hairs are removed until their growth completely stops, and then you can relax and be free of hair for several years.

Procedures are performed at certain intervals

Of course, familiar and traditional means, such as a razor or wax, give faster results, but their effect does not last long, whereas with the electric hair removal method, one high-quality set of sessions will get rid of excess hair forever.

Important ! Carefully following the doctor’s recommendations and attending sessions within the prescribed time guarantees that you will not encounter such a problem again!

Myth 3. Electric hair removal is only good for small, limited areas.

This is a fairly common misconception, but in reality this method is suitable for both individual areas and large areas of skin. This method can be applied to a variety of hair thicknesses and quality. And the technology, thanks to which hair is destroyed one by one and pointwise, allows manipulation on any part of the body and in hard-to-reach places. The cosmetologist uses special glasses with magnifying glasses that allow you to see all the hair on the skin, and the pulses used to remove them are effective for all types of hair.

Can treat areas of different sizes

Myth 4. This method is the most expensive compared to any others.

In order to achieve the final result, a certain number of sessions will be required during which the removal will be carried out - this is due to the way a person's hair grows. However, after all the procedures are completed, you can forever forget about spending on hair removal.

The price is not too different from other procedures

Conducted studies comparing the cost of electrical hair removal and sugaring show that the cost of hair removal using electrical hair removal and regular sugar hair removal for several years will be the same.

Myth 5. Laser hair removal is considered more effective

The misconception that laser hair removal is permanent exists even among cosmetologists. This is not true - this method reduces the intensity of hair growth, but does not stop it completely. But electrolysis allows you to get rid of hair for the rest of your life.

Important ! The laser usually affects the hair pigmentation, and the electrical impulse allows the hair growth area to be coagulated directly.

Laser does not permanently remove hair

Myth 6. The procedure leaves traces of damage on the skin

There are complications such as scars after hair removal. However, they can be completely avoided if the cosmetologist performing the manipulations is sufficiently qualified and has undergone appropriate training.

Usually, after the procedure, red spots remain, which will completely disappear in about a month. It is important to follow your doctor's recommendations and avoid tanning during this period, otherwise you may experience unwanted pigmentation.

You need to wait a month before the red dots that appear after electrolysis go away

Be sure to make sure that the specialists in the salon you choose have a sufficient level of qualifications and work with certified modern equipment - this will help to avoid complications.

Important ! The latest generation devices used for hair removal allow you to adjust settings as flexibly as possible to reduce discomfort and side effects.

Modern devices have the ability to fine-tune

Myth 7. This method is considered outdated today

The electrolysis method itself has been known to cosmetologists and doctors for more than a hundred years, but this procedure is constantly being modernized, modern devices are being released that allow for greater functionality, with a high level of comfort and efficiency. It has also been proven that this procedure is considered the safest - moreover, it has been established that this is the only method of permanent hair removal.

Even today the procedure is still considered relevant

Myth 8. You don’t have to go to the salon – the procedure can be performed at home with equal effectiveness

Nowadays you can find a large variety of equipment on sale that is aimed at eliminating hair at home. The advertisement states that using such home equipment will allow you to completely avoid procedures in salons.

Unfortunately, this is also a misconception - these devices do not have the appropriate power, which can be achieved by using professional equipment, and the pulse power is insufficient to obtain the desired result.

Important ! There simply cannot be devices on the market that have such characteristics, since they require certain education and qualifications to work with them.

You cannot achieve the same effect at home that you can get in a beauty salon.

Myth 9. You will need to remove the same hair multiple times.

This is indeed an all too common prejudice - many people write that they have been undergoing treatments for years, but the amount of hair does not decrease. Unfortunately, such a myth is a consequence of the poor work of incompetent cosmetologists who either pull out hair instead of using the correct electrical influence, or enter incorrect parameters on the equipment.

With this approach, it is really possible to undergo many procedures for a long time and not get the desired effect.

A skilled cosmetologist will help you remove hairs forever in a few sessions.

Treatment of one zone is carried out in 5-6 sessions, after which the remaining single hairs are removed. Usually a third of the hair is gone after the first collection. If you notice that this does not happen, you should think about the qualifications of your cosmetologist.

Important ! It is very important to carefully get into the hair follicle and use the correct intensity of exposure - this guarantees complete hair removal.

Myth 10. Temporary methods are better and safer than permanent ones

Each method has its own disadvantages. For example, when using depilatory creams that are saturated with a large number of chemicals, you may encounter an allergic reaction, dermatitis, or changes in skin pigmentation.

Improper use of epilators at home leads to the appearance of ingrown hairs, especially when used in the armpits or bikini area - sometimes the consequences require surgical intervention.

The use of epilators is often accompanied by the occurrence of ingrown hairs.

When using wax, the pain is very intense, and this method is extremely labor-intensive at home.

Important ! Temporary hair removal methods transform fine and invisible vellus hair into coarser and darker hair.

Possible complications

Electrolysis in the intimate area most often brings positive results, but if you trust the wrong specialist or ignore existing contraindications, unpleasant consequences may occur. They do not pose a serious threat to health, but their appearance is an unpleasant moment, which can manifest itself both in aesthetic terms and in terms of sensations. These side effects include the following:

  1. Redness or pronounced pale areas of the skin may occur due to incorrectly set device parameters. Redness for a week after the session is considered normal, but if the change in skin color persists for a longer period, you should consult a dermatologist.
  2. Swelling, pain and itching should also go away within a week; this is a normal skin reaction to stress. If after seven days the situation does not change, you need to consult a doctor.
  3. Burns occur when the mode is set incorrectly. At the consultation before the session, the doctor must conduct a thorough examination to determine skin type, hair color and other necessary parameters. If he does not do this or makes a mistake during installation, burns may occur that require special treatment.

Photos before and after

Photos before and after a course of electrolysis procedures No. 1

Photos before and after a course of electrolysis procedures No. 2

Photos before and after a course of electrolysis procedures No. 3

The essence of the method

To get rid of a hair forever, it is necessary to destroy the follicle - the place where the hair begins its life. In the electrolysis procedure, this destruction is achieved using electric current.

The operation itself is carried out by inserting a very thin needle into the follicle. A small discharge is passed through the needle, resulting in a spark.

It heats the end of the follicle to a relatively high temperature, which destroys it.
Learn more about the principle of electrolysis - how it works and how long the effect lasts. Did you know? Only 80% of hair is in active growth, with the remaining 20% ​​remaining as reserve. Therefore, the procedure for destroying the follicle must be carried out in several stages, in the intervals between which the spare hairs will activate their growth.

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