Tibetan gymnastics for the face - unity with nature and harmony

To maintain the beauty of their faces or remove wrinkles, women more often resort to cosmetics. But the benefits of gymnastic exercises are no worse. If you combine these remedies with Chinese exercises, which is gaining popularity, the result will exceed expectations. Chinese facial gymnastics gives the skin smoothness, radiance, and restores youth and vitality to the body.

About the origins of gymnastics for facial rejuvenation

Even in ancient times, massage treatments were used by the beauties of Egypt, France, England, America and others to preserve youth. The first to come to the conclusion about the need for facial exercises were the wise Chinese monks who lived in Tibet.

For many centuries this wisdom was hidden, and people were not initiated into the exercise technique. Now the monks themselves talk about the benefits of doing the exercises and teach the correct techniques. Based on Chinese gymnastics, other movements have been invented that are no less useful for beauty.


There are no clear instructions in Chinese medicine when you should not practice Qigong. However, facesave.ru recommends that you consult with your doctor to know if you have any restrictions.

In addition, there are some temporary contraindications:

  • Severe physical fatigue (does not apply to massage);
  • Taking a course of medications;
  • High body temperature;
  • Infections;
  • Exacerbation of allergies, chronic diseases.

During pregnancy, menstruation, and low blood pressure, procedures should be performed with extreme caution.

Zheng Fuzhong about the Chinese method of rejuvenation

People go to China to use Chinese medicine to cure diseases that are incurable in their own country. It is interesting that Chinese children from an early age are taught to properly take care of their health, and girls are also taught to preserve their beauty. That's why Chinese people look young, and their life expectancy is the envy of other countries.

A rejuvenation technique described by Dr. Zheng Fuzhong is popular in China. Those who have tried the exercises describe visible positive results.

Rejuvenating Chinese facial gymnastics from Fuzhong is based on the fact that external beauty is a reflection of internal health. Just as internal organs work, the same condition applies to nails, hair and skin.

So, before restoring elasticity and smoothness to the skin, it is necessary to eliminate problems within the body. This is what the doctor’s technique is aimed at, having studied the secrets of the traditions of the ancient monks of China.

Look at the skin and you will know which organ requires treatment, says Zheng Fuzhong:

  1. Roughness of the skin, gray color, appearance of acne - you need to check the lungs. Brittle, thinning and dry hair speaks about the same thing.
  2. Pale and dullness means a problem with the heart and impaired blood supply to organs.
  3. Impaired kidney function will affect hair, teeth and gums. In addition, hearing and vision will decrease.

And nothing ages you more than frequent expressions of anger, shouting, dissatisfaction and stressful situations.

Advantages of technology

Let's consider the main advantages of this technique:

  1. Uniqueness . A real healing effect, despite the simplicity of the movements;
  2. Versatility . Suitable for people regardless of age;
  3. Instant effect . Improved well-being, sound sleep. Pain and stress also go away;
  4. Youth . Thanks to tightened skin, an internal feeling of lightness and rejuvenation appears.

Rules for performing Chinese gymnastics for facial rejuvenation

The endocrine glands work from 6-7 am and this time is the beginning of gymnastics, lying in bed or moving to the floor, laying down a mat.

If other complexes are performed in the morning, then rejuvenating exercises are performed first.

The main rule is daily implementation, so you should tune in to regularly perform rejuvenating exercises, not paying attention to interfering circumstances.

Chinese facial gymnastics at home begins with a light massage and application of massage oil, essential oil or moisturizer to the skin. Don't forget to maintain your breathing rhythm.

Performing exercises that target the forehead, chin, cheeks and neck will take 10 minutes. The result is visible on days 14-20, but it is not recommended to stop there.

Bottom line

The wisdom of eastern peoples in the field of alternative medicine is undeniably great, because it is not for nothing that the whole world admires the beauty of Japanese, Chinese, and Tibetan women. The techniques that they awarded humanity are not only popular at the present stage, but are also the founders of many massage techniques. Their achievements and legacy in the field of beauty and health are unparalleled, thanks to which they have earned worldwide recognition, respect, and honor. Chinese facial gymnastics is considered an excellent alternative to expensive drugs, and can make a woman a decade younger.

And also an article about lymphatic drainage exercises for the face.

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Simple gymnastics for facial rejuvenation by Dr. Zheng Fuzhong


1). Puff out your cheeks and imitate a ball rolling in a circle from one side to the other in your mouth. Keep your lips and cheeks tense.

2). Press your index fingers to the corners of your lips and gently, without moving the corners, pull your lips into a tube.

3). Connect the index and middle fingers on both hands and lightly tap on the eyelids of your closed eyes and around.

4). Press your index fingers to the inner corners of your eyebrows. Frown, pressing your skin tightly.

5). Press the skin above the eyebrows. Surprise with raising eyebrows, holding back the formation of folds in the skin.

6). Open your mouth wider, pull your lips inward. Fingers, pressing from below the chin, close the mouth with resistance.

7). Close your mouth, lift your tongue up until your neck muscles tense and tilt your head back. Perform head turns with neck extension.

Tibetan gymnastics exercises for facial rejuvenation

Regular exercise will help improve vision, smell, touch, stabilize blood pressure and the functioning of internal organs. This Chinese gymnastics for the face is called hormonal.

In China, these exercises are called “dew drops that gave spring flower petals.” When performing a complex of gymnastics for facial rejuvenation, breathe calmly and evenly.

1). For eyes. Rub your palm against your palm until you feel warmth and press 8 times on your closed eyelids. Remove your hands and rotate your eyeballs 8 times in one direction and the other.

2). Brows. Gather the skin with the eyebrows into a pinch, lift up and down 16 times. Same to the sides.

3). Against forehead wrinkles. Warm up your palms and place the right one on your forehead, the second one from above. Smooth the skin by moving your hands to one temple, then to the other.

Complex "Phoenix Bird"

The phoenix bird is a symbol of constant renewal and immortality. A set of exercises helps tighten sagging facial skin, make it fresher and more elastic, and smooth out wrinkles.

1). Stand up straight. Warm your palms, squeeze and raise them to eye level. Open your arms and close your eyes. Lightly press your fingers on the eyeballs 8 times.

2). Without removing your hands and without touching your eyes, raise your eyelids and make 8 circles with your eyes to the left, then to the right. Then look up and down 8 times.

In a month, vision will improve, the prerequisites for the appearance of cataracts and “night blindness” will disappear, eye pain will decrease, and eye pressure will return to normal.

3). "Spreading the Phoenix's Wings"

Concentrate on your palms: warm them up, close them and raise them to the bridge of your nose. After 2-3 seconds. open and place the backs of them on your closed eyes. Then perform the movements as in exercise 2.

4). "The bird rises to the skies."

Perform a massage of the interbrow area with fingers folded into a pinch.

Exercise eliminates wrinkles, dizziness and migraines, prevents diseases of the larynx and lungs.

5). "Phoenix Rest"

Using the pads of your thumbs, smooth the skin towards the temples 8 times. Expression wrinkles disappear and nerves calm down.

6). "The bird cares about cleanliness."

Smooth your cheeks with your palms and move up to your chin, 8 times. Apply moisturizer before use.

The number of age spots is reduced and blood flow improves.

7). "The Phoenix Sings"

Place your palms on your face so that you press your thumbs on your cheeks and your index fingers touch the wings of your nose. Opening the mouth with protruding tongue and closing it. Do 8 quiet repetitions. Then run your tongue 8 times in a circle across the palate and lower row of teeth.

The facial contour is corrected and restored.

8). "Jade water quenches the thirst of the phoenix."

The position of the hands is the same. With your lips tightly closed and extended, stretch 8 times to the sides, then up and then down. Squeeze again and swallow the accumulated saliva 3 times.

Paralip wrinkles are smoothed out, the natural color and elasticity of the lips are restored.

9). "Meeting the enemy with a phoenix."

1 min. lightly tap your warm palms on your face, not missing your forehead and neck.

Metabolism within cells improves and nerve endings are stimulated.

10). "Phoenix Preening"

Comb your hair with your fingers from front to back 8 times.

Facial muscles relax and tension is relieved.

Chinese facial gymnastics works wonders; rejuvenation exercises preserve and restore youth without the use of expensive procedures and drugs.

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Eye massage according to ancient Chinese methods

Vision problems existed back in Ancient China due to the people’s love for beautiful writing of hieroglyphs and calligraphy. During the Song Dynasty, a famous Chinese physician noted that good blood circulation was important for the proper functioning of the visual system. Thus, he described an effective, and at the same time very simple, eye massage. It is often used as a way to help with insomnia.

The exercises are divided into two stages:

First stage

  1. Start massage as soon as you wake up. First, rub your palms well until they become hot and apply them to your eyes. Bend your palms slightly into a boat shape.
  2. Place them symmetrically to the eyes so that the center of the palm is approximately where the eyeball is. Then, when your palms have cooled down, rub them against each other again and then, after warming them up, apply them to your eyes.
  3. The exercise is called “Palming” (from the English palm - palm). It is used as part of Tibetan gymnastics to relieve tension and fatigue from the eyes.

Repeat the exercises at least 5 times.

Second phase

  1. Using light pressure with your fingers, massage your eyes. First with the index fingers, then the middle and ring fingers. Approximately 5 movements with each finger.
  2. Repeat 5 times, then do the same exercise with your knuckles about 5 times.
  3. Perform the exercise for both eyes at the same time.

What effect

Massage helps with eye fatigue, improves blood circulation and, with regular use, will ensure healthy functioning of the eyeballs and good vision. This massage is especially important for those who spend a lot of time looking at a screen or working with documents, as it relieves visual fatigue. It is also useful to do this procedure before bed to relieve psychological stress.

Feelings of heaviness in the eyes, pain or dryness are direct indications for eye massage.

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