Chemical burn of the cornea of ​​the eye: signs and treatment

If the extension was carried out by a professional, using high-quality materials and products, there will be no catastrophic consequences. But more often there are situations when girls, wanting to save money, agree to a procedure that turns out to be traumatic for the eyelashes.

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They become more fragile and break, and in some places even fall out. Let's tell you in more detail about what measures to take to restore eyelashes after not the most correct extensions.

Why do eyelashes deteriorate during extensions?

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The main culprit in the fact that eyelashes deteriorate as a result of extensions is considered to be poor-quality glue, which is used to secure the tufts and individual hairs. If you take a bad, low-grade composition (to reduce the cost of the procedure), not only eyelashes, but also the eyes and the delicate skin of the eyelids can suffer.

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Irritation with redness is one possible consequence. As for the cilia, the glue acts not so much on them as on the hair follicles, disrupting their supply of oxygen and nutrients. Hence further problems. In such conditions, your eyelashes grow much more slowly, and also become thinner, more fragile and brittle.

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There are other risks. You can harm your eyelashes if you do not pay enough attention to careful, gentle removal of your extensions. Most techniques involve attaching hairs and tufts to the “native” eyelashes, and if you try to remove them without a special oil or solvent that can handle the glue, there is a risk of tearing out your own. This is why it is not recommended to do it yourself. It’s better to go to a professional salon - then troubles can be avoided.

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If it so happens that your eyelashes are not in the best condition after extensions, there is no need to panic: the fact is that eyelashes are gradually renewed anyway - the life cycle of one hair is about 200 days. Those eyelashes that are broken or damaged will definitely recover over time. Your task is to help them bounce back as quickly as possible.

Olive oil + lavender oil + almond oil

This composition will not only strengthen the eyelashes and nourish them with essential vitamins, but also make them a little darker.

Mix 10 drops olive, 5 drops almond and 5 drops lavender oil. You can apply the composition using a clean brush from an old mascara two to three times a day.

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How can you restore eyelashes after extensions?

To make damaged eyelashes stronger faster after a procedure such as extensions, act in several directions at once.

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First, pay attention to the skin of your eyelids. Careful care is especially important in the area along the eyelash line. Don't forget about special eye creams. It is also useful to make compresses based on chamomile infusion. After moistening a couple of cotton pads with this decoction, place them on your eyelids for 10-15 minutes. The compress will have a healing and relaxing effect.

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Secondly, make it a rule to take separate care of your eyelashes themselves. Trust professional products - serums that can be used before applying mascara. Oils can be effective home remedies.

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Thirdly, feed your body with vitamins - thanks to a balanced diet, your eyelashes will also be healthier and stronger.

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Egg + glycerin

Chicken eggs contain biotin, which has a positive effect on the thickness and structure of eyelashes, and glycerin helps retain moisture. Pure glycerin is usually not used for eyelashes, but oils can also be added to it.

Beat 1 egg white and 1 teaspoon glycerin until smooth and homogeneous. Using a cotton swab, apply to eyelashes and leave for 15 minutes before rinsing. Apply the mixture twice daily.

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Quick eyelash restoration at home

In order to return your eyelashes to a healthy appearance as quickly as possible after unsuccessful extensions, you will have to take intensive restoration measures.

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Oil care

Oils effectively care for both skin and hair. So these products will have a positive effect on eyelashes. Castor oil is known to promote growth. They use it if they want, for example, to get thicker and fuller eyebrows. According to reviews, it also accelerates the growth of eyelashes - if you apply it regularly (once every two to three days for a month) after light heating and leave for about an hour. As an applicator, you will need disposable mascara brushes.


Eyelash mask

By mixing just a few healthy ingredients, you can prepare an eyelash mask. Then the recovery will be faster. For example, a duet of vegetable oil (olive, almond or castor) with moisturizing aloe juice is effective. This mask should be kept on the eyelashes for 20 minutes.


Vitamin boost

The answer to the question of how to restore eyelashes after extensions can also be vitamin ampoules - according to reviews, when you combine their contents with oils, you get a product that can be called life-giving for eyelashes. Add capsule vitamins A, E, B12 two to three drops to the oil of your choice. And then apply this composition to your eyelashes as the same mask.

When applying home care products to your eyelashes, be careful not to touch the roots.

Distribute them only along the length - closer to the ends. Otherwise, you are not immune from getting too active compounds on your skin and eyes, and this is fraught with unpleasant consequences.

We recommend reading:

  • How to properly apply mascara to eyelashes?
  • How to curl eyelashes without tweezers?
  • Beauty cheat sheet: how to remove eyelash extensions?


Intensive treatment of any type of burn of the cornea begins immediately after the patient enters a medical facility. To begin with, instillation of scopolamine and atropine directly into the eye is prescribed. These drugs relieve pain and reduce the formation of adhesions between the cornea and conjunctiva.

On the first day, the process of tissue change under the influence of traumatic factors continues. It is impossible to stop it completely, so doctors will have to wait until the necrotic processes stabilize. At this stage, it is important to prevent infection of the eyeball and reduce the intensity of symptoms. For this use:

  • ointments and drops
    with tetracycline, ciprofloxacin or chloramphenicol;
  • local non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
    - Diclofenac or Ibuprofen;
  • substitutes for tear fluid
    to prevent drying of the cornea.

After stabilization of the condition, rehabilitation treatment begins. In the absence of perforations of the membranes of the eye, conservative methods are limited:

  • injections of antioxidant drugs (methylethylpyridinol);
  • placing gel-like regenerating preparations (Solcoseryl or Deskpanthenol) behind the eyelid;
  • instillation of antihypertensive solutions (Betaxolol or Dorzolamide) into the eyes.

If the corneal burn is deep, hormonal agents are prescribed, most often glucocorticoids in the form of solutions for injection into the eyeball or conjunctiva.

Surgical intervention is used for deep and widespread damage to the membranes and internal structures of the eye.

If the anterior chamber of the eye is affected, corneal paracentesis is performed, followed by chamber sanitation. In case of deep damage to the eyeball, the dead areas of the conjunctiva, cornea, and vitreous body are removed, after which plastic restoration of the removed tissue is carried out.

In the long-term period, patients may require plastic restoration of the eyelids: elimination of eversion and entropion, ptosis, trichiasis, correction of post-burn cataracts, lamellar keratoplasty, etc.

Features of eyelash restoration after lamination

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Despite the fact that initially lamination is a strengthening procedure, thanks to which eyelashes, nourished with a special care composition with keratin and vitamins, become longer and more voluminous, and visually thicker, the results do not always live up to expectations.

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  • The culprit may be the unprofessional actions of the master or violations of the regime on the first day after the procedure (for example, after lamination, the eyelashes cannot be wetted during the day).
  • Another situation is when after delamination the eyelashes become weaker. This, again, may be caused by poor quality of the procedure.

In both cases, intensive recovery may be necessary.

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First, remove the keratin composition from the eyelashes (if rehabilitation is required after unsuccessful lamination).


If delamination has already been performed, take the same measures as in the case of problems after extension. It is important to use special serums, oils (including burdock; a more affordable option that may be on hand is olive oil), compresses with herbal decoctions and masks with vitamins from ampoules and aloe juice. The effect will appear gradually, but for the results in eyelash care, regularity is most important - even if there is not enough time for procedures in a busy daily schedule, you should not take a long break between restoration sessions.

Emu oil + aloe vera

Emu oil, or ostrich fat, is rich in fatty acids that are almost identical to the lipids in our skin. It perfectly moisturizes, has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects, and accelerates regeneration. Aloe vera complements it with antioxidants that stimulate eyelash growth.

Mix 1 teaspoon of aloe juice with 10 drops of emu oil. Apply a thin layer to the eyelashes and allow to be completely absorbed.

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So what to choose for active growth?

Today we have studied the properties of many components that can restore and maintain eyelashes in tone. We hope that now every girl will be able to choose a product for eyelash growth to her liking.

The most important thing is to monitor the health of your eyelashes, and the whole body as a whole. Follow the simple recommendations described above. Don't damage your eyelashes with the hands of less than professional craftsmen. You should not use products that can harm them.

And everything that can help improve the condition of eyebrows and eyelashes can be found on our website. Here you can find a lot more useful information, and most importantly, buy products that really work, developed by professionals.

MYTH 2: Eyelash growth products cause eye inflammation and redness

This fear indeed has a right to exist. Since prostaglandins are mediators of inflammation, explains Dmitry Maychuk, they can cause redness, itching, swelling, and increased chronic inflammatory reactions in patients with allergies, chronic infections, dry eyes, and office syndrome. Another feature of prostaglandins is not so harmless - increased blood circulation, which helps to gain thick eyelashes. Working from the inside, they improve the nutrition of the eye. Getting on the eyelids, where the skin is very thin and the vessels are located close to the surface, prostaglandins can lead to the proliferation of capillaries. In response to stimulation of blood flow, a vascular network may appear on the skin of the eyelids, which is very difficult to get rid of.

Herbal compress

This amazing product not only accelerates the growth of eyelashes, but also reduces swelling and bags under the eyes. To prepare a compress you should:

  1. Mix 3 grams of cornflower, chamomile, sage and birch buds.
  2. Pour the resulting mixture with 60 milliliters of boiling water and leave to infuse in a closed container for half an hour.
  3. Strain and use daily.

Already after the first use of the compress, fatigue under the eyes is relieved, and after a few days everyone notices that the eyelashes have become much thicker and stronger.


Vaseline, also known as petrolatum, consists of mineral oil and paraffin and provides conditioning and hydration to dry and brittle eyelashes. Important: use only cosmetic or medical Vaseline that has passed all stages of purification.

Place a small amount of Vaseline on the tips of your index fingers and apply a thin layer to your eyelashes. Remains can be gently massaged onto the skin of the eyelids and under the eyes. Apply every day before bed.

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Coconut milk

The fats and proteins contained in coconut milk are a real delicacy for your eyelashes. Thanks to this product they will become stronger and longer.

Apply coconut milk generously to eyelashes and eyelids using a cotton pad. Gently massage your eyelids and eye area for 5-10 minutes and then wash with warm water.

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