How to remove nasolabial wrinkles at home: masks, gymnastics and massage

Skin aging, including all its manifestations - from wrinkles, folds to age spots, is as real and natural as the aging of the human body as a whole. In fact, there is practically nothing that can be done to stop these visible signs of decline, including the development of nasolabial folds, which appear at some point in each of our lives.

When we are young, the nasolabial fold is practically invisible unless we smile, but as the years take their toll, the fold usually deepens or becomes more pronounced, even when the face is at rest. As with many other small signs of fading youth, such lines are a purely aesthetic problem that can be eliminated, if desired, in specialized clinics.

Nasolabial folds are deep wrinkled lines that form from the bottom of the nose to the corners of the mouth. Folds that appear in the upper part of the face worry many of us (especially women), as they become more noticeable with age.

Today, there are procedures that can significantly soften the lines running from the nose to the corners of the mouth and achieve more radical improvements in the shortest possible time, including ultrasonic skin cleansing.

Causes of nasolabial folds

A smile and good-natured laughter speak of the positive emotions that a person experiences and his good mood. But over time, smiling can cause permanent wrinkles and lines called nasolabial folds. They are also called “smile lines” or “laughter lines”. Laughter lines are vertical lines that run down the sides of the nose and curve around the mouth, and sometimes extend to the chin. These conditions are incredibly common. Repetitive muscle movements become the main cause of the appearance of such lines (wrinkles).

Smile lines are a natural part of aging. With age, the amount of collagen and elastin in the skin decreases, its elasticity decreases, so the muscles become weakened, and a number of wrinkles appear on the face, including deep nasolabial wrinkles.

Wrinkles are interconnected with the action of the facial muscles. As our skin begins to lose specific proteins, it cannot maintain its shape and firmness after regular facial expressions.

Although the loss of collagen and elastin over the years is a completely natural and inevitable process, a non-genetic element also plays a role. This element represents free radical damage that comes from a variety of destructive sources:

  • exposure to sunlight;
  • environmental pollution;
  • cigarette smoke.

In young people, nasolabial folds can also be caused by thin facial skin.

Photos "before" and "after"

Contour plastic surgery of cheekbones, corners of the mouth and nasolabial folds with fillers, 3 syringes. Performed by dermatocosmetologist Elena Vlasova.

Contour plastic surgery of nasolabial folds “before” and immediately “after” the procedure. Completed by: Smirnova Anna.

Correction of nasolabial folds. Completed by: Elena Vlasova.

Facial contouring - correction of cheekbones, nasolabial folds, nasolacrimal grooves. Performed by dermatocosmetologist Elena Vlasova .

Contour plastic surgery of cheekbones and nasolabial folds. Performed by dermatocosmetologist Elena Vlasova .

How to remove nasolabial wrinkles?

There are many ways to reduce the formation of deep wrinkles through small changes in your daily routine. You need to start with good habits:

  • getting enough sleep at night;
  • moderate drinking;
  • hydration to maintain healthy skin;
  • using sunscreen every day;
  • reducing the consumption of tobacco products.

Some people use various cosmetics and resort to numerous anti-aging procedures in order to maintain youthful and elastic skin for as long as possible.

Facial skin lifting with algae

Algae are often used as a component for the production of anti-aging cosmetics. At home, you can make a face mask with spirulina.

It contains microelements, vitamins and valuable amino acids that help stimulate the regeneration of skin cells and accelerate metabolism. This product also perfectly moisturizes the skin. Preparations containing spirulina extract can be purchased at the pharmacy.

To make a mask, mix 2 tablespoons of gelatin with 50-70 ml of water and leave the mixture to swell. Dissolve 4 spirulina tablets in 2 tablespoons of water. As a result, you will get a thick mass, to which you need to add 2 drops of vitamin A and ½ dessert spoon of lemon juice.

Place the swollen gelatin to heat in a steam bath. Once completely dissolved, mix it thoroughly with the spirulina mixture.

Apply the finished mixture to the nasolabial folds for 20 minutes. Rinse off the composition with warm water. The mask must be repeated every 3 days for a month.

Remove nasolabial wrinkles in cosmetology

One of the best options in the fight against nasolabial wrinkles is ultrasound. The popularity of ultrasonic facial cleansing is constantly growing, as the effectiveness of this method is confirmed by practice and positive feedback from patients.

High intensity focused ultrasound is capable of inducing collagen production deep on the surface of the skin. This gives a softening effect to nasolabial folds. In addition, when the laugh line has been curved for a long time, it leaves a permanent deep crease. This can be corrected with ultrasonic resurfacing, which helps create and reconstruct collagen in the top layer of skin. During this event, wrinkles and fine lines are softened, a lifting effect is created, thereby reducing the severity of nasolabial folds and their further manifestation.

These procedures are carried out by specially trained medical professionals. They know how to remove deep nasolabial wrinkles painlessly, effectively and safely for the patient. Only in a specialized clinic will they provide the necessary qualified assistance to everyone who wants to preserve the youth and beauty of their face.

Preventing and treating smile lines is not easy. Ultrasound is recognized here as a powerful and targeted method that can be used by anyone with the above problems, without forgetting to first consult a doctor.

Best Recipes

Each element in the composition of the care product performs certain functions, so the choice of ingredients must be approached responsibly.

The following components have a beneficial effect on the skin:

  • vitamins,
  • berries,
  • Bay leaf,
  • herbs,
  • starch,
  • banana,
  • clay,
  • calendula,
  • seaweed.

The division of care products is carried out not only by composition, but also by the range of expected effects. These include:

  • hydration,
  • nutrition,
  • lifting.

With vitamins

Homemade recipes that contain vitamins can restore and normalize the natural process of collagen production. Vitamins themselves are not building materials and do not have a rejuvenating effect.

The most popular vitamins used in cosmetology for nasolabial folds are retinol and tocopherol.

Vitamins A and E, when used in combination, have a powerful moisturizing and smoothing effect.
These components penetrate into the deepest layers of the dermis, normalizing the water balance. They also protect the skin from exposure to ultraviolet rays. To prepare a vitamin mask for nasolabial folds, you will need the following ingredients:

Dermapen – helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles

Dermapen is a device that allows you to more effectively use the skin micropuncture method. The skin micropuncture technique is a natural and minimally invasive procedure that stimulates tissue to heal itself. Microtraumas resulting from punctures are insignificant, so the skin begins to recover instead of scarring.

Procedure with Dermapen device

The first stage of the procedure using microneedles is the stimulation of natural skin growth factors. Fibroblasts then begin to produce elastin and collagen, which are responsible for the elasticity and smoothness of the skin. This simple and natural repair mechanism can help firm skin, smooth fine lines and wrinkles, and significantly reduce the appearance of pores.

Massage and lymphatic drainage

After special exercises, massage will be effective for a facelift.
It can be carried out pointwise. Along each massage line of the nasolabial area towards the eyes, press on 3-4 points. The technique is carried out quite firmly with the pad of the middle finger. For one procedure, do 3-5 techniques. With regular massage, you will get a quick effect of tightening the nasolabial area.

We recommend performing lymphatic drainage, including Japanese massage techniques. In Russia, these manipulations are known as Asahi and Zogan massage.

In addition to pressing on the skin, twisting and stretching techniques are used. After cleaning and warming up the face with cosmetic oil using stroking movements along the lymph flow, a “hard” effect on the problem area begins: pressing and smoothing movements along the massage lines. How to do lymphatic drainage facial massage, read more here.

Get acquainted with Japanese massage techniques through video lessons. Print out photos with massage lines and hang them near the mirror where you will conduct classes.

Is correction of nasolabial folds and glabellar wrinkles dangerous?

No. All modern drugs used in contour plastic surgery tend to dissolve over time - biodegrade. The main component of fillers is hyaluronic acid, which is a component of the dermis. But due to age-related changes, the amount of hyaluronic acid produced by the skin decreases, and the skin becomes dry and less elastic.

Informative: it is interesting that the first use of fillers began in 1950. Specialists of that time used bionondegradable (non-absorbable) silicone gels. However, over time, it became clear that injections of such gels negatively affect the health of the body.

The effect of their procedure for correction of nasolabial folds and eyebrow wrinkles is immediately visible and lasts from 2-3 months to 1.0 – 1.5 years. After this period, the resorption of the gel is completed, and you can again contact a specialist for a repeat procedure.

The duration of the effect directly depends on the filler manufacturer who performed the procedure, your metabolic rate, and the lifestyle you lead.

Note: fillers (from the English fill - fill) are injectable preparations whose main component is hyaluronic acid. To put it simply, this is a gel injected into the patient’s skin, which tends to dissolve over time in problem areas.

Today the most famous fillers are:

  • Teosial;
  • Ellans;
  • Surgiderm;
  • Juvederm;
  • Restylane;
  • Reginal Idea;
  • Reniall;
  • Amaline.

Their main component is hyaluronic acid.

Do all fillers have hyaluronic acid as their main component?

No. In preparations such as Radiesse , the main component is calcium hydroxylapatite, which not only adds volume, but also participates in the formation of the cellular framework.

“Colost” is its main part - collagen, which is part of the connective tissue and is responsible for the elasticity of the skin. Collagen makes up 80% of human skin.

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