How to get rid of acne scars and get smooth skin

To remove acne scars, laser peels and resurfacing are used, but they only slightly improve the situation. It is impossible to completely get rid of acne scars using a laser.

So is it possible to permanently remove acne scars, smooth out craters and smooth out the skin? Or not?

Just a few months ago, not a single clinic could answer that this was possible.

Our surgeon, Maxim Vasiliev, developed his own method. It allows you to quickly remove acne scars almost completely, even out the skin to a healthy level and return it to its natural color.

Only the subcision method can effectively remove acne scars on the face.

Maxim Vasiliev’s method against acne scars is based on the subcision method - a special microtechnique for cutting scars. This method was first used in 1995 and works great even against the most old and deep atrophic scars.

Subcision is a painstaking method of correcting atrophic post-acne scars.

Subcision is performed under local anesthesia using a powerful microscope. Using a sterile syringe needle, the surgeon carefully and quickly cuts the so-called “strands” - separating the scar tissue from neighboring structures. The skin, which is no longer held in place, rises and straightens.

What are the types of scars after acne?

There are different types of post-acne scars:

  • Physiological – almost imperceptible, quickly healing damage to the papillary layer,
  • Atrophic are depressions of various shapes at the site of acne,
  • Hypertrophic - convex pink formations formed by excess scar tissue.

Red scars indicate an early stage of their formation. As they age, they change color and turn into hypopigmented white acne scars.

How to remove acne scars on face 100%

Despite the fact that subcision itself shows good results in the fight against scars, it does not provide a 100% effect of smoothing the skin. Removing an acne scar by cutting it is only the first stage.

The second stage is the introduction of a drop of collagen or stabilized hyaluronic acid into the lacuna formed under the crater.

Initially, the injected drug creates the necessary volume and physically “pushes” the scar area to the skin level. Within 6 months, the gel is removed and replaced with its own collagen. Collagen fills the area of ​​the lacuna and takes on the function of maintaining the required volume.

As a result, the craters are significantly leveled with the healthy surface of the skin.

How to prevent scars -

It's impossible to completely prevent scars from forming, but there are a number of things you can do to help your scar become less noticeable and heal better...

  1. If a wound forms on the skin, immediately clean it of dirt and disinfect it.
  2. If the wound is deep, use a pressure bandage to bring the edges of the wound closer together.
  3. Contact your surgeon/traumatologist immediately.
  4. Always protect the wound from water (do not wet wounds with water) until the wound is completely epithelialized and the last scabs fall off. This rule applies to any type of wound, including wounds from surgery with sutures.
  5. Do not pick at the wound or tear off the scabs under any circumstances, as... this will definitely lead to the formation of a significant scar.
  6. If the wound (sutured surgical wound) is located in a place where the skin has tension (neck, shoulders, near joints, etc.) - it is very important during the entire healing period, as well as for a long time after, to use tapes to reduce tissue tension . Tapes are tapes that resemble an elastic adhesive plaster. Reducing tissue tension in the wound area (ripening scar) will significantly reduce the risk of the formation of hyper-volumes of scar tissue.
  7. After complete epithelialization, use any remedy for scars and scars. This can be a special ointment for scars and scars based on onion extract, or a silicone-based gel/plaster (which is more effective), or a combination of both (which is even more effective).
  8. Gently massage the scar area as the scabs fall off after healing. Massage helps prevent the formation of excess scar tissue.

Photos "before" and "after"

Subcision is the most effective way to treat acne scars. The result “before” and “after” of one procedure. Surgeon: Vasiliev Maxim.

Correction of deep scars. Photos "before" and "after". Completed by: Vasiliev Maxim.

Laser resurfacing of post-acne scars. Performed by dermatocosmetologist Elena Vlasova.

Laser resurfacing

Laser radiation affects the surface layer of the skin and destroys the tissue that forms the scar. As a result, dead cells are removed and the restoration of healthy tissue is activated. Today, 2 laser therapy methods are used:

  1. Carbon dioxide laser, based on carbon dioxide, helps remove scars and lighten the affected area.
  2. The Fracel laser softens scar tissue and enhances collagen synthesis.

The procedure has proven its effectiveness. However, in a number of cases its implementation is contraindicated:

  • formation of rough scars (keloid);
  • blood clotting problems;
  • diabetes;
  • mental pathologies;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • all stages of pregnancy and lactation;
  • tumors (including benign ones).

Getting rid of post-acne using subcision requires patience

Eliminating acne scars on the face using Maxim Vasiliev’s method is a complex and painstaking job. The surgeon works with each scar separately, and one procedure lasts up to three hours. But believe me, the result is worth it.

Expert comment:

“It is almost never possible to remove acne scars in one go.

If the problem is serious, then at one point, one on top of the other, up to five scars and pits are piled up. Sometimes there is less than 1 mm between them. You can't cut everything at the same time. Having lost their point of support, they will all fall at the same time.

Such scars are removed one by one and slowly. Moreover, I schedule each subsequent procedure at least two weeks after the previous one - after the bruises have completely healed.

So it will not be possible to completely and quickly remove acne scars. But it will work out effectively and forever. Agree, this is much more important.”

Maxim Vasiliev, plastic surgeon.

After we get rid of post-acne scars, the work is not finished. The time for perfection is coming.

Prevention Tips

  • Wash your face at least twice a day
  • Remove makeup before going to bed.
  • Don't squeeze your pimples.
  • Try to avoid the sun. Always wear sunscreen if you have to go outside.
  • Watch your diet. It should be healthy and consist of whole grains, legumes, fresh fruits, vegetables, fish and nuts.

The above-mentioned remedies will help reduce the appearance of scars to a large extent, but nothing will make them disappear completely. Thus, it is best to try to treat acne as soon as possible to reduce the severity of the scars, holes, and pits that follow. And laser scar removal is a very expensive procedure, so it’s better to use natural remedies.

Just getting rid of acne scars on your face is not enough. Removing red spots

The first thing we offer after working with scars is a course of biorevitalization with 3% hyaluronic acid. This procedure very well lightens stagnant spots and evens out skin tone.

Finally, after six months or even a year, the time for the laser comes. The fact that we raised the bottom of the scar almost to the level of healthy skin will save it from aggressive resurfacing. Surface or medium grinding will be sufficient.

Please note that it is not the scar that is polished, but the skin surrounding it: as a result, it partially lowers to the level of the scar. The skin is evened out.

Treatment of scars with alternative means -

Let's say right away that these are not very effective treatment methods if we consider them as the main method of treatment. For example, we can talk about applying various oils to the scar - simultaneously with its massage. You can also use a product such as Aloe Vera, or exfoliating agents with fruit acids (for the latter, some use lemon juice or diluted apple cider vinegar).

For hypertrophic scars, it is really necessary to help desquamate the stratum corneum of the epidermis. But all these are only minor means that will not “make a difference”, but will only be a good addition to the drugs and treatment methods that we described above.

Aloe vera

Aloe Vera is a natural, herbal remedy for scars and scars, which has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. It works as an emollient that helps the healing process and promotes the growth of healthy cells, improving skin texture.

How to use - First, peel off the outer layer of the Aloe Vera leaf until a jelly-like substance appears. After this, apply the gel to the scar, massaging the scar in a circular motion until the Aloe Vera is completely absorbed. After 30 minutes of this, wash off the remaining aloe vera with water. Apply Aloe Vera gel 2 times a day and you may see results in 3-4 months. Important: Aloe Vera should not be used on open wounds.


Lemon contains alpha hydroxy acids, which have a chemical peeling effect. As a result, lemon juice removes dead skin cells, promotes the growth of new cells, and improves skin elasticity.

How to use: Apply lemon juice to the scar (if your skin is sensitive, you can dilute the juice with water or oil). Wait 10 minutes and rinse with warm water. The procedure should be repeated once a day. Keep in mind that lemon can discolor your skin and make it very sensitive to sunlight. Therefore, be sure to apply sunscreen or hide this area of ​​skin from the sun to avoid hyperpigmentation.

Apple vinegar

Just like citric acid, malic acid is an alpha hydroxy acid that is used for chemical peeling of the skin. Therefore, it will also help exfoliate and remove dead skin cells.

How to use: Mix equal amounts of apple cider vinegar and water. Apply this solution to the scar using a cotton swab. Leave on for 5 minutes and then rinse with water. Repeat once a day.

Important : Keep in mind that exfoliators based on lemon or apple cider vinegar will be much less effective than special exfoliating skin creams containing alpha hydroxy acids (which also have a moisturizing effect).

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil reduces scars and blemishes on the skin due to its anti-inflammatory and healing properties. Just keep in mind that you should never use tea tree oil undiluted.

The first use is to add 4 drops of tea tree oil to 2 tablespoons of water. Wet the scar with this solution 2-3 times a day.

The second option is to mix 2-3 drops of tea tree oil with 1 teaspoon of almond oil. Apply this mixture to the scar and leave for 30 minutes before rinsing with water. Use once daily.


1. National Library of Medicine (USA), 2. Cochrane Library (Cochrane Library for Scientific Research), 3. National Center for Biotechnology Information (USA), 4. The composition of the products was taken from the official websites of the manufacturers.


Laser scar modeling with a fractional erbium laser (laser dermabrasion). The procedure removes scars, “craters” of pores on the skin, and any consequences of post-acne. It is performed under anesthesia; the age of the scars does not matter.

Maria's review:

“When I was young, I suffered a lot from acne. They passed, but by the age of 25 my face had turned into one endless scar. Without exaggeration, white and red scars were piled one on top of the other.

Those who know will understand: even just to leave the house you need to carefully apply concealer, foundation and powder, but as a result you look no better than a young old woman.

There is no quick way to remove acne scars. Unlike acne, they do not go away on their own. Dealing with scars turned out to be more difficult than acne. I burned them out with chemical peels and with a laser - it helped, but I was not able to completely get rid of acne scars.

What I have after a year and a half of treatment with Vasilyev Maxim is very similar to a miracle - there are almost no signs of acne visible, the skin is smooth and beautiful.

How much patience a doctor must have who works for so long with such jeweler precision and brings the work to perfection. Thank you"!

Scar cream: reviews of effectiveness

It makes no sense to search the Internet for reviews of ointment or cream for scars and scars, because... At the moment, almost 99% of all reviews on forums are hidden advertising and anti-advertising. There are hundreds of marketing agencies in Russia, whose thousands of employees (under the guise of consumers) write posts on forums about medications, cosmetics, toothpastes and other various products. Therefore, we will use the results of published scientific studies, which are available on the website of the National Library of Medicine.

In general, clinical studies (source) show that silicone-based products are indeed capable of somewhat reducing the volume of scars, reducing their hardness and increasing elasticity, as well as improving the color of hypertrophic scars and keloids. When used prophylactically on the area of ​​surgical incisions, products with silicone are highly likely to prevent the development of pathological types of scars that occur with hyper-formation of scar tissue.

Regarding the effectiveness of drugs based on onion extract, there are 2 very large clinical studies (source), in which 771 and 1269 people took part. The study showed that Contractubex also led to an improvement in the appearance of hypertrophic and keloid scars, and when used prophylactically immediately after epithelization of the wound, it increased the likelihood that the scarring will not be pathological.

However, there are comparative studies of the effectiveness of products with silicone and onion extract. For example, “Comparison of efficacy of silicone gel, silicone gel sheeting, and topical onion extract including heparin and allantoin for the treatment of postburn hypertrophic scars” 2009, authors – Karagoz H., Yuksel F.. (translation – “Comparison of effectiveness silicone gel, silicone gel coating, and topical onion extract, including heparin and allantoin, for the treatment of hypertrophic burn scars.” This study concluded that onion extract formulations were slightly less effective than silicone gels and silicone dressings.

In addition, we found 2 more studies interesting, which concluded that combination therapy (a drug with silicone + onion extract) gives a more pronounced result in improving the appearance of the scar than treatment with any of these drugs separately. This is stated, for example, in the study “Contractubex® and Silicone-gel sheeting to treat keloid and hypertrophic scars concluded that co-administration led to the best response”, authors – Hosnuter M., Payasli C..

Conclusions: There are actually many more clinical studies, and some of them provide conflicting results. But in this review, we tried to present only studies with high 1-2 levels of evidence (in total there are from 1 to 5, where 1 is the highest), and in which a large number of subjects took part. Therefore, we can conclude that products with silicone and onion extract do increase the likelihood that the appearance of the scar will be better than when these products are not used.

Well, the last thing about the Russian remedy Fermenkol. Unfortunately, there is no information on the effectiveness of this drug in the Cochrane Research Library. Clinical studies were carried out only at the local level, but they show (source) that a good result can only be obtained by using Fermenkol solution in drug electrophoresis procedures (and the effect will be visible after the 1st course of treatment of 10-15 procedures), or using phonophoresis technique with gel.

The use of conventional gel applications (in the form of monotherapy) gives a very mediocre, statistically insignificant result. We hope that this argument of ours has helped you understand which ointment for scars or cream for scars and scars will be better.

Wen, millet: folk ways to combat them

Wen, millet or so-called whitehead cannot be removed at home! But there are some methods that can gradually remove milia.

  1. Scrubbing with sour cream and finely helps a lot
  2. It is also recommended to wipe the area with a cotton swab dipped in a mixture of salt and soda
    (for ease of application, you can dilute it a little with water)
  3. It is very useful to make a mask from rolled oats. To do this, grind the flakes in a coffee grinder and mix with egg, sour cream, berry juice or any fruit
  4. We make a mask from cucumbers or a homemade tonic based on it. To do this, add 50 g of grated vegetable to 150 ml of boiled water. After 4 hours of infusion, you can make a mask over your entire face by moistening a cloth in this tincture.
  5. Similarly, you can make a fabric mask from chamomile or string. They reduce inflammation and cleanse the skin. Only for 150 ml you need to take a larger dosage - 3 tbsp. l.
  6. Viburnum helps very well Its juice can be used simply as a mask or to make a Hercules scrub
  7. Pumpkin is another effective folk remedy. The grated product is applied directly to problem areas

Make scrubs

Mechanical peeling

Along with chemical peeling, there is also mechanical peeling. This is the name for the method of removing the upper layer of the dermis using cutter attachments. There are 3 types of procedure:

  1. Exfoliation – superficial removal of skin up to 15 microns.
  2. Epidermolysis – removes a layer up to 50 microns.
  3. Deep dermabrasion – depth up to 150 microns.

The procedure is performed using local anesthesia. But in the first days, side effects such as pain and swelling may occur. It is also difficult for patients to eat (If they have undergone cleansing of the relevant areas of the face). In the coming days, a new crust will form on the surface. It needs to be treated with antiseptic drugs, as well as various ointments to prevent inflammatory processes. Full recovery takes up to 3 months.

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