Luxurious eyebrows in a few weeks: current tips for growing quickly

Editorial "Browmart"

The fashion for wide eyebrows is not losing ground. What products have we used in recent years to style our eyebrows? However, the most trendy eyebrows are natural eyebrows. But what about those whose natural eyebrows are expressionless and thin? Or eyebrows of sufficient width and thickness, but there is a decrease in the quality of hairs and their loss? This problem affects not only women, but also men.

First of all, don't panic. You can try to grow your eyebrows. We have collected for you all the most effective and affordable methods and life hacks on how to achieve thick hair.

For what reasons can eyebrows grow poorly?

Before you start dealing with the problem of thin and/or sparse eyebrows, you need to understand the cause of its occurrence. What exactly is stopping you from growing your eyebrows to the desired width and thickness?

  1. Genetics. Thin eyebrows can be a family trait, passed down from generation to generation, like a mole on the upper lip or a dimple in the chin. And if both your mother and grandmother have thin eyebrows, then it is unlikely that you will be able to grow wealth a la Cara Delevingne. But even in this case, you shouldn’t despair - effective methods for improving the quality of eyebrows can be found.
  2. Wrong correction.
    Long-term self-correction, especially excessively frequent and/or inept, can cause damage or death of hair follicles. Eyebrows begin to grow very slowly or stop altogether. After aggressive plucking, it is not always possible to grow eyebrows, but with due diligence you can improve the situation. A special case of incorrect correction is plucked ends of the eyebrows. Eyebrow experts advise adjusting hairs in this area with extreme caution. It is much easier to ruin your ends than to grow them back later.
  3. Using poor quality tweezers. A low-quality tool can damage hairs, which contributes to their ingrowth or loss. Tweezers need to be chosen very carefully; it is best to use professional ones. By the way, our assortment includes hand-sharpened eyebrow tweezers for eyebrow correction at a professional level.
  4. Failure to comply with care rules. Namely, neglect of makeup remover. Eyebrow styling products (waxes, gels, pomades) can have a detrimental effect on the hairs if makeup is not removed in time: they can clog pores and contribute to the “falling asleep” of the follicles.
  5. Poor-quality decorative cosmetics or allergies to cosmetics. It is important to give up cosmetics that cause hair loss as soon as possible.
  6. Coloring. If you color your eyebrows too often and/or use aggressive dyes (for example, those intended for hair), high-percentage oxide, this can cause destruction of the hair structure and their loss. In this case, eyebrow restoration may take a long time.
  7. Tattooing and its removal. Tattooing, especially if done by an unscrupulous artist, can also cause damage to the hair follicles, because during and after the procedure they are exposed to several negative factors at once. Firstly, microdamages are caused to the skin, which, when the pigment is introduced deeper, can also affect the follicles. Secondly, the pigment contains chemicals that can inhibit the bulbs. Especially if the master uses low-quality or aggressive pigments. Moreover, this chemical effect will be exerted on the eyebrows for a long time.

In the case of laser tattoo removal, hair follicles are exposed to high temperatures, which can lead to damage.

Restoring eyebrows using salon procedures

1. Permanent recovery

During the permanent eyebrow restoration procedure, dye is injected into the upper layer of the epidermis. The result is a natural-looking eyebrow. The procedure involves various techniques - the paint is shaded over the entire area; every hair is drawn; an outline is outlined, which is then filled with paint - this technique is called “shotting”.

The procedure is characterized by the following features:

  • Contraindications include pregnancy, breastfeeding, poor blood clotting, allergic and other negative reactions to the dye.
  • Although the dye is resistant to water, it gradually washes out over 1.5–2 years.
  • The skin returns to normal 3-4 weeks after the procedure, during which time it is necessary to take care of it and follow a special regime.

2. Semi-permanent restoration

Cosmetologists offer another method that allows you to restore eyebrows - semi-permanent. The paint is applied to the eyebrow arches, the effect of the procedure lasts for about a month and a half.

This technique is used in the following cases:

  • correction of the effect after excessive plucking of eyebrows;
  • skin damage, the presence of scar tissue, due to which eyebrows do not grow;
  • hairs are sparsely located;
  • eyebrows grow unevenly.

The procedure is carried out in the following order:

  • The skin in the eyebrow area is degreased.
  • The contour of the future arc is outlined.
  • Each individual hair is drawn.
  • A fixing compound is applied.

The dye used in the semi-permanent procedure must be carefully selected taking into account the client’s natural hair and skin color.

What other factors have a negative impact on eyebrow growth?

Unbalanced diet. Addiction to strict diets or other eating behavior in which the body does not receive enough vitamins and microelements. If the hair follicles do not receive the necessary substances, they cannot work properly, which slows down hair growth.

Physical damage. Injuries, burns, and other violations of the integrity of the skin, which cause the formation of scar tissue. In such places, hair growth is often disrupted.

Problems of a psychological nature. Severe stress causes hair loss or slower growth. To combat anxiety, experts recommend not neglecting physical exercise, practicing breathing practices and walking more.

Skin diseases. Some skin diseases cause deterioration of hairs: eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, fungal infections. In this case, self-medication is unacceptable; you need to consult a specialist.

Hormonal imbalance. The cause of poor eyebrow growth may be a hormonal imbalance in the body. This condition is often observed in adolescents, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and during menopause. A deficiency of hormones can also be caused by pathology of the thyroid gland. If the conditions described above are present, it is necessary to check the level of estrogen and testosterone; treatment should preferably be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.

Taking medications. Many drugs have side effects, including hair loss. For example, antidepressants, medications that support the functioning of the cardiovascular system, drugs for arthrosis, arthritis, and others can have such an effect.

Aging. Hair in general grows worse as you age. Therefore, many women after 40 experience weakening and loss of eyebrow hairs.

Bad habits. Drinking alcohol, drugs and smoking disrupt metabolic processes. This includes slowing down hair renewal.

Does the way I remove eyebrow hair affect the rate of growth? And what else?

The method of hair removal does not affect the rate of hair growth, but only the time it takes for it to grow back. The closer to the hair root the removal method operates, the longer it will take for the hair to grow back, and vice versa.

Hair removal methods in comparison

When plucking, the hair follicle is torn off at the base. It will take 6-8 weeks for the hair to grow back. If you remove hair with wax or sugar paste, the result will last for 2-3 weeks, but it all depends on the specific area and your hair growth characteristics. Depilatory cream removes them for about 2 weeks, and sometimes you have to shave again after 12 hours, because during shaving only the visible part of the hair follicle is removed.

Lasers and electrolysis procedures work best. They destroy the hair follicle, so that hair completely stops growing in the treated area.

Age also affects the rate of hair growth. As a person ages, his hair becomes thinner, it falls out more often, and new ones do not grow - the follicles no longer work. Some diseases and conditions also affect hair growth. For example, anemia due to a lack of iron in the body is manifested by hair loss and slower growth.

How to quickly grow eyebrows at home

Once the source of the problem has been identified and (if possible) eliminated, work can begin to rehabilitate the condition of your eyebrows.

However, keep in mind that you won’t be able to grow eyebrows in 1-2 days, even using the most effective products and methods! Tune in to targeted and systematic work for a certain period of time.


The recipes that we will tell you about in this article, unfortunately, are not a panacea. Sometimes the problem of sparse eyebrows can be solved only with the help of cosmetic camouflage or hardware techniques.

What actions do we recommend taking to grow eyebrows and improve their condition?

Brief summary

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