Possibilities for correcting eyebrow ptosis in surgical cosmetology

A person’s eyebrows help depict emotions - giving the face an expression of sadness, surprise, delight. The shape of the eyebrows of men and women differs - in women they are most often curved, thinner, while men have eyebrows that are straight or slightly raised at the temples. For a number of reasons, men and women may develop a cosmetic defect - drooping eyebrows. Drooping eyebrows are characterized by sagging skin in the area of ​​the brow ridge and drooping of the upper eyelid. Such a cosmetic defect changes the facial expression - it becomes dull, and the general idea of ​​​​the person’s image is distorted. Drooping of the eyebrows is often accompanied by the appearance of wrinkles, sagging facial skin, the field of vision is limited - the quality of life decreases, and dissatisfaction with one's appearance appears.

Causes of drooping eyebrows

One of the main reasons for drooping eyebrows is the aging of the body. The elasticity of the skin is ensured by the good condition of elastic fibers, subcutaneous tissue, the condition of colloids, the hydrophilicity of colloids, the condition of blood and lymph circulation. In youth, the skin is elastic and resists mechanical stress well. Good skin condition also depends on gender, age, the state of the endocrine and nervous systems, the cardiovascular system, and the gastrointestinal tract.

Aging is accompanied by a violation of the water-salt balance and a decrease in the elasticity of collagen fibers. With age, hormonal balance is disrupted, chronic diseases develop - all these negative factors lead to deformation of the soft tissues of the face. Cosmetic defects appear - drooping eyebrows, “bulldog” cheeks and other defects. The older a person is, the more noticeable skin ptosis becomes.

Another reason for drooping eyebrows may be the congenital inability of the skin to be toned. In most cases, the inability of the skin to contract after stretching is associated with metabolic disorders, disruption of the connective tissue cell program.

The cause of drooping eyebrows can be hyperactivity of the muscles of the eye sockets, bridge of the nose and forehead. Decreased muscle tone due to damage to the facial nerve leads to drooping eyebrows. If the nerve is damaged on one side of the face, one eyebrow droops, causing severe facial asymmetry.

The appearance of cosmetic defects is greatly influenced by environmental factors, bad habits, lifestyle, poor diet, prolonged exposure to the sun, wind, polluted air, poor quality water - all these factors affect the metabolic process, lead to rapid aging of the skin, and contribute to the appearance of skin pigmentation, wrinkles, rosacea.

The problem is drooping eyebrows, drooping eyelids

The solution is cosmetology.

Large expressive eyes are considered to be the standard of female beauty, and drooping eyelids and low eyebrows are considered to be defects in appearance that are condemned to surgery.

Let's try to figure out whether drooping eyelids are really a problem.

Let's start with the fact that there are several reasons for drooping eyelids. The first is a fairly common genetic predisposition in Russia. And then the drooping eyelid should be considered as a feature of appearance (precisely a feature, not a flaw).

Take a closer look and you will find such a structure of the century in many Hollywood and Russian stars, such as Claudia Schiffer, Renee Zellweger, Paris Hilton, Elena Zakharova, Nastya Zadorozhnaya

Another reason for drooping eyelids and drooping eyebrows is stretching of the skin. And although the skin of the eyelids in some cases can actually stretch - for example, due to constant swelling, improper care, incorrect makeup remover, violation of the drinking regime, the very fact of stretching the skin is not the main cause of aging. The third main reason is age-related change. Changes in the eye muscle and the muscles that wrinkle the eyebrow. As a result, muscle volume decreases over time. The eyes are sunken. In emotional people, due to active facial expressions, the muscles are more often tense than relaxed. This hypertonicity of the muscles leads to the formation of rays around the eyes, and the outer edge of the eyebrows droops.

If your eyelids are inherited, you need to be able to “wear” your individuality correctly. You need to know the techniques with which they will play in the best light. And, of course, do not forget about the prevention of overhang. With age, every woman will face a similar problem, but for those with an anatomical low eyelid, it will visually manifest itself faster.

If the problem of the impending eyelid is related to age-related changes, then you should not immediately go under the knife. The women's club “Fifth Season” has many methods and ways to correct the problem.

Depending on the cause of drooping eyebrows and swollen eyelids, we recommend certain cosmetic procedures.

If the reason is improper care or violation of the drinking regime, we advise the client and explain what care products to use so that there is no swelling:

Firstly, you need to choose an eye cream with a lighter texture that does not clog the skin of the eyelid and promotes active exchange and respiration of the skin around the eyes.

Secondly, if you are dependent on drinking water in the evening, we recommend limiting drinking after 6 pm. Take fermented milk products that quench thirst and do not contribute to swelling in the eye area.

Hardware cosmetology will help solve the problem of eyelid swelling. In first place is vacuum massage using the “LIFT 6” device. It produces a vacuum capture of the skin fold and adjacent vessels and muscles and, by mechanical action of the wings, removes (squeezes out) excess fluid, followed by stimulation of the skin and its tightening. Course frequency 2 times a week. The course includes 10 procedures. after the course, maintenance procedure 1 every 10 days.

Another device, “Balance,” uses massage movements in the eye area using radio waves to remove fluid and stimulate protein synthesis, which strengthens the skin.

We also recommend lifting using mesothreads, which are inserted into the eyebrow area vertically to the hairline. The eyebrow is tightened and the problem of drooping eyelid is visually reduced.

To relax the muscles, we use botulinum toxin injections. Botox is injected into the muscle, the muscle relaxes, the eyebrow rises, and the skin stretches. The look becomes more open, the eyes are expressive and the accent of the impending eyelid goes away.

If there are horizontal wrinkles in the forehead area, and a woman comes with a request to remove them, then we advise you to be especially careful. If you carefully smooth the forehead, it will immobilize and will not raise the eyebrow upward, the eyebrow will lower. Therefore, you need to clearly decide what you want - a smooth forehead or an open look.

If muscle volume decreases with age and the contractile function of the skin is impaired, we recommend laser nanoperforation. Using the device, the skin of the upper and lower eyelids is treated. The skin becomes denser. New collagen fibers are created, creating a framework. The skin is tightened, the problem of the impending eyelid is partially solved.

All of the above procedures take place at the initial stages of the problem. If you consult a cosmetologist in time, it can be corrected. if the problem is pronounced and there is a hernial sac. then the intervention of a plastic surgeon is necessary.

Signs of drooping eyebrows

Highly raised, smoothly curved eyebrows, a clear, open look speak of youth and health. Drooping eyebrows and heavy eyelids are a sign of aging and decreased skin turgor. Signs of drooping eyebrows include the following factors:

  • Visually, facial asymmetry is observed.
  • The eyebrows hang over the upper eyelid.
  • The facial expression becomes dull and heavy.
  • The distance between the edge of the eyelid with the eyelashes and the eyebrow decreases.
  • The position of the eyebrow relative to the edge of the orbit changes.

Looking for the cause of drooping upper eyelid

Any problem has its causes, including drooping upper eyelids. To solve the problem, you need to find out and try to eliminate this cause, if possible. ⠀

The main role here is played by the “sliding aponeurosis”, the frontal belly of which (the muscular part) is woven directly into the skin in the area of ​​the superciliary arches. And the aponeurosis slides due to changes in the statics of the neck and posture, essentially stooping and moving the head forward.

If drooping eyelids are genetically determined, in this case, even more pubescence of the eyelids occurs with age, so it is important to correct this area on time!

Types of cosmetic defect

There are several types of eyebrow drooping:

  • Partial. Overhang of the eyebrow over the eyelid occurs only in one area of ​​the eyebrow.
  • Complete. The eyebrow shifts along its entire length; it completely hangs over the upper eyelid.
  • False. This defect occurs due to relaxation of connective tissue.
  • True. It is diagnosed if the lower edge of the eyebrow is below the orbit of the eye.
  • Two-way. A cosmetic defect is observed on both eyebrows.
  • One-sided. Eyebrow drooping occurs on one side of the face.


Clinical symptoms of the defect begin to appear gradually after 30 years.

Drooping eyebrows are characterized by:

  • visually low level of eyebrows;
  • reducing the distance between them or the eyelash edge and the eyebrow;
  • drooping on the eyelid;
  • haggard appearance;
  • deterioration of vision due to field limitation;
  • bags under the eyes;
  • flattening of the cheeks and reduction of the midface;
  • deepening and lengthening of nasolabial folds;
  • drooping lips;
  • appearance of a double chin.

Non-surgical correction methods

When turning to a plastic surgeon, patients most often complain not only about a cosmetic defect in the eyebrows, but also about the condition of the skin and soft tissues of the face. The greatest effect is achieved by simultaneous rejuvenation of several areas of the face at once.

Methods for correcting cosmetic defects include:

  • Botox. Botox injections can raise eyebrows by several millimeters. The effect of this correction lasts about six months, then the procedure is repeated again. Botax preparations contain a substance that blocks the transmission of nerve impulses. The substance is obtained from bacteria, it is a protein and a type A neurotoxin.
  • Eyebrow lifting (bio-reinforcement). This type of lifting stimulates the production of collagen fibers. Carried out using injections, it helps create a supportive mesh for the skin using fillers with hyaluronic acid.
  • Eyebrow lifting (thread). A beautiful eyebrow shape is created using spiral mesothreads. The threads are made of a special material that completely dissolves after six months. The spiral state of the thread causes it to stretch the tissue and raise the eyebrow, and the threads also contribute to the production of structural proteins. Threads with polylactic acid from caprolactone are used for serious defects of ptosis of the eyebrow. The ideal eyebrow shape lasts for about two years.

When the technique is contraindicated

Like any other surgical procedure, eyebrow lifting is not recommended for:

  • significant damage to the skin surface in the frontal area;
  • lack of elasticity of the epidermis, indicating a short-term effect after a possible operation;
  • diseases associated with blood clotting;
  • oncological processes occurring in the body;
  • infectious skin lesions;
  • severe chronic diseases of internal organs;
  • pathologies of the thyroid gland;
  • problems with blood vessels and heart.

Surgical methods of correction

Surgical tightening of the skin and facial tissues helps to get rid of skin ptosis, wrinkles and other cosmetic defects. Based on the condition of the facial tissues, age, and health of the patient, the surgeon selects a rejuvenation technique:

  • Temporal lifting. This type of lifting is used in middle-aged and elderly patients. Allows you to correct the defect of drooping of a third of the eyebrow on the side of the temple when the skin of the temporal region sagging. This type of lifting helps to lift eyelids, make eyebrows fly, and lift sagging cheek tissues. Temporal lifting is often combined with blepharoplasty, neck and lower third face lift, facial liposculpture, and eye reshaping.
  • Transpalpebral fixation of eyebrows. This type of surgery is most often performed in conjunction with blepharoplasty and is performed through the upper eyelid. During transpalpebral fixation of the eyebrows, the muscles of the bridge of the nose are excised, the outer part of the eyebrow is raised and attached to the periosteum. Can be performed during upper eyelid blepharoplasty. This technique is recommended for patients who only need to raise their eyebrow line.
  • Lifting (classic) coronary. Using coronary lifting, the skin on the forehead and temples is smoothed. The method helps to get rid of wrinkles on the forehead, raise and straighten eyebrows with pronounced asymmetry.
  • Lifting (endoscopic) of the forehead and eyebrows. Endoscopic lifting is very helpful in correcting cosmetic defects of the skin and tissues. In middle-aged patients - helps with ptosis of the skin of the temples, drooping eyebrows; in elderly patients with ptosis of the facial skin, drooping eyebrows, wrinkles of the bridge of the nose and forehead. This type of lifting is often performed in conjunction with conservative eyelid surgery. During the operation, several small incisions are made, the stitches of which are not visible due to their location in the scalp.
  • Brow lift through an incision. This type of lift is performed with an incision above the eyebrow and excess skin is removed. Eyebrow drooping is corrected without changing the hairline. Recommended for people with low, wrinkled foreheads, elderly people whose scar will be less noticeable in the future. It is not recommended for young and middle-aged people due to more or less noticeable scars at the incision site. The advantage of such a lift is the speed of execution and low tissue trauma.

Influence of the aponeurosis and the occipitofrontal muscle

The condition of the aponeurosis and the entire occipitofrontal muscle plays a fundamental role and has a great influence on the condition of our face.

With age, the tissues of the aponeurosis begin to fuse tightly with the scalp, forming adhesions and spasms. And in the case when we constantly slouch, the occipital belly of the fronto-occipital muscle pushes the aponeurosis forward, thereby it begins to literally run into the frontal belly of the muscle.

The frontal part, in turn, shrinks towards the center of the face and becomes deformed, disrupting the normal blood circulation, lymph flow and nutrition of this area. It is not difficult to guess what happens to the skin of the upper third of the face in this case. It lies in creases and folds.

I have already written several times about the need for an integrated approach to working with the face. Starting with posture and relieving neck spasms, it is also necessary to pay attention to the condition of the aponeurosis of the head. Without this point in the program, it will be impossible to raise the eyebrows, the corners of the eyes and get rid of drooping eyelids and, in principle, achieve good results in the upper third of the face.

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What should you do before undergoing a facelift?

Recommendations before surgery are given by the surgeon to each individual patient, depending on his medical history, health status and the presence of chronic diseases. Common preoperative tips include the following:

  • smoking patients are advised to give up this bad habit at least 6 weeks before the day of the scheduled operation in order to minimize the risk of complications and speed up the healing of postoperative sutures;
  • it is recommended to reduce, or better yet eliminate, the consumption of alcoholic beverages and the use of certain medications;
  • stop taking aspirin and some anti-inflammatory drugs that can provoke bleeding;
  • drink enough water necessary for the normal healing process and restoration of the epidermis;
  • Immediately before the operation, you should prepare ice packs that effectively remove swelling.

Features of the recovery period

The duration of the recovery period directly depends on the surgical method chosen by the plastic surgeon. With skin incisions, the rehabilitation period lasts approximately 3 weeks, and with thread lifting it is completely absent, since the patient is able to lead a normal lifestyle immediately after the procedure.

Within a month after any brow lift procedure, the following is prohibited:

  • all kinds of physical activity;
  • hot baths;
  • facial and skin massages;
  • smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • sunbathing.

What are the possible complications?

According to statistics, the likelihood of complications and side effects after a brow lift is relatively low. They occur in approximately 1% of patients. The most common side effects of this procedure are:

  • excessive swelling, hematomas;
  • pain in the frontal area;
  • minor, barely noticeable changes in facial expressions;
  • prolonged lack of sensitivity of the skin surface in the forehead area (with a normal outcome of the operation, the feeling of numbness goes away quite quickly);
  • a feeling of peculiar goosebumps running under the skin;
  • significant hair loss;
  • inflammation and infection of postoperative sutures;
  • phenomenon of eyebrow asymmetry.

Before deciding on such an operation, you should undergo a full examination of the body, and carefully weigh the pros and cons!

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