Asymmetrical eyebrows: causes and how to correct the disproportion

You won’t find perfectly symmetrical eyebrows on almost anyone, so you shouldn’t be surprised if a clear asymmetry in the location of the eyebrows is visible in the mirror. Today, modern cosmetology offers many options for correcting this situation.

Correct eyebrows are one of the conditions for a beautiful look and makeup

What is eyebrow asymmetry

Asymmetry is the absence or violation of the symmetry of the eyebrow arches.

There are several types of asymmetry:

  • in height - one eyebrow is higher than the other;
  • in length - one is shorter than the other;
  • in shape - the natural shape of the eyebrow arches is different;

  • in width - one is thinner than the other;
  • by thickness - the body of the eyebrow has different levels of hair content.

Asymmetry can be caused by both internal and external reasons.

Internal disorders include disorders in the functioning of the body, including:

  • nerve clamps;
  • damage to the facial nerve as a result of trauma;
  • dental diseases that force you to chew food on one side of the jaw;
  • curvature of the cervical spine;
  • heredity;
  • structural features of the skull.

This asymmetry is corrected by doctors who determine the root cause and prescribe appropriate treatment. The external cause of asymmetry most often becomes incorrect correction or habits - for example, raising one eyebrow.

Cosmetic coloring

The required width and thickness of eyebrow hair can be achieved by coloring the skin with a pencil and shadows. They come to the rescue when tweezers fail to give the desired shape. The pencil and shadows must be specialized for this type of coloring. Cosmetics for the eyes and skin of other parts of the face will look unnatural. The body of the eyebrows is filled with powder and special shadows. The lower growth line is emphasized with a pencil; when it is used to fill empty areas in other locations, the drawing is carried out not with solid lines, but with frequent strokes of voids.

How to fix asymmetry

Regardless of what caused the asymmetry, you can visually correct the situation using:

  • decorative cosmetics;
  • long-term makeup - tattooing, microblading, spraying;
  • paints.

Separately, we’ll also talk about more radical measures that will help not just mask the asymmetry, but make it physically less pronounced:

  • gymnastics;
  • massages;
  • injection procedures.

Before we talk about all the above methods for correcting asymmetry, let’s highlight two important nuances:

  1. Not every asymmetry requires correction. The fact is that if the face is, in principle, asymmetrical - and this happens quite often, then correcting the asymmetry of the eyebrows will only emphasize the asymmetry of the face as a whole;
  2. If the causes are internal, it is first important to address the cause with a doctor.

Tattooing is the safest method of eliminating asymmetrical facial features

In many cases, permanent makeup becomes the preferred way to combat imbalances. It is used as an alternative to other, more radical approaches:

  • traumatic plastic surgery;
  • expensive facial contouring;
  • fillers with short-term effect.

Injection techniques are not always effective, and plastic surgery has many contraindications. Therefore, most often the main method of struggle for a harmonious appearance is tattooing.

Long lasting makeup

Long-term makeup includes tattooing, microblading and spraying. The main advantage of such asymmetry correction is the long-term result, which, depending on the chosen method, ranges from 1 to 3 years.

The procedure also has disadvantages - pain, high cost and the inability to make adjustments if something goes wrong.

The principle of working with asymmetrical eyebrows by a cosmetologist is not too different from the use of decorative cosmetics.

  • working with different heights of arcs is aimed at shifting the boundaries. The eyebrow located above is lowered by the lower border, and the one below is raised by the upper border;
  • if the arches have different lengths, then the tail of the short eyebrow is pulled out first;
  • if the problem is different densities, then the missing hairs are drawn first;
  • the width or shape is adjusted by working with the borders - somewhere they should be raised, somewhere lowered, somewhere a break should be added.

If you are going to go for a tattoo or other long-term procedure, then choose a professional artist who is familiar not only with physiology, but also with color, because color is often the biggest problem with long-term makeup.

Asymmetrical eyebrows. A perfectly symmetrical face does not exist in nature.

Look at full-face photographs of celebrities, and carefully look through your own photo archive. You will find that you, your family members, and the people around you have different eye shapes, different eyebrow heights, etc. at the same time in life, when a person communicates, and emotions are reflected on the face, and the facial expressions are lively, you do not notice it. The reasons for eyebrow asymmetry can be different: from the curvature of the neck, the habit of raising the eyebrow, etc.

However, after a lot of attention was paid to eyebrows and their shape, eyebrow professionals began to often hear the phrase “My Eyebrows Are Uneven, Help”! How can this situation be corrected? First of all, you need to try to grow your shape, width and length as much as possible. Correct the shape using tweezers, eyebrow shadows, and cosmetics. Only if funds allow, do permanent eyebrow makeup. But the most important advice is not to attach too much importance to facial asymmetry. This is natural for the vast majority of people. Many people believe that asymmetrical, beautifully shaped eyebrows add zest to a woman’s face. Remember, for example, the ironically arched eyebrow of the beautiful actress Vivien Leigh.

Different eyebrow shapes are an extraordinary character. Eyebrows that are naturally asymmetrical can be found in people who are ambiguous and have contradictory personalities. People with eyebrows of different shapes are inconsistent in tastes and actions, and tend to make rash decisions. Sometimes they surprisingly combine activity and tediousness, creativity and stubbornness. Often, such an unconventional appearance hides a brilliant mind, the ability to think outside the box and generate amazing ideas. So, if nature has given you eyebrows of different shapes, don’t rush to correct it - perhaps the Nobel Prize is already waiting for you!


Eyebrow dye is an analogue of makeup with decorative cosmetics, which gives a more long-term result - 2-4 weeks. When choosing this method, keep in mind that on rare arches with few hairs, it may not give the expected result. The thing is that the dye stays on the hairs for the indicated 2-4 weeks, and on the skin it begins to wash off after 3-7 days, which means that the asymmetry will return faster.

Coloring can be done at home, but it is better to contact an eyebrow specialist.

If you still decide to have a home procedure, then remember a few important rules:

  • Make markings before painting. This can be done with a white pencil or thread and paste. This way you can make adjustments to the future shape even before coloring;
  • keep the dye on for as long as the manufacturer indicates - otherwise you may end up with too dark hairs;
  • choose the color of the dye in accordance with your color type - do not make the eyebrow arches too dark, this can emphasize the asymmetry that you are carefully trying to hide.

As for paints, pay attention to Levissime - they have decent dyes, without unnecessary undertones.

The paint is used on the same principle as decorative cosmetics - different eyebrow heights and widths are corrected by shifting the upper and lower boundaries, different lengths are corrected by lengthening the tip, the shape is changed by changing the existing angles.

Expert advice

To competently and quickly cope with the asymmetry of eyebrow lines yourself, you should follow the simple rules of makeup artists:

  • before straightening your eyebrows, especially using tattoos or paints, you need to clearly understand what shape you should get;
  • It is best to pluck yourself before bed or a few hours before going outside;
  • Before turning to a professional, it is important to make sure of his qualifications, education and experience;
  • when plucking, the main correction should be carried out along the hair growth line; it is better to remove from above only those hairs that protrude from the line;
  • It is better to choose shadows or a pencil not by the color of the roots, but by the shade of the shadow that falls from the hair;
  • The idea of ​​drawing a line on skin without hairs is a failure and looks vulgar; it is advisable to emphasize existing eyebrows.

The choice of a solution that will help get rid of asymmetry depends primarily on the cause of the defect. What to do if the eyebrows are different needs to be decided for a specific person. Each case is individual and unique. Initially, it is worth trying to eliminate the problem using decorative methods, as well as cure it if the asymmetry is associated with diseases. Only after this is it advisable to resort to injections or plastic surgery.

Gymnastics and massage

Gymnastics and massages will help when asymmetry affects height. The essence of the method is to activate the facial muscles and thereby raise a low eyebrow.

The results from massage or gymnastics appear after 3 weeks of regular exercise.

  • Place the ring, middle and index fingers of both hands above the eyebrows;
  • use your fingertips to lift your eyebrows up;
  • fix the position and gradually begin to lower your eyebrows down with the help of your muscles, and with your fingers continue to pull them up, thereby creating resistance;
  • the first time the resistance interval is 10-15 seconds, and gradually, with each new exercise it increases by 5 seconds to 40 seconds.

It is better to do a facial massage in a cosmetologist’s office, where you can relax your facial muscles as much as possible and let the specialist work on every centimeter. Among all types of facial massage, sculptural-buccal massage is now especially popular. Its action is aimed at strengthening the muscles, which is simply necessary in the case of asymmetrical eyebrows. The massage is performed from inside the oral cavity, usually in the area of ​​the cheeks and lips.

Buccal massage requires special skills and a high professional level from the master, so choose a specialist carefully.


This area of ​​knowledge eliminates eyebrow asymmetry problems without the help of high-tech medical devices and apparatus. The main procedure that allows you to quickly and reliably correct, and not disguise existing defects in appearance, is injection with medications based on stabilized hyaluronic acid. Cosmetology includes massage of all types and hardware myostimulation with electrical impulses of the muscles of the entire face or problem areas.

All of the above methods of influencing facial tissue require knowledge and are carried out by specialists with mandatory medical education. They should be contacted for serious reasons, when there is no other choice. Gentle home procedures will be less expensive and effective, but will require a lot of time and self-discipline.

Home care

Home care will help for asymmetry caused by different width, thickness, shape or length of eyebrows. Proper home care helps provoke the growth of new hairs, which are then adjusted to the desired shape, taking into account the original asymmetry.

Among all types of care, we recommend:

  • massage with an eyebrow brush. Scrub the arches with a round brush every day for 5-7 minutes. This will improve blood circulation and accelerate hair growth;
  • use of oils – usma, almond, bey. They also stimulate the growth of new hairs, and also awaken dormant hair follicles;
  • temporary refusal of correction. Try not to pull out the hairs while your eyebrows are growing, so that after the final filling of the eyebrow arches, you can give them a symmetrical shape.

The most important thing in home care is consistency and patience. The result will not be immediate and will only appear with regularity - spend 10 minutes every day on your eyebrows and in a couple of months you will be able to enjoy the result.


Daily cosmetic correction takes time and is not always possible. A long-term effect is achieved using methods of coloring the skin and eyebrow hairs with special long-term (up to 2-3 weeks) non-fading dyes. As the pigments are washed off, the procedure is repeated.

The frequency of biotattooing is a plus, because the initial appearance of the eyebrows is not particularly important; each time their contour is drawn anew and leaves room for experimentation with the appearance. For this age group, the ability to color gray hair is an added bonus.

Injection procedures

We won’t go too deep into injection cosmetology - we’ll briefly go over the procedures that will help correct asymmetry. It is important that only different heights can be corrected with injections.

The most common option is to inject Botox into the area under the low brow arch. As a result of the administration of the drug, it rises, rising to the level with a high edge.

Instead of Botox, the following are also used:

  • Dysport;
  • Relatox;
  • Xeomin.

The difference lies in the concentration of the active substance, as well as in the auxiliary components.

The result after injections lasts 5-6 months, but much depends on the drug that was used, as well as on the individual characteristics of the body.

When choosing an injection method, keep in mind that:

  • the procedure is potentially dangerous, since there are many nerve endings on the face, contact with which can lead to dire consequences, including blindness, deafness, and increased facial asymmetry;
  • you may be allergic to the drug, so we recommend going only to a specialist who conducts preliminary consultations before the procedure and collects a complete medical history before you lie down on the couch;
  • injections have a large list of contraindications, including pregnancy, lactation, infectious diseases, and oncology. Before going to a cosmetologist, it is recommended to exclude all contraindications.

Tamara (

Diana Posted 05/30/2017
Hello. If there are no moles or formations on the skin in this area, such hairs can be removed in the traditional way. In places where there are raised moles, they are cut off.


Text \ Photo Natalya Posted 01/30/2016



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  • Comments »

    How to do eyebrow correction for symmetry

    Since one of the common causes of asymmetry is incorrect correction, it would not be superfluous to remind you of the rules for eyebrow correction.

    • When making corrections, always start by building the form. It is best to use the golden ratio rule, which helps make eyebrows symmetrical. If you find it difficult, use a special ruler or compass;
    • periodically step away from the mirror and evaluate the result. Up close, you may not see the full picture and may pull out more hairs than necessary;
    • try not to touch the upper border of the eyebrow - you risk visually lowering the arches and making your look heavy and angry;
    • Don’t get carried away - only pull out really extra hairs and do this no more than once every 2 weeks.


    Exercises for the face for asymmetry

    Let's move on to the exercises. By the way, they can be combined with any of the complexes: 8 facial exercises for every day, Face-building exercises for beginners. Just add them to your training program. For example, doing exercises for the forehead area, then do exercises to correct asymmetry in the same area.

    In the example, I am considering the option of correcting one-sided facial asymmetry, when the part of the face located lower relative to its half works worse, you feel it less! For example, the left eyebrow, left eye, left corner of the lip are located lower than on the right side of the face - such asymmetry is called ONE-SIDED.

    Facial asymmetry can be diagonal or complex. In such cases, it is better to select exercises individually.

    Causes of ptosis

    Acquired ptosis in adults occurs:

    • muscular;
    • neurogenic (caused by damage to innervation);
    • neuromuscular;
    • cerebral (caused by pathologies of the brain);
    • mechanical.

    In the vast majority of cases, mechanical involutional-aponeurotic ptosis occurs in practice, caused by age-related subsidence of skin tissue, subcutaneous fat packets, atonic muscles and fascia. It is he who is in the sphere of responsibility of aesthetic medicine and cosmetology. Other types of ptosis are eliminated by ophthalmologists and neurologists.

    Before starting the correction, the cosmetologist collects an anamnesis, conducts an external examination, palpation and test of the functions of the levator muscle, makes clinical measurements of the palpebral fissure, folds of the upper eyelids, and the distances between the upper eyelids and the pupils.

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