What you will face after a surgical facelift

More about procedures

Microcurrent therapy

Microcurrent therapy is the therapeutic use of low-frequency pulsed currents of ultra-low power to restore cellular metabolism. This therapy helps eliminate swelling and pain, feelings of parasthesia (numbness) in the postoperative period, enhances lymph flow and blood flow, stimulates cellular respiration, and increases tactile sensitivity. Microcurrents normalize the membrane potential of cells, open ion channels, activate cell enzymes, increase the synthesis of ATP, protein and lipids, accelerate tissue differentiation and regeneration.


swelling of the face, eyelids, bruises, pain, consequences of injuries.


pacemaker, cancer, diseases of the membranes of the brain, neuroses, psychogenic and ischemic pain.

Detox program

Using mesotherapy

cellular metabolism is restored, antioxidant therapy reduces the negative impact of anesthesia on the condition of the skin.
To improve the condition of your hair, you can use trichological meso-sessions
- they stimulate blood circulation in the hair follicles.

After the meso-detox program, lymphatic drainage and blood circulation improve, and free radicals are neutralized. As a result, healing occurs faster and the quality of the skin improves.

The procedure can be prescribed immediately after the sutures are removed in the postoperative period. The number of sessions is from 1 to 10, conducted once a week.

Peptide amino acid therapy

It is applicable both before surgical interventions for the purpose of tissue preparation, and after: plastic surgeries, laser procedures, thread lifting, chemical peels.

Photodynamic therapy HELEO4

The hardware procedure of photodynamic therapy is based on the influence of light rays of different directions. It can be used for rehabilitation after plastic surgery or invasive cosmetic procedures, and as an independent or complex procedure to improve skin quality, for skin health, for rejuvenation and lifting purposes. Can be used for both face and body. The number of procedures per course is determined individually.

The program on the device itself is also individually selected, the parameters of which can be adjusted by the doctor. The uniqueness of the therapy is that the device acts on cells that no longer perform their functions fully, removes them from the body, and also stimulates the work of fibroblasts. That is why the effect is so noticeable.

Procedure: The doctor applies a photosensitizer gel with the necessary set of components. After a certain exposure time, the HARMONIA LED PRO photodynamic lamp comes into operation. Special glasses are required during the procedure for both the doctor and the patient. For about 30 minutes, under a blanket, the patient lies under a light lamp. Photodynamic therapy HELEO4 is an extremely comfortable procedure that does not require anesthesia.

Indications: Age-related, structural changes in the skin, preparation for invasive procedures, accelerated recovery after plastic surgery and other damaging effects (laser, injections, etc.), various skin pathologies, post-acne, etc.

Contraindications: Exacerbations of chronic diseases, epilepsy, pregnancy, photosensitivity, skin cancer, autoimmune skin diseases, therapy with photosensitizing drugs, patients with poor adaptation to light, large doses of radiation exceeding the compensatory capabilities of the body, which have a pronounced negative effect.

More details about the procedure with comments from a cosmetologist: Photodynamic therapy HELEO4

The use of photodynamic therapy HELEO4 is successfully used as rehabilitation after plastic surgery and invasive cosmetic procedures.

Rehabilitation after hardware lifting

The recovery time after a hardware facelift depends on the chosen device and the methods of its influence.

  1. Photorejuvenation is exposure to directed beams of light with a certain wavelength.

Crusts form on the face and disappear completely within a few days.

Rehabilitation takes about a week.

  • Radio wave lifting – exposure to high purity radio waves.

On the first day after the procedure, redness, swelling, and increased sensitivity of the skin are possible.

Some patients experience dry skin, which can be easily relieved with moisturizer.

  • Laser lifting

Due to the depth of impact, the rehabilitation period is 7-14 days.

  • Ultrasonic lifting

In most cases, rehabilitation takes only a couple of days. The patient can immediately carry out his usual activities if he does not feel discomfort and there are no visual manifestations of complications.

The effectiveness of physiotherapeutic rehabilitation

On average, if you adhere to the above recommendations, the recovery period after facelift and rejuvenation takes several weeks. But given the fact that medical science is constantly evolving, today patients who have undergone facial plastic surgery have the opportunity to improve their prognosis and reduce recovery time.

We are talking about unique techniques available in the arsenal of modern clinics. Has proven its effectiveness:

  • physiotherapy;
  • Hivamat therapy;
  • lpg- massage;
  • PRP therapy.

The duration and composition of the set of procedures are selected individually. This approach provides the best results. Under the influence of unique physiotherapeutic techniques, microcirculation of blood and lymph is activated,

fluid intercellular exchange is normalized, swelling and congestion are eliminated, normal metabolism is restored.

Waste and toxins are quickly eliminated from the body. The energy that would be spent on neutralizing them is directed by the body to activate collagen production and speedy healing of the wound surface.

Physiotherapy also reduces pain in the postoperative period, relieving inflammation, improving tone and promoting rapid resolution of hematomas. Patients who have completed a course of individual rehabilitation physiotherapy feel better, do not lose their usual comfort of life and are much less likely to encounter the need for psychological help.

Rehabilitation after space facial surgery

Space facial plastic surgery (spatial face lifting according to Dr. Mendelson) is a surgical method of face lifting. However, this advanced technique does not require hospitalization or long-term observation. The rehabilitation period takes little time and is almost painless.

On average, rehabilitation takes 10-12 days.

For the first 2-3 days, the patient wears a special bandage. On the fourth day it is removed. All that remains is the need to process the seams.

Features of rehabilitation:

  • It is necessary to limit physical activity for 1 month.
  • It is necessary to refrain from visiting a solarium, bathhouse, or swimming pool (1 month).
  • During the rehabilitation period, no special procedures are required.
  • Hair washing is possible in full after removing the bandage.

The use of physiotherapy after plastic surgery

After plastic surgery on the face

(circular lift, SMAS, platysmaplasty, endoscopic lifting, blepharoplasty, rhinoplasty, mentoplasty, etc.)
ultrasound therapy and meso-procedures
to improve metabolism in skin cells will be useful.

From 3-4 days after surgery, microcurrent therapy

. It relieves pain, numbness, and helps reduce postoperative swelling. A course of 10-25 procedures, 2 times a week.

Ultrasound is prescribed from the third week, it helps to remove compactions and make scars less pronounced. After the final healing of the tissues and completion of the scarring process (after six months), it is recommended to undergo a course of mesotherapy to restore the skin’s hydro reserve and prevent the formation of areas with insufficient hydration.

After breast surgery (enlargement, reduction, lift, re-endoprosthetics)

If the scarring process is normal,
microcurrent therapy is prescribed from the second day after surgery.
From day 10, scar areas can be treated
with ultrasound
to make them less noticeable
After body plastic surgery (abdominoplasty, liposuction, etc.)

Particular attention is paid to the condition of the scars, and it is also important to relieve swelling as soon as possible.
Ultrasound procedures, manual and hardware lymphatic drainage massage are suitable for this

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